FRIDAY 1913 We have just opened a of Direct import at Specially Low Prices Nice Goods J They are White Body with Bands A NEST OF cts Tbe Jugs are from to re cording to sire Always a Bargain in Window R A SMI IMPORTER OF STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA A not tier House Sold- Davis has bought Mr house dWiy through I Estate has authorised to issue marriage license Only one ear of live stock was to Toronto here on Wei ExpressHerald nioves into quarters llar St today tomorrow Mr Joseph commenc ed the election a new house in town A lot of Newmarket people took ad vantage of the last Wednesday lull- to Visit the Toronto Exhi bition- lisle Studio Mr J of the Col umbia Conservatory Music A down from Orchard Beach on but the rain cowing on four saved the visit ors from an Ignominious defeat Closed Public Library and Reading will bo closed Friday and Saturday for removal to the corner and Water streets After the Somebody has been carrying oil parts 0 impcjiirns etc on farm south of Pickering lege causing lot lost and annoys to say nothing of toe value articles A rowan Is offered for that will catch the be vicinity should eyes open Brief Id is to be thai will show us the kind of in which you can corn grow Wat about the New Post tor will be- no Wedtiiig of the day in September Toronto tetter I iVl SI 13 17 13 111 GO 55 S3- the and had tew been granted right to the method in Mr Newton Will receive pupils in his Studio and from to oclock China Hall Grocery YOUR ATTENTION IS TO THE FOLLOWING SPE CIALTIES pi CK Sweet Mixed in Bulk In bottles we have Mixed Pickles and ChowChow and Pickled Walnuts bottle Yan bottle Pan Sauce 20c bottle Relish 20c bottle Cataup and JAMS Imported Raspberry per jar Imported Strawberry Imported Spring Lemon Imported Spring Orange Butter Imported Spring Pineapple Butter Also a Full Assortment Table Jellies in Quart and Pint Sizes W BOSWORTH Leading fipocep Prompt Delivery Phone CORNER OF Main Timothy streets expected- Davis Leather Co las week to use new building to North although it is let com pleted hut by using the vats provide therein aw their output per cent The contract Webber Chimney Co Chicago to construct a cement ICO feet high with a capacity for p each The ma- will to put grounds Church Large Congregations last Sunday were pleiisil to welcome the pastor J SiiniNvn back to his pulpit and bis sermons as usual were of exceedingly edifying The music too was good Miss Mo- mediately and the chimney must be Kay contributed in the mom- completed before the interferes This is the largest chimney building I firm in the world and have the rep utation tor building the finest 55 00 OS for vi- ivo tat bit as re he Canadian National Exhibition SOME FEATURES OP Imperial Year Imperial Cadet Cadtts from all Domini Exhibits by the Dominion Exhibits Band of Scots Guards From Paintings of the Year from Europe Paintings by beat Canadian and American Artists Imperial Cadet Competitions Boy Scouts Review I nft In Educational Exhibits Siege of Delhi Besses O Bam Band tains Beit Brass Dragoons Musical Ride Industries In Operation Butter Making Competitions Americas Great Stock ShovT Canadas Biggest Dog Show Americas Prettiest Pussies Japanese Day Fireworks Motor Boat Races Hippodrome and Circus Four Stages and Arena all going Eruption of Mount Vesuvius Athletic Sports Ten Band Concerts Dally Acres of Manufactures Imperial Fireworks 60 Numbers Aug 24 1912 Sept 9 ami Miss Harder carried the so- irauo solo in the evening with pastor expects to preach at services next Sunday Morning Subject A Modem Mo ses Evening Greitest Labor Union in World A special invitation to all -ork- ing men Good Music Are You Insured This Is a very important whether it pertains to life or tire should be insured Life is uncertain and death is sure and this financial protection for- ones more than ever in the post Every owner of property should also carry fire insurance be cause tho rate is so low that no one need worry it they select a reliable company to take the risk call attention to the financial standing of tho Royal Insurance Co on page six of this issue represented by Mr J This of tho strongest companies in the world was the first Company to pay claims after the great Son Fran cisco earthquake on account of which disaster it paid six million dollars to Its patrons This Company makes no charge of premium on wind mills or gasoline engines when con