Newmarket Era, 30 Aug 1912, p. 8

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fe S i iv i I r i r Suffered Agony Until Cared Him if i I Hundreds of people gladly testify to the wonderful curative powers the famous fruit medicine To those now suffering with Indigestion Dyspepsia or other Stomach Trouble this letter Stirling the well known real estate operator of Western shows the waj to speed And were to beneficial to me when I suffered with dUtresstajr Dyspepsia that I wish to Inform you or- their satisfactory results Although I lure In past suffered Agony with Dyspepsls I am now In perfect health accom plished the desired result STIRUNO Will cure every trace of Indigestion Sour Stomach Bloating Pain After Eating Biliousness and Constipation Is the only remedy the world of fruit juices and Valuable tonics a box for trial At all dealers Or sent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa Mr of late ly pi has and rented It to Arrested on a arm of where ho alias Hoffman a was to yesterday by of to to livssla Is wanted foe a criminal throe days police hive looking or the Russian warrant Is sued by Sunt Joseph Rogers of the Provincial He Will aw taken to Quebec by Mr- IVtet ship ped back his native land r Appartments to Rent In the Toronto Building J 1 Miss Miss spent at Mr at Marjot Hurling and lark are visiting at Mrs Har ris Jacksons this week Jing this splendid range places you Under no guarantee they people because we know Its just as no CASTOR I A The Kind You Haw few born the of and under hi sapcrriBlon for cm Allow one to yon Imitations and JuMHlirsir and endanger lire health of Children Experience against What CA9TORIA Cart or la is a for Castor Oil Paregoric Drips and BoothinSTrur Pleasant It contains Opium nor other Narcotic IU age Wormian allay It It relieve Teething Trouble cures Constipation and Flatulency It as similates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bo giving healthy and natural The Children Panacea the Mother TUB Kind You Have Always Boogfit the Signature of Mrs Jos and Mrs I For Sale top cutter one set ot single harness all in first class repair Apply to Cot Queen and Newmarket Niagara streets For Sale in tie growing manufacturing Town Newmarket- corner Main and Water Streets very v suitable for a Roche doctor A Co price S 2 Houses for Sale new frame House on Huron St and one Red Brick House with all Modern Conveniences St Apply to J St 3 New Brick Houses On Ave lor aale Two are at present occupied and the other one wlll be ready shortly All modern Conveniences Apply to Isaac Rose Newmarket or Wm French Mi Al bert Weaver ami daughter spent Monday with Miss Mabel at Mr returned from Jack sons Point alter weeks his family Mr Mortimer of the Newmarket branch the Co in town day last work on a trip Mr and Mrs llulse and two sons ami Mrs of Au rora spent civic holiday on a motor Mr A Weaver has purchased the llrown business in Tottenham He will carry oh the drug business both in ami but will continue to here A social was held in the Methodist Church Key was Irving to get the teachers and parents intcresM in Sunday- school work A- the- directors of the Agricultural Society was held on Saturday evening prize list was revised tor the annual rail fair will he on Octo ber 10 and iiiL Era till Christmas lor Sold by Si A ALLAN CO I i JACKSONS POINT- very pleasant was spent at the House on Friday and a made to Sanders of ft goldheaded cane a pair of extra quality ot Glasgow The presenta tion was made by Mr of Toronto In behalf of the guests In Use For Over 3d because crocus and anemone the may be tor the for- all nature is once more awake TO the tree alio and the shrubs Jo- the ft nft- Mt stream or most and has jSrhali t hind sky and- alt the of the to the fill with theiiaKivJiis is wonder thai hcjart- Wants to shout Cray 1 For Sale lew Brick Houses on Park Ave all conveniences also one frame house on Him St For terms apply MRS SCOTT The Cedars Cor Victoria and Park Farm lor Sale 50 the Choicest Land in Township of Whitchurch east Aurora on leading road delivery and telephone Good buildings about GO voting bearing ple trees toother with small fruits Price right for quick sale BROTHERS 4w32 Aurora For dale fc Farm of acres being lot 9 in 3rd Con Soil is clay loam and s En excellent condi tion aeres under cultivation barn stone basement other buildings good Well and