WT i w8hw i DANGER PERIOD FROM to Interesting Experience of Two Women Their Statements Worth Reading v when doctor do do more and I was given up by my friend Vegeta ble Compound came to the front and did wonder for me I bad been having fe male trouble for year my head trou bled me at I bad bearing down pain and back ache and I very anaemic from excessive flowing I rec ommend your Compound highly and do all I can to advertise it as a genuine wo mans medicine Mr Sylvester White Oak Ontario Roads aiy a if the roads under Taction by art progressing it I Voted lb fceep A The Case of Mrs Ohio I can truthfully that I never had anything do me so much good during Change of Life as E Vegetable Compound Before I had taken one half a bottle of it I began to feel better and I have continued taking it My health is better than has been for several years If all women would take It they would es cape untold pain and misery at this time of life Mrs Alice Kirlin St Ohio The Change of life Is one of the most critical periods of a womans existence At such times women may rely upon Vegetable Compound YOUR EETH vr many of How Health A number of hotels the Province have been using bell or to warn and of the ap proach of a policeman or jxn been to cases filing alter hour nwrfhod of squalling ow declared it say the and add On- it appears will vote to abut that pie who jakodivtiiKicYCcpUon the pionhetio with iron of Toronto Thursday remarks CompUInU concerning Toron toYork County Good iVro mission to multiply too admission the that an addition J grant already needed it is asserted that the money has not spent to the test qilvaniatf that ho Is one frequent gaps- that these paps often occur as soon city limits are and thai quality ho sections of roid is but what was peeled In of the prospects por trayed when tho food pro position was inaugurated the Is thing out lerinK to than last the Council appointed an pcrybe tea work on tin Shore Road or which the municipality Is paying add It was that in places the Industry A Dr llurtr Catholic states that the Holy at Rome rW appointed the first In Canada Ills says Star expected to solve the that arise in with the Catholics of the Ruthenlan rite He will Cull authority nod imU his 1kh1hhi at Dried ta forma a to fccitr shipped Into that country from Ger man China at factory in old il and are carefully by Thoce Vat the est and ate pronounced ara passed on to boy the the whites By of a suction the yolk passes through largo pipe a vacuum where It dried second It Is- then pasEcd oh to a receptacle where it fulls in flakes afcain are passed through a and come out In the form of powder This bo kept in a dry Cool lace The white of eggs are put in gloss botionted trays and on shelves In a at a lechper- fcture of to SO degrees centigrade Tho dried pheeU broken Into small pieces or powiftlfs for export oJB i Trustees of Hoard the Ottawa are a bold move Separate IB a good story told a arc a ixhu move a ju the of the who railed for not more inches the offered was and i I a Pi I DENTISTS I OVERLAND OVERLAND MO0L T MODELS NOW ON VIEW Rotter than over 30 passenger Passenger and ALSO Motor Trucks SALES CO to Adelaide St- West Toronto it Trunks Bags and Valises Re paired Shortest Notice All Kinds of Stable Sundries Kept in Stock by to that tUrwas not A spot on the road whore the required of paving would be discovered If fortgoing be true it not very for Hut there is another ide to story The Commission states that Mr has rival disclose the ohditloli of a road he knows to be al most perfect Ho was appointed Inspector at of the Commission The will cheer fully pay him his salary to show if he can demonstrate that men who are giving- their valuable time to this without pay have deceived If they hWc they warlt to know it and it is ikvw up to Mr and oth er critics to enlighten them his presents another view and MY has since told he Commission that be was surprised at the obser vations attributed to as e had seen the mixture used in the road and that it was inure than less what is called tor the speci fications From- the foregoing there are evidently two sides to the story In reference to gaps com plained of on respective roads we give the following explanation on the Street Head as the Com missioners answer to others Then we come to street and of this we hear all kinds of complaints But tbe fact is that York Mills where we begun we have an excellent road Critics appear to forget that when they leave the city limits and through a quagmire in North Toronto we are not to North Toronto is not in county scheme and we are helpless to remedy con ditions caused by sewers and other