Newmarket Era, 20 Sep 1912, p. 5

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I A AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR J Practical end House Decorator Niagara Streets Newmarket A inn DENTIST Main Street Newmarket Wilkinson DENTIST Office in Block Newmarket J Dunn Qualified Maternity Nurse SO Box 309 Newmarket Helen Small Organist of Christian Piano Organ and Theory Terms on Residence Terms on No Niagara St Newmarket InstructionsPiano Organ leal Branches introducing the System Studio The Bank of Toronto Bid Newmarket WEDNESDAYS A SATURDAYS J S NEWMARKET Gradual of Ontario Veterinary College CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Day or Livery Phone Transportation operating splendid for jnen who wish to engage great business ol transportation No country in the world is tiding railway building that Canada now engaged in and the young man who goes into this Boo of work and becomes skilled in railway prorations Is almost certain to win groat rewards The one school which is training the young men for this field with market success Is the Central Telegraph anil Railroad School of card in our columns Registered Letters There an a number of people who think merely a five- cent stamp to a letter registers it Postmasters inform Us thai they found a number letters In the which have had stamp affixed and which quite evidently intended to be regis tered People sending letters thru the mail in this way an merely throwing away their money audhVo no claim against department in case of T register a letter you must pel the to enter it up on his records and give a receipt tor it J- feet to lfc I surface of the fieW Readings are taken on these stoker The cut depth of the ditch at each stoke la marked on it and a separate of toe of the stakes and cuts is lor refer ence The ready be and the accurate work come mak ing tie bottom of the ditch to grade by water with he eye or a Jowl and straight or ki angle and plumb boh are nor economical These reth- are all more or less Two methods which very accurate work are common use for grading the They are the string and target k Fall Fairs and Bradford Oct Markham aiOct East at u0ot 16 Issuer of LICENSES At thera Office Newmarket Offloe Papers issued at private resi dence if desired Farm Produce Fair market last Saturday Ruling prices as follows per dot to per lb and Dressed Chickens per Dressed Duosper Id to Crab Apples per Apples per basket Plums per and Potatoes per to Melons to each Tomatoes per Pickling Onions per Cucumbers per Onions per bunches per 3 bunches 10c Carrots per bunches Cabbages and each Cauliflower to each Spring Chickens per lb Old liens per v Ducks per lb Pigeons per pair Rabbits per pair to Hides and lie Call Skins to Sheepskins to Tallow per lb So to As the formerly in clip the lowing from the of Sept nth A very pretty wedding was this afternoon at lvOociock in Methodist Church when the only daughter Mr and Mrs Alberta was united in marriage to Mr Milton Hall man Toronto formerly of Winnipeg son the late Mr Jos rtingciiian tiet- J officiat ed with Mr Cecil Carl at organ The bride was white satin bugle fringe wore a veil of a Juliet cap and orange blossoms and carried a sliower bridal roses and lilies the valley one Ave thousand dollars bonds were the Toronto Wilson driver a bak ery wagon was scot to jail for sixty days lor breaking Into and stealing gold watch arid other from a bouse he was to deliv er bread He cut a nolo through the screen door to at the stolen pro- The corner atone the new Knox College on the University of Toronto grounds will be laid next Thursday by Ills Honor ernor Martha alias for stealing sevena the Robert Simpson Co was- sent for months to the Mercer A new has Inf ventci WWch dumps its load as its are pushed down thus Saving its usr the tabor ol The Methodist and Publishing decided last week erect a find pubiisiini oh Pari of the Old Christo pher estate John tweeri and Queen P car of lost his by a fall the running board his cor One anil twelve tttft took part in the Heginieut rifle on lost It the of the Regiment Prank Day assumed his and preached Northern Congregational Church last dealers says an are that fruit so plciUilul it- is hard to market it In view of ioavoiAij sauop prices a little A course in Agriculture has been established by Depart ment of Tliey bruits in the police court said Judge Morgan the despatch from Ottawa in that although the formal flxtn the date of Day this fall bos is understood the Department will recommend Monday Wth A proclamation may he tomorrow The Duke Of has an Imitation from Club to lunch wtth on lot the request the