sews A THIS NIsNnCkSRST FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 20 Weeks tol Ira oar a J i A- Straw and hay hales at Storehouse also flour and Feed Change ad in next Issue Another Sale The Town Heal sold a new house on the corner Vice St this Jots to Boyd Estimated Cost 30 Ret HP Sir if St patterns A dot a backing Thursday at last week of young fellows with he instruments of paid a Visit to a newly married couple on St hut the charivari could hardly be called a Success AS the mu sicians were treats to the of pail of water Duck Shooting The duck shoot ins season really on Tuesday morning oft ho Holland River and Cooks Hay From rally dawn tilt dusky evening the noise of could to heard and has been followed dally all wee a number ot birds have been hashed f Not branch of the man which niibfc speakers will I te sent In order to the essential would weleoniei his stem and in hut MfiAtt ratepayers At householders WteS fl hi lbiid were to fti- Ji rt amt other Ing and levied in ho WF not a the rttiitotfliiiwrtwteArt ami a mow f Svnw thought that the can lie to elecltle us line follow liiie this the present wis present- was elected Secretary Tor Mid whlcii an entire Association writes Us Pj- as l safe In tot when Dear OF lhs IUhikissA their VotM tue jrtxlcU Sir latirl- At his SaUirttiijV An has As nnluxt U his there heard a Which said in or tor- a in edge ot liw volts said l Yes Was ap vnuvj I will to you jtti are tW Understood GOOD cooaw USE BRDNTOK powpm Complete Housefurnishing In all widths Oil loth in all widths and Mattings llugB In all and Window Poles lacxv Curtains i all kinds Art Sateens and Cretonnes jars 35o Jar Canned Red- Cherries Package Snap flajlor Tomato Catsup Ice Cola sliced jou Boots and Shoes Solid Counter He Tips at any prlof No or Shoos I enter this store Quality Price cnd Quality to- nn lho Price Is In mind the Shoes ate never sacrificed on altar of Every Pair Show public toy set- To the the l A lVpnty Grand Master Work man Bio A- together Irwin expect to Vet lidge No Monday A lull the is requested as matters lortarce will discussed I am Informeil by readers your that you ate an iiotive interest in the Hydro and that you would proba bly The last by the Hy dro is basis Newmarket taking Oettin Hydro lecirlc add one cent to the debt- Sfche and alone pays the service to this another er ror into which the uninitiated alt Is that in that each power consumer pays the Cult price set out above tor each horse power he sett are fluatunteed horse power and the cost less n uwtter is tor muaicipaHty would be per horse tor IS lot and or This estimate is not Anal and will he niatct between two erroneous The power is very much less than peats on the it All itfcese facts would brought out a pub Hie- meeting and it you would with us in getting tjitffiia aid win in lota three dollars per horse power tor the ft general public it would he Very When the by as Man Wanted Delivery Roche A tVntord Great Attraction One the Seven Sutherland listers the show window in Pat tersons Drug Store on Monday even ing and displayed her hair over sis feet long to the admiring crowd The wonder how does it up so neatly She may he seen in the same place every afternoon and even ing this week Brief This is pick the homelife and men know enough to keep out tho kit chen C Whitchurch Council meets at tomorrow Sutton Fair next week Mr Starr is putting large re frigerator in his store The violin anil harp accompaniment put up some good music at the King George Hotel on Monday evening thus entertaining he guests reasons mate was made it was en of this association as well as tit thet Municipalities along Commission line who are in torn year has seen of scheme- such a large Increase in the amount of power instead ot horse power is being used all I have said In o doubt hut llah That Is and SOiliiJ so the SOOitd of the has heard on his Ontario t speak to you ttcause waitto appeal to Voir as a matt and as a Canadian representing this Dominion to voice of passion and and listen instead to voice reason will go next week lo Ontario to talk to my fellow dUl pot very well the last election Youll do better next time said the voice But want them to at me ami say continued Sir Wil frid He is true Canadian call for your Order W A and on the 1st of November the rates to All municipalities enjoying benefit of this service will be remain Yours ttuly P- COOKE Newmarket are just waking up to the great advantage of perpet ual service the Board of Trade has English and French alike cheered the incident ally reduced Each subsequent sub- j asked the Council to enquire into the increase in power will result matter and we feel sure that when a substantial lowering of the date for a Public Meeting each municipality I think ranged for the Town here our be perfectly safe in saving that when J citizens will flock to place and the revised estimate Is made power will cost of per horse power crowd it to its fullest capacity