n i to T Watsons JEWELRY STORK JACKSON Editor and to be Mm Beet Loaning bounty TE the Newmarket Friday S TERMS125 par mum It No Paper KQi North la SO Styles of Clocks to WATSONS i I To Make 20 MX No Single I GOOD The IK St fcUir on a charge of knowingly and with out excuse selling The Girl at We will Clear out the following A Mowers The Saving SI to each without warning a twaVy blow door I trembled A cold pcrsplrV started Iwi sh would not Her life depended on resolute you- mm fiwrtii and A railed Dont bo afraid- said the other Hours France was in office The roar ot city irafne was her She trembled when super entered I everybody safest place graph operator at too the pun drawing a mans pay Five minutes and Frances trained SB the an IS inch cut at a v i and quarts t Hammocks all Qualities will Clear per- cent oft Screen Doors and Windows All per Refrigerator tor Ice Box tor 350 cfUin hearing on Saturday last Wee win stole a ring Rat ons was a pitiable- one Is the AfaAlican tler- and plenty why she was untble to resist a is past She had hough paid tor It the other one fast away with Metropolitan Trolley Co put gang inert at work Oh proposed new route cm and he Ave last week on its private the girl way The city has to the volce this Hallway and u rt lVef or a stay on our farm two will now be lo men 4tel fathers boy on arm I vrUria day and and called nearest miles away- from Kyle Sept 10 T so hero the ftl DO you know what r Our townsman Kail Know Is announced nrori on the AGO sir like this with a storm worries W tfwMhfiK have iad a prosy winter this AM CHEAP Biqiis Hardware PHONE NEWMARKET Sir Mana it will Toronto March next passenger service will commence by next year The jail is no place tor a man with five medals and muttered an expri vate in the Highland Light Infantry when Magistrate Kilts sent him to the door- swung open the door and the engineer and two Itukemen There he saIA turning to down you oarv Im pretty sure 1 know who it is We will rascal said the starting down the track mliHloridlock tight and let n any into the watlng room SV- PK a natter what storm howls are white ghost wont Mis I ST my sword tapping I jam Fran- bit lln use whats on te iaiion Aml fte11 fc The path led into the which other townsman Mr t train despatch- from a visit to the sir and parts of what attout the burglary iio old lie now dUmiiuiucti help to save my upon life In life and the Companys money market do you think the North York Kail Is announce pany Is goliig to do about ft fctl to be held this the I I- Shall bo sent home of October A writing rtcfiOoLhas teen In lust what I going to do the Temperance Hull by Your burglar was caught morn tie Is One the crooks we A master ccult been looking lor for sometime coo Is announced to give an is We will relieve you la the Hall this for a let rested Friday evening Tears filled Frances as she j Co announce they took Ave hundred dollar check are entering largely tle stove She staggered to but- le- trade fore site iuuiii command hot voice Is a to the said from to Aurora and kindly A eab Is at the door Here Paw from ant is the porter tatter pickeJ to Aurora and from up Frances handbag Kettleby Why should this be nine I on- Simpson Hogart announce ly said lifting her prices to make room for a very eyes to one now looking gravely jiarfee importation fall down upon her you did it well the other He extended his hand You a brave young woman Frances chose the last in the car closed her eyes and rested her head ftgaJht the window Five dollars she said The is paid and father and mother shall K0 to the Hot Springs Oh good it is oiie can stand at his post without flinching i Making Farming Pay to be regarded as business Farmers to business men They must ha a a FARMING has come governed by the laws of business Farmers to be successful must be Bank A Bank account conduces to business habits It is better to pay by choque than with cash hotter be cause simpler often more convenient and certainly mote businesslike Have your account with The Bank of Toronto A sound Bank Assets A long estab lished Hank since Branches in Ontario Quebec and the West FIELD Newmarket Ontario of the and AkMriM bolted her M ell A deputation step up- her lamp and a s the Minister list beside coal stove r The her Jt- Rev Dixon the oppressed her Teat iriit Air Society was made the re- her eyes she read the letter 4- tl of a plow ard jm from her that d last week on of the grateful j pnini poor in the tost End whom his Your lather suiters 8 the Sla during the his old trouble and ask when b past summer coining home the Two months more struggle threw WJ chair at her owners who teed fflio he no ffi3JStrig tor on streets two paid- Dear God lather lor It was an order for the station be- A Hum Co male the same announcement J Collins Brook Dermis audi P Pearson sign recommendations Lucks Market price of Butter 12 eggs to fall wheat 80s to per bushel barley to a eo 25 YEARS AGO NO fall show this year A farmer near County of Ontario reports a yield els of oats to the acre It is- thirty years since Edison made possible the commercial use of incandescent light On September the treat turned into four hundred lamps in New York City A New sextoa says his church has been used for ev erything but he is very at From Era Sept 23 In Whitchurch t the of Mr Baldwin Dennis a daughter The Altar At the residence of brides father on the 20th by Rev A Rector of St Pauls