SY A fc 1 K A- TOT FRIDAY I Johns Church Ranis Vespers will song Sunday at oclock St Andrews Chant propose have a Social Evening at Mr adjoining a l Wo have just opened a Crate or Direct import at Specially Low Prices Nice Goods They are White with Blue Bands- A NEST OK BOWLS FOR The Jugs are from ac cording to Firemen I On next a til Hook- and ladder Section the Fife will tale Fire Hall at Royal English Bell Ringers music on a Hi in the great master These ore re ferred to In the- press over North York at Newmarket come and and now people can settle down to the ordinary busmen So Jar as the agricultural display products concerned the it Was not equal to fast year but was all right Hoots Fruits and Vegetables wore fine and Also the Display put Work and Fine Arts were rather slim Main Hall however cry pretty with Its decorations Mottoes and iiid the Chief ttltraotion In tto centre collection wlW Silvertopped the pro perty of Mr J tor in the Child rens Classes wns Very And too found ifc to some dcVotet to the with the High drift da as Kteatcst musical to the farmers what the i is do years M A Always a Bargain in our Window A DIRECT IMPORTER OF STAPLK AND FANCY CHINA s Ontario Is anxious to do tor them it Mr f the has Tjke a Look very competent manager while his At assistant Mr who is also ford It on the a graduate Agriculthral ground Hoot Find out their cash College shown a very prices You will then up capable- man ins PA credit The Specialty Co The Friends Hal J had very displays of household ot Injure but our merchants Your Success Summer seems to take a perverse fdollrt in coming back alter the lake resorts have closed and the schools have opened It is only- three until the I Ad usual ajJ awing machines are The the were far ahead of the ordinary and was the fa vorite with the children The mile heats was watched all withcon- Making Pickles and Catsups dt pends on Good pure Spices and Vinegar We handle only Quality Spices and Vinegars and these used in the Preparation of Your Pickles will Ensure Success end of leap And there are still interest The first a few old bachelors hiding in the list carried oft the purses the derbrush Two rinks of our bowlers went to last and were ie- by If you are Tired of T Bell Ringers Comings Human Bird Divinely is the way the Examiner expressed its valued opinion of Mr So other male Alto has been heard in Canada since the tour the famous and original West minster Abbey Choir twelve years ago You are drinking try our Bell Ringers Blende 1 j The Leading Sellable Prompt Delivery Phono CORNER OF Main Timothy Streets Miss who gave our town that superb concert party Roy al Welsh Ladies Choir WM in tlw Ringers a nan we have yet The Quartette a whole concert Itself and cannot he wniailed Horn the Canadian profession J GREGORYS for French Dry Cleaning and Pressing Over Toronto Jobbing House W Newmarket Forale Second Hand Doors Sash and Frames of J Newmarket Peddtars Take a Back Seat More farmers in this vicinity who have been buying tea by the chest from at 35c a pound will like kicking themselves when the hear that Roche to are selling same tea retail at a pouns MoralSee what you Can do at stores before buying horn Fall Millinery Dont fail to call see Mrs Hughes fine display of Girls Wanted At the Clothing Factory Steady Work I Rhubarb lor Sale Victoria grown seed ready tor fall planting roots for 25o cents dozen Fred street Newmarket Houses for Sale On West Side of Newmarket brick and frame On East Side Cement House cut price for quick sale M HUGHES 35 Real Estate Agent House Organ For Sale Cheap Second Hand tut in good order Has several stops and Is adapted for use in a Sunday School Time given for part pay ment if desired on approved