ST a AGENT ALBERT l i mount Albert BRlKFLirrs The safe of the household effects late SJ Grose took place On the was the on e IP m Tuesday morning sold the home daughter Gertrude is placed in charge of the Salvation Army In Toronto School will open on Tuesday 3rd wM the following teachers in School Miss principal W Haines Assistant IMbHc School Ml Jessie IV Guerre Principal W Kit Wilson Assistant A baseball match will bo played here on afternoon Mount Albert and lcoroge loams Game called at Rev Cameron will preach his farewell sermon in the Presbvlcmh Church on Sunday next the rains and retarded harvest v in locality- Much Injury to crops reported Theresas a Attendance at Tuesday and prices were to SI 1 Miss returned after spouting a week with Mends In Mr Harriet of Toronto a days in town friends last lb Mr John Terry Cobalt was in town last week Captain Robert Arose it Salvation Army left tor Toronto on Those who have friends visaing at their homes will confer a favor by sending in their names Mr Merle Jennings Toronto spent the weekend with friends in town Mr J Cook has returned fr a two weeks visit at Pontine Mich- Mrs has returned from six weeks visit Jacksons Point Mrs J Elliott is visiting sister Mrs Miss Creeper of visiting at Mr Barretts Miss Irene Lane Toronto wets guest of her cousin Mrs l Terry Miss Laird of Chatham is visiting at the home of Mr Steeper SHARON ftp Wilson has sold his farm to Mr York- Township a Inlaw of Mr the Sleeting- House and Temple locat ed on this and we understand It la the intention of the to demolish the sacred and ami the material Into farm faulliHuge will- III a Mow to artd lis ancient history i X Laics Aid Methodist Church bad a successful at the home of Mrs Prink was oh lawn and number attended sum o was As Mrs Methetall has leSoro the they ver much pleased with her and all to her next In her cosy little home Mr 1 ran a pitditork into his week but Vila did prevent Mm from West on the Harvesters last The Christian takes place On Friday crowd jRO- i SUTTON her is Dwelling for Sale In Mount Albert Good sevenroom brick house with J acre garden on easy terms A bargain Well actu ated Mount Albert NOTICE Mr Charles lack the Mr moved Mr Ken- house and intends working the railroad Miss Cork an friend Mr have to city after spending at Mr Philip Miss has arrived home after vacation in Several from around here intend going Exhibition- I what attraction Joe has out way Mr and visited friends in on Sunday Mrs Leslie and son are vistiUt Mr Philip The Misses and Rosalia Mar shall spent Sunday at their- heme here an M months Mr kit her died at and Oh leeeaset had the service of T for lor ho past years fie resided bridge He leaves a two daughters Mr In iihmuiy was sold to Mr liamlU loa Mot mount of this week the Heal of fr of Richmond Was Sutton mi TAKE NOTICE that a for raising under the provisions of the Tile Drainage Act will be tak en into consideration by the Munici pal Council the Township of East at the Municipal Hall Sharon on the day of Septem ber at the hour of Two oclock in the afternoon A R 3w3l Clerk School Opens Sept 3rd GET YOUR School Supplies A Mrs P SUTTON WEST of you will find a Full Line AH Public School Requirements Also we carry a Large Stock of stationery post cards reading books bibles account books time books heads pens pencils foolscap Everything as Good as the Best and Cheaper Than the Cheapest im I A W X Farm for Sale IN THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH Tenders will be received for the purchase of the homestead Farm the lata Thomas SenneU being part of Lot 17 in Con Township adjoining the village of containing Seventytwo Acres all cleared good bouse and bank barn with stabling eatrally and good land at pres ent rented tor two hundred dollars year Must be sold to close estate will be received the un dersigned up to the Fifteenth day September 1913 The lowet or any other tender not necessarily ac cepted Terms on application ALSO The Farm Woodslde at present occupied by tbe undersigned on the baseline of the above mentioned Township Convenient to Stat- Metropolitan Railway con taining one hundred and fifty acres nearly half and