SIX jgENt ALBERT Sutton JOHN SUTTON a MOUNT ALBERT PERSONAL kit John cicvbricn wnwjj torn a visit with friends in Matin Richmond Hill ic and Mrs leu evening- 1 y di took on 6e Miss Li aUtM Mis- Maty pW Mr llctieit necessitated by health hope Is thai only for a and lhal he may be Per mitted a period labor in Urn has given his lit and which be If BALDWIN QUEENS Vilufc A Wirt Station from his trip to yincUc remains to from Miss Hunter daughter of lev Hunter nee Mary Moore Or jla is visiting friend Miss Queen Sunday rainfall was another setback id Mrs ol a John A it Complaints ire rife that potato rut is spreading In IhU ftcigbhorhoiW I occasionally remarked on skillful handling of horsed ft lllUsir4UdnM Professor Secretary and of Truro Agricultural CoHeg spent a Farm with anil Son last Week re turning home he lrel Shorthorn cow calf also yearling imported They shipped had Miss sister it iJWM tor Mft the fojt mAn its anil Mrs suiHiv one our best oa the train and rtll 5 J l- won our tor the nor tn friends untie in wishing them happy days of our best young men j hacked by considerable SUTTON FALL FAIR Thursday and Kepi 36 Wth DONATION IN lASH Sutton Village North t 10 IN W A i mmj Simpson Co AMtOpoUtoJi j JJ A Ontario Co ft flea Women In the thai many offer cod are or motherhood be remedied Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription H A Hill TO PASTOR gathering Contribution Of the home Mrs on her butt firphlugOliS the Canadian National To- taking 3rd pulet muscularity or Chtis- gave her victory last week received a an- Bouncing that would ind 3rd Most of the birds imported from warm A trio of birds sold by her won 1st Church the wis Cockerel and 2nd Pullet at Isold Dunn on Tuesday evening to London Fair This speaks Weil to the retiring pastor Smt Cameron and his wile A Mr Jacob and Mr and Mrs pleasant evening was spent and Terry left for Mi was presented with a provinces on Tuesday a raising on J the winners were mature ivitmg me to he earn was illuminated with ft fine pen and ink of lncle Owl which- was suit case and Mrs with a satin accompanied IM following address Rev and Mrs The members of Chalmers Church- on of Miss Bessie is visiting her sister Mrs Trover in Toronto Several members Womens up to Keswick on niesxlay afteinocn and a moil meeting with your departure new and iis- branch of the Society ant that they cannot al low you to leave without attempting however inadequately to express their I appreciation labors in M field During the eleven years mm- -the- church has been built up ana strengthened owing to your 1 eat in service Stewart of Aurora is the guest of her friend Miss Ella Milne this week The rain on Tuesday evening not prevent a- large number of the league young people the corn roast on Mrs Milnes lawn and everyone spent a jolly evening Out door games and singing and you have been earnest and composed the program to which under the most trying jeryone contribute You ami J Rev Am uncomplainingly the duties District will snaV on ttio O Sutton yw jvJT7yt Mrs Sutton Sutton o Millard Rrca Sutton A W MS Woodcock Merchant A Lovick A Son iiitiHfisVit th nd of It oh dUot mad Important organs concerned in them trooi and period of expectancy and make babys and and viulires Insures and robust of women bar testified to Makes Women It Makes Sick Women Welt do offer and them upon a iodi Accept In place of tola remedy It not a drop and it a train of or Ii a pure native American roota your office as one of Rod Ministers even when almost overcome by physicafisurteriris and such noble Society work illustrating his with Lantern Slides on evening Sept the In th cause duty can- Church Mr will also J5w I r I MB li f Mi not fail to have its reward We desire to express our apprecia tion of the important scrtices ren dered this congregation by Mrs In the different branches of the work of the church and in the Sabbath School she was always and useful young pwple and the little children will ever have cause to remember her helpfulness and kindly interests In Warding yon these little jilts Wo all ask you to them as tokens of our esteem and affection May they serve to recall many pleasant memories of the years spent In Albert That hold much brightness and for you both that your lives may long be snared to the rest you have so Justly earned and that at last we may all meet in that Happy Land where partings are no more is the earnest wish of yriur last I a r OK The Presbytery of Toronto at its tegular on the tenth day of September current unanimously adopted the following resolution toucniugtic pastorate Rev Cameron ordeaxl that it bo the record and that a Copy be sent to Mr -amer- 0 the Rev Cameron from the pastorate of Albert congregation his from Presbytery and for the present from the minis ry Is a matter of special moment to members of this court Mr Cameron was ordained in July of hundred and The twentynine years of his with the exception ot two years re tirement through sickness have been served in three pastorates Ontario he labored for live years in Ontario for ten years and for the last eleven years and four months in Albert within our own Presbytery His life and ministry have been un usually attractive Ills fine nature his good life and bis faithful labor