Newmarket Era, 16 Aug 1912, p. 6

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tv Si J a I W MOUNT ALBERT household Si disposed dock 5 dpck An interesting gam pi was played tewn Tuesday the Holt end Albert loams seemed to evenly matched When time called the score was goals each Al A previous match played at Holt Mount team was beaten Holland Landing well after retiring day a he to recent rains and damp tfjMJ Wither have done much to Injur gram in this vicinity A ft shook In field in the Centre had shoots hall an Ion an inch a hall loo Oram growing standing in the fields A largo pott Ion the grain to market Of a K death fair probability M disease Mr and Mr a fine old couple that tMr In lydndUig had enjoyed community nt Barker was formerly for roars Toronto merchant and When he business retired bore Tire funeral will take at their oM In the Mage of leaves a t Who resides at and WAS PIRSOVALv Mrs bad returned homo visit at Indian- aMh Indiana other places liftW of Albert is spending her vaoation with her Cou sin Mis Smith of the- his Hayes of Hank is spending days at his borne in town- Mr Robert has from a trip through the West Mr and Mrs Watts spent at sons Point Mrs Stanley of ville was in town visiting at the home of Mites Mr and Mrs John and aiith have returned from a weeks visit to lUtrks Falls- Mr has from a visit to his in Lon don who is suffering from an at tack of spinal Miss Ross of Newmarket is visiting at the of Mrs Ross on Sunday by Mr The gregatlon was than last lias been much liVe Hope not over yet Some are of their wheat in the field A This is Place- vis it These were here over Sunday Miss Morton Mrs IVnnen Mr Kirkpatrick Rose Miss Grant Miss Hannah and Miss Hartley to bo here for some time Mrs Miss S Kelson and Mr Drools spent Sunday in Newmarket Mr ancle and Mrs Rose over Sunday- atiss has oeA irii llcaciti the Misses tritf ft imcoe last vveejvi ftVdM agxyd siting despite the Mrs Hume Orchard her sister Mrs Wednesday SUTTON ot la on ihreiro with it- Iarl The latlris the wck Vol leaves for lr pqt VmWntP4 if ions family Three local newspapers publication In this section of On tario within the past veaiHne pub lished in Midland the Mount Forest Sun the Head paper which was only started a tew months This surely goes to prove that the field is crowded thus dividing the profits to such a degree that some- thin had to way With ad vanced prices in every turn in and in the household printers will have to get better prices or other papers will also go to the wall Advance Win wife and family To ronto were at Wesley wife and Toronto were at Mrs Rev J Moore of Wilfrid and Rev Moore were calling on friends here Mrs and son Howard have returned after six weeks visU- with friends in Manitoba Harvey has purchased a new SO horse power en gine and is prepared to do threshing of all kinds Mr and Mrs Robert Stevenson of Mood- were at J Robinsons has the glad hand for Point on The tour won residents or the Sadie during the past The Nellie nd flureh wore home Sunday Mrs Stlbbard and Hilda ate of Me Mrs A K Mr Harry Of Aurora spent the eektfi town and Mr son of over Sunday of Toronto spent over the holidays with friends hew of Is at the home of Mr and Mrs A here Messrs Forest and Charlie llamas And Mr and Mrs Welsh of Tor onto were in Sutton oyer the holi day -l- rretryi- tp hOinoTaV on Wait rehaiiv here Miss spcnfc ft with Mr and Mrs Rob in their at MV Ira TorOnttV Miss by the bad the W aunt Is In front big ws Jn itoni of Mrs on evening Miss WitiiMv of yioutfvUte lj nest of Miss Andrew this Rook Or RabktnAhd wife of 3hbag6 vlslUngat TofoOtn a Mr Mr Rosa been fteeis with hack to tle again this week i The atrteWighte is very apparetit eveiiiugs especially- ami A week ago lant Sunday three young felloes along buck arid when- hartv opposite Mr Manns rxiatdinhouse they got all abreast ihe terror road it anybody can give lead The Fountain Head of Lift IsTheStdrim A who a tod od ho doc not food will nod his blood mod d body is Improperly nourished Rob him and it is a pleasure to meet t VIRUINIA Strayed Came upon lot 11 Con 3 East 3 Spring Calves two and one Red Owner will please pay charges and take them away A ia NOTICE TAKK that a tor raising under the provisions of the Tile Drainage Act will bo tak en into consideration by pal Council of the Township of Bast at the Municipal Hall Sharon on the day of Septem ber 1912 at the hour of Two oclock the