Clubs usual prograin will not bo departed from pueals are expected The Toronto Teieftiam on the of Ottawa of School Trustees who have declared their Opposition to the hi lingual dealings with is sue nYust decide whether Mir Whitney of this province or whether the lob a lot of Separate School trustees who propose to run the province know the reason A difference Ifl the vleWpohit re ho School Toronto is apparent Toronto of Should these grounds as to city valued at a million dol lars for the reason that growth which save llifm value The Hamilton Herald counters as follows But growth has been due the growth of Ontario and population so tlv people of Ontario Mad better keep that property or the proceeds it 11 it is sold The maid o honor In 7- Itrtcts a shell pink wMt m Meteor sat shadow lace and thocwoplrJnt Michael Ma- Of SJ Boyd A Musical Treat Graduate in medicine Toronto University also Licentiate Royal College of Physicians and mem ber ol the Royal College of Surgeons ol England- Former clinical assistant in Moor fields Eye Hospital and I di versity College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England- Office Cor Main and Timothy Telephone HO Consultation Hours My services may be had at the day or night calling at the office or phone NEWMARKET Works LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones far Call before ordering elsewhere GEO Furnace Work i Plumbing Eavetroughing 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SOUS Next to Grocery I T Time Card GOING NORTH Leave Toronto Ailaadale 805 SOUTH ft Leave a to pm Toronto I PHOTOGRAPHS We equipped to Portraits are right and our long experience la picture we make The child the parent the grandparent all aasured a good and when do the work Come In at any time or more desirable make an appoint ment ZURBRIGO The Royal Hand ers who are engaged come to on Saturday night Oct are the greatest attraction in the road this season Head the fol lowing press notices Sentinel Review Woodstock- March A large and en thusiastic audience greeted Royal English Hand Bell at too Church last night their repeated encores their lull appreciation of the artiste The solo and part singing of Mr who has a- baritone voice unusual qual ity was a treat rarely accorded A notable number was the duett by Messrs Jossop Wain which well brought out the quality of both voic es The skilful handling of the Bells and the perfect Urns and ob tained particularly In The Poet and Peasant and Hallelujah Chor us showed what splendid effect can be produced even in music com plex character Examiner Feb- The large attendance at St Andrews was delighted with one of the most uniquely artistic con cert entertainments ever presented in Ringers A charming blending ol popular and classical music The Bell Ringers arc tar beyond in exe cutive capability other of the kind The company has voices as sweet and full toned as the Veils and were heard in solo duett quar tette and double quartette Mr Alto sang like a bird divinely Voiced and had to repeat with a delightfully sun little Constancy Mr Wain a firstrate lyric tenor won a wellde served recall by his beautiful Mr Basso has voice great power- and rich ness His singing of Old Soldier with a charming Bell ac companiment was a delightful luxe His duet with Mr Wain was enthusiastically welcomed and had to bo repeated Why Not Drain the Farm If you have be drained have it surveyed by the Department ol Ag riculture at Newmarket The Depart ment will a survey of your land and furnish a map showing the num ber and size of tile required depth and grade drain etc Write to Department of Agriculture New and find out about it you want to do the work your- the first thing to do in starting to drain a field is to locate the pro posed tile drains and laterals where they will do the most good Where the land is very flat or level and the whole surface must be drain ed a uniform system of leading directly to the larger main tile is the most advantageous In the case of more rolling lands with wet draws and ponds or low places where the water collects from the points a main dram should be run up the lowest part of the field and submains and laterals run from it the wet spots This type land docs not usually require as com plete system of tiling to drain It as does flatter land After the peoposcd system of drain has been laid out the next thing Is to get the levels and estimate cuts for the ditches Here accurate work muse be done says 1 Leffir In Home A mistake in es tablishing the grade lines means a proportionate reduction efficiency Grade stakes are numbered and plac id along the proposed drain either W