nected with property chimneys on tle American con tinent carloads of skins largely Russia and other European countries ore waiting to be unload ed but cannot unload until root is on one of the new buildings as the present storage facilities- at the tannery are already overfilled with raw stock Field Crops Competition following is the result of standing field crop competition of Newmarket Agricultural i Boaders Wanted for mow Boariew TV Cor Victsjri Park Afe goo i- at sad If ro be Ate fi is GREGORYS lor- Dry Cleaning and Pressing Of or Jobbing House to Newmarket J Srond Hand Door Saeb and J 1 J DavlsPoIsort took place on morning at the residence of the brides parents Kingston of Isabella Johnston Poison sec ond daughter of Mr and Mrs Neil g Poison and Mr Harold Wilkie Davis son of Hon J and Mrs Davis of Newmarket Rev James Rollins of uncle of the officiating The bride wore a satin gown with court train and the grooms gift a diamond peudant She was attended by Miss Jean as brides maid Miss Poison her sister as maid of honor and little Miss Margaret Davis as flower girl J Davis of Newmarket brother of Iks groom was best man Among the outoftown guests were and Mrs J Davis Miss Ma bel Davis Mr and Mrs Dav is Mr and Mrs Andy Davis Dr and Webb Newmarket Mr and Mrs Henry Poison N and Mrs of Toronto Toronto John New York Y I Mr and Mrs Davis left on a trip East On their return they will take ilp residence on Stuart street King ston Christian Church Last Sundays services were well sustained Good congregations greet ed the at both In the we were favored by the presence of Chandler of toe Salvation Army who a jery forceful sermon based- he words Workers together with Him which was listened to with delight by all present pastors evening was The Power and Good ness of God in which he sustained his wellknown ability to the satis faction of all present The month ly business meeting on Monday even ing attended to a number of items of work already in hand and arrang ed for their further development very enjoyable time was spent by about at tbe home of Mrs on after noon Rev A the pop ular former pastor and wife arrived in time for the lunch and added great- If to the pleasure of the occasion The ladles now have several fine quilts completed and would bo glad to fill orders for a limited quantity of plain sewing fancy work also and puffs The next- meeting will be on Wednesday at home of Mrs Ave All are In- ni to CO CO DO a a a a rf I a a 5 Newmarket Fair Everything Is progressing favorably for the annual County Pair in New market on Sept and 19 and it bids fair to all The fathers of Newmarket Fair built a good foundation and the suc ceeding generation have done good work in the superstructure The grounds and buildings have been en larged and improved until now our accommodation is excelled by only a few Fall Fairs In the Province Out siders are not slow to the progress we been making the past few years and the result is far more applications for space are being received than usual This means that besides usual prodigious products of the farm for which hand some premiums are ottered a variety of other exhibits- and attractions will bo on the grounds In the speeding contests there will bo a pace and trot for a purse of 10000 3 minute pace or trot for horses that have never won a race for a purse of A pace and a trot- for a purse of and a pace or trot for a purse of Newmarket Fair- has a reputation for the best Exhibits to be found anywhere outside of Toronto and Guelphrand the probabilities are that this will be more that sustain ed An effort is mad to give tho occupants of the Grand Stand the worth of their money BasketBali Contest between New market and Richmond Hill High School Girls aorrfe firstclass attrac tions are being secured Brass Bands on last two days and Concerts In Town Hall both ev enings- by highclass talent Partic ulars later 1 v Here new parody on Mary and her Lamb Mary bad a little lamb With mint sauce on Mary toe this It shooRdittcrV so she IV is predicted that in ten more Toronto will be calling lor nearly of elec tric energy from It may not be generally but it is a that three hundred women cooks went With the first harvesters excursion the IVrreht riinHHjf has It that Is to have wlet in Arena j the will give Sir Whitney ttS to contort on any advanced pteco of ion one can suggest Darby son brought be fore the Court for assault When case w for