spring wa ter Convenient to school churches ounce and railroads Price on easy ternis Foe particulars to owner DONALD VacboUOnt Farms for Sale it- Call at the Newmarket Town Real Estate Office got Prices on Large of Uptodate Houses with 11 Modern A Snap Houses at a Bargain Get our Prices on a Numbs ot Lots for Sale We Bur Town Houses at thli and also rent houses Agent for Atlas Fire Insurance Co AURORA Miss I and Miss Minnie of Newmarket and Miss Pearl Barker spent past week with John Welling ton Street Mr Fred I Long of Spokane Wash was here on Tuesday lor a short time visiting- his sister Mrs John Wells Street After an absence of about a year in and Mrs J here to reside The Leather- Company are installing machinery in their tannery on of arrived Miss Agues Rev J W Mrs mot with a painful on While cranking an auto the lever sprung back striking just the nose and making a bad cut which required three The young sjn ot Mr Rob erts of the township met with a very painful accident last week- His fath er and another man were unloading wheat and the boy unnoticed on the head cutting it in to the brain Medical attention was secured at once and heis making recov ery Terrible State of Affairs From Toronto Star ON VACATION By the clash the battle the delving and doom of life deceit with its stifled curses From demon of strife Hope- sleeps In the forests on the steeps Ahddod in the silence And God is the deeps Away to the lake and the Island Away on the swift canoe We leave the Old one We shorelahd steer toward the New Away the quiet mountains All rugged and cool and mossed about near the wagon A board was and the wiles thrown on and struck the child on a And clamor and care are lost Where- the winds of health are And natures voices call visions of Strength and smiles over all Toronto Mr returned lew days The High application to the coming School Board A deplorable state that has been existing for nearly a year right under the eyes or several min isters and three county constables was revealed this morning when Co Constable John Brown arrested Jas Rollings colored at Lloydtowu a little settlement outside of mi a charge of criminally as saulting Olive Scully a girl Rollings was brought hefore Magistrate W Clay and remanded machinery have already One could hardly believe story that from the lips wi- girl who is to be come a mother She said Iter was dead and her mother ran away and left her to get along the best way she could When Constable Brown found girl she was practically naked and had neither shoes nor stockings The house she lived in was unfit for habi tation being no thing than novel and lacked doors Brown The Star that if end the conditions lite worst in the County Chief Constable Phillips intends to have an investigation Stewart daughter of Stewart of this place who recently fcraduated at MacDonald College in Domestic Science has secured la situation in London and for that place in a Board have made the council to levy for for high school purposes for Farm tor Sale tv i acres more or less being com posed Lot in the rear of concession of the township Whit church I Good buildings on stone basements acres of bush Also a neve house on Gotham Street Newmarket For particulars apply to WILLIS Box Newmarket I Acre Farm for Sale This Is one of the choicest acre farms In the township being the West half Lot 16 in 2nd Con cession of miles north of A good rough cast house Bank with first class tabl ing pig pen and Implement houses fences are good and land is a high slate cultivation lot wafer Also have thirty pasture busa land- Will Belt together or In separate parcels HENRY M WRIOHT Landing year ami the Public have asked fur Both sums the last year The carload of brick Wilcox rick Co here Wednesday consigned to Mr James and Will be used in the ad dition to tlHJ Church They are a line looking brick equal in ap pearance to pressed brick Mr T J just east this town has peon successful in win ning prize in the field grain conv petition this year The contest was for the best five acres oats and the Judgment was made as the grain stood in field and from weeds There Were eighteen competi tors which the contest was very keen During the past week or so nego tiations have teen pending between the council ana a firm in Toronto the Collie Manufacturing Company Lin lied with a view to have them here and we are tlie council have in