Newmarket Era, 30 Aug 1912, p. 4

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ss 5 dp las mm a KKlfil irv it- FOBS AUGUST Hi MOTHERHOOD s j Advice to Eapectant MoUiew to faff one to most women and mark dis tinctly n epoch In their lire Not a hundred prepared or bow car for Of nearly every woman nowadays baa medical treatment at timet bat many approach the experience with an organism unfitted for the trial of strength and it la over her system has received a shock from It is bard to recover Fol lowing right upon this comes the strain of caring for the child and a distinct change In the mother results There nothing more charming than and healthy mother of children and Indeed childbirth under the right conditions need be no hazard to health or beauty The thing Is that with all the evidence of shattered nerves and broken health resulting from an un prepared condition and with ample time to which to prepare women will persist In going blindly to the trial Every woman at this time should rely Vegetable Com pound a most valuable tonic and of the female organism In many homes once childless there are now children be cause of the fact that E Pink- fa Vegetable Compound makes women normal healthy and strong If you want special advice write to PI Medicine Co confi dential Lynn Mass tour letter trill be opened read and answered by woman and held in strict confidence Am tests Vis ft Won Churchill to has not been officially explained says the All that a finitely Is thai in vited British Ministers to visit this country and that the first Lord of Admiralty supposed to haw the to virion In this connection it may bo stated a London despatch expressed the opin ion recently Mr and Greenwood are coming lo tot about a conference the anl liberal leaders the a naval upon which both political of Dominion Unite thus taking the eieeituHi out Of policies As Herald truth ful pose the visit then It were that Mr RETORTS BRILLIANT MOTS THAT ARE CREDITED TO GREAT PERSONS- come to allow Intcilerv- VVs a In Art Ruls AIM In ThU Realm of Fancy and of Are Scarcely Polite to Ears Are Not Vary To a tie in to define to describe or to ox plain l lie nature of really or the the purpose of bringing phrase the apt retort the repartee to gifted that alxUt a hu morwould bo like talking music I the itraf color to blind tasted lifter and these draft on bank while by many are to so much Waste it is because of ihelr rar ity or In tills case a limited supply iocs not seem to enhance As said of and the two wits of iinn people gave us a whole volume hi a we rarely fld a hi a whole volume No one can deny Uiat is still a deal of truth In latter part it Balzacs assertion and as Doug las Jcrruld pithily Truth is like gold a really wise man make a tittle of it go a long way Bui It Is hardly Wise to such matter hallmark of wit Is originality ret there art fashions even In ram and what at one time Is a most excellent an is thought to in question- le taste This holds good with re- Sard to strong language in particular a record which he came across alien ho was acting a Under Secre tary lor Ihe Colonies dated from the reign of Queen Anne when the people of Virginia petitioned the Gov to send them out a regular hierarchy for the safety of their TUB DOCTORSnbHSF Mr and Mrs Andy osjrvevS MI is This authorities to in the realm even said wears kindly The trk to a sit nation and P rise to an any thing hut conducive to the kindly feeling winch prevail between Che and the Motherland No No lb will have to full for its naval program whatever it may be that is in accord with the principle and prac tice of responsible If parliament accepts that proam all but it not he can step down and out and 1 country will settle the question ABOUT YOUR TEETH flxln many of thorn No two I I ha Com a and us tall you How and Why and If We Health and upon your thwahtt 4DnGTHOMSON uh NT DENTISTS OVERLAND EDITORIAL Statistics indicate that neatly per cent of the amount paid in ac cident claims by insurance companies last year was paid to victims of au tomobile accidents and they are paying too low a rate or their North assessment now reaches over The annexa tion of the town to the city will ma terially alter the basis proportion York County ami the City pay to wards criminal justice expense It will mean another for County Council to take notice of wont bother 1 On Tuesday next Mr Francis Neil- son M for Cheshire Hyde will be in Toronto and will speak at the third annual meeting of the Tax He- form League the following hoes not by any meah a tnorHRhbced but had born up an the ay- Tie had pone at an even for years any beyond a to appear skittish unco the was cold and after he been iiindin the tabic for sev eral In the main be was what a plain everyday horse should be safe and dependable and he remaining that mil io JO Off the Unexpected did At the Ws year Don to show signs of uncer of temper a of pot to say after who owned Win went put Ob ho And hitch Wirt to the dilapidated old lunge and rear that the was const to say thai certain devils must entered into And he rah away twice one time Up bank he almost Hided the life the buggy not that the However you know it said thai after has reached certain or stage It is almost Impossible to destroy it utterly and thus it was with the mortal Ministers reply was your sell tobacco would hardly serve an ex- uiple of the retort courteous tot a of or of that re partee which resembles the lightning of the rapier rather than the stroke of the bludgeon one iiu- cross the channel either to France or