We are satisfied that oil our people want to enthusiastic over the pro- It is the intention it to posed information and as soon as hold a public meeting in either New- that is ready we should like to have market or Aurora in the near future it Patricia Rides Cowcatctier I ll Passed Away Another of the old wellknown business men of Newmarket died- on Monday evening at Mr Chas Deceased to Newmarket from as a- young and afterwards entered pactnership of A the leading firm at that time Deceased a very popular man during his resi dence here The remains ere brought to Aurora yesterday after noon for interment canadas princess sees the kicking house pass from novel point Terms of Peace Practically Concluded Paris Sept The lines along which peace will be declared between Italy and Turkey as a result of the diplomatic conversations in Switzer land as in an exclusive despatch from the New York Sun Sept first stop made by the train after leaving this morn- respondent in Rome some days ago was at the Great Divide where are again stated in the Paris iter the the illc The heir Methodist Church The congregations are increasing In size again but there is still plenty of for nonchurch goers who will be made welcome pastor delivered- two good ser mons last Sunday especially the one in the evening The Making of the Mas series is proving to be very helpful People who never attend church dont know what they are Several now voices in the choir lately The tenor solo last Sunday evening was by Mr Richard son Sept 29th will be Sunday School Rally Day A special program with new music will be presented Pleasant A Parlor Tea under the auspices of U was held on the Friday at the Cane The day was oil that could he desired and the ladies took advantage of It too for about 3G their way to the meeting which opened by singing Hie hymn All Hail the Power- Jesus Name The Pros read the Scrip ture lesson and Mrs Morton lead in prayer Solo by Miss Stephens Instrumental by Miss Mil lard Solo by Mrs Howard Cane reading by Miss Barker Instrumental by Miss Small Solo by Miss Barker and an Instrumental by Miss Iila Manning Refreshments wore then served collection taken which amounted to qi lumbermens Mission A thanks was giv en to Mrs Cane tor her hospitality Eft worth League Demonstration of the Whitby Summer School last Monday evening in the Methodist School Room was a great success Rev Priest a returned missionary from India took charge and was assisted by Mr Troyer or Toronto besides delegates from Aurora and Newmarket who were in at The discussion was and in structive Pictures maps charts mtottoea object books etc were displayed all around the room The Young Peoples Societies in the Christian Presbyterian and Frcods Churches were well represented At the it was decided to hold an Institute in Newmarket on Oct and with a missionary sermon in all the Town Churches on the pre vious Sunday Rev Thomas is the convenor and Dr Wilkinson Sec- rotary to make local arrangements Send the Era to absent friends Princess Patricia took a photograph of the stream which there it self flowing westward ami the other eastward At Field a stop of four hours drove to Emerald Lake where the Princess made a sketch in oils At PalUscrthis afternoon Princes Patricia Miss Adam R Baker secretary the Canadian Pacific and two aidesdecamp took their places in chairs on the of the engine and from that position saw the won derful scenery of the gorge through which the Kicking Horse River and the railway make their way The Duke and Duchess viewed the scenery from the observation platform of the car Cornwall a stop having been made here to enable the Royal to ride out to the The train will go on to Rerelstoke Temps which publishes a telegram from Puaux one of its editors at Geneva He says practically the only detail remaining to be arranged is- the- proposed loan to Turkey of corn francs concerning which Italy is now negotiating with French and Belgian banking houses The terms of the proposed settle ment include says the by the Porte that Italian occupation of Tripoli is an accom plished fact Turkey being permitted to retain a Mediterranean port at of the extremities Libya with a strip of territory allowing communi cation with the Arabs in the Interior Provision also is made for the re cognition of the spiritual suzerainty of the Sultan in for the payment monetary grants to the Arab chiefs by Italy which also will Quebec Everyone who voted against us thought the marine would be abolish ed said Sir Wilfrid It is still in full force Why has it not been recalled Because the Conservative party find themselves on the horns of a dilemma They have raised the prejudices of the people They have two policies Some pro- rose a money contribution Others propose warships which will be a part of the British navy In stead of which we proposed building a navy which while ready to help England in time need would he always at the disposal ot the Cana dian people Sam