their negotiations asked the council to loan thein in twen ty equal annual payments including principal and to assist them in purchasing- a site and building tt factory for purpose manufac turing office The building which they propose to build is feet four storeys high with a basement As security tor the loan they will give a first mortgage on the site building plant and machinery The firm are now located in Toronto and are now employing twenty men In addition to loan of the company are asking for a fixed Wrong If they are you are In danger When through weakness or disease the kidneys fail to filter the from the blood trouble comes at once Backache Rheumatism Sciatica Gravel Diabetes Gall Stones and the deadly Disease are some the results of neglected kidneys Dr Morses Indian Root Pills contain a most effective diuretic which strengthens and stimulate the kidneys so that they do their work thoroughly and well Try Dr Morses Indian Root Pills pleased to anm been successful The company sessment of IB years loan and fixing on their plant for tor granting the the assessment received the first and second reading by the council will be submitted to be voted on the voters of the municipality on Monday loin Iter the The principals of the Company Mr and Mr Specialty Company in former as design er for over ten years Utter at the head of the partment for about thirteen years fc Era Ctolstmos Ail FOR MM v Whore the lonely loon is laughing And the white gulls are And the whippoorwill is crooning And the crane is king Where the Jackpine roots fiVAnd the creviced sumach springs And the blueberry all the summer A generous bounty brings Where the soul from th fears that alarm From the phantoms that stalk nod Flies away to the infinite bosom Nestling close to the heart if Point au MADNESS Whenever or fresh current flowed Against the eastern ray translucent pure With touch ethereal of heavens rod A drank from the clear milky Juice allaying Thirst- and refreshed nor envied grape Whose that turbulent fills with fumes madness to think use of strongest wines And strongest drinks our chief sup port of When God with these forbidden made choice to rear His mighty champion strong above compare I Whose driukiwas only from the John Milton Samson Agotdstes is of the very Importance that We should slnrtof with a consciousness of peace ft we fcflovr pet atj suii- of His To with siuh know ledge Is to begin It most doubtfully It your tain privilege to begin age with the in your bosom Joy head the song on and such -a- beginning will be you way But if you are to obtain tW lull never again must seek- it seek Is no vain thing hi a you feel thus you fbefl Will be found them ijrat seek me their whole Say with the apostle Vea doubtless and count all things but loss for the excellency tor whom suffered the the knowledge of Christ Jesus loss all Ibiinjs ntt may win Christ and you shall- not be al most but aUogcther a tasting all the cher ishing all hope those who are Christ Just as scholas tic and artistic matters broad line of distinction obtains between a mere amateur and a master so is there a line broad between the exper ience of the same Christian at one and at another There is the earing falling striving troubled of the victorious life of such as tilled with the fullness God For want of earnestness many of us live as amateurs when we mljAl know the power and glory masters in Wm Hewitt Dominion says referring- to the infantile death rate from intestinal and spread by the house fly he believes that the socalled Harmless fly js yearly the death of thousands of infants as well as spreading the germs typhoid fever are the best thing to rid your house of these dangerous pests leaver Possible for All Kinds of I i i Possible For All Kinds of and Coal Wood file NO BARGAINS FAIR DEALINGS BOTH WAYS FORESTER TO V A CO Phono newmarket delivery PROHIBITION The saloon from all other business in that no regards it as a The saloon Is a nuisance and toler ated only when It believed to he necessary The saloon cannot be ended at all the community does not want it The liquor seller ton- tent to sell wnvre Ms services are desiriAl and ought to be content to Aslpose his products among those desire IB the people of a block object to having a saloon in the block I think ought to have the right clurfp it If people ot a ward object to having a saloon in the ward I think