obstructions Then on the Kingston Road there stretch of about 100 yards at the city limits which was not finish ed until recently and which gave a bad impression at the city end This has now been completed the road is perfect to No doubt the acted with great fairness commencing work at both ends Farmers were paying onethird the sum appro priated and they had a right to be iOhsidercd as well as the city As we stated above there are evi dently two sides touching this road construction question and from all we learn much the Complain ing comes from automobile drivers some of whom seem to forget that residents of the country have rights- as well as city folks and equally de serving of consideration and this they complain of the un finished places in the highways re ferred to rations in regard to bilingual schools recently put In force by the Ontario Government They have passed a resolution declining to the regulations is now up to tfco Hon Minister of Education to by his guns or take a Dae seat J ENTHUSIASM WILL COME TIME HARNESS Your Horse needs a New Harness which will Improve his and add to his Va luewhich will give your Outfit that Smart that Distinguishes all Our Goods We use only tho Best Leather and Our Prices are Reasonable REPAIRING A SPECIALTV No Job too Large or Small to Receive our Attention Write or Call Now J Harass and Collar Maker Main Newmarket BT THOMAS for CoUtieHofct la which to ft for jour work Tboroush In Oratory High School nualrMi Collrcc campus bum of girl an ALMA it on to Principal There is more hope for almost ev ery person in world than for the thorough lazy Wrongdoers repent face about and the mistaken discov er that they arc wrong and start over again from fresh standpoint Hut the youth who readies his ma jority not conquered laziness has an oW man of seas on his back from whoso clutches he may never free himself turns endowment into ft mockery What is genius worth with no industry Laziness silences the voice of aspiration What is the use ambition til achievement Is much trouulc selfimprove ment is too much of an undertaking for a lazy man There is just one cure for lazteess and that is worV not bard work merely but enthusiastic work Re fuse to allow all that is in yourself all that is in spiring in lite to be the victim- of a deadly paralysing weakness WorKi Work persistently you con loin to work and Joyfully and that will come In time lazy person who is to make every sacrifice to conquer his beset ting weakness is all the the most hopeless One day last week four Were up before the Police Court In Toronto on charges of keeping bettinghouses rueetracks etc and Magistrate it to them good and strong imposing fines somewhat bettiug lines total ling Two men if and Wilkes were each John Hare and each or thirty days in jail Now will they he good The Kingston Standard editor is not the only scribe who has difficul ty in finding a satisfactory answer the question Why it prices beet in Canada ami the United States are than in London Beef cattle are being shipped to Great Britain and yet in New York sir loin sells at cants a pound and In Loudon at cents Yes no doubt theres a nigger in the- fence some where i A press despatch from Ottawa a few days ago states that Hoi Frank Cochrane denies that he has decided upon Port Nelson as the terminus the Hudson Bay Railway You can say that neither Nelson or Churchill has vet been decided upon said the Minister of Railways and til the expedition sent out by the Government to Hudson Bay this sum mer returns and makes its report it is not likely the Department will make any recommendation in regard to the railway terminus A special committee of the Method ist Presbyterian and Congregational denominations assembled in Toron to on Friday to consider the some official way to bring about union immediately between the above denominations Rev Dr Car man General Superintendent of the Methodist Church was appoint to chair and Rev Dr Ramsay was made Secretary After earnest dis cussion and consideration of the matters involved the committee in order to secure further information adjourned to meet in Toronto again December The announcement comes from Ot tawa lion George EulftS Fos ter Minister of Trade will sail for on tlw flTth of this month to attend the sessions the Imperial Trade Commission The Commission goes to Australia in Feb ruary or March and Mr Foster will join them there After holding ses sions In Australia they will visit New Zealand so that Mr Foster will be absent from Canada a large part of next year Commissions report will rea dy for two or three years Mean while it may be noted that members of the