afternoon A 3w31 Clerk The last ball game between Virgin ia and Baldwin seems have fallen in for considerable criticism on the part of the Baldwin Owl In his little outburst in the Baldwin Breezes- he says that only three Virginia boys had the courage to show up words to that effect Now we are at a loss to know what could have prompted- the Owl to make such an assertion because there were course just as- many Virginia boys in their there were Baldwin boys in the other K ho wihg the Owl as we all do we cannot believe that he would make such a statement if he knew it to be untrue We can therefore only at tribute it to fact that Owls as a rule cannot sec Very well in day light and are- of course more adapted to the night consequent the Owl might probably have only noticed players whereas there were six A MOO- WW Farm lor Sale IN THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH Tenders Will be received for the purchase of the homestead Farm of the late Thomas being part Lot in the 5th Con of above Township adjoining the village of containing Seventytwo Acres all cleared good house and bank barn- with stabling situated and good land at pres ent rented for two- hundred dollars a year Must be sold to close estate Tenders will be received by the un dersigned up to the Fifteenth day of September The lowest or any other tender not ac cepted Terras on npplication The Farm at present occupied by the undersigned on the baseline of the above mentioned Township Convenient to Lake and Metropolitan Railway con taining one hundred and fifty acres neatly half excellent farm ing land the remainder good pasture with good spring watersupply the buildings are neatly new on the pro perty and In first class an easy farm to tor a man that deals cows or farm stock Rural delivery and telephone connec tion Take a look at these proper ties Terms easy Qwiltlmbury July HENRY Sutton PO We Represent Royal Fire Insurance Co Fire Insurance Co The Independent Co Co Canada leaner of Marriage License ConTeyandng Done J A will lead con for their trouble Such ronto were In a in theopinlonof Sunday night an pened along- the sheTe which cost a life The minister of the Keswick Christian Church is on his vacation and the young peo ple of Christian Endeavor under took to provide for tho evening vice Miss Campbell of Toronto gave solo and Miss Thomas of couple imclpot eOtigraiujitvj Mr Junloi fcr his to ISehoSi Born Mr ami Morton to a son andfiramlson of Mr Ira Morton of North Mrs y Terry and pieasdn VtVa sister from Woods who was Harvesters NM torMen Canadiati Northern Lines r A very pretty wedding was solem nized at the home Mrs Gilbert Johnston on Wednesday Aug when her third daughter Mae became tho bride of Mr Walter Howard only son of Mr Wm Gray Laurel Rev- A McNeil being the clergyman At the appointed hour about seven ty guests assembled As the strains of Mendelssohns Wedding March re sounded the touch of Miss Gray sister of the groom the con tracting parties took their places on the lawn binder an of evergreens and ferns bride leaning on the arm of Mr Thos Miller looked charming attired In a of white Dutchess satin with trimming and carrying a shower bouquet The two little flowergirls Matiorie Miller and Amy Greenwood nieces the bride looked very pretty in white embroidery dresses trimmed with pale blue ribbon the signing of the register Miss Gertrude prom ise Me after which dinner was serv ed lpthedlnnlmr6on the latter be ing decorated with dahlias and ferns The happy couple were the re cipients of many beautiful and costly presents left on their wedding tour well showered with confetti and rice the bride travelling In a of pearl grey with hat to match Miss Edith Andrews of Bond Head who has been visiting at her grand parents Mr McConneUs three weeks has returned home Rev Allen Howard of was calling on his old friend evening last week Rev A MoNell and Mrs MoNll en tertained the young people of their congregation at their cottage at Or chard Beach on Tuesday evening Th launch trip was most pleasant and the Keswick Leaguers assisted In making the evening a very enjoyable one for the vjaltora who numbered about forty Next Monday evening the League Meeting will he held- on Mrs Aylwards lawn and the social and literary committee are planning on Interesting- program Miss Florence MoFarland Toron to visited her cousins lost week Mr Leo and Mr Keith of Toronto a guest of Mr and Mrs Win