to Ireland In the or witticism with more than a savor of cynicism was undoubtedly a past master His comment when someone told him thai was com- plaining of deafness was characteris tically cynical He thinks himself remarked Talleyrand because no longer hears himself talked Legal quips are notoriously feeble Humor does not flourish in the atmosphere though even ihe weakest sallies are appreciated as a welcome relief to the of the luminaries too come in for their share of gentle chart Lord Brougham defined a lawyer a legal gentleman who rescues your from your enemies and keeps himself Neater and more person- 111 but not unkindly was Foxs allu- OVERLAND MODEL T Motor Trucks Models are unsurpassed for and Abovs cut re presents our FivePassenger Thirty HorsePower Car at deliver ed in Toronto fully equipped Call without tail see our Models SHAWOVERLAND SALES CO 53 to Adelaide St West I Toronto- ftLliJLVi I Trunks and Valises Re paired on Shortest Notice All Kinds of Stable Sundries in Stock HARNESS Your Horse needs a New Harness which will Improve his rt add to his Va lue which will give your Outfit that Smart that Distinguishes all Our Goods We use only the Best Leather and Our Prices are Reasonable REPAIRING A SPECULTV No Job too Large or Small Receive our Attention Write of Call Now CHAS J DIX and Collar Maker Main Strsot Newmarket I day evening at St House He will also be present at the dinner which will precede the mooting understand that Mr W W Buchanan of Winnipeg will be another speaker At the Toronto Horticultural monthly exhibition last week in Foresters Hall Mr Dreer of Phil adelphia made an interesting exhibit rare waterlilies Mr is said to be the greatest producer of acquatic plants the world His exhibit last week consisted of varieties ranging from white and cream through pinks and reds into the deep purplesmany of them being three inches in diameter The new Commander of the Salva tion Army is General llooth and a London cablegram says that he will probably be in Canada before Christmas as part of a tour ol the world Visiting Army posts Plans have not yet been definitely ar ranged but it is known that the new General and other Army leaders consider it his first duty to personally cement alle giance the entire organization to his authority and generalship J parties Br THOMAS ONT for fallen The Ideal hi which to urc a training for your lift work Thorough count In Painting Oratory School College and DomcaUo Science Large campus Inspiring environ Resident nurse Insures of students Rate moderate Every girl needs an ALMA training Handsome sent on application to Principal It is stated in the Toronto press that the Ontario Government has de cided to further its policy of devel opment work now being conducted by Mr under the voted last session of the Legislature by throwing open two additional Townships In the clay belt of New Ontario for immediate settlement The first of these is PI ay fair Town ship except the southwest quarter which is mostly rock and swamp The other is the Township of Ken nedy the first six concessions CO YEARS EXPERIENCE It I ffcV Marks Dcatorcm ft u4 if htihtJ ay ftdenUftojoamal tor Speaking of the of the Liberal and Conservative press In Canada touching the naval question and the readiness of the latter to agree to the views expressed by the Opposition leaders in Parliament the Star observes Vc hate to mar the lovefeast hut the harsh truth is that the Borden is in a hole and is ready to welcome as a friend anybody who is not actually throwing stones and mud There Is something almost pathetic about the wistful glances it Is throwing across the at those who were only a few short months ago so fiercely as sailed James to the solemn appearance Lord during the trial of Warren Hastings Pot whispered in an aside the Speaker wonder whether my one ever wise as looks Celts like and OConnell of- sen introduced a and refresh- humor and racy audacity into the dull routine of the law courts On one occasion Lord Clare brought Newfoundland dog upon the bench began to the animal while was addressing the court- The latter of course Go on go Mr said lordship Oh I beg a thousand pardons my returned Curran in his silk iest tones really thought your was employed in consults- lion Curran was the most delightful of Boon companions a born raconteur but he could hit hard One of his a notorious and successful gambler once had a trial of wits with aim but being decidedly worsted be an to lose temper At last he petulantly No man air trifle with me with impunity- Play with you you mean correct- id But the anecdote of which lives in the memory that fine spirit of the man a touch of pathos Someone told aim during his last illness that he leentea to cough with more difficulty on the previous day laid Thats odd enough Ive been practicing all night Unlike other attributes wit is sel dom inherited The case of the is an exception The elder Ian reproving his son Tom for the life lie was leading ended saying My dear Tom really it a time for you to take a wife With ill my heart replied the dutiful Tom whose wife shall I take The gentle Ella had a vein of quiet which sometimes found its ex pression in more or less conscious I believe Charles Lamb you lave heard me preach asked Cole ridge once in the middle of one of his endless monologues 1 you dddo anything else the famous essayist Theodore Hook was out dining one and among the company at Toronto still has the annexation fever and County Cleric Phillips should keep tab of the various por tions of County the