excellent aim ing land the remainder good pasture with good epilog water supply the are nearly new on the pro perty nnd In first diss condition an easy to bundle for man that deals or farm stock Rural mail delivery and telephone Take a look at these proper ties Terras easy North July 16th HENRY SENNDTT The Church Basement presented an attractive appearance on Monday evening when the Brad ford District delegates to the Whit by Summer School gave a demon stration of a days tine as car ried out at Whitby Missionary maps covered the walls missionary liter ature occupied one table curios an other and photographs of classes and sports the Conference were dis played Dr Wilkinson of Newmar ket who occupied the chair made a brief explanatory speech before the meeting was formally opened with a short song sertjce conducted by Miss Milne After the singing and prayer a Mission Study Class was led by Dr Wilkinson and Why is Now the decisive hour for Missions was the subject The needs of the various countries were earnestly de- by Misses Paul and Meek of Newmarket Miss Terry of Sharon and Miss Sprague of Following this interesting and eye- opening I discussion Dr Wilkinson gave a bright blackboard talk on Mission Study Is it Necessary Why Where How When Many important facts were brought to light and explained to the immense benefit of all Then came ashort recess joyably spent in examining the curios and pictures the program being con tinued with a Missionary impersona tion by Miss Terry who as Miss returned Missionary front India her personal experi ences in great work there A life talk by Miss Sprague who took as subject Mow Can I Make My Life Count brought this most novel and decidedly educative service to a close All present and there was a goodly number despite the ruin expressed their gratitude for the opportunity of hearing at least an echo of the messages received dur ing the Inspiring week at Whitby and increased enthusiasm for Missions and greater fervor in all lines of mis sionary effort should be the result ROACHS POINT During storm last Saturday afternoon the lightning struck a trol ley pole and set it on fire Another important real estate deal has been The Edgar Es tate has been sold to Mr Fenson the elevator man in Toronto for tte handsome sum The carpenters are still at Dr Wesleys new summer home It is going eo be a dandy and the loca tion Is ideals Somebody stole a lot of scant ling from the place It the Dr gets a clue to the thief ho will it hot for him CORNERS Quarterly Meeting in two or three weeks Terribly wet weather in this part the country Grain that is cut cannot dry and farmers cannot draw it In No doubt the grain will grow In the There is lot of grain in the fteWs yet Where are all the On the tbe rubbish Is not hewn down on the and pigs are tearing up the roads to perfection on the I Who Is that young man from New market promised to a young lady to the but got excited and hew past the place like a In the air and picked up STRAYED Came- upon Lot of Bast on or about and red sow Owner will please pay fox ad and away A HENRY t Queonaville on had got their quietus Sere button Baldwin Its Just lea to say Sutton Mrs Grylls in making Very Improvements about her Jo Its gay Herman noticeably storm was a wild Hon of let ItiiooH- as though the Stortn King was picking a crow with the Perry- IteS- Tho display was pcrior to any of mans fireworks I sienv heat of ilislST Krai the dynamiter ftHals the famous He is as was it to ir out the hops and evil it Is an enormous amount for the dam Cheap advice cornea from those as a usual tiring who ihrouglk Ignorance as the direct Iritxivement The antltsn by and solo by Mrs ohn wore is In fcollns I for next Sunday In a Dangerous Miss Morton West wvAl In town this on ruosaay are of giving a in many other Uvea In fcrt and Sunday wilh Mr ftoss paid a JjiT lbc visit to Sutton last l the price John Jeremiah Joseph Foster Thompson of experimented with dynamite to a the Misses La violet stumps ills little son says to iiuttoo my raw says so Billy should Inspect lias Mr A Martin of spoht over the week end J Smftlley and airs Minor of spent the week with Mr and Mrs McKay Miss