Osborne hero of Newmarket spent over Sunday and Monday with friends in Sutton Mr and lady friend were in town on Tuesday at the Mansion House Mr and Mr Jns- of Toronto were home Torontos Civic holiday Marjory of Tor onto spont a few days the week with her mother here Mr of Hill spent a few days last In town at home of his Mr A Messrs Meek and Percy lonio the Metropolitan Bank spout over Sunday and Monday at home of Mr Osborne hero Miss Pearl Brooks and little Miss McDonald came up from the city on Saturday They Veport that McDonald is pro gressing favorably Miss Lillian was- in the city on Tuesday She Vent that far with Mr and Mrs who have started on a trip through West as far as coast A party of young people from Point and Virginia took lea at on Saturday night They were returning from a ball game at Baldwin between that club and Virginia ByLaw authorizing the harrowing of to build a bridge submitted to electors of last Sat urday was carried voted be ing polled in favor thereof and 48 against Indian liquor was tried before Indian Agent and Tommy Big Canoe was fined Ho claimed he got liquor from Big Canoe so latter has to appear on Friday to tell where ho got It One of the attraction at the re gatta at Jacksons Point on Mon day was Weston Prize Band This organisation which Is all brans claims to bo one of the best brass bands In the Dominion They certainly handle their instruments well They numbered and with their uniforms of blue trousers with red stripe and red coats with whtto trimmings looked very neat This band who were on an outing of their own went by Urn Metropolitan railway on Saturday to Jacksons Point thence by steamer to Orlllla and and returned to the Point on Mon day In on Sunday even ing they gave a concert at- which about people were present They have been engaged to nlay at the I ORCHARD La Mrs Fox of Toronto Is spending a few days with Mrs Thomson One of the most provoking things which the campers have to contend with Is the occasional presence of stray animals along the shore One night last week a cow got Into Mr Leos garden and- in a few minutes destroyed worth of green garden truck Including all the com and patch The owner will be to cash up About young people attended a tennis party Miss Madge Porter last Tuesday afternoon on their spacious lawn Mr of tine- Office Specialty staff is enjoying a weeks vacation cottage Mrs is also with him Canes men are loading several ears of logs day now and the steam whistle indicates the time of day to campers Eight hoys are camp ing for two months at Kennedy Pb last weekend four other New- spirited accompanied by Miss Thomas and animal was uneasy was being held in others Mr Morton turned to go but in the darkness did hot ob serve the guy wire of a telephone pole aiU the conseipcewas the oc cupants were thrown out of the bug gy Miss Thomas was picked up un conscious under the shafts and be came being home Fortunately- Dr was convenient ami administered to- tier needs No hones were broken- tut she was badly nervous shock was probably the she is again now Mr of Toronto occupying Mrs cottage for balance of the season McDowell of Miss Sirs and Miss of Toronto are guests at Mr J A Belfry and family who have spent a month at Zephyr left tor their home Hut Miss Wilson who has been out here from Scotland tot- a month left for home vesterday- She was delighted th Orchard BearIn One of the nicest events on the shore this season was the birthday party given in honor of little Cath arine years old oil Tues day afternoon All the children on the south end of the Beach were in vited and with a tew grownups num bered nearly forty The children had a great time and the special birth day cake will not soon he forgotten Miss Hilda was the guest ot Miss Florence oyer Sunday Miss Vera Montgomery Pa is spending a few days with her aunt Mrs- Miss Marrow of Battle Creek Mich is spending two weeks of hex with her sister Mrs Cone I ZEPHYR Mr T Heath of Toronto spent Sun day with his mother here Mr and Mrs Horner visited at Mr 5tb Con en Sunday Mr A Annand of Keswick through here on Saturday on his way to Mr opened up an auto mobile repair shop He is an ex pert at the business Mrs N Heath returned on Tuesday from Midland where she has been visiting friends Mr Joe has been shingling the roof and repairing ihe of the Methodist church for several da Mr with Mr Iapp of were In on Wednesday booking up donaIons for Scott