Hughes party and Monk and his partyVdont agree and that is why they consult and still consult and never ar rive at a I am going to take my position be fore tho people waiting to heat th decision of Mr as to what his ultimate j policy will he Our policy is before you I only re serve rights to discuss the Bor den policy on its merits is is put before lies but thousand- have py and prosperous my admin istration and I look back on work and am satlsRed My Hum say my oxfriend because we not the friends we were in Hie pasthas done ma the lienor to refer to me this week in Ills paper Devoir I had great hopes of him at one time but he baa HI- them wanted- to place my Cabinet in Ate strongest men find in all the Provinces of the Dominion There were two men assisting ma at that time One was Mr other my ei- Mr gone is still- with us and the greatest honor he has is to he Insulted daily by his former friend was progressive Vr j was a reactionary Hewas a Bourbon he te- nothing- He was still at the school of his famous grandfA lerj I read his paper every day I breakfasted on Devoir I and dine on the Mail and Empire It I is not because of this that ting fat however A difference mysell and is that I am getting fat sirxe I left the trough The Devoir however is food for me But what is food for one is poison The Do- voir poisons the whole country ft and remain re over night Th first Turkey certain stop of any length tomorrow will be amount of the national t lie pay- made at Kamloops which will be reached at three in the Three hours will be spent there A civic address of welcome will bo pre sented to the and responded to by His Royal Highness TJie Duke Duchess ami Princess Pa tricia will then proceed to the Royal Inland Hospital and the formal open of the institution will place Among the other events on tho pro gram for the brief stay of tho Gov- party In meat being guaranteed by revenues derived from Libya and tor the cession to Turkey of portion Italian territory in Red Sea a compensation for the loss of Tripoli Woman Talks ThirtySix Hours Philadelphia Sept Physicians the Pennsylvania Hospital after are a pageant historical parage Mrs lacrosse match Coronation and a Park Belleville Sept George a fireman at the Steel Company Canadas mills here who was ter rible burned about the body while he was endeavoring to extinguish seme blazing gasoline died last night at hospital here Deceased was years of age and married The Equity WAtCH Made by the Watch Co The Beat Watch tor the Money PRICES Jewel 1550 Jewel Gold Filled IB Jewel Gold Plain and All Fully Warranted to Giro Satisfaction tor Good Service L CO Jowoloro and P AlUi Issuer of Marriage Licenses more than thirtysix hours an ef fort to stop her talking gave up the task as hopeless and her re moval to the Blockley Asylum for the Insane Nothing that they do would stop chattering and she had grown so hoarse that she was fast exhausting herself The said that they bad never seen her equal and that the marvel of it all was they could retain the use of her aifd still be able to articulate for there had not been periods of ten minutes every hour of the last thirty- six that she had not talked and giv- vent to articulations that were still Her condition was diagnosed as acute insanity and it was that- the centre of speech in the brain bad become affected as the result of a former injury St Thomas Sept 16George ton son of James Orton- of Aylmer white working for Elgin Clarke farm er was seriously injured by kicked in the head by a horse while hitching it to a wagon The boy was brought his in AylmersUt- from concussion the brain He likely recover- Winnipeg Sept The an nual session of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows convened formally In Win nipeg toJay with what Grand Patrl- Master declares is the largest gathering in the of the craft It is said some im portant legislation bearing on the insurance the order will be got into by appealing to the prejudices of the Province of Quebec and of the Provinces But people will re turn to the policy which brought to the country that the Liberal party Stands by Reciprocity Turning to the question ol recipro city Sir Wilfrid pointed toaisign across the street which read Larger markets That ho said the root of the problem Canada cannot begin to consume what she produces She must have a trade outlet The Liberal Government had occupied it self the problem It wanted to give the people the American market which is right at its door This was rejected is now the duty of the Conservative Government to find nil equivalent said Sir cannot leave West in the position it is in Ready to Battle till Death When it pleased his friends hand reins leadership to younger man lie would gladly step down to the position of simple lieutenant But at present he said it is the Old Chief who is at the head and as long as heaven guards his strength he will fight I cannot count on tomorrow j It may bo that tomorrow will be the