lanfSwaiVimia v Si K SO atari- Lot 1A Andre Street Box re FOB SALE I A good Pandora Stove Apply M Hughes Wanted at Once Good general Servant or working housekeeper Apply to Mrs Albert Roe Main St Newmarket Brown Purse Lost In Newmarket on Monday evening Sept containing a turn of i Howard for its return to Bra Lost College And the Metropolitan a Seal hand bag containing a diamond ring valuable articles Kinder to College A regard miss SOPRANO Will accept Concert Engagements a limited number at pupils In Singling Address or Store care Miss Marie l Strong Toronto Mm In order to give extra to Industry to- ell parts of nonunion a whole train- load of purebred Ontario stock will be shipped to British Columbia and another to toe Maritime Provinces is done by Mr Harding The Police Magistrate has announced that hereafter no au tomobile charges will be allowed be settled out Court There is likewise a clause in auto chauffeurs Wh Of fences that does appear be Very generally is as the event third or subsequent conviction the motor ve hicle driven by he person con J at toe ot committing the one nee of which was convicted shall be custody of for a period Impounded and taken into the three months Mt Aurora fin to tj Mr Albert Holmes or was up is from the Old Country Messrs and A viss are visiting at Cochrane Mr Brand sails for jpooi today to A- son a few dais with her aunt Mrs Mr John Warren of toe Fair and visited here a couple of days Mrs Harry of Toronto it- tended Hit Fair visited relatives in Town Is hbk on the wagon alter enjoying a weclts Miss Lloyd spent the With Miss at ovations Vktlfrld aftftif aim Mi faft 7 1 ili t V Card of Thanks rthx wish to express their thanks to all the neigh bors the illness and death of their infant daughter also tor the many flowers and wreaths Mr- and Mrs J Gould A Farm for Sale A QUEEN About acres more or less Lot 20 Con Last being the late lames farm There is a good barn with cement foundation and stabling wa ter all the year Fences fair and soil a loam All workable or pasture land except a small bush Also about tj acres of lot No Con Bast on which the skating rink now stands This block I land will up into sev eral choice village lots For particulars sale apply Mrs James PO or to Solicitor Newmarket annex In his preut tour in Quebec and Ontario clearly demon strate he has lost none of his old- time popularity His defeat at the last election not changed his political views on Hie issues then before the people still thinks lite trade proposed thou a good one and that the tors acted unwisely it ami he has no Irt his naval policy to have been correct Although Parliament was in session for months the Borden not attempt to repeat it The frills and feathers being attached to Canadian militia equip ment is leading people astray as to Militia has decided to use as a part of the field artillery equip ment for pur poses With each brigade there will be bicycle With headquarters one with each battery and one with the ammunition column These vehicles will form part the first Hue transport tike unit Just what use field artillery with plenty of horses tor a little difficult for the untutored mind to comprehend Mrs Christian Church The Ladies Aid Meeting will be held in the Church Parlor on Wed at p The ladies did well with tlir booth in the Grounds i I- IN 8UTHERLAND SISTERS FREE oun DRUGSTORE ALU THIS WEEK Come and learn how to save and grow your hair FREE Special Prices this W J PATTERSON NEWMARKET Mr Langs sale on Tuesday night was well attended and things sold A lady said that tile big rooster in front the Grand Stand looked as if he was moulting Too Close While driving along Queen Street yesterday morning oclock pas senger car from struck Dr Wesleys auto and put it out of business Vocsl Miss who much success last season in teaching and concert work has re sumed her vocal class at her home on Church St and will be pleased to meet prospective pupils Miss card appears in this issue of the Era IP fc I f LUNDY HEAL ESTATE NEWMARKET Has following property FOR SALE Frame- House new rooms and bath Beautifully located on Pros pect St All modern Large lot A desirable home Price Half Cash Brick House large rooms and bath Well located on Prospect St All modern conveniences large lot Nice Price 100000 Cash Balance on time Large Frame House beautiful rooms and Hardwood floors fireplace in Den acre of excellent garden Some fruit trees and shade trees Stone foundation full size lar and nice new bar This house is J comparatively new Nicely located on Prospect Ave and worthy Inspec tion Price cash balance In equal payments at per cent nearly new frame house beauti fully Well finished large cellar and largo lot splendid garden rooms A good comfortable house Price bait cash I also nave a good Brick House and good stable on acre land In Village of This proper ty is cheap as dirt Price 220000 Also another in Village of ML Al bert nice frame house- New barn of excellent garden and orchard AH in best repair Very