present Ottawa are having a fine old time across the briny deep at the expense the people of Canada without any cut in salaries- though a follower of the kings one dislike hotting When anyone asks him What horse he Is going to hegcucraV- replies In the Way tOing to back a nlly often backed before Ive never won any thing It yet lost a penny whatever horse that the Oh a little filly called Common Sense Tommy LetItAlone is the Invarir able reply A Wonderful Discovery An eminent scientist the other day gave his opinion that the most derful discovery of recent years w the discovery Just think I As soon as a single thin layer ot is applied a wound or a sore such injury Is In sured against blood poison Not one species of microbe has been that link does not kill again As soon as Is applied to a sore or a cut to skin disease It stops the smarting That is why children are such friends of They care nothing for the science of the thing All they know is that stops their pain Mothers should never forget this as soon as Is ap plied to a wound or to a diseased part the cells beneath the skins surface are so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed fcls forming of healthy tissue from below is secret of heal ing Trie tissue thus formed is worked up to the surface and literal ly casts off the diseased tissue above it This is why cures arc permanent 1 Only the other day Mr Marsh of Ave Montreal called upon this ZamBuk Co toldtheni that for twnHyftve years he had been a martyr to His bands were at one time so covered with sores that lie bad to sleep in gloves Four years ago ZamBuk was introduced to him and in a few months it cured him Today over three years alter his cure a disease he had for twentyfive years he still cured a has had race of any return of the eczema All druggists sell at box or we will send free trial box If you send this advertisement and a stamp to pay return postage Address ZamBuk Co Toronto ues Will be Distributed Among Canadian Farmers Will You Get One of Them lb addition to tho first of will be other csuh prizes ranging from to 25 in our PRIZE CONTEST FOR FARMERS contxa ii tame liniaa In addition to ihu divided into one o wcvessful year except to at to pre small usen of cement an that there are a and equal chance who more the therefore three as for Contest hi also divided into nine divisions one Every farmer in Canv or each So you tee you need only Who Cement Is to tocompeto the other of your own compete The conditions arc that largo province and not all over Canada and users of cement have equal Dont think that you have never to Win a prize cement you cannot win a prize Many The ii divided into nd jret fim ihiid and fourth in rich CLAM tit M I fc iVli CLAM twuiti Am ki eaSJa WU CLAM c Vfbr lA U U iA4 kDtaf kw at iciit W Send me of your a Prize Contest of lucd cement before entered the will ten J fii a free book Whit the Do Concrete that only you In the hut will tell iou thing you to know about the of cement on the Jay J ft J I BUg MontreJ av iv A rree book What the ctn do wth will to all who request details of the Prize Contest AT MOTHERS KNEE Intimation is given out that Provincial Secretary Department Is con tins entering upon sonio agricultural scheme through the Asy lum Branch to reclaim by drainage several large tracts of waste land in connection with the Institutions at Orillia and Whitby The project as wo understand It Is to build up around each institution a great farm which will provide heal thy employment for Inmates- and at the same time help to male the In stitutions more less Ing In regard to food supply SpeaV- of tbe proposal the Star says the different farms will in different lines At Prison Farm and dairy produce will bo the specialty At the Whitby Farm special attention will be given to raising butcher cattle Said President John Adams on a public occasion There are faro prayers I like to say The first- Is the Lords Prayer and because Jesus taught it and the other Is what seems to be a childs prayer Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep and I like say that because it suits me I have been repeating it every night for many years past I say it yet and expect to say it my last night on the earth if I am Now I lay met down to sleep I pray thee my soul to keep If should die before I wake I pray thee Lord my soul to take All this I ask for Jesus sake Amen- How familiar these words I Wo all learned them in childhood They taught us at mothers knee With closed eyes and upturned face and hands we repeated them They formed our first prayer the sim plicity that childlike trust We prayed we slept Gods good angel stoodguard