fAtJt a as BBSS ME wp si fift Lfc I 1 a Y- i iff S3 J J da via Church St I want to say to the people of Toronto sad elsewhere that is my only medicine and has been for the last four rear Previous to that I had been very much troubled with Rheumatism and Kidney Disease and had taken many remedied as well a employing hot applications of bag etc without getting satisfactory results Noticing the advertisement of Frult- I adopted this treatment alto gether and everybody knows since taking have been enjoying the very best health and find It a pleasure to follow my vocation of Dancing and Deportment Instruction Prof J P DAVIS Prof Davis the celebrated teacher of dancing and deportment in Toronto quite frank in stating that alone cured him of distressing Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble a box for trial size At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa Appartments to Rent In the Dank of Toronto Building J WESLEY New House for Sale While shiiaslma Mr flam Friday mornihst Dove slipped and fell to ground eh rendered him unconscious for the day Airs returned home an Fri day alter spending the week to To ronto Mr Joe Profit returned sliver Wines on Thursday last attei spending ten days in that locality bob 1 forgot date of Fair Those electrical stormy pass ed through this part lust week add- greatly to the business of lightning rod agents BRADFORD Twentyseven pupil train every morning now to the school here Mr and Mrs moved this week Into new home Street a short distance north of this Monday Trains Mm lot throe or hours The Bath In connection Enquire N Prospect Are Misses at are visions Mr 11 Atkinsons Aid the Methodist Church Intend annual Harvest Home Festival on Sept Mr spent a couple weeks at Toronto Newmarket and returning on Monday St James Church will hold their on- Sunday and- Monday evenings and Mr- J Millard Mrs Robin I son attended the funeral of their cou sin Miss Hay Millarvi of For Sale One top buggy one cutter one set of single harness all in first class repair Apply to Robert Cot cor ner of and Niagara streets Newmarket For Sale Brick in the growing manufacturing Town of Newmarket- comer Main and Water Streets very suitable for a doctor Price Roche A Co 2 Houses for Sale One new frame House on Huron St and one Red Brick with all Modern Conveniences on Qorham St Apply to J JEFFERSON St 3 New Briok Houses a a Arden Are for tale Two are at present occupied and the other one be ready shortly AH modern Apply to Isaac Rose Newmarket or Win French Mt Al- House for Sale On Prospect Avenue south of Queen rooms and bathroom Largo gar den stable cement henhouse Ap ple trees etc Apply on prem ises MRS iv Newmarket I For Sale tv Brick if buses PatV Ate ail conveniences also one Mrs and spent the week with aunt Mrs Jos Street Mr and Mrs J Harris an family returned this week I Jack sons Point Palmer Bros showed two at the Toronto exhibition 2nd op each entry They were registered Miss Harrison has resuiocd her du ties as teacher the kindergarten room the public school Mis Pol lard is teacher ol the intermediate and Miss Craig is principal and teacher the high school pupils Some young lads living on the line King are entering Mr John Coopers barn and stealing a canoe therefrom one night last week The canoe has been recovered but Mr Coopers neighbors are to action against the this is not first ot- thc best and cor rective of disorders of the digestive organs the gentle vegetable always effective family remedy TO THti Sold J A ALLAN CO Fifty years was ter being reduced to a and Ibe strong aim of the teacb a sirup stood high In tin- of in pedagogy a gifl seventeen Mary Barrows was appointed as the teacher for the winter term In a tie Hampshire village toe a- the school commit One old voiced the sentiment tbe im munity declared Shi will not last a week Shed do all rlfciit In the summer when theyve small children but hows a slip of a girl going to master whos a taller than she Is and whos got the better of the last two taken teachers as a tact had no her that brawny George she succeeded ttt all it would he by tat tics On Saturday before school was to she sent for who the With a bit Of defiance his awk wardness George prided on being the terror o all the teachers who in the little white school- bouse during the winter lenn Mary Barrows hid meant to him she reckoned without host liut Mary Barrows bad no sueh in tention When she had reeled in the little fittingroom with the rag carpet on the floor and the big open fireplace at the end she drop ped to a opposite and toward him confidentially Im frightened What about George denabded and stared at WeJl George you know to work Ive got to support help my mother and when I got the school I was mi happy I did not what to do But now I am getting of th big though you mustnt say I said so Now you know l whip them What are we going to do then to snake behave I Whatever manliness there was under young illfitting jacket OWNTilE Alter some coworkers and I had labored for a jeaf or two a dis trict Of poof in tt the to which belonged resolved o appoint missionary work It and Ibey were so ad the first a I merit to e of the back courts of district stood a dilapidated blue houses sunken or other my nor I had ever reHjled to my first as missionary It was the of Ok ember and lU fcloomlest days as cended stairs and knocked at the flies that arc now In and dining room were prohibit feasting on eonw nartinet Jew than an boor and A fly often carries many disease attached to ta baity of in wtermlnatln worst of human raos i WILSONS