have his a distinction The Impress of his life his devoted ministry remain in each of the fields he has served His pastoral labors have been interrupt ed more than once by 111 health and at tithes severe physical suffering He has persevered with his exacting duties under the handicap- bodily weakness and pain His pul pit ministry has been and sincere and edifying He has se cured and held the and affection of his people because of his conscientious diligent and unoraplain- labors in their interests Mr owes much to the one companion of all his labors It is common knowledge that his fine ministry has been possible because of the devoted aid of his dear wife She fully shared his life his muse and Companion in sickness and his co- laborer In work Together Ry labored hard and now record of their high ministry behind they Mount Albert congregation The Preehytcry has valued bis brotherly love and fellowship and Is great worth their In the of He leaves with the love of brethren from is occupy the pulpit at both morning and evening services on Sunday SUTTON Mr Donald Grant the Arm A and Grant photographers Cal gary Alberta wishes to state that is nothing in the rumor that they are about to return Kind re gards to all friends A quiet but pretty wedding too and wife John A A Wright and all staunch friends of Yours truly The lata sixty by forty feet on a hollow cem ent wail will present a very showy appearance when complete equal to anything In this line in North The site is an ideal sloping towards the south west in good light and drainage The rival J Kester and were captains shall not debate on the minute details Everything passed off in style without a hitch or an accident I presume much of that Is due to the absence of the growler and its spiritual com ments mapped out the Dr plans to make this a model homestead According to the improve- The are making wonderful changes in their gravel hill in Gum Swamp There are those will see it totally removed That steam shovel is a rum ore to of our young men in short pants have more heart troubles than their elders They occasionally con fide their little troubles to me like cold shakes 1 love the man ghedi love thee not the maid And Uncle Owl cant help them i4uaivv3 m Co Toronto Christie Brown Co Toronto v i4ittoa J loo a a Mo 0 CO av J Sutton It Allan Sutton J A Cook Sutton NATIONS IN GOODS a I ttaaa ZZ place on Wednesday Sept at Farm the beautiful summer time be thecure home of Mr and Mrs Stephen Scott The young man claims lies found when their daughter became another divinity A mash that the wife of Mr Wilfrid M of Queensvllle The house was prettily decorated in orange am green and at high noon to the strains of the wedding march played by a sister of the bride the bridal party entered ami took their places under an aroh the prevailing colors The young couple were unattended Alter weading ceremony performed by the Rev p Fletcher Keswick ami the congratulations of the friends the wedding dinner was served In the spacious dining room to the guests present The young couple left for their new home on Union Street Bast amid the hearty good wishes of their friends Millinery Opening Miss V announces the opening millinery on Thursday September to A cordial invitation is extended to all Mr and Mrs- W have home after a few weeks visit In Western provinces and Coast Mr and Mrs W were away In Belleville and Toronto this week They took little Miss back to school at Belleville Tho Minstrels are practising faith for the cohcert on fair night Sept They have all songs and choruses The Sutton Fair this year pro mises to ecKpse all previous re cords The dates ate Thursday and Friday and Aurora band will furnish music Mr and Mrs H Johnston of Alton spent a few days in Sutton this week Mr Johnston has dis posed of his business there and has accepted a situation man ager of the Shredded Wheat Bis cuit- Co for the Martlme Prov inces with headquarters at Hali fax timately resulted in a smash A wellknown young gent of the Brownies town on a recent Sabbath gathered in a couple of rural school- mams who to tell the truth were strangers but a wee Vs acquaint ance in- this portion of the kings realm They were the drive prodigiously One of the young la dies was driving- What were the others doing eh Suddenly horse made a dash and like a flash tliere was a crash followed by a smash The wire fence was demol ished will require to repair the smash gather up the trash and next time dont bo so rash Sergt attended the an nual 12th Bat Shoot at Long Branch on Saturday He cleaned out the camp winning this regimental cham pionship by a gold medal a silver medal and a bag lull ot money The great Major Elliott champion fell before his prowess When he prepares for a match in proper manner It takes a great gun to beat Charlie I presume I know the family of Queen St North school mam Her home is a lovely village overlooking Lake Erie It is famous fruit country Everything is progressing favorably and rapidly at the mill dam Miss Velma returned from a two weeds Walt in Toronto Sb enjoyed city life immensely hut de clares theres no like home where shes deemed an angel Phe viewed the greatness from an automobile Bros Toronto MasseyHarris Co Toronto ivMyrtv- Eaton Co Toronto Co Toronto