i- It i Emu 7 jI- W law a V HAY FEVER A titttl Cured Attar Years tMUKfV a Cornwall Cbntkk was a martyr to for probably fifteen year and I suffered terribly it time consulted many physicians their trtatment ana I tried every heard of at being good for but nothing helped me Wen heard of three and decided to try them and am thankful to say that remedy cured mo completely To every sufferer from Hay I Try medicine cared me when every other treatment fatted and I believe it la a perfect cure dreadful disease- MRS kBmp The real cause of Hay Fever Is poisoned blood due to the faulty action of the bowels kidneys and skin Frultatives cleans the blood by bowels kidneys and thus relieves the excessive strain on the nervous system Try Fruity- box for trial c At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa the Marthabi ajjfrfa d hands A wHiug to Fred loaves or NorthWest bub riot the intent ion of lo In the urines- It for nursing da apt afloat of the system Mlidbutsure a your Strt Ml ft j boVa Victoria ihurch of Mr Irwin who have camping for return ed pleasant outing patty Riven Mr and Mrs if Saturday was a over being present ami SU by Mr take of New IdkMjf appreciated by aft prevailed tovain i tfnadod the pitty- held WWfct For Sale TV a in growing manufacturing Town of Newmarket corner Main and Water Streets very suitable for a doctor A Co For Sale Doe ins Hinder in repair 6 foot cuts Trice Apply or to Ed drap er 4sraS i For Sale or to Rent 1 House on possession At once Robertson Queen St East Apply to K 2 Houses for Sale One new House on Huron St and one Red Brick with all Modern Conveniences on Gotham St Apply to J JEFFERSON St 3 New Brick Houses Ave for sale Two are at occupied and the other one will bo ready shortly AU- modern Apply to Isaac Rose or French MV Al bert lit An V of fresh fund the Was to An was the close proceeds amounted to ten dollars Miss is draAtag a few days Miss won a number of events at the Association fte- which was held a Point First and wcond places the swimming werfc Won by Robert John Thomp son respectively The annual held August 10 and parly the evening Mrs IXividCarlyle was the of a delightful young peoples party Tennis was played the a Verandah supper was enjoyed and the evening was dancing- Last week the annual Ladles Bowl ing Tournament held Mrs Temple was tho winner of the Ham- Cup with Mrs J Thompson a close second The cup be won 3 years out of Last seo- son Mrs Ramsey Ah iXTrv rffxilait Company of itiba propose to Inn aid a nanuf in- csftotuTrll to cost not less thin 70000 provided tie village to the- extent year first gage at They ree lo hands T J Halt achouiberg centre and wealth Queen King Township for- are The sound the truths On- Schotubetk Aurora Is tho distoivce of war lair graceful the pride the nation And our temperate softs are credited tar or rowdy can flourish Wirive f Where all are busy as bees in a lave Some through saw othiw handling the brush And tew a living expounding law Tito stores are wellVa- tronhed Where merchants are noted lor- the leas clothing so neat and so well put toother the and cut in the tail Mating the readymade clothing an value the are vd toe obtain ed too boat US well from k in bo free k I i i y Ill The Is gvaraiuccd it by the makers and fearlessly every You should know before you buy orange Sold by And For ill I i k I Brick Houses on Park Ave all conveniences also oue frame house on Elm St For terms apply to MRS SCOTT The Cedars Cor Victoria and Park Farms for Sale Cell at the Town Real Estate Office get Prices t Large Number of Houses with 11 Modern A Snap Houses at a Bargain Get our Prices on a Number Choice Lota for Sale Buy Houses at this and also Agent for Fire Insurance Co Farm for Sale acres more or less being com posed of Lot 23 in the rear concession of the township of Whit church Good buildings on stone basements acres of hardwood Also new house on Street Newmarket For particulars apply to WM WILLIS Box 316 50 Farm for Sale This is one of the choicest fifty acre farms In tho township being West half of Lot Con cession miles north of A good rough cast dwelling house Bank with first class stabl ing Pig pen and implement houses fences are good and land is la a high state of cultivation