cheap Price half cash Also a number choice building lots in and several small and market garden plots handy to town and Electric cars Agent for P Lands Office Over Tates- Meat Market A Fine Concert The Town Hall was well tilled for tle Fair Concert on Wednesday night and the program was first-class- Ev ery number was heartily- and deserv edly applauded More than half the hall was booked at noon yesterday for the Concert last night j- Latee Gamble A pioneer ot York County in the person Gamble passed away at his home in Toronto on Tuesday last aged years alter an illness of nearly fiyo years The Telegram remarks Mr Gamble was born near Newmarket and was a very successful farmer there until some twentyfive years ago when he retired and came to live in Toronto He was an enthusiastic Orangeman and never failed out to watch the parade on the twelfth He was a member of the Anglican Church Redeemer Two daughters Masses Mary and are the only sur viving members of the family spent a few lays this week with her nephew Mr Stark Mrs Manning has returned after spending two with friends at Lindsay Mr John spent Fair days with his daughter Mrs fCbas Kirby Miss Jeff of Bond Head was the guest of Mrs Wilkinson Joseph Ave over Sunday Miss- Delia of Toronto will remain this week with her aunt Mrs P Morton Miss of Toronto Visited this week with Mr and Mrs J Wright Mrs Simpson has grand children here with their mother Mrs J Marrow Mrs J and son of To ronto are spending a days With Mrs Osborne Mrs Young from Toronto spent one day Fair with Mrs and Miss Simpson Tench and Miss are teaching school at and Miss Morton at Battle Mrs Jack Marrow of shenc is visiting bet mother and ret jatives town this week I and Mrs P Tim othy St will attend the wedding of their nephew at Morton tells us sold a marriage license on Monday and wedding bells will soon ring in town Rev Harold Q Kjag rector of St Pauls Church Fort William is visiting at Mr Blacks thi week Miss Frank Jones and her friend Miss Beth Henry visited with Mrs Jones this week and took in the Fair Mrs Richardson of Maple and Miss Laura Richardson were In town on Wednesday the guests of Mrs A Mr Theodore SiinpsoniVrtved in Newmarket on Wednesday Van couver and will probably spend the winter here Mr and Mrs Geo Holmes and daughter Thelma of Toronto were visiting aths mothers for a few days this week Mrs Richard Kirton left last for Chicago to spend a month her stepdaughter Mrs and other friends Mr Frank Terry left on Tuesday for Edmonton Mrs Terry accom panied him to Winnipeg and al so visit jn Regina Mrs Win Morden of formerly of StouflvUle wafi Newmarket on Wednesday visiting Mrs Millard i a if i The Largest Exclusive and Attractive Line of Overcoats Ever Shown in this Town J only of tho twenty Overcoats Showing hi the Century Brand hi all the Wo would appreciate an Opportunity of that buy your Fall and Winter Overcoats We solicit your order on the basis of Variety Style Fit Quality Prices Handsome Style Book showing New Suits and New Overcoat Models free on request 1 1 1 1 Mrs Fred was taken quite ill very suddenly on Wednesday afternoon Mr Jas OBrien of Toronto was looking up old friends in town yes terday Miss Mabel Montgomery daugh ter of Mr A Montgomery of the Central and Hudson Bay Railway Sault Ste Marie is visltfng her cousin Miss Mi and Mrs spent Sun day with her parents Mis and Mr Albert who left the follow ing day to spend the winter on the Coast the guests of Rev Jack son anil Bert also Vancouver Edward KiddMP for Carlton Co died on Monday last following an several weeks Iron paraly- sis Deceased was in his 64th year and a Conservativela politic A THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking Bouse Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING A A SPECIALTY Night colls to at John Millard IT end SI in WE MAKE 1 f A Cradle Roll The of the Methodist Church mot home of Mrs Bev Simpson on Saturday afternoon in the interests of of the Society There were over there and had the weather been more promising probably would have been many more Two new members were added to the Society and three babies added to the Cradle Roll We were pleased to have with us Miss Jeft of Supt of the Mission Circle Victor gave some fine selections on gramaphone Star dialogue by eight showed the help the smallest child can be In Mission work refreshments a photo was taken of the- Cradle RqII members with their Mrs Rev Simp son- f We are pleased to see the interest taken by the mothers and the babies seemed to being a part ol meeting We hone lor more of such gatherings where the children are encouraged to be missionary -r- Main Siroet Toronto London and- Ottawa Ex- aro all oven tot yiloyear out the and not a soul blew out the at Parlor Millinery yoKcwoyaon Park Ave tpr Send Era to friends Mrs Scott and her sister Miss Mary Trent of Toronto visit ed Oakley Farm the old home stead in Whitchurch on Monday Mr T Robertson Rushhrook Mr Price and Br R Clark attended a of tlo Synod