Mr A Montgomery to Miss Fanny Hewitt all of Newmar ket At the residence of the brides the by Elder a had South End Lumber Yard SPECIAL Cheap Shingles for Sale XX Shingles and 2 per Thousand Keir says thatfrm days man has been hiding behind the womens skirts The of to day have changed since Keir expressed the above thought As the Star says Any man who could suc in hiding behind the skirts men wear these days would need to bo considerable a lath The movement to swing the West of- Mr J the outoftown woman who ordered to Miss Annie Belfry her new hat delivered at the church o P PEARSON Cor Church and Carter Phone God to each last his little girl and two others each seven aroused her for passing street ears with express was due in five passengers alighting throw the lantern over her arm Have freight No pass Express uiilocketl the door and hurried out A fine snow was falling but she cut Oh cried Frances and loo through it and lighted the in charge there and not which Crossing back yet Like a flash she awak- the express pierced to the terrible situation Frances signalled with her lantern and There be a terrible wreck the engineers shrill whistle returned must stop it she called he next salute The express messenger station to hold the freight swung oft and darted into the office Too late freight on the way to between carrying a box under arm Crossing came the answer and McPherson out the l in Frances he said and A wail fell Frances lips resident id district is and closed the door she readied and took a cape may include Avenue Road clear south My girl he sard in a guarded a nail near ami rushed out tone tlus box contains five thousand dollars Mvt to pay oft the men working the ice seasons work closed today and the paymas ters car will bo along in the morn ing but the Company thought the money had better come out ex press Will you keep it over night Frances safe concealed terror stricken by roar the two trains Frances stag the platform She had A NEW FALL SUIT Had vou about It We are Stocked a way to Please you Men In Fancy Suitings will be Color Wo have them to suit Old and Youno Beforo you Buy any thing for Fall lot us Show You F WILLIS PHONE NEWMARKET MAIN A FULL ASSORTMENT tern in hand- and threw open switch The express engine sounded as it swept a found the curve Fran- lire track to it signalling with her lo take tin switch acknow ledged We order with three short whistles The girl turned and Hew Keel ituv up the track signalling knelt down and opened lied behind the table while terror stricken by the At Hall last week Leader Wood of the Scots Guards Band was presented with a gold watch ami each of the sergeants with a gold locket and each with a sol id gold Maple Leaf scarf pin Last the special train the delegates from the International Association of Ticket Agents in Muskoka travelled from to Toronto at an aver age rate over miles an hour- beating ordinary schedule time hour a half Mrs who ell from a sec ond storey window which she ho opened the door loodluvk j the switch and on came the cleaning last week died at the to you and he boarded the cor as freight quivering as the hands of Us pitol from fractured skull the train moved on master strove to bring it into sub- Rev Milllgan pastor OW l Frances bolted the door the mission St Andrews Presbyterian Church is snow rrom her hat and coat and home again alter an eighteen months hung them on their pegs Then she trip to Scotland this birthplaco filled the coal stoves examined the 0 death New Zealand and the on the windows and doors and of headed so that she put it on in time for the service A Port Hope man had a tooth ache ahd took a little whiskey to ease the pain The police it have been cheaper to consult a dentist and fin ed him and S3 costs A butcher has decided upon an interesting experiment He is withdrawing his delivery waggon and will give his customers the ben efit of this saving of expense by Hieing the price of all fresh- meat a pound Sept death of Mr Newberry Button in his year and one the bestknown and respected men in the- northern part of Township occurred- at the family on Saturday The late Mr Button was torn on the fourth concession of at Rut- had resided here in the township practically all his life ceased was twice married two Belfry oil of East Gwillimbury Died In New market on the the late Tim othy Millard and- mother of Mr Root Millard of St aged years Mr Warner jr has been home from Toronto Hospital for about six weeks on leave of absence Mr J Hughes is away to Chi cago on an OddFellows trip He always sends the Era a supply bf papers from visited localities and has our thanks Mr Mereweatber Supt of Ed dy s Factory at Hull Que and wife spent a few days in town last week with his brotherinlaw Mr Root Little Mrs Dr who has teen visiting at Whitby and for the past two months returned homo Tuesday Mr and Mrs Ross are a trip down the St Lawrence as far the messenger deposited the box She safe and slipped the key inside the neck of her dress done her test- Another minute No but myself about i explained the messenger sleepers The express swept swift- When stopped sen reel a foot of space separated ttfe two trains from West- I returned loner snug office She open- conductor filtxl up tlie platform and surrounded the whiteface girl standing lantern in hand Theres a mistake said the conductor- said the girl saw it and did my best I And saved the said a strong