los water Alsohavo thirty acres of pasture and bush land Will sell both together in separate parcels HENRY WRIGHT Holland Landing And J a me- Hood one oldest and most respected farm ers passed away on Monday overl ing July in his 9 year The late Mr a native of County Tyrone Ireland As a young man ho emigrated to Canada and Bet tied at tor upwards of half a centry he resided In the early days ho wrought hard for the tusk of husbandman was eery much worse difficult than which greets the young Ontario farmer of today He had with patient stroke do fell many a mighty pine before he got suffici ent laud clear to erect his pioneer log house The late Mr Hood was a of few words retiring in but a man upon Judgment reliance could ho placed Ho Was a gentle and kind father a trusty friend and thoughtful neighbor deceased was a devoted member of the Presbyterian Church of which he Was for many ears an elder Ho was a of the Orauge Order and sel dom did ho miss a twelfth ot July celebration In politics he was a life long vativo The funeral was largely attended A brief service was hold at late home the funeral procession passed to tho church where a fuller service was conducted The remains wore laid to rest the at Churchill The late Mr Hood is survived by his aged widow who is now over ninety years of and by two sons and throe daugh ters the STRAYED a On the old Sibley Farm on July a White Sow Owner can have same by paying expenses and dam ages J WILLIAMS W Mi GET YOUR NAME ON OUR LIST We Something Good To You toraw A AURORA The Methodist Sunday School held annual excursion to Riverdale Park Toronto on Wednesday by the York- Radial Railway A very quiet and pretty wedding was solemnized the home of Mr Spruce Secret Auro- Wednesday August when his Lino Cummer was united in to Mr H Wilson of tot Monday was Civic Holiday Newmarket and as a result there was a somewhat larger number from that town down here to fill them selves up with whiskey and disgrace this town with their profanity and disgraceful actions The lacrosse team from this town Journeyed to St Catharines on Monday and played the return gome with the team from that city- almost a shame to tell what happened but when the final count was marie St Catharines had 13 goals and Au Methodist have decided to hold their to Isl and Grove Park Lake They will go special Metropoli tan cars Mrs Geo Lemon met with a serl- outi and painful accident on Wed nesday Mrs Lemon and her daughter Miss Lemon start ed on Wednesday morning for visit to her daughter Mrs In St Marys getting off the car at North Toronto Mrs Lemon slipped and fell on the pavement breaking her thigh She was brought bask home on the next car It hoped she will have a speedy recovery Wilson son of Mr was knocked down by an automobile on Monday of last Fortunately he foil clear of the wheels Under car and was not otKusly loJuwV anyone wishing to pay cash or go bail silks iatronlzed by the Marquis Lome if you want something classy to cover your Step look over the A And there you will find your No matter how crooked your way be They can boast a new lace hole and dont go aside And the prices are low spot cosh on the For hardware and stores go to hon- est old Joe A man sound Judgment ho bigot is he writes a good hand and would scorn to deceive Some horiest are here to be found Hut more loyal Tories are scattered around But all arc determined like brothers to join And vote a fair bonus to help Canal- Pome fellows will say theres a trick- in the box And call it a government ticket or snap To gain a few votes for the unfor tunate crew Who sail with Sir in his big ca noe But a fig for such bigots who level their spleen At Willi the Orange Paddy the I quill Is that a just neighbors fight But move tl3 tune to the Where peace and plenty in abundance And another twelve months roll its course Well have street cars and not gas poles Then will grow on side The home of wealth arM the biers pride J 515000 green use the Pen and others the Mrs- two and daughter front same of Ktiiig Miss Harding pt guesU of Mrs over Sunday at the Womens In- here last the had an awfully wet day but never theless appeared to eujoy themselves the kirKinfiss ot Mr they were privileged- to occupy the arid use piano