Slovens of Rochester Is a guest of her cousin Miss In towo Mrs Hartley and Miss Hartley of Barrio wore of Mrs on Friday Mr Geo Cuttle is leaving for a a extended tour through the States and Western provinces Mrs A and Mrs of spending the week in Sutton the guests of Mrs J Mr and Mrs J motor ed to Whitby last week and days at the of father Mr A and family also Mr Pugaloy spent over the week end in They went over in their launch Mr Fred Nottingham Is awaj this week visiting in Uxbridge Whitby and points Mrs Nottingham is in Newmarket Baldwins great cooler- Hed- die with Youd hear or see no more of Edward unless you got a Jag on- News Is too too It would upset me to record all take in the Canadian Nation al Exhibition tave in also worth going fifty miles to see BALDWIN BREEZES Mrs has Sinclair is very poorly Dropsy has again asserted its pres ence Sally has recover ed from her indisposition and has re sumed her position as pumpkinpie maker on the household staff Misses and Velma preparing to take in the Canadian Exposition as chums They are a pair of beauties as to beauty of face and figure and beauty of- mind and They reflect credit on Baldwin reports that his suc cesses at Long Branch shoot encour aged and almost guaranteed him suc cess Ottawa and hes meeting some worlds too A little bird is authority for the that the sunny little god Cupid is- flirting around the elegant songstress fair Edna Its altogeth er likely some sweet day by and her voice will be carolling forth Hush my dear lie still and slum ber Holy angels guard thy bed and other sweet Im every day too that our Mary Taylor will be off on a simi lar mission All signs seem to radi ate towards a centre marked Mar riage Circle Sunday evening was ai supremely fine for driving a calm still njglrt and the moods pale light shone soft oer hill and dale The air was soft and balmy I paid ho heed to the young couples who were showing off but I observed Mr and Mrs A Crydermoa Mr ajd Mrs Tommy model farmer and bis model wife and oth ers of our happy married couples en joying themselves It was very an noying and aggravating to think wasnt In it for you know I am a staunch advocate of marriage accord ing to the law of God Chris tianity am bitterly opposed to those morganio marriages free unlawful cqbabflations etc of which there are far too many in these parts There has been much ion and shaking of the dry bones amongst offenders In this respect by rumors that government officers were after such with to put their offspring in public institutions for education and care Mr Moiyruaux Grand Forks N Dakota has purchased the homestead the late Paul Gum Swamp He got tho tight He will become door neighbor to his Edward He will be a good citizen Mr Ernie is making money hand over flst these days He up young cattle and reselling thorn- minus a big nibble He right and sells double right wrong Paul La got considerable produce at the market this Butter and eggs all round Baldwin champions went to Sut ton on Saturday play what was to have been a three cornered game Sutton Baldwin Virginia Vir ginia flunked but Baldwin are true blues Tbevoame home looking like an old ben moulting season and feeling I suppose as Dr Charlies game cook after he had crowed a challenge had it accepted add had it out with Will game Remember I Im not Council Above Council met at on Wednesday August at pin Members all ol pre vious meeting read and adopted Mr Barber the Engineer was and the following tenders and offers were received tor the Bridge lb Abutments arid concrete D 2000 Lewis Construction Co King Steel Superstructure Dominion BridgeCo Canadian Bridge Co Toronto Structure Co 3360 Bridge Co 4270 Bridge Co 3825 Ontario Bridge Co 3S00 National Bridge Co Jacksons Point 1965 The cement given to the Lewis Construction Co of Toronto The cement work was given to the National Bridge Co of Montreal for delivery at Jacksons Point the Council satisfied that it could bo for all teaming and labor included Rates for year was levied as follows County mills Township mills Genital School mills Also the special school rate tor the various school sections Council adjourned to meet at on Saturday Nov 2nd pm