Agricultural Society Mrs and family returned to Toronto on Tuesday after spend ing a weeks vacation with Mr and Mrs RobtCole The regular meeting of the Zephyr T took place at the home of our president Mrs RLbckfe on Aug An Interesting program on Roy Scouts was given and another member was added to our list The next meeting being our business meeting will be held In Method ist SS room Press Supt warn sunshine lor- the days Canada will tea the largest crop in its All at present are and Western farmer is busy for a bumper crop 050 will l needed -to- garner this crop and store it for use This army of will to to from and many them stay in West getting a of its many The man who goes out with the lar- vestlvrs excursion gets an on a srnull invest meat He not only gets an make a little moneyDUb a chance to loot some of the finest Wheatland in the world over with a view to possibla future sattlonent Many farmers in too today owe proseHy to the that they went West with harvesters a- few years ago and Jater took up a homestead and there are thousands acres of rich fertile- soil waitVng or others Along the lines of the CNB the road that tapped of miles of virgin Wheatland in an army men will be The fare will be to Winnipeg and with a onehalf cent a wile to points CNR beyond The excursions will leave Ontario between August 16th and lst and the route via Chicago and he followed the most interesting to the West- For full information apply toMv agent of the Bay of Railway or the Central On tario Railway KESWICK The Keswick of tiie Wo mens Institute la to hold their regu lar meeting Mrs J Pollocks on Tuesday Aug at pm Program will consist of a paper on Conning and Pickling Mra- B Purdy reading by Mrs OIot- by Miss Annand The I I Council A meeting of above Council w as held on Saturday at pm Members all present Minutes previous meeting read and Tho Clerk reported that the By- Law submitted to the electors on August 3rd tQ authorize the Is sue of debentures to raise to pay townships share the bridge had carried voting in favor and against The Reeve laid before Council plans and specifications of said bridge as prepared by P Barber the County Engineer A grant of wa9 made to the Sutton Agricultural Society and one of 5 to the Scott The Clerk was instructed to- write P Barber the County Engineer to forward to the Coun cil all the tenders that he man receive for erection of Moasingtons bridge or the abut ments thereof as the re served the right to accept or re ject any tender and also ask him to attend the meeting of Council when tenders would bo con sidered A number of accounts were ordered paid The ByLaw was given Its third reading and the Clerk ordered to have same published In The ExpressHerald The Reeve and Treasurer were empowered to borrow funds to meet current expenses Council to the call Reeve ENJOYING THE fc A mother wrote the other day say that she had lour little children under eight and that she was so busy taking care of them that she had no time for enjoyment I look forward she said to too days when my children shall be older and I know that will be happier theri At present there is so much to do and so many steps that I am so tired most of the ttm tlat I cannot enjoy the children at all Probably this mood ot yearning for the future comes oyer young mothers naturally when the incessant demand of the babies make them tired and worn out Yet a whose lit tle people range from a boy of eight to a little girl of two has much to be thankful for She could not spare one of those little ones Let anyone come along and offer to adopt a child or two and she would turn in dignantly on such an Invader declare thai her children were not thus to be seat out Into another home Should sickness cross the President requests the threshold Utile in the Sweet Pea Contest to bring fever or be racked with paio the in their All ladles am mother would be full of Dr PIERCES GOLDES MEDICAL th flow of Most make a parted mm wrick tkm blood It rmstormtlvm la body mtmd la extract American roots from tend All idircdicnts on its wrappers It do relationship with rural Its is endorsed by la ill the of modioine Dont secret A iuhititute or this lira Ail They rami ltaotr of cures made by ft during year rirfhl In your own Dispensary Medloal Dr Pre- Buffalo N THE DOMINION BANK a ow VH3PHttiOIMT A BOGEftT General Manager Capital paid up Fund Total fc f Open A Savings Account Etch of the branches of