Mrs of visMedMrs week and also called on her trleuti Mrs Miss of spent several days with Mrs Andy Davis and also them on their motor- trip Mr Gardner of Toronto and grand child spent several days with niece Mrs Andy Mrs Bond and her sister Miss of at Villa one day last week Mr and Mrs Cith ers Mrs Guthrie and Mr Bolton were all toi a with Thomson and family over Sunday Mr Andy Wright was landing a beautiful tenpound on Monday- Mr and Mrs Brand of Newmarket visited at last week Mr and family Toronto are now locat ed at his new summer home former ly known as Morton Park which pro perty has been greatly transformed since falling into his hands Mr Irwin Ross of Ottawa and his Mr McIowell are weeks vacation at Dudley Manor Mr Moore of Toronto who has been summering at his cottage at Sparrow Lake motored home by way ok Orchard Beach accompanied his daughter and were the guests of Mr Lees family on Monday night Moore proceeded to the city the next morning but Miss Moore Is re maining for a week Mrs of Aurora ac companied by her sister Miss Mar garet Toronto spent Tuesday with their sister at TJe two gasoline launches- under command of Messrs Howard Wiley and Charlie Cane who took a num ber of companions lor a cruise around Lake got hack Sunday night without any mishap Mr and Mrs Vokes Sr and Mr Matthews of Toronto were visitors Mr and Mrs John Yokes over Sun day Notwithstanding the wot weather the Church at the Beach was filled at both last and present a rare treat The sermons Rev I- Baptist Mission who has labored In all the principal cities in United States and also spent 3 years in- congrega tions as if spellbound BeautUul so los were also rendered by Miss Camp bell and Miss both solo- Couad Shiran meeting of ldsl Council held this dy Munclrl hail to lo borrow on what Is as Title Aui appUoakn UkS hcttmfcdc to Council Or same to Mr Albert a duiiU two be tween lota on an I th Cons Upturn ho not having token pi- for of said Culver the taw were ordVifei laid ftruvel i J J holts for Iff ed cutting weeds drawing On die 1 cob i SO Waiter W loads el i fia00 King Tile 3W FS or bridge eon Root Harrison work Gordon tat Suarx Amos gravel cou Mrs board for men on Sharon I3 Harrison gravel 1 lots SO and Win work on i American and Canadian Scientists fell us common house fly la the cause of more disease and death than any other agency WILSONS kill all the flies and the disease germs too Richard dftto jViG Cbiriea Rye ditto Era Office lohii Jones driving spiles bridge con 1 Mrs Ounningham gravel COO Arthur Arnold gravel con SUckwood gravel con 000 Reuben gravel gravel Cole gravel anA loading Kennedy- con 3 James gravel con Cleverdon gravel con 8 Dan con John Watts gravel con 1035 Walter Frank gravel con gravel con ft Council adjourned till Sept at ten a Municipal Hall at Aharon ARIacKenxie Clerk Put Itto The Contract If you will hare your house painted this spring make a part of contract that the painter uses Genuine While Lead It the whitest and flriest white lead and excels all others in durability fa White has been the worlds standard from generation to generation Is today id greater demand than ever MaaU ha John WINNIPEG WILL CIRCLE Cadets tor Imperial Round the World The Australian Cadets for the Imperial Cadet Review arc coming via Liverpool and will arrive in Toronto a week before the Zealand corps are coming via vincouver and will roach the Exhibition grounds on August Thus the corps leaving from al most the same place will make a complete circle around the world to reach the Canadian National Exhibition CANADIAN PACIFIC FARM LABORERS WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA TRIP WEST TO WINNIPEG Haft tenter tail up to Of RETURN TRIP EAST WINNIPEG or v AUGUST all all and of Grad Trunk Maui Lice Toronto to Indudlni all on the Toronto Bu South and from Butaptoa South From Toronto and all north of but not Including the Grand i to fiarnla and from Toronto tut to but net Shiibot Lax aad aa4 From all Toronto ana and ScotU and can of North Bay Eastern Onurio JUS Toronto North Bay and Sudbury to Sault Sl5flih was paid in Toronto last Mciroine both soio- weck for the transfer of a shop It- choirs Kexb- Sunday shop cense The fact sipdficant of the profits In the liquor