they ought to have the ex clude ft If people of a town to having saloon in the town I they ought to have the right to ex elude it It the people of a country to having a saloon in the country I think they ought to have the exclude it and so on with the State ami with nation J i CANADIAN PACIFIC 50000 FARM LABORERS WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN CANADA J TO WINNIPCCI half from WUinif up to kMinoDton FROM WINNIPEG Hoi Mnstlsf yolnu of or feUuooioo 10 autlouj A line on ud South Mil Tonctp J Including Gatlph roof South Soothe AUGUST tod all but not the Grand Trunk to um Toronto to but M of Renfrew and Rtorew and lines HOW TO GET NEW HOOTS WE TRACK In three Months SHORTHAND IN SIX MONTHS GET OUR CATALOGUE V 1 1 1 Sovereign TfUOC MARK REG Sheathing Felt contains no oil or tar Is clean odorless vaterproof vermin proof and indestructible Makes houses draftproof wy to heat and comfortable la any Come in and see it y THE CO WHEves This question was satis factorily by a man at an experience Md in where capital speeches were made A huge Hibernian who had on- new pair of boots however to bo the chief speaker In the of his remarks which were given in a trim Irish brogue he said Thems a fine pair of boots ye have on ye says a neighbor to- me a week after mo the temper ance- pledge Ohey arc say any be the same token twas the gave them to nie That was generous of him says he sdys I hut I made a bargain him ho was to- keep his drink and I was to keep me money Youths Temperance Ban ner j I A SPRING THOUGHT Spring brings joy to thousands hearts to no one does it bring a fuller joy than to little children They do not realize why they feel so nappy they hear a new note in the air it is the of resurrection- but the children- think it is n of birds They know that tho and robin and bluebirds are once again with themand more favorite songsters are oh their way The children are happy because of the sweet and delicious spring odors They ere because days are longer and that can ay of until sunset r must prophesies Andrew Car negie will be looked Upon by the next as an extinct a as chewing- is considered by this- gen eration Perhaps he amended I should say the generation alter next It is never wise to set a date boo SHAKING HANDS quite number of people who a number- of people who do not know to shake Fre quently the act is performed In such a perfunctory way that it Is mere matter of form Those who are members the- social com mittee to welcome strangers door are in very great danger of be coming mechanical in their greetings They should try hard to keep the Committee out of sight and make the newcomer feel that they are coming into a warmhearted brother hood Dr in Success gives the following good advice hand shad ing you hands grasp the hand as though you were glad to see the owner of it not as though performing a formal duty Put your heart Into your handshake While you are holding the hand look into the persons eyes and give them a smile from you heart cor diality and geniality gleam in your very face There can be no doubt about It handshaking this kind counts for more than can be estimated a sad srtdScoUa Juoctioa and of Bay OUrta From Toronto sod all lUrkxu west to North Ballad wt J leciudia SiidUuy to Sault Stc Mule Ontario VKOriQ to WD U Each ticket will unhide- a coupon coupon has signed sou coupon v be an to September to nte of cent minimum fifty to say station west of Wloipi on the Cusdlai Canadbn at by a farmer he bis easued holder to work as a farm laborer the coupon ttUl be honored up September SI or Grand Trunk Pacific la Saikatchewaa of Alberta west of Edmonton Calfirjr or be a ticket gcci to station on the Canadhui or Cranf Trunk Pacific and Manitoba MacLeod Calrary and by the- sitae route as traveSBi or before November on pnyaienc of one half oak per cent SdJed to 1 froa the the certificate the antral at and thirty days at For uU particulars see CPB Agent ATKINSON JUST TRY INSIST ON I MONEY BACK SATISFACTORY Guarantee of Purity on Sugars Carmen Limited MartaVeal FOR SALE AT THE BEST FRED CODY V I NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET 1 Old vho need something kind find te- most Increased doses not ttyourdrujUt Ye i 14 I I Have a J Nonra Hemlock to Stmt ox a An eV a OLD NEWSPAPERS W mm I a- r X- 93 m JZF- iv TORONTO mm TS

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