city Is throwing its civic arms about Ev ery part of the County annexed les sens its taxpaying power towards criminal justice and correspondingly increases the power ot Toronto to pay Toronto Hoard of Control favors annexing the whole district north of the present City limits up to avenue west Upper Janata College and street The whole of the- aforesaid dis trict lies in the County of York and has a number of very valuable residences running from 1600 to Era till Christmas for IB at wedding brother Mr Harold Davis Miss of was lho of Wlsa last week at Dudley Manor Keawlck Method Px was fairly well Friday last but the rath er for pleasure Miss of Durham and Miss Toronto are lofi a week at Ttireje from dncksdns Point last Friday with Mrs of Toronto was a at Manns Boardinghouse last Week Church service were well last Sunday Tho wnmms A Of were and appreciated It hi expected that Bible Trflhinf will preach next Sumjay eloslrrA services will iVe place on 5Ufittay Sept nth Hoy the ihiuuiriiuui the SeaOti has been yer or ftooner or its No can expect to go far or toward rvo woman either who suffer from the headaches the sour an4 poor direction the breath and the food- ado which result from and But learn for a will be made by a few of doctor buggy- Many friends of the doc- tor that he a new and but the doe- tor Insisted that they would last Jong as the horse and mayhap as there we those who thought the had his eye on of he uuto advertise meats appeared in his medical poumnl the this year church Is a to the for the S PILLS Tested through three favorably known the world over this perfect vegetable and always efficient family remedy univcrs all accepted aa beat preventive or corrective of dtaorderaof the organs of digestion Beechams Pills regulate the bo stir the liver to natural activity enable you to get all the nourishment andblood- from your food As sure try In your and in your increased Beeehams Pills Pay Big Dividends Li J was rapidly worse It war im possible to him in the buggy without a nun to hold him until the driver had seated himself and secured a Arm grip on the lines and then he would start with a lunge that threatened to dismember the venerable outfit None of the now dared to drive him ami begged the doctor to get rid of him but he loathe to part with friend that had him such faithful ser vice knows the poor old horse may be suffering with a cruel to turn him over to a man insanity and if so it would who would nocbe kind to him Still i5hu S soio sm oO disgust than anything else I guess find out what ails him soon But they did not and Dan was get ting dangerous when the doctors son came home on a visit morning after he arrived he his father to help him hitch up Whew he saw the condition of things Father you should not attempt to drive this horse with such an outfit as that It is dangerous- know it is son I mean to get rid of Dan right away I am getting too- old to take such risks But you need another buggy and a new set of harness anyway Said his son John said father what do you think of those Clank They are advertised especially for a doctor Not worth scrapiron price plied John decidedly Cost more to keep than two horses The doctor said no more and they drove to the city they had completed their bus iness and were ready to return they went to the stable where they hart left and the doctor ordered him hitched to- his buggy the host ler brought his horse the doctor saw that Dan had on strong new harness and- was hitched to a leand buggy Guess you have made a mistake and hitched my horse to the wrong buggy said the surprised doctor No lie hasnt lather John spoke up that is present- to you Of course Ms father was pleased but Who can say he did not think of the auto with the least bit of re gret But his surprise and pleasure were as nothing to the transformation of Dan After that he was the most pleased gentle you can Mm and he drew the new buggy along at a lively clip with his head high and his tail the air so that people remarked that the old doctor had a mighty smart horse and bug gy And who can say that Dan did not know his worth and he did not take the only way he knew to regis ter his protest against being asso ciated with old and dilapidated things From Our Dumb Animals people who Come months Mrs of Toronto Is spending week at summer suft Miss Maggie Addison returned to London alter enjoying a brief vis it with her father fibv Peter and Margaret Cos of Chicago spent over Sunday at Nook also Miss Margaret niece Mr son The Messrs Vokes spetit the weekend with- their uncle Mr John Vokes Last was the rtrst Sunday for five that it not rain The warm Sunshine was thoroughly appreciated by everybody you was a book vendor who dined wisely but too well You ap pear to me remarked Hook to his lost looking across at tin drunken nan to have emptied your wine- cellar into your bookseller Turning from books and bookmen w music Coleridges pithy lines form in ironical link Swans sing before they die no bad thing Should certain persons die before they slug These lines will no doubt strike a chord the hearts ol ihoeo who have to live near someone who cannot sing but will persist in Glycrine is a byproduct of soap Profitable Poultry When cashing oilcloth a of painters size added to a pail ful of water will give a glossy sur face and make it wear better than when washed in- the ordinary way Qjt Send the Era to absent friends A hen is generally supposed to be a stupid thing anyone who has tried to drive one off a muhlaooured bod in the garden gets a strong convic