Dominion Bank ha special department to savings Such savings receive Careful and Is allowed on deposits of and upward Is to account I I B A Mount Albert Branch S Manager AND MILLER i i are wanting or Residential Property- yrite for our yourseleoioris from is a few of tlfc proper ilea Acres near Holt Out Acres near Zephyr Acres near Albert Acres hear Albert The above farms are all places with Good Buildings For further information wiit or call on MILLER ONTARIO Or in Toronto call at Continental Lite Building- Phone Ade I CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY Harvesters Wanted Excursion to Winnipeg Choice ol destination left to the excursionist a mile from Winnipeg to Saskatoon Swan River Edmon ton and to all other points on the Canadian Northern Railway Returning halfaccent a mile from on to Win nipeg- from Winnipeg to original starting point a DATES OF SALJ5 AUG From Toronto and C O and lines in Onta- J Toronto toSarnia on GTR and South thereof XUO From Toronto and lull stations east and south of Sparrow Lake all stations Central Ontario Railway and stations on Bay of- except Kingston also points on other lines north of T R TorontoSarnia line and east of but not including Lake and Renfrew AUG Toronto stations east and south of Sparrow Lake all Central Ontario Railway and Bay ol stations and points east of but not including North Bay AUG Toronto to Sparrow Lake on also points on other lines Toronto to North Bay Sudbury and west thereof The richest country in the West is served by the Canadian Northern Hallway The demand for Harvesters along its lines Is very heavy and the wages the highest Write for Guide showing 35000 tree homesteads awaiting the settler For full information apply to I Pass Agt Can Nor Toronto I I 1 a tender ministration and errand least anxious days though you may love Should death cross the thresh oldhut here we pause for no moth er bear the thought that any one her darlings may be torn from her arms and placed in the cold grave No not one of the little ones can be spared The truth is that though the mothers days are very busy whoa the children are little she will never have happier ones than these Every hour is full of blessedness and sweet ness Day by day the little lives are unfolding The habits that are now process of formation will by and by tbo habits of life By example and precept and most of all by sweet unfolding atmosphere l the mother can shape her darlings as she chooses Little people of eight and six and even of four may learn to put away their own clothes and pick up their own toys or perform little offices that help the mother Al though tbe help may sometimes be a hindrance yet it the mother is pa tient the little hindering hands soon learn to he actually of value la the days task glides swiftly and Imperceptib ly in the borne Thereis a little verse in the Bible that often comes when or is speaking of child growth While toy servant was busy here and there he was gone It seems only yesterday that your own -little- boy had dimpled hands and which you were proud Today be has closoropped head and hard little bands that bespeak boy and the future man Tomorrow the girl woo is trotting about the floor play ing with her doUs will be in school and by and by she will be in cortege and almost before you are aware of it somebody be coming to court her whHe the who beside your knee will shoot up into man hood and presently tell yon not believe it are when your children are little and you can tuck them up at night and feel they are all safe under the home roof Try to believe in the present Try to enjoy it to tho full Be happy as the birds ore when the fledgelings are under the mothers wing In the nest Christian Herald WHY HE LIKED CHESS You play chess a great deal Yea replied profound stu dent Chess Is a great game But does it rest the mind Of course thats the of it You can take a nice nap while you are- waiting for your opponent to fig ure out his move I 1- MONTREAL STANDARD the National Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion of Canada It Is national In Its Sim It uses the most expensive eagrav procuring the photographs from the world Us articles are carefully selected and editorial thoroughly L Independent A subscription to The Standard year addreaa In Canada or Great Britain A WIT FOR fia ml reW am mz if TORONTO v ji ffi i33GiFi mm s mm m

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