offices in Toronto last Monday Fall Hairs at Newmarket and Sutton West will kindly accept the thanks the Editor for courtesies extended the press Mr Rodman who has been spending a month with his Mrs Cornell ottier relatives In Ontario left on Tuesday for his homo in North Mr and Mrs and son of Winnipeg spent Thursday last week in market Mrs is a daughter of the late Frank Russell and was born here Dr W MB Physician and Surgeon Midale writes I find your paper excellent in giving the home news i Milton returned to home In New York last week having received intimation of husbands illness She was home for a couple The girls in Mr Mannings Class In Methodist Sunday School gave their President Miss Margaret West a Kitchen Shower at the residence Maw last Saturday even ing and had a good time Mrs A J Tyson of Vancouver daughter of Mr Wm Beech of Winni peg made a flying call at the cottage- on lakeshore one day last week whilst spending the day with aunt Mrs Mr J E Dickson Alberta for merly of Newmarket announces the engagement of bis daughter Mildred to- Mr James Herbert ton The marriage will take place in the Presbyterian Church on September Mt and J P Huntet avenue Toronto have Issued Invitations to the marriage of daughter Ethel Mayto Mr Robert 2nd She is a of Mr J of services in the Anglican Church last were well attended and those present listened with rapt at tention to the sermons of Air Carrie A in the morning and Rev C McQaffin in the evening The assistance of Rev and Mrs was greatly appre ciated by the members of the church The church was beautifully decorat ed with grain evergreens and lowers The Methodist Church intend holding their Harvest Thanksgiving services on Sunday Sept Those interested in Cem etery should visit and see the excel lent condition of the plots It was a move in the right direction when tho Company decided to the plots endowed Miss Aggie is home for a short Visit Mr and Mrs Mitchell spent Sunday daughter Mrs Miss Lemon of Sandusky is visiting relatives Mr Wells and the Masses Watson of King City spent Sunday at miesons Viola and Gertrude Hughey spent the weekend at their parental home Harry and lady friend Eversley- spent Sunday at S King Fair will be held at Ket- on Sept IA large attend ance Is expected Mrs Stephenson Terhderance House will ho Pre pared to serve meals THB ALTAR Both Foreign arid Domestic At the residence of the brides father Superior St Newmarket on Sept by Thomas Mr W Brown to Miss Margaret McNeil McGee St Pauls Church Newmarket on Sept by Rev J Harold E Webb to Miss Gladys all of Newmarket i the residence of Elder Newmarket on Sept 2nd Mr Carl Gor don to Miss Edna Micks East Thoy are now residing at Hillcrest Farm at Raveushoe Simcoe Farm Lake Simcoe on Wednesday ember by Rev W P Fletcher Keswick Wintred Micks East to Scott of North i OUR Are Sure to Please you Try a be convinced S MCCAULEY v Our Phone No is the home of the parents on Sept IS Miss Pearl Gertrude only Mr SimonStahl of Schom- berg to Mr Harry of North Bay PURITY TOMB the horde her sis- In Holt Mts Frank Jane Walker coats months and days merit Thutsday in Mount Cemetery The postponed reopening of the Sabbath School will place at p m next Sun day Miss will sing a solo with Violin accompaniment and Mr Richardson and Mr Monkman will also contribute solos Everybody is Newmarket on Sept- welcome- m P infant daughter Mr and Mrs J Gould aged year mosi days Interment took place Sunday morn ing at Cemetery Newmarket ft The Guelph Mercury hit the nail on the head right when it ob served The Conservative papersare all pleased with Bordens policy what It is but they are delighted with it anyhow l Mr P P leader of the Conservative in Al berta was la Toronto on Monday on his way to Ottawa to confer ence with Premier Borden with res pect to the political situation hv Al bert- v A J AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J Patterson B STREET NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Photo Suppttea Weekly TELEGRAPH OFFICE Phone No 151 Store Phone No LASKAY Wr the Era to If rA s Vif AM I TORONTO The home of Mr and Mrs J Scott was the scene ol a very quiet wedding on Wednes day September Hi when their youngest daughter EHse Mary was united in marriage with Mr Leonard James Glass youngest son Mr and MtsA Glass of The ceremony was by the Rev Keam of King The bride and her father entered the room to the strains of the Wedding March from Lohengrin by Miss Ash Unkmvijle niece- of tfehtMer Use ifptp wjiUtsilk ft bridal veil with and carried a shea of white asteis and wore the grooms gilt a gold locket and Miss niece of the groom was a charming flower- girl in a white lingerie dress and carried a basket flowers Master Pearson Smeltter nephew of the bride was ringbearer During the signing of register the brides sister Mrs J P Ash sang Because A wedding lurobeon was served alter The bride ar4 the former In navy blue with black and white hat with white own home plumes a- fc ioj seurispoxi v i j mm