W a Mrs of a few with Mrs Marsh Tate and this Week Miss spent Wednesday in towO Mr let i for Cat- jtary Miss returned to the on Tuesday Rev and Mrs Were town Miss May der Euchre last Saturday evening Those present were haw Louie West Susie Madge Marsh Flo Helen Chapman Pones- Marsh Mr Hoy Barker Jack K RroWn son V Pete lov- Reg spending a the city are out for annual Corn Roast to he in the Park next Wednesday evening J Miss Mae tennox to the city Its too bad- that one of the market had to leave so early night weak Its about timVtlroy stopped the Cobalt A number of our boys left for the West on Tuesday last MIssKHdna Morris of Toronto is vacation cou sin Miss Muriel Master Willie Carberry of Aurora is spending a few days with his grandmother Mrs Jane Stephenson The canal reams returned on Fr- day The cucumber crop a failure Miss Rose of Keswick and and Miss Clara Morris of Toronto spent with their grandmoth er Mr Everett lover has accept ed a position as draughtsman in Pet- The bridge over the Holland River on the north side of town Is now open to traffic It was replanked last week On Monday the wind uaroofed a part of Mr house on Second street and also blew a frame imple ment shed all to pieces parts- ot it being carried forty rods away The in Amsterdam schoolyard was completely shattered Mr John Rogers while standing at one ot his windows saw the light ning strike the fence in Mr Fred field and immediately take fire but the heavy rain which was falling- at time extinguished it Win- Foster is building a barn on Second street and putting a ce ment cellar under it We Give Away FreeofCost The Peoples Common Sense Medical tealo Enillih or Simplified R V the Hotel at Buffalo a book nd orer French any ajM lo and of hit Doocor Book were aold at redar SK50 AKcrwajdi about and a toUIlon were as A new rarUed edition- now ready lor aend NOW all a Addreaar Dr V Buffalo Y j ftteil ror peculiar a ih lu makers are not Co print on its Its HOLLAND LANDING A f Miss M Kitehing who has been visiting ft her home the past month returned to the city on Wednesday last Miss Madge Marsh leaves on Mon day for Cedar Dale where she has ac cepted a position as teacher In the Public School Mr spent a taw days this week In the city Mr John has purchised the property formerly owned by the late Barker Mr John Fuller who has been very poorly the past few days we are pleased to say Is better The funeral service for the lata Merrltt who expired- sud denly his on Aug held In the Methodist Church on evening last Tho Rev John A Callan preached lo a large congregation from ISth Chap 2nd Verse After speaking in a few well chosen phrases of the de parted the preacher exhorted the bereaved to entertain this unwelcome visitor called death and showed th many had experienced angel blessings Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS Mr and Mrs Black moved to on Monday last Mr and Mrs Geo Robinson spent the l Rev Jeffreys intends going for a weeks vacation so the service next Sunday will be conducted by Mr Wesley of Toronto J On Saturday afternoon last the large barn of Mr Micbael west of the village was struck by lightning and narrowly escaped from being burned the lightning the windmill shaft and tired some hay in the north mow News was telephoned to the village and very soon a wagon load of volunteers was at hand and the fire was extinguish ed just as the well went dry Irvine Harvey Is engaged as princi pal of continuation school at where he goes to up his duties next week Rev Jcihn Coburn the blind orator of Toronto gave a very interesting sermon here on Sunday evening men for the appointment publishing a revised financial Quarterly Board omclals are The Band of Hope held a most suc cessful picnic SWIoh school grounds Mr J I Harvey who has tending summer courso at Central College Toronto is home for a few weeks prior to his taking a position as principal of a continua tion school at Essex Coun ty ORCHARD BEACH Strayed Came upon lot East Owilllmbury Sprir Calves two Holstelns and one Red Owner will please pay charges and take them away W A We Represent Royal Fire Insurance Co Fire Insurance Co Independent Fire Co General Animals Co