tion on that matter But there are exceptions and Mr J Martin an old and resident on Bass Lake has one of tbem 5m keeps Black and some iVitvl yards from his barn is a sum mer cottage almost out sight- ow ing to a swelling in land which this season and last was occupied by the same family day last year one of Mr Martins hens foundi her way to the The occupants received it politely and at it sample of various largelyad vertised breakfast foods candy choc olate tc Ac Its tastes were found to Incline to cold lamb and above all cheese of which it is ri diculously fond Breakfast foods ev en with gaudiest labels it disdains It speedily became so tame that it would feed from the hand and jump up to take anything a persons fingers or if the person happened to be seated it would on his foot to more easily reach what was offer ed When the tourists returned home last year they asked Mr Mar tin to save the hen and- this year they had not been back to the cot tage two days before it appeared you never noticed how the aYeraga fly will forsake custard pie or a pineapple without mcVits hesitation order to tun a few on the head which Is entered with anything but ftlr Many a bold man has been roUscil out a tuiieful by the rude fly with no sense of propriety anil punch Str met with an accident on Thursday of last will put her out of tor the test the Returning to Or- on a moonlight excursion into trie P It bridge over tire Narrows The upper deck was smashed as far back aa wheel house Fortunately no one was at tike bow the colllston occurred Her hull was not damaged and she steamed into dock It Is rumoured that action will be taken against the It tor dam ages eidaiS Li tine CANADIAN a TORONTO COLLEGE CANADA K4M4ankUl 1 i i filch ScnoOl or Nt In lali aileJiucUSuJeUi 4 la tiU K U j f In all Countriea Ask for our Inventor A Mar- ion University Street corner St Catharine Street Montreal and Washington Electric Restorer for Men Phospholipi la fcoJ TO TORONTO AMD RETURN Aug 24 to Sept inclusive Cents Minimum Rate 25c All tickets valid to return until until Tuesday Sept Dominion Exhibition Ottawa NEWMARKET TO OTTAWA AND RETURN Sept to Sept and All tickets valid for return until Westem Pair London NEWMARKET TO LONDON AND RETURN MM to tamer than ever Mr Martin has never seen it near the cottage while Minimum Rate 25c the latter was unoccupied valid retuni of which It was so fond is- kept in a Monday Sept 1912 refrigerator and if the hen particulars tickets etc 1 J Depot Agent about and tho snap of door it runs as hard as it can lest it should miss something It is clear this hen possesses somu mea sure of memory and observation both intellectual powers of a nigh order and scarcely to be classed as in stincts It never goes direct to the cottage but makes a considerable a DUFF DPA Union Toronto Dr de Vans Female Mil A Punch alba The i i powiilul tour by the laK6 It Sits oil iortIonoltha the doorstep in a most comical way SS9SSS to rest Orillia Packet Co su PAYING THE PRICE The success envy another might be yours if you were ready to pay the- same price that he has paid The character you admire has been carved by innumerable decisions in favor of right against the wrong The reputation which is the- largest asset of another acquaintance was acquired by consistent upright ness Anyone can get an who is willing Hake the- necessary sacrifices Anyone can have friends who is willing to do a friends part While it is not true that every man has his price at least In the cynical sense in wiilch that statement Is gen erally made it is a fact that every thing has a price You can have your hearts desire if you ready to pay what it costs Actual yield for lour months tret layers Dec Jan Feb 970 Mar a record for winter through a severe Beaton which Is bard to surpass Buy your ngsOr batching Rhode Island Rods which without a peer aa table fowl and wonderful producers eggt for Aubrey Newmarket If SO TENDER HEARTED v My husband Is too tenderhearted altogether to get said Mrs Mug gins dolefully shows his good points certainly Why he wont even speak cross word to me or kill a fly Oh thats nothing said Mrs Bugging My husband Is so tender hearted he wont even heat the carpet Send Era to absent friends k at Exhibition Toronto August to September Will bo Greatest Display of Pianos and Play- era Gerhard has ever made I The Best Time to secure a Choice Instrument direct from the Manufacturer at a Reasonable Price Limited mm Building Exhibition Grounds or City Hall Square Queen St Toronto y laSl ji dtcay all t rboiphoaOl will tic a I IS a box or for any Drag at Out NOTICE is hereby given that Min nie Edna of the City of To ronto in tile Cou of York the Province Ontario will apply to the Parliament Canada at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband Edward Percy of said city of To ronto on the ground of cruelty and adultery Dated at Toronto in Province Ontario this day doo MINNIE EDNA by Richardson Continental Life- Bay street Toronto Solicitors for toe applicant NOTICE is hereby given that Fran- ces Anderson of the of Toronto in the County of York in the Province of Ontario married woman will apply to the Parliament of Canada next sessions there of tor a Bill of Divorce near husband Daniel Anderson now resid ing at the City of Toronto in the County ot in Province of Ontario on the ground Dated at Toronto in the Province of Ontario the day of April A GODFREY AN HENDERSON Adelaide street West Toronto Ontario Solicitors for Frances Ander son

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