Apply at this Office Splendid Opportunity FOR A MARKET GARDENER Five acres on Prospect Ave Just south of Pickering and out side of the corporation of Newmar ket Brick house good orchard etc Apply to Mrs Toole or MOSES TOOLE Newmarket Boy Scouts Evidently the boys of the town are anxious to have something to Over GO of them mot in the Metho dist Gym on Tuesday evening with a few fathers After themselves a ie while Mr Aubrey Davis was asked to the chair and Mr Hammond of Toronto gave an address which was listened too very attentively In order to organize it is necessary to have men of he town inter ested for the sake of supervision and possibly the Mayor may be asked hold a public meeting in the Town J lo in meantime Rev Simpson taking hold of the matter and will conduct a tramp to the Sharon Tem ple next Saturday afternoon All the hoys of the town who wish to join them will meet at tho Methodist Gym at sharp Irvine Wes ton Denbrooks Ash Oak Ridges Happy Frank Elgin Mills Elgin Mac Jos Elgin Mills Principal Wes ton i M Gilford Mann Newmarket Forest Jay Dr J 4 15J An awful downpour of rain put a damper on everything- and everybody on Wednesday morning but about noon the sun began to shine which changed the aspect considerably Not withstanding the threatening- clouds about people were in attendance The auto procession headed by the Aurora Band and followed by decor ated trade vehicles gave an indica tion of what would be possible in that Hue with favorable weather and the cooperation of the business com munity coukl easily be mode a special feature another year And would be quite a drawing card For the third year in succession Mr R J Matthewsonot Newmarket won the handsome silver cup on ex hibition in Watsons window There were only three competitors this time In Lady Driving there were I competitors Miss Trent won the red ticket and Miss Grace Fetch the blue card- There were six roadsters in har ness 3 years old and the 1st prize was carried oft by Mr Marvin Rut- ledge with Mr M a close Four horses competed in the Spe cial Delivery Class and Mr A Wallace won 1st and 2nd prizes Mr A team ponies won 1st Mr Norman Walkers the 2nd as Thompson and J Sander ft Co- M and Oxfords and The in Swine were Dennis Son Fred Smith and 1 There was a fair show in poultry but not to last year chief exhibitors In this class were if Crosby j A It James Squires J A A Geo Mrs Peter J Rosenlulen and In Speeding Ring there were in the 1 Class and two in the 330 pace There were three motorcycled both the and Aurora on the the Snd and 3rd men and did Spieridid WORKPLAIN Sewing any stitch- Mrs Smyth Mrs J on Linen 1st and 2nd J Cotton Shirt Mrs Kersey Flannel Fisher Mrs G Smith i Shirt and Hatch Young Cotton G 2nd Mrs Ed Flannel Smyth 2nd Miss LR Fisher Kitchen AproiMiss ft Fisher Mrs Graham Pillow CasesMrs Fred Miss Fisher Table Mats Mrs Kersey 2nd Mrs J FrockMrs J Graham Woolen or Miss Fisher 2nd Mrs Plant or Mrs 2nd Mrs 1 D Graham Toilet Mats CrochetedMrs J Crawford 2nd Miss Fisher Wool Slippers K or Miss L IB Fisher 2nd Mrs Crawford Wool Shawl K or 2nd Graham Wool Socks coarse 11 Fisher 2nd Mrs Ed Boyd Wool Smyth 2nd Woo Mitts K Mrs 1 Gra ham 2nd Mrs Ed Boyd Crocheted Lace Mrs J Gra ham 2nd Miss Fisher Infants Bootees or Mrs J Graham 2nd Miss Fisher Crocheted CounterpaneMrs Ker sey Knitted Counterpane Mrs Kersey Patchwork Quilt Young 3nd Mrs Quilt Crawford Collection VITA WHAT YOU ASK FOR OVERALLS IF LOCAL DEALtR SAYS HE HAS SOMETHING JUST COMPARE THEM NOTE THE IMMATERIAL WORKMANSHIP OF THE OVERALLS ALSO ON THE COATS NOTE THE GAUNTLET CUFF AND THE UNIFORM BAND AS GOOD GARMENT STANDS THE COMPARISON BUY IT AIL MEANS t BUT THEY WONT STAND A CAREFUL COMPARISONS WE ARE THE AGENTS ft FOR