end But whatever the hour death will find still in- forefront ot the battle calling upon work for a country united and happy as it was in the days when we were in power And when I am in the tomb even my enemies will be forced to say There rests a man who never had a thought- other- than for the prosperity and happiness of- his coun try Had Refused Honors fit was just about Ms time year ago that I- stood before you Premier of Canada and asked you to return me to power Now I stand before vou citizen ot Cana da yet the reception you give me is than that of last year It is in adversity tlat oneknows ones friends The day after my defeat messages of sympathy from every part of too Dominion came pouring in a- flood It brought the tears to my eyes For I I was no longer Premier I was only a like yourselves But I have found that my compatriots have more for me now than when I was in power They said that I was thirsty for honors hungry for But my friends know that I had never been animated by cupidity and the day following my defeat I was sitting in Opposition with a face as serene as when I was in power It was not that I did not have opportunities to do otherwise The day will come which has not yet come when it will be shown what I refused Insults that Honor But I present myself to you to day simply as Sir Wilfrid Canadian citUeo and I am as proud of was of being Pre mier Not merely hundreds of but Courageous accuses me of growing old It is true I am growing old will be years of age in a few weeks now am ready to drop out of the fight as soon as my friends think my strength- is not equal to my courage But I have stll- good feet good eyes and good mouth and I am not afraid anything I wish I could same reproach regarding the age of that he does of me But he is always young the youth of a child full of petulance and vanity I saw recently and noticed his hair was becoming grey What a pity I thought that wisdom does- not come with his grey hairs He attacks me he man who has never had a generous thought oteft high political construc tion r am going through Quebec and Ontario at the present time to- make known tlie duplicity the and the demagogy of those who r Goods Arriving Daily OUR DRESS GOODS Never Had a Better Display BORDERED SUITINGS DAINTY BORDERED DELAINES Also tie Best Range Dress Goods Tweeds San Tow Repp many other lines Sweater Coats for Children Misses and Ladies in a large Assortment W C LUNDY BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 CAPITAL ALL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Hi ata Branches at all Important entree in Canada ani In Loadaa New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Wan Una INTEREST ALLOWED ON Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branca will ill NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS line and no train from Toronto be able to work in the- vine- rived In till after 3 oclock yard at the age one hundred years Bolton Pair SEPT AND OCT 1st A glance at the Prize List would indicate that Bolton Fair will be bet ter than ever Tae prizes in horses particularly are exceedingly good and good for speeding Reduced fares on this afternoon The accident was caused by a car of gravel train jumping the track thus blocking the line Markets Fall Wheat Sept l per bush I Live Stock Market Address Secretary Fair Barley Pel bush Bolton for a prize list Per bush P Shorts per ton Hay per new Eggs per doz Big demand in Toronto this week Butter par lb for steers weighing from SCO to Potatoes new bag lbs Those offered were picked up at Chickens per lb and Several lots of Ducks per heifers sold at Good butchers per lb from t6 and medium from to Cows from to Milkers and springers from each Calves from 850 to wes from to Lambs from to Markets is the reputation enjoyed by Mrs Reaver who is employed by Bunting of Carlton fruit farm near St Catharines The aged lady has lived in the district for- thirty years coming over from Toronto each sum merto pick fruit She was an inter- visitor at the Horticultural Exhibition last week She is a very faithful member of the Salvation Army PerrliVs Greenhouses St Hogs 910 oft cars in Toronto net bush quoted at country points Sept Fail iter bush Oafs per Butter per lb Eggs per on 55- 33 35 Sept A freight wreck Chickens per lb l the Grand Trunk line a east Geese per 0 0 32 ot shortly before pet lb this morning completely tied up the Turkeys per lb Our Flowers are always fresh We grow them Funeral Designs every de scription on shortest tic iVij Our Bridal are very best Satisfaction Guar anteed Out of town orders so- licitatad Thousands of Callage and Cauliflower Plants tor S A Chance for Farmers to Save Money I This Tea Is sold by to Farmers throughout the ot York at 35c per pound in Chest lots on credit do not Sell on Credit We lbs for 100 sell it at the single pound Cash on the Counter lbs for 20 lbs for for 10 Chest lbs for fe JAPAN BLACK HYSON j V IN ii v 18761912 V jjj TORONTO m