Canada Issuer of Marriage Done J A McFARLAND steamer from Belle Roachs Point to oh Saturday last was fairly well patronized but tho passengers report had quite a rough ride a strong wind prevail ing part of the- time Mr T adding- to the pleasure ot cottagers at this re- by giving pleasant boat tides his gasoline yacht weather has been and the Lake water so troubled that scarcely any flsttng has been done for the past two weeks Owners of cottages at this resort are wondering why the Road Over seen has not been calling them for the statute labor tax The fool canoeist who used to rock boat is now smoking cigarettes in a gasoline launch During last week and part of this week lady tourists at Orchard Beach wrapper No No ONE REMEDY for which contain do od tab Ittormina Mad from medicinal forest root of rain -J- r 1 Strong Progressive Insurance Co AS THR FOLLOWING FINANCIAL- SHOWS BALANCE OF Tit Insurance Co Ltd On the 1st of assets MORTGAGES on property United Kingdom out of the Tailed Kingdom LOANS on parochial and other Public rates 4 III It ft pit If I l flMfl ta LUe Interests Reversions A Stocks and Shares Companys Policies within their surrender values LSI INVESTMENTS Deposits with the High Court British Securities Municipal ami County Securities United Kingdom Indian and Colonial Government Securities Provincial Securities Municipal Securities Foreign Government Securities Provincial Securities ilunicipal Securities Railway and other Debentures and Debenture Steels- Home and Foreign Railway and other Preference and Guaranteed Stocks lfl8M50 Ordinary Stocks of which is FreeboW Ground Rents House Property Freehold United Kingdom w 6477144 India and Colonies United States Other Foreign Countries 4 ill 1226416 12 10 tft 1 tJ5 53 A Leasehold AGENTS BALANCES OUTSTANDING PREMIUMS INTEREST DIVIDENDS RENTS INTEREST accrued but not payable BILLS Receivable CASH- vIC I flVa imiii In hand and on current accounts i 4 a 569342 57 I LIABILITIES Shareholders Capital paid shares of per Share paid Life Assurance Fund Annuity Fund i 3602210 Capital Redemption Assurances Personal Accident Fund Employers Liability Fund General Insurances Account Marine Fund Superannuation Fund Fire Fund V Reserve Fund Profit and Fund I Ht 4 krt 414 4 4 lfHl 113457 40 55 25 66 J miiim Debenture Stock Perpetual Insurance Account Claims admitted or intimated but not paid A Fire a 4a- Marine- v 58841395487 33 a afi I 44 MUM 4444 Annuities due and unpaid js Outstanding Dividends Outstanding Balances Balances of Reinsurance Accounts Debentures Interest due 1st January Final Dividend payable June 4 4 i444 4 93 1456967 OS AUDITORS REPORT We have examined the Accounts and Balance Sheet of the Company for the year ending December and in accordance with the provi- the Companies Consolidation Act we report that we obtained all tbe fnfornvation and explanations we have required and that in our opinion the Balance Sheet is properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the state of the affairs according to the best of our information and tbe explanations given to us and as shewn by returns from Auxiliary Companies and the Hooks Company We have examined the Securities Deeds for Properties held here and have satisfied ourselves as to existence of the Securities and Deeds deposited abroad and those relating to Auxiliary Companies The present aggregate value of the Securities is in excess the amount appearing in the Balance Sheet HARMOOD BANNER SON Liverpool May Chartered Accountants capital authorized 41460000000 subscribed PAID UP 314961640 TORONTO OFFICE Royal Insurance Building 3729 Wellington St East Toronto GEORGE General Manager JOHN RANKIN Chairman PERCY QUINN i alanager J C McFAR LAND Local Agent to doa warm wraps and woolen on account the Indemeacy the weather Z homegrown has peddled ftlong the about the middle of August but and other points on has the- supply been who previously height taUng like the demand this season propriety to go about with bare Strayed v Came upon Lot ol East on or the o August red Spring Call Owner can have sain by proving pro- Paying charges and taking tha way i A A r tJS Sft6 SSS8S3e fttv i ssr- 3KBS TORONTO