GUARANTEED OVERALLS James Go the Men Main St West Newmarket Mrs Ornamental LetteringHarry J RackMiss B Wllkinson LADIES T Miss Fisher any kindMr T Boyd Fancy ApronMiss Fisher 2nd Mrs Ed WhiteMrs 2nd Miss Louie Newton ol Plain WortMrs Fred F Jones W v 2nd Mrs M in Us L Ed Boyd 2nd fltfli Fred Roman Cut WorkMrs 2nd Mlsa banish Cut WorkMrs Q 2nd Mrs Kersey Smb SwedishMrs SudMrs J DOMESTIC PRODUCTS Preserved Pears Mrs Gardner 2nd Miss J Robertson Preserved Peaches 2nd Mrs Gardner Preserved Cherries D gros ser 2nd Mis Gardner Preserved Apples Mrs F 2nd Mrs Preserved Red Mrs 2nd J Spaulding Preserved Plums Miss J Robert son 2nd Dennis Preserved Gooseberries Misa J Robertson 2nd Geo Millard WorkMiss ftwwr Preserved Currants 2nd Hatch 2nd Mrs J Partridge CentrepieceMiss is Collection Canned FruitMiss Grac 2nd Mrs J 2nd Young 3rd Miss Finest Outline in SilkMrs J Fisher I Darned Stockings Constance Whisk Holder Mrs Fred S Worked Buttonholes Constance 2nd Gladys uvuo Handkerchief Constance Pillow Shams Mrs Jones Martha Sanderson 2nd Mrs Smyth Work BagConstance Wilmot Sofa Pillow Mrs Cushion Constance Layer Cake Currey 2nd 2nd A J Rogers Photo Frame Mrs J Crawford 2nd Mrs Ed Boyd Bead WorkMrs Ed Boyd 2nd Mrs Fred Paper Work S Perrin 2nd Mrs Fred Best Novelty Mrs J Iretie Crewe Gladys Belfry Tea Biscuits Curry 2nd Aleta Candles Ada Spaulding 2nd Beryl Wild Flowers Jessie Kershaw 2nd SatinMrs Kersey 2nd lord 2nd Mrs A Coll of Fancy WorkMrs J on Mrs Smyth French Centrepiece on Lin- enMiss 2nd Mrs Concluded next week Millinery Opening Wednesday Thursday Friday and Saturday Sept 25tb and You are invited to inspect our stock Itoche Co I -v- A NEW CATALOGUE OF Is Now Ready Write for one Gives Full Particulars Concerning a Famous School On Srlgley street Gardens house In dUion stable new cistern and first class water well Aply to MRS MINNIE WILSON i I I Womens Institute The Newmarket Branch of the Wo mens Institute was held at home of Mrs Gibbons on Saturday In the absence of the President the viceprcs took the chair program consisted ex cellent paper on The Making of White Bread by Mrs J nine The Mending and Darning Contest created a good deal ol the prizes being carried oft by Mrs Clublno and Mrs A number of ladies were present and asked Mrs to speak on theCannlng of Meats Instrumental were given by Mrs John Davidson and Miss of Kettleby One the pleasing events the afternoon was the presentation a table cloth to Mrs John Davidson who is about to leave our midst After lunch was served Mr Gib- boas all the ladles to his Plum orchard and a very enjoyable afternoon was spent next- meeting will be held at the borne in October In the single pony hands class Sir Win Mulocks took 1st and Mr Eves 2nd In pony class Mr K Morrison won 1st and Mr J Parkins 2nd There were six entries Mr John Currys saddle horses won both prizes For highstepping horses Mr win Raymond won 1st and Mr 2nd The event of the second afternoon that claimed greatest attention was the splendid BasketBall Match between young ladies Rich mond Hill and Newmarket High Schools It was closely contested throughout and Newmarket girls es pecially put up some splendid com binations Mr Mcllroy of tho of Agriculture acted as referee in a very capable manner and Mr E was timekeeper At the end the half the score stood favor of Newmarket and when full time was called it stood all though the very next moment New market scored but it al lowed A Ford Automobile made an exhi bition run of a mile in slightly less JRobertson Orange Marmalade Miss J Robert son 2nd Mrs Raspberry MissJ Robert son 2nd Mrs Strawberry Jam Geo Millard Collection of Jellies Young 2nd Geo Grape Wine Young 2nd Mrs Gardner AOV Homemade Wine- Ed Mrs Gardner Raspberry