v James Lumbers Jt Co Toronto Kents Limited Jewellers Minto Toronto ii Rubber Co Toronto iv Switzer- Sutton J V Sutton n ExpressHerald Newmarket Ontario Wind Engine and Pump A- Sutton Era i v P Co Toronto J Sinalley Sutton Wilson Badgerow Toronto Rubber Co Toronto Mrs Cross to ft fin IS 0O 100 THE DOMINION BANK A BOQERT General Manager Up I Icier Fund total a4T0O00O as Banking Service of by niidb and money remitted without Advances on Sile Holes Travellers Cheeks and Letters of Credit ssued Savlftgi Department at branch of opens account TERRY Mount Albert if 3 i a v aaaa a a a a 3 3 3 OP J SPEEDING IN THE RING FRIDAY SEPT 230 TROT OR PACE Purse 100 Half Mile Heats Hopples al lowed Best 3in Divided and 20 per cent Entrance fee five percent Four to enter and three to start Additional five per cent from wiunertf i v St Thomas Church St Catharines on Tuesday Sept 3rd by the Vener- Archdeacon Perry Florence daughter of Mr and Mrs May to George Fisher of Buffalo son Dr and Mrs Sutton Sept Resolu tions were drafted at special meet ing today of President Venanle and Trustees of the University of North Carolina asking legislation to make college hazing a criminal ofleocg la view of the killing of student Wm last Friday morning by four Jo the police court at Gait Sat urday Ernest Meyer of Berlin guilty to charges bigamy and perjury and was remanded fore In order that the crown Inquire more fully the case His wife lives in and accord ing to his statement the last time he taw bet she was a two tea term In tiiere A London Sept 17 Sixteen persons worn killed and about fifty seriously Injured in an accident tonight on the London and Rail way at Junction near in Lancashire Windsor Sept Six days ago Harvey McKorton whose home Is at Tccumseh stepped on a rusty- nail and his right toot became affected He was brought to the Hotel Weu last Friday but too lata to save his life Gangrene set In and be died Norwood Sept White years old of this town was Instant ly killed by a Canadian Pacific west bound through express while crossing the track to the depot to take toe local which follows through ex press toPaHerWro late this after noon Deceased leaves a widow nine GREEN RACE Purse for horses- that never won Public Money on turf prior to Aug 1st Half mile heats Hopples allowed Best 3 in Divided 50 30 and 20- per cent Entrance fee five per cent Ad ditional five per cent from winners to enter and to start- RUNNING livVCEPurse Half mile heats Rest three fee Purse divided 50 and per cent REDUCED RAILWAY a He sure and come to the Sutton Fair Annual Concert in the Town Hall on Friday evening Sept Plan of Hall at J west Late Car will- leave Sutton for and intermediate points af ter the Concert Friday Sept 27th ENTRIES CLOSE SEPT AURORA RAND will be in attendance on Friday Sept 27 SeCretS bound and one of the robbers pulled the emergency cord bringing Of BOW Armies train to a stop in thick- woods The r engineer after a Position Unmasked and Every for- a signal to proceed went Defeated back to investigate discovering the maU clerks almost suffocated under Cambridge England Sept mall sacks which the robbers had Twentyseven aerial piled on top of them each averaging twenty miles were made today in connection with the British war manoeuvres The secrets MUCH frost arid Rain of both were bare every position was unmasked and every Winnipeg Man Sept It is ruse defeated raining all through Manitoba Given clear weather the aeroplane and it is coVd and damp all over has put in the hands of every com- katcbewanthe Worst possible what Wellingtonsald was the for threshing greatest qualification tot success Sunday morning frost was reported namely thb capacity for defining al1 ten degrees what the fellow on the other side of seven at Wynuayd five at the hill is doing This is at least Saskatoon In Alberta ten degrees the Impression gained- by was repotted at and five onlookers at the first days operations Konionton but whether it Is enforced by the rival All the wheat and most of oats commanders to lull extent is not in the West but considerable known is still in the fields Having received word that the Blue Winnipeg Sept frosts Army under command of- General night ruined many thousands of which In the r army ma- flax the Outlook commenced today the p R The frost invading force from the wlng a heavy wind storm North Sea had started to march to- out all the grain- not cut ward London the army set make a difference of thousands out at daylight the morning to inter- dollars to many in the Moose Jaw it district The manoeuvres are being conduct- 1 o threshingin the Prairlo on the most elaborate scale held adds two million bushels in England for some years The supply aafe from rain general scheme ptovtdes for re- and frost pulse ot the invading army from the is reported direction of Germany the scene otop- Parts with rain at the eastern coast Current and cloudy weather In of England Tho mimic war will parts of Manitoba Threshing is continue for days Council Sharon Sept The regular meeting of the Muni cipal Council of the Township of a long covered box He fired one charge at clcse range died a few moments later- and officers easi ly captured andcommUted to jail- for a week had a snail shanty near the Church Detroit United 