throughout the We Physicians and are trying to determine why it is that today are not as good as were years ago It is generally conceded that the reason is of today have so aids that thy do need to retnombcE With newspapers issued every hour with the tele phone and telegraph at our elbow with last mails hourly with public libraries In almost every and town It is no longer necessary to tax memory Feats of memory while not as they used to be can still bo found As late as a young woman in Morth Carolina memorized the entire New Testament to win a prize and her young sister a girl ot eleven memorized and re cited alnwst verses Dr used to tell story a man proud his mental re- tentivenbss He offered to any proof ol it detred and was asfed to read a newspaper and then repeat every word of it memory the host held paper while the man repeated it verbatim and every word in its place The surprise the host however was even greater and his skepticism taxed beyond when the visit or offered to show how easy the feat Kid been by repeating the Words backward And ho did it Begin ning at the end the last word of tho first column be went to the be ginning of the first- word of the first column without an error Dr fails to give this prodigys name Mozart memorized the music of the Miserere after hearing it twice only and It is musicians toJiay that memory is most used as an ev ery day accomplishment Hundreds of pianists and others can play for hours or even days from memory Many orchestra conductors can dis pense with the scores a Forty thousand trees have been planted In this year liiere are ten inmates In tbe gaol at two of whom are insane A girl who is pretty and it Is apt to consider the whole poach crop Children FOR FLETCHERS ASTO I A GARDENS I The Rosedale Residental District OF KET BOULEVARDS PARKS I New between Queen and at recta Prospect Only Five to Seven Walk from the Factories Visit the no And have our easy payment plan explained no interest ion or call at Office Royal Hotel Building Main street evenings FRANK J SULLIVAN CANADIAN Colonist Rates One Way Second Class From all Stations in Ontario j TV Certain Points in ARIZONA WASHINGTON MONTANA OREGON ALBERTA BRITISH COLUMBIA IDAHO Etc Sept to Oct Full particulars Rates etc any P Agent to ATKINSON Agent Newmarket NEWMARKET la all Countries Ask lot our Inventor Mar ion University Street comer St Street and USA Profitable Poultry Actual yield tor lour months trees layers Dec Jan Feb Mar a record lor winter lay through a severe season which is bard to Buy your eggs tor hatching a sixain Rhode Island Reds which ere without a peer as table fowl ana wonderful producers egg for Anbrey Davis IS Newmarket Oat Dr Vans Female Pill A French fob ra Id Stow in cheap Dr a box or lor tiled to Co out YEARS I Marx AC fen- ltls well to he in all matters essential but it Is to borrow trouble In advance The infant child Mr Mrs Carlton was given tablet the mother In mistake lor a Own Tablet on Wednesday Noticing some time that was sleeping heavier than usual- she became alarm ed and upon investigation found she bad given the wrong Dr was immediately summoned and Ajmtnlstered antkrites W time goinx to press Child Is mUrao rfoat ra hive to know Lit Cloth J or Color CarJ colon believed that our prayers were an- swered Long years ago that dear mother passed away We grown to manhood and womanhood followed the precious dust to its last resting place but the spirit returned to God who gave it But all through those years there has remained the memory of the prayer mother taught Now I lay me down to sleep An year ago a wellknown Methodist pastor of Vermont was taken to the hospital at Troy N for a criti cal surgical operation- Before the an esthetic was administered the Chris tian- surgeon said Dr have you anything to say before we begin the operation Takenhy surprise the clergyman knowing not what to answer closed his eyes and repeated the prayer learned at t his mothers knee J Now lay me down to sleep There followed anxious of sleep but as in child hood days God the Keeper was ever faithful and with the dawn there was light and hope May we with John Qulncy Adams not be ashamed of mothers prayer but use It even on our last night on earth Christian Intelligencer Two eggs milk is the 7 i I 9 Its Supremaoy in Realm of Muaio is acknowledged the and Tone Critics the daVi a is the By from the tie will find that tho Gerhard is not a Price Rcohibitive Instrument even to those Limited Means taken in exchange constantly on hand at Bargains Write for Prices A Limited CITY HALL SQUABS TORONTO i SiVi ftrr J i 1T rtj i -v- VpSUTiiSz TORONTO KI Mfe ess ft j ftE SS Ht m