trial it turned out that Soft only and peVeflted his father bis Court the case andtoM the com plainant to in future Or he send hint ho nob the to rcspeci The 11st of Cases for trial to go be- fore the- September Sessions Is a re cord onceover now The cost these trials will be lieIu- County of York and Toronto Country are taxed to help Toronto punish its criminal popula tionnow the- IrrCfeaie A rumour is current to tle that the Normal School grounds wilt bo by Mackenzie Mann for radial The Metropolitan patrons wont landed tnere of North Toronto Tw ot the striking Toronto theat rical orchestras have accepted the compromise offered them by Managers Solmon and Sheppard and It is that both the Princess and Royal will have no further this SMSOJl Here is a good one It was a church and the was hand somely decorated with flowers the air being with their frag rance Little Lola exclaimed in au dible mamma doesmt it swell awfully solemn In lore Dr under indict ment in connection with the wreck ing of the Fanners Bank is report ed seriduslv ill at a private hospital in this city Men who go out on strike on par ticularly busy occasions such as times and thereby discom- people who visit the scarcely deserve to succeed Strikers loose the sympathy of the public in such instances A metal worker nanied Geo lost his balance while at work on the root of a house Street last Saturday morning and fell to the ground fracturing his left leg above the ankle The funeral to St James Cemetery of Mr Alex Lee took place on Saturday Deceased who was super intendent of one of the book depart ments of the Clark Publishing Co suddenly dropped dead while rid ing in a Street car The Dukeof and party are staying at the res idence of Sir while they remain in the city attended the Exhibition on Tuesday Harold Rolling the young mulatto charged with seducing Olive Scully years at Lloyd town was brought up in custody Tuesday before Magistrate Clay at tho coun ty police court and to the fall sessions for trial bail being flx- at County Crown Attorney Greer prosecuted and K appeared for the defence Mrs Scully the mother the com plainant desired that the prosecu tion should be withdrawn as prison er was willing to marry her daugh ter but the court insisted the law taking its course While playing in tbe street in front of her homo twoyearold Speight was knocked down ran over by a passing wagon The child skull was fractured and she died a few hours iater in the Western Hos pital During Saturday night an aged Methodist Minister Rev Dr Cor nish passed away Ever since Iks has been the active statistician of the General Conference He was well known as the author The of Methodism In Burglars entered the home of Harris Sussex avenue last Sunday evening and got away with in cash two gold watches and quan tity of jewellery The family were absent at the tlmo Lake Shore Road under construction by the York Good Roads Commissioners is now completed Dundas street has been open since Sunday and all being well the Kingston Road will be completed nxt The Street Co put into service the first of the new palace Monday They are being built to Sake the place of the cars destroyed in the King Street barns a few months ago The franchise of the Toronto and Scarborough Electrical Railway Co expires on the November There is no renewal clause In the Companys charter Tho next deal will be with the city At the corner of King and Yonge streets last Monday evening a man was struck- by a street car and re ceived a fracture the Kip For the price of admission to the grounds no where else in the world can so much be seen that is Attrac tive and instructive as at the Cana dian National Exhibition Today Canadian Press day After collapsing In tbe street Mr Frank Barber York Coun ty construction and bridge engineer I t t I WHEN YOU ASH FOR PEABODYS OVERALLS IF LOCAL SAYS HE SOMETHING JUST AS Compare them note the ri al OF OF THE ON THE COATS NOTE THE GAUNTLET CUFFANOTHE UNIFORM BAND THEN ASGOODGARMENT STANDS THE IT BY AIL MEANS BUT THEY WONT STAND A CAREFUL COMPARISON WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR GUARANTEED OVERALLS Go The Mem Main Newmarket i taken ill just as he lei the commis sioners office at Adelaide street Dr is in charge the ease but has not decided wheth er or not be will operate lor appen dicitis which is the cause of his ill ness ORCHARD BEACH Miss Stinson of Toronto was the guest Mr Robertson