i Of one a single boose apartment A or SYMPATHY How sweet silent sympatby A blessed lew bestow When with the deepest grief and paid We struggle here below The help that comes when needed I a lent lender kiss more thaii words we value them And more than words we miss We do not need a trumpetolast To make us understand meauitig a tearful eye The presence a band more of learnedly v Jobs showed love Than when they talked so Those seven silent days Thanks tor the silent sympathy Of all Jehovahs ways A gifted lew can bring That combs like That is so rare a thing Clara Heath VOW A DOCTOR vising offenders as HI bouse on Elm St For terms to MRS SCOTT The Cedars Cor Victoria and Park Ares Farm tor Sale Acres the Choicest Land in Township of east of Aurora on- loading delivery and telephone Good buildings about young bearing ap ple trees together with small fruits Price right for quick sale BROTHERS Aurora AURORA The ladles Aid the Methodist Church are arranging for an ancient and modern ten to be held on Thanks giving Day A number young people of Ket- met at residence of Mr and Mrs who were mar ried on Wednesday and char varied Mr ami Mrs young people in treated them to refreshments During evening a few speeches were made those pre sent and a number songs sung A very pleasant evening was spent A peculiar accident occurred on Yonge Street oh Wednesday Messrs Whlmster Wilcoxs delivery was being driven up the street when it became frightened at a Met ropolitan oar In of Mr bakery and tunning upon sidewalk a dash through the window breaking a large pane of glass and In doing so received severe cuts from the on its from which it bled freely changing news for the first since their graduation from the medical school I was surprised when I heard youd settled at Beach Hill said one to the other laughing always heard it spoken of as such a healthy suburb I wondered if youd find any patients there My dear man said his classmate earnestly ll is a healthy suburbs but It is al so the stronghold of football family has automobile and there never was such a place before for giving childrens parties Im doing splendidly thank vou For Sale THE VERY THING Yes It was a- very bad case s oculist Do what I could poor fellow still had trouble with his eyes What was the matter asked his friend You see he saw doublo exclaimed the eyedoctor He had to give up his berth at the bank because lie couldnt the correctly Oh how sad Poor man what did he do It wasnt so bad for him in the end said great man with a chuckle You see a gas heard about his case and offered him good pay to go round and read meters for them there voice run within bade mo open the dote and Come In The opened into a wretched sort beyond a Jew On ot those Sat woman hair black to grey and whose skin was brown utrtl She was leaning tor- ward on a which by the middle and looking flxcdlj- li ftifectlon ot the at which was ing There about the store which- I did like At rtrat I rude and lot 1 soon perceived that it was the disease and that she was stoneWind Who are you she asked I hid tint name and the object of my- visit si turned slowly bent to look for a then she pointed to a otv apartment and be a seat in the cornet bring it here and sit down and to me for Tarn- blind When I had taken a sot she in stantly began to speak herself She sightless eyeballs ami fixed thorn on me until I thought she was seeing into my Very soul was a- melancholy bitterness in the tone her voice which I cannot describe But the words she uttered a nearly as I remember were as follows Yere a missionary are An yeve come to preach Well sir it take an advice me I tell ye what to preach preach doun doing work still Its killing drink sit Drink Rilled my killed his chum is killing hundreds hundreds tWs very minute An lt goes on killing long alter it has drunk awl when the that drank it are in their graves sir Its truth Im telling you My poor lost- dead drink that he drank years ago is doing its evil work stlli kill ing Bessie her bairn an me Preach the drink man an like me wi lift up their hands an bless ye- Had a happy house before the drink took There was BiUie an me an Bessie an nian an their balm But got among at the foundry- an Often ho KlU flies In such quantities cannot be approached by any fly killer Into liat particular court and when far away from It tbo mage blind woman haunted and I to hear weird piercing siul drlidcln drink I killed my his chum sir nil- Is Bessie an her ah me Unknown FARMED Give the boys and- girls an was given fclTM used My got blows his was- all cut An bo or else knows Torn Mulder do Tom fell back an never spoke more said it an the Jury brought Id ftullty 11 grayed that tarn mo then that aer tee the day when Was to- die Oh sir wiwn day came It was as If my praytf was belli granted would given my ten times oyer to have got oho look riiylAdUft that last visit paid him I cried to Clod lot a siugle tor short Ok but heard It was a Jnik dark day to me Out and in all was da black HoirlUe darkness Ye to to me air see Few listen to me end tew stay beside People aie of the Ay ay hat If they had sorrowed with sorrow or felt my tear maybe it been different was with that last time eh hour it I hart not been seen some door by which he could escaped phosDhoaol or I boo ma some great one US FOR 5rd an plead tor Ma lite I foolish thochts I them all I- remember best lad dies sobs remember his sod mourn ing for Tom an for Toms for Bessie an me An Electric Restorer for Men net In Ji wellies- alcd you a Da- una is box or two toe h 13 in response to that appeal