Vinegar Mrs L C Tomato Catsup Mrs 2nd J Robertson Mrs Gardner 2nd Miss J Robertson Mustard Mrs 2nd Miss Grace Dougherty Plain Mixed Pickles Geo 2iid Miss Jx Robertson Chill Miss J Robertson 2nd Young Governor SauceMrs Gardner 2nd Geo ChowChowMrs 2nd Mrs Gardner Maple Syrup Stephens 2nd Johnston Honey Strained Ed Johnston 2 Mrs Johnston Mrs Johnston 2nd Mrs Lemon 2nd Miss Grace Dougherty Apple PleW Stephens 2nd Miss J Robertson AOV Pie Miss Grace Dougherty 2nd Miss J Robertson run a Fruit Cake Plain J Spaulding than two minutes but track was chocolate heavy Mrs W J Lund 2nd Mrs Smyth Erab Baby Jacket silk or linen- Mrs Smyth 2nd Mrs J DGra ham table cover linen or cotton Mrs Jones 2nd Mrs J I in linen or cot tonMrs J 2nd Emb Centrepiece in SilkMrs Ed Boyd 2nd Mrs Fred Eroi Doylies in linen or cotton Mrs J Graham 2nd Mrs Fred C I Doylies in silkMrs W 2nd Mrs Ed Boyd Carving Cloth in linen or cotton Mrs Kersey 2nd Mrs J Emb Carving Cloth In silk Miss Fisher 2nd Mrs Jones Emb in linen Mrs 2nd Mrs J Emb In silkMrs Ed Boyd 2nd Miss Louie Newton Emb Sideboard J W 2nd Mrs Fred Emb Sofa PillowMiss 2nd Miss Mrs Jones 3d Mrs J W SCHOOL CHILDREN COMPETI TION Leaves of Deciduous Moore 2nd Gertrude Moody 3rd Kathleen Leaves or Evergreen Trees Beryl 2nd Mercie Moore 3rd Cyril Morrison Five Largest Apples named Irene Crewe 2nd Sanderson 3rd Helena Parkins Three Largest Potatoes Lilian Holly- 2nd Charlie Feasley 3rd Roy Seeds of Ten Weeds Herbert Hugo 2nd 3rd Lulu Shep- Six Injurious Insects Constance Penmanship under Mildred Draper 2nd Vera Penmanship under Frank Cain 2nd Adelaide Walsh Penmanship under Rose Simr 2nd Lilian Weir Map Drafting Shirley 2nd Helens Parkins 3rd Fred Gibson Drawing- of Residence Constance 2nd Gertrude Moody Freehand Drawing 2nd PaintingElla Trusty 2nd Chas Souvenir Postcards Constance 2nd Aubrey Brock Farmers to New Ontario September 25th Round trip secondclass tickets will be issued from static in Ontario Brockville and West to all stations on and Northern Ontario Railway including the following points earltqn cochrane new liskeard At Low Rates Return limit Oct 1st Ask any Grand Trunk Agent for full particulars tickets etc J Depot Agent Phone A DUFF DPA Union Stations Toronto Tho weather yesterday morning was more propitious and the prospects favorable tor a Up There a splendid exhibition in the Ring All the classes wero- well filled At least Single Road sters were in competition also 3 Gents Turnouts with rubber tires and ti with steel tires j Tho chief exhibitors in Shorthorn Cattle were John A Son J Proctor and A S Rogers Mr J Cowieson swept the- deck with Jersey Cattle and Mr Edgar Dennis Whitchurch 2nd J Stephens Mrs J Warrlner Miss J 2nd Miss Grace Dougherty J Wrlggit Colleotion J 2nd Hatch Runs Plain Mrs J 2nd Mrs Gardner Buns with CurrantsMrs Gard ner 2nd I Bread WhiteMrs Cowieson 2nd 2nd Smyth 2nd Mrs J Graham Lace Teaosy Miss Louie Newton Initials or Monogram on linen- Mrs Smyth 2nd Miss Pish- Guest Towels Mrs Fred 2nd Mrs Ed Boyd ShirtwaistMrs Ed Boyd 2nd Mrs Fred C Centrepiece Drawn J 2nd Misa Drawn thread Mrs Ker sey 2nd Mrs J W Willmot Doylies Mrs Ed- Boyd 2nd Miss Fisher Battenburg Lace Mrs Orme 2nd Miss L Fisher Mrs Smyth Miss Fisher Duchess Lace Mrs Orme 2nd Miss Fisher Point Lace Mrs 2nd Miss Fisher Irish Crochet Mrs Kersey 2nd Mrs Fred Be Will i Gar Just to hand Gluten Meal i -f- The Best Milk Producer on Earth Gar of Baled Shavings I I i Thompson rt SfttlSMte- 2fld principal exhibitors in Grade J 2nd C Partridge Ml li BFisher J Proctor John C flpsatt Millard John Curry J Smith a J Spauldtagy Mrs J For Bedding Cheaper than Straw at 25c per Bale Think About Coal and Order Quick 2 nag Si KL Sfc S ShiveS of ONTARI TORONTO W ftSTi xf