business Children CASTOR A ROOFING fives longer and more complete protection per dollar of coil than metal roofing shingles or any other ready With over mi tat oris Mill best Made In oetmanent colors Red Brown Greonr and natural Slate Look Into It before you on that now roof so Rev H p Thomas of la to be the preacher Rev I ttte guest of Mr Straohah at Orchard Beach 1 KESWICK P Eves Mi Albert Electric Restorer for Men la vim Great preparations are going on for- the oldtime Popular picnic Ex cursion tinder the auspices of Kes wick and Sutton West Methodist which is to take pkufe on Friday of next week Aug aSrd The steam er Ottapbe will leave Belie art at calling at Roachs at oclock and Point at at about noon Returning will leave at arriving 530 and Roachs Point at pm Good picnic and also hotel accommodation at and good accommodation for horses at both Roachs Point end Jacksons Point The Commit tee will spare no pains to make this to Us reato and al parted at Dr Vaa Female Pills TttlTfl portion A Headache are not caused by anything wrong In head but by constipation and Indigestion Headache or may deaden but cannot cure them Dr Indian Root do cure sick bead- the sensible way or stomach which- caused them Dr Morses- Indian Root are purely vegev table free from any harmful When you feci cooung N SPRUCE LEAPS Spruce continues to hold Ha as tho most Important of Canadian woods cording to a recent bulletin of the Forestry Branch of Interior over four filths of tho wood consumed In the pulp In dustry Was of this specie The total Increase of cords in consumption between and 1911 was almost confined to this species Balsam fir hemlock and poplar together matte- up twenty per cent of the total consumption Province of Quebec Is still at the head of provinces In the pulp industry consuming per cent the total cut Ontario used In neatly one third and New Brunswick Nova Scotia and British Columbia together consumed ap proximately one fifteenth of the total Balsam fir is coming more gen erally- Into use as a wood It has been found that up to per cent of this species ean be used with spruce tOjMpduce good paper A a fir is now wprth 640 or ceuts per cord more than In Spruce la worth an Increase of cents per cord over mechanical process from which the bulk of news paper stock Is made continues to be the main source of pulp supply with cent the total Canadian product The sulphite process consumed nearly one third and the remainder nearly eight per cent was manufactured hy the process This la the method by which paper now comlug largely Into use is made manufacture of re fuse Into pulp has begun in Can ada during the past year It estimated that it the material which goes to waste lathe woods and the Dominion were made into pulp the would bo greater In amount than pres ent from the regular a- 1 mi SOU only ul be sold Each ticket with coupon When extension coupon has Oneway secood class tickets to be sold Each Include txteon at Winnipeg by a farmer ha has to work as a tana laborer coupon Will be up to for ticket at rate cent minimum fifty centi to any station west of Winnipeg on the Canadian Pacific Canadian Northern or Grand Trunk Pacific Railways la Manitoba or Alberta but not west of diary Alta luued purehasar to a ticket to return from any station on the Canadian Pacific Canadian Northern or Trunk Pacific In Alberta and Manitoba east of MacLeod Calrary and Edmonton by aasia route as Journey on or November on on half per mite fifty cents up to added to Wlnnloeg the holder the certificate with the ticket atent on arrival at and least thirty days at For full see nearest Afeati or write lUif Toronto Agent Newmarket r La ATKINSON JUST TRY MONET BACK IP NOT SATISFACTORY Guatantee Purity on every tin by Sugars Canners Limited Montreal FOR SALE AT THE BEST CROC MR NEWMARKET CODY NEWMARKET i NEWMARKET MATERIAL i He Hate cm Large T Order Special SIM Ml i te Aug of black damp end coal dust in the Lorraine thd coal in the village Gertie four miles front cost the lives miners the official report Two others se verely and injured Death was instantaneous In all cases The cause not yet heen definitely asotobaflned it is that Indian Root Sana All Pis to Mir aWB afi malic Wa ff 1 SSB fcs im M TORONTO