during the past week Miss Patty Aylward of Queensville is spending lewdays with her aunt Mrs Word has been received that Mrs Ronnie and daughter have greatly joyed the summer the OW try sail for home on the of Sept The Orchard Beach bowlers went to Newmarket on Monday hut the storm prevented them from winning Miss Irene left yesterday morning for Cleveland Ohio io vis it her uncle Another large raft logs for Factory arrived at the Beach yesterday An insect known as the has been very bad on cherry plum and apple trees on the Beach this season Guests at Boarding Houses and cot tagers during this have teen bidding Orchard tor the season A good many more will move out the beginning next Orchard Beach was visited with a terrible thunderstorm on Monday The blew perfect gale and rain for a short time fell in tor rents mingled with some hail Cars ore the Metropolitan were delayed about two hours If an engine- stationary It wilting material 34000 people attended tip tost Michaels Hospital rnorial Service for Booth ln Tuesday and for several hours CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY Harvesters Wanted Excursion to Winnipeg of destination left to the ft mile from Winnipeg to Saskatoon Swan Edmon ton and to all other points on the Canadian Northern Railway Returning a mile from all points on from Winnipeg to original starting point A DATES OF SALM AUG From Toronto and and lines In Onta rio Toronto to and South thereof AUG From Toronto and tall C N stations east and south of Sparrow Lake j all stations on Central Ontario Railway stations on Bay of except Kingston also points on other lines north of TorontoSarnia line and east of but not including Lake and Renfrew AUG From Toronto all C O stations east and south of Sparrow Lake all Central Ontario Railway and Bay fiuipte stations and points east of but wot including AUG From Toronto to Sparrow Lake on also points on other lines Toronto to North Bay Sudbury and west thereof The richest country in the West is served by the Canadian Northern Railway The demand for Harvesters along its lines is very heavy and the wages the highest Write for Guide showing 35000 free homesteads awaiting the settler For full information apply to FA1RBLVRN Pass Can Nor Ry Toronto Ont I a heavy breeze struck the bow of the canoe overturning it nti Sorry he Doubted Strength ofjady Mr and Miss Yest of Sharon spent Sunday with Miss Miss has returned alter a few days visit in the States Mr Charles Norton has completed the wall under his residence and re ports things in tiptop shape for Mr Mathewson of was in town on Monday erecting slings In Mr barn Mr Joseph Cutting has purchased three yoke oxen so bush business will certainly be booming this win ter Mr Arthur Maze spent Sunday ev ening on fourth line As Mr health is not- much improved Mr Watson Millard of Newmarket attending to bis bar- vest I Mr and Mrs EH Newmarket were visiting old on the fourth line Sunday last Mr and Mrs Marshall of Newmar ket visited at Mr last Sunday Mr and Mrs Oils ot Maple Mr and Mrs Black of PotUgeville Mr and Mrs Fred Webster of the visit- at Mr Myron on Sunday A very severe wind storm passed over this neighborhood on Monday last doing considerable dam ago to fences trees etc Dick over a bill to wag er the waitress who was serving mm to that she could not force open his hand and extracttbe bill Mary Sloga the waitress promptly reliev ed of the bill He then put five twentydollar bills In bis hand and bet that sum against the five the waitress had that she could not re peat the feat Thereupon she took Montreal Aug Misplaced con fidence in his own strength cost Ar thur Catzaro last month a sum which he cannot recover according to VI t believe him when he declared that be was only- fooling and bo im mediately bad her arrested for theft- The Recorder however could not see it that way a ruling handed down in the Record ers Court today Mary an Amazonian waitress profits accord ingly entered an restau rant July and clenching his hand Era till Christmas for GARDENS The Resldental District OF NE WM A PRESENTS BOULEVARDS PARKS I The Now and SubDivision located between Queen and streets East of Prospect Avenue Only Five to Walk from the Factories Aug triple drowning occurred at Mud Lake aoar fc Charlton- when three farmers Gross man and Levy from canoe The were And have our easy payment plan tares Open FRANK J SULLIVAN or call at Hotel J I iV- i mm