1 ia States grand jury which has been in n session here for the past eleven days ended its sessions this evening and l B or with the adjournment the an- the sum of of thirtytwo under whom are charged advertised white slavery a first time Council committee of the whole took- up several bills present- TORONTO LETTER Moved by Burrows seconded by There is more truth than poetry in and resolved that the Reeve the following statement Marriage issue his order on the Treasurer for is never a failure when the contract- payment as follows viz parties have sense enough to set- The Ontario Bridge Co one tie down and try to make the best tOie foot steel bridge repairing A pair of sealions for- River- walks I Con dale Zoo arrived on Friday T Huntley rep cul- Scott caretaker of the Elm verts Con i Street Methodist Church had his skull fractured on Friday night last by a supposed burglar hitting him on the head with a piece of lead pipe Recovery doubtful In West Toronto last Monday Har ry touched the dangling end of a broken wire carrying a heavy cuttent of electricity causing instant death The Iadwas on his way to school Hon Wm exMinister of Public Works was in this city on Monday from St Johns on personal business Five Chinese were on Monday night in the local China town and practically cleaned out John teaming spiles pieces timber Robert Harrison bridge cover- log H S Gardner washers Eves plank for side walks Div Con Lome Burrows teaming bridge covering Walter Randall gravel Con Walter Randall gravel Town line South Toronto Gen Hospital main- tainance of Roht Little Mrs- J pes cedar Geo- gravel Con J T cement for 1190 2115 510 350 a Over large cases containing all j work Train Held up by Bandits f at In progress everywhere hi Sept Catharine the threeyearold daughter of Rlcttardson Canal Street was Chattenooga o playing with masked Pacts Mrs on had her hands badly westbound at oVlook the fire recover car was looted but the se cured Is unknown The men boarded the train at Ste venson entered the mall car and cov ered too four clerks with pistols of the clerks were bound the fourth ordered to opera all of registered Texas Sept John Real slayer of Cept A S Boyce and principal In the feud shot and instantly killed Al who eloped with Sneeds wife last The- took place in front of the Methodist Church robbers filled a bag with sorts imported liquors and a few boxes of opium were seized It is estimated the value ot the liquor seized will reach It was all taken to Police headquarters Two arrests were made and others will follow It is said the investigation con ducted Judge Winchester into the financial affairs of the Industrial Ex hibition some time ago was not as tarreaching asit should have gone and report has it that something fur ther Is to be done- Augustus Hare aged Baldwin street- while cleaning a rifle on Sat urday evening was accidentally shot contents going through his body He died after being taken the Hospital Deceased was employ ed at the City Shooting Gallery West Queen street A young German girl on her way while the train was wait ing at the Union Station on Mon day last took a stroll tbroufeh the depot Unbeknown to her moved oat carrying with it all her personal effects even to her Jiat and luncheon The immigration depart ment officiate took her in charge and she was sent to her destination by next train Wild duck shooting season Monday and at early dawn rifle ftig was heard over on Fishernans Island One man missed his mark and the bullet went whizzing through Dr Adams bedroom window Some people dont know enough to be rusted with handling a gun A car load of diseased potatoes were turned down by City wholesale dealers this week but they were sold to street peddlars Mr T Flood of the firm of lake Lash on Tuesday last slipped in the corridor of the Bank King streets and located his hip- Another elevator accident occurred on Tuesday by which James Robert son of Queen street was instantly killed He fell from the story to the bottom of the shaft Torontos net debt Is said to be The Quaker College pu pils can take exercise in figuring what that means per capita of the popula tion on the estimated basis of i Children Cry FOB on sidewalks cutting weeds 1 Con Newton drawing gravel aaa Fred Bell work on Town Line West Frank West one day with a team Div Geo Conner work 4 Jas days work on Jno Granger day do Sewell I day team and J day man J T Cowieson gravelling Angling road Thos Allen work Con Samuel Miller a pes cedar Alfred Longrield work cedar on bridge 6 Con John work ce dar on Road Harrison work on TLE Rye days work Con Walker Rlgler gravel TLN Amos Lapp gravel Con Rye gravel Div Con 8 gravel on Ang- ling road Geo Cole gravel Con Jno Jones gravel TLE Wm work on- bridge COO- Albert Smith work on bridge Coo And that the Corporate seal be hereto attached Carried Council adjourned to meet on Oc tober at a in Municipal Hall Sharon A 75 350 375 426 300 95 a00 720 f 375 820 230 To Rent Combined store and dwelling house in Albert next door to Dominion Barak first class- business location Tor further particulars to MISS LEEK A1ert We Represent TV Royal Fire Insurance Co Merchants Fire Insurance Co The Independent Fire Co General of Canada Marriage License Done J A l a a I ffi gft TORONTO