touches of pale blue and cap ptirls She carried a sheat pink roses and maiden hair fern The groom was supported by Mr Geo Clarke ok Forest The were Mr Walter the and Mr J Ernest Graham Toronto During the signing the register Mrs Waller sang Be cause Immediately alter the wedding a reception was held at the home brides parents on Frances Street guests numbering about sixty Mrs D wore a beautiful gown of rose satin brocade with Span ish lace and leaver hat to match The sjKicious rooms were tastefully decorated with of ferns palms presented a very soothing cooling to the eye Mr and Mrs leK by motor for Mr and Mrs on tt proprietor the Hotel There should never been a warrant issued a common sum mons would have done Its a per fect outraged The receipts for the sale tickets during the fair time by Grand Trunk- Canadian Pacific and Canadian Northern was more than the year shows that a good many people travelled over these railways year than last during the Exhibition Ontario Government makes any the Normal School property the civic authorities will be called in and given an oppor tunity to acquire the property This was Sir James Whitneys assurance to Mayor Geary and the civic deputation which waited upon him a few days Torontos Jewish is now said to number Wednesday of last week waa their New according to the Jewish mode of reckoning They celebrated the occasion with the usual relljious services special to Years Day in all the places of worship Since then sunset- every day ser mons have been preached in their va rious synagogues The last day la the penitential season of their code Is known as the bay of Atonettient which this year falls on Saturday Sept Thursday of last week the Hebrew population Toronto have been celebrating their Mew Year Electric Power for Hudson Bay Railway Gull summer home at Miner s Mistakes raaXeo mistakes In his hut with moat people Only the knows about it The newspaper mans mistakes are spread out thousands of readers to see Some people seem to think they Wing able to out errors In the papor After taking their leisure lo outtlaWifl in work had to bo in a hurry they perhaps the editor or hall htm on street to tell him a misspelled name a transpos ed word or line a recent issue The bulk of mistakes in items or articles found in newspapers are tho result of inaccurate or hear say Information given its editor reporter The newspapers do not the newsbut they try- to ascertain happenings of in terest to their reader and to pres ent them in as correct and realis able form possible i Ship Sank off the Coast of Labrador at Overflow Personals Mr Is visiting Mrs A Goring is visiting rela tives in Ottawa Mr Geo was hi King City on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Gardner motored to Toronto on Wednesday Mr J Walker US has re turned after being ill at his home in Schomberg for a few weeks Mr Sherman Fletcher and Rao Wheeler of Toronto spent Saturday at Mr Moores Mr and Mrs J over Sunday with their daughter Mrs Dr of Egllntoo Messrs MoBlroy and McCaffrey spent the week end with Mr orlmson at Orch ard Mrs A and Miss Margaret Prospect Ave returned homo on Monday after two weeks visiting In Detroit and Jackson Mich Mr and Mrs and Miss Helen of were the guests of Mrs Lloyd at Orchard Beach St Johns Sept The steamship Algerine J chartered by to prospect tor minerals in the North Baffins Land was in ice oft Ponds Inlet latitude north on the July during a squall and snowstorm She sank in thirtyfive minutes alter the squeeze began in two fath oms of water her contents being a total loss AH hands were saved in the boats and lauded on the ice where Subsisted on very scanty provisions until the 1st of August when the steamship Neptune charter ed by Scott arrived at Inlet The crew and party wete taken aboard and departed for St Johns on Aug arriving here yesterday all well The ice in the Arctic Ocean is un usually and heavy The was Insured but there was no Insurance on her contents In mineral results the ex pedition was a though the Point was reached and thor oughly prospected Brantford collects a license fee of from moving picture shows HARDSHIP A GYMNASIUM The way to acquire selfreliance Is to depend on ones self Necessity is the mother of invention end it is seldom that ingenuity is marked in those for whom the way is made too easy What we call hardships are thq gymnasium in which are developed the qualities necessary for success Vancouver Sept Ar thur Douglas aged about 30 son of Mr and Mrs lames Douglas War mer Rood Toronto was kilted last night four miles outside of Vaicou- by being thrown from an auto when it skidded in the roadway De ceased