voice near and voices cried Saved train uildirtg ESTIMATES GIVEN Full Line of Flour Feed Etc An organized gang of twenty boy a book her desk and ston burglars between and years of was absorbed in the story At mid- age was rounded up in the Police night She opened her lunch Court last week They have been warmed her- coffee on the stove anil operating- for the last live weeks sipped It slowly as she listened- to during nation time they burglarized a the storm howling After drug store a stationery stoie the the lunch was she advanced City- Dairy and a rigor shop- to the door to see that it was indeed in all about securely fastened She was accompanied by their parents to the by a rap and then A mans sayfi ignored orders explained Fran police court wlw oflered Jo make close to the door i have forfeited any Open the door to the waiting room she drew a Ion breath stranger have lost my crowded around the conductor way He held a short conversation with It Is out of hours for- opening the prances and then went to the room Frances is clear he said can find lodging at the house coming out aboard Well see to reach art understanding of the 0 m down the road a Ian- you through He waved his hand Governments attitude towards swings over the front door o waved too Lords Day Act Toe Provincial Sab- wn to catch the first train passengers went back to the bath law has been declared ultra surely would not keep a dog out vires as it conflicts with like this and the station Frances was sleeping with the sun- ton- bouse is for the accommodation flooding her room when Mrs It stated that the train which travelling public left the Union Depot on Thursday of Frances hesitated Surely roan last week with delegates to the couW spend the night In the O Grand Lodge meeting at He was she judged from the Winnipeg was the finest ever de- voice used courteous by the Railway Company what brought him to Crossing at- Im Out of the twenty applications for She thought of the divorce to come before the Canadian to Mrs good amount TtoonVr was acceptel and boys ore out on parole Rev ottoolords Day Alliance Is going to meet the Premier of Quebec Province this week BanWell hastily entered Frances she cried You ar to catch the half past one train Headquarters summons The was on feet Oh Mrs a raid but did ray w NBWHABKKT OKI Senate next session of am drawing a mans pay and I no loss than twelve are from service the you know instructions No one city scribe rises to remark- train time she said Tho weather is now quite an Wgrf like hut It will trice quite ttottSeW without Very to get that rainwater taste out d Norn tone used Iter W PAW our watersoaked system then- I IA Children OS KM Ahrars BwrittM I V V I t a f i- him by the first and al so two by the second marriage the former the children are Major John Button of and Mrs A Lehman of Ringwood Owen Sound Sept 15 By a vote of the bylaw to aid the establishment ot a malleable iron foundry- here carried on Saturday The company will get a of repayable in four years a site valued at and certain exemp tions from taxation Rochester Sept Dense was responsible for a disastrous wreck on the New York Central Railroad at East Rochester early this morning freight trains come together kill ing three men seriously Injuring two others and causing a property loss estimated at Chicago Sept Twelve boy re cruits at the United States Naval Training School in Chicago were drowned and thirteen more are unconscious and probably will not re cover as the result of their boat be ing tossed by a storm on Lake Michi gan today With a complement of persons under command of Chief Gunners Mate Wm Negus the Boat apparently hit a sand bar within feet of the shore and although all one of the on board could swim got ashore without as sistance and four of them were only revived by use of the pulmotor Syracuse Sept Three persons Were killeaand fifty injured a tor nado which left a tenmile trail of destruction across the riorthere part of County this after noon The property loss is estimat ed at Without any warning of its approach black- iuooe- shaped cloud appeared near a pleasure ten miles from this city There were about persons there and panic reigned when building after toppled over and two massive troHey cars were hurled Into a A number ran into dance ball for safety but this was direct ly In the path o storm and was abolished Many persons in jured In it- thunder and lightning were terrific Miss Lizzie novo of Col- is visiting with Miss Mc- Miss Jackson is visiting at Ottawa this week Mr Aurora was in town over Sunday With friends Mr Frank brought over more boots to be used on the mill- pond this week 1 LUSTROUS HAIR FOR WOMEN PARISIAN- SAGE STARTS HAIR GROWING AND INCREASES ITS ABUNDANCE NO POISONOUS SUGAR OF LEAD OR SULPHUR IN DELIGHT- REFRESHING PARIS- X i 1 If you havent enjoyed the marvel ous benefit derived from using refresh- PARISIAN Sage the modern hair grower and rem edy you have missed a real treats Every woman should use IAN Sage not only td banish rufl and other hair troubles but to prevent failing hair baldness gray and faded hair PARISIAN Sage puts life and luster Into any persons hair It keeps the scalp and hair immaculately clean and causes the hair to come thick abundant PARISIAN Sage is not a dye It does not contain a icle of poisonous lead to discolor or any other Get a bottle today It only a dollar and is sold at drug stores and c 9