was with the Espies Company here coming from the To ronto office Mr James Douglas his was the former proprie the Trader Hotel Toronto The best to induce other peo ple to respect your advice is to keep it to yourself Catarrh lo Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they cannot reach the seat of the di sease Catarrh Is a blood or consti tutional disease and In order to cure it you must take Internal remedies Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine It was prescribed by one of the heat physi cians in this country for years and is regular prescription It Is compos ed of the best tonics known combin ed with the best blood purifiers act ing directly on the mucous surfaces The prefect combination ot the two ingredients Is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh Send for testimonials P J CHENEY Co Props Toledo 0 Sold by Druggists price cents Take Halls Family lor con- y TELEGRAPHY operating and Station Agents work thoroughly taught In our School The Central Telegraph and Hall rood School Toronto Get our book Guided by the Key It explains our work and the splendid chances for operators Write Shaw President Yonge and Toronto NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE OUR You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line I Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc A WALLAN COMPANY lli e Fall Goods Arriving Patterns SEE Ottawa Sept It is quite pro bable that in future years alter the Hudson Bay Railway is well in oper ation the motive power will be eleotneity In place steam The eventual feasibility of this was great ly impressed upon the Hon Cochrane during his recent trip over the line- The power plant I would posfcfcbly be located af White Mud Falls which is about halt way addition to this the Nelson Riv er abounds in waterfalls the Lake- Hudson Rav vatlon Commission estimating it at six million horsepower or about double of Niagara By operating the line with electri city it is that not only would the cost to less but the diffi culties experienced in keeping up steam during the cold weather would be obviated A plan even more ambitious is also suggested for some future time It is- to utilize the in the north country to furnish elec tricity to the western provinces on much the same line of operation as that the Ontario HydroElectric Commission This would involve the outlay many millions and the pro ject has not vet teen considered seri ously Tenders for the construction the last section of the Hudson Ray Rail- was the seaboard link have the Department of Railways and Canals The time for receiving ten ders closed yesterday The tenders which are said to indicate some com petition provide for alternate routes whether to Port Nelson or Fort Churchill TALK TO YOUR Talk to your horse and teach him to obey your voice as well as the This may prove valuable as sometimes happens the lines break or become unbuckled besides the horse likes the sociability it He easily learn a dozen or more but bo careful to them only tor exactly what you mean For Inr stance whoa means to stop at lice and stand still get up to go straight ahead and at once back to step backward easy or to slow up These words the horse readily learns X takes kindly Walk means to change at once to a walk and 11 right spoken in a calm re assuring tone means dont bo afraid Our Bargain Table Jobbing i New Fall and Winter Styles Samples of SemiReady Clothing Samples Show the FINEST WEAVES AND PATTERNS Ever Shewn In STYLES DIRECT FROM NEW YORK Prices from 1 to 35 SUITS AND OVERCOATS MADE TO YOUR SPECIAL MEASURE WH S Delivered in Seven Days SatistaeUon or Money Refunded that hurt you and it wonderful to see what a calming ef fect It has Speak firmly but not sharply to the horses for they aw nervous creatures Talking to your will make him more Intelligent and more friendly Spirit the West There are a thousand pretty en gaging little which every per sonmay put on without running the ot being deemed affected or fop pish The smiles the cordial bow the earnest movement- in ad dressing friend the inquiring glance and the graceful attention which Is so captivating when united with will Insure- us the of even a churl Above all there is a certain softness of man- thai should be cultivated and which in either man or woman adds a charm that almost entirely com pensates for lack of beauty and in- Also Headquarters for HighClass Gents Furnishings Boots GIVE US A CALL DUNCAN Jr The Cents Outfitter I I TREADEASY The TREADEASY Cushion Sole Empress Shoe Vecwc4500AstiwhoHau CofoiubUShw W WRIfi T v ft TORONTO r

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