teacher was fair game In his imper fect creed but a ftirl trying to earn tor taking care- of her mother and afraid of interference was far different thing Unsuspected chivalry developed as he tried to reassure her Dont you worry be said Well madage it between us theres any fellow you cant get of tend to him after school As a matter of fact tbat winter term was the most peaceful the school bad ever known and Georges good offices were seldom called into was noe peace for us This story would not be worth cam home in a state should it it impressed the reader merely been in And speakln does it as a clever an artful matching wits against brute force The real significance In power tho appeal to what is best Inhuman na ture This rough aid lawless boy re sponded instantly to the appeal to his chivalry and manhood while threats I would only have confirmed hi in in his defiance of the schools Vat Ions- be afraid to trust best with you come in contact Be lieve tbat it is there even if It does not show itself on the surface Nine times out of ten the dignity of human- nature will be vindicated by the very prompt response the bidden good to which you made your appeal Sonic wouldbe orators make a noise and let it go at that It so much easier to conversion than it is to manifest courtesy Tlie question hour Shall weibuy go South for win ter NOTICE is hereby that Fran- Anderson of whispered it good Toronto in the County of York in fathers not here Then the turnkey the Province of Ontario married an said it was time for me to woman will apply to the Parliament go Poor he pressed my hand of Canada at the next sessions tfcere- his cold palms till I was of for a Bill ot Divorce from her taken away husband Daniel Anderson now resid- When Billys day cam on that at the City Toronto In the very day cam Bessies sorrow too County of York in Province of Dan said to her in the Ontario on the ground of adultery thats her man no Dated at Toronto In the Province going to stay here alter this Bess lot Ontario the day April A said l Dan can I leave my mltber behind that At GODFREY that he went out and drew the door after -him- an Bessie has never beard him since It just the poor AN HENDERSON Adelaide street West Toronto Ontario thing an shes- solicitors tor Frances Ander is she now Is what ask- 1 Shes out charring she out every day Its a hard life An NOTICE is hereby given that bare cauld house she comes heme Edna of the City of To- to at Wv poor innocent Bess in County in the But itll be for Tang Eh sir it province of Ontario will apply to is a big mystery to me What did Bessie do that she should suffer a acres being lot In the 3rd Con Soil is clay loam and Is in excellent condi tion acres under cultivation barn stone basement other buildings good Well and spring wa ter Convenient to school churches post office and railroads Price on easy terms For particulars ap ply to owner DONALD CAMERON Ont Farms for Sale 1 Call at the Newmarket Town Real Estate Office get on a Large Number ml Houses with 11 Modern A Snap Houses at a Bargain our Prices on Numbsc of LoU for Sale We Buy Town Houeee at this also rent bouses Ateot tor Atlas Fire Co A Boarders Wanted e Cor Vietari d kirn A word Is Clover Drop the c and you have the happiest of mankind Take away the and and remains bud that sweet ens the breath and keeps the peace in countless homes where the mas ter frequents clubs It is said that bo expres sion Jhero is skeleton in every in cident Ayoung Italian student finding he was dying tearing to break the news to bis mother adopted following device He informed her that he was 111 and that it had- been foretold in a dream that be not recover until he had worn a shirt made by a woman who had no trou ble Tbe widow soon discovered It was no easy task to find such a person but at length was to a lady who seemed surrounded with comfort and happiness and posesseid a husband who seemed voted to her widow made known request and tor an an swer was shown a closet where a skeleton hung suspended from a beam she was told it was the remains of the 8 former lover whom from motives of Jealousy had been slain by her husband and that ho to visit it every day Tbe wid ow concluded that no one was with out trouble that there was a in every closet and became re conciled to the approaching loss ot her son We never realize how many useless things are In the world until we attend ft weddiag and see ail the MADRUCO DYSPEPSIA TABLETS if Villi to Me There Is only one explanation for the numbers of enthusiastic letters that we receive praising NaDruCo Dyspepsia Tablets and that is that these tablets certainly do cure any kind of stomach trouble Here Is a typical letter from Miss Armsworthy It is with pleasure I write to inform you that your Dyspepsia Tablets have proved of great value to me 1 tried remedy after remedy but any lasting good Having heard of your tablets curing such cases as I decided to give them a fair trial They proved satisfactory in my case The remarkable success of Dyspepsia Tablets is such a success as can only come to an honest remedy compounded according to an exception ally good formula from pure ingre dients by expert chemists If you are troubled with your stomach lust ask your Druggist about NaDruCo Dyspepsia Tablets compounded by the National Drag and Chemical Co of Canada limited and sold throughout at a box 1 Era NADRUCO Ruby Rose Cold Cream A toilet with the azeulsits fragrance of fresh pre serves the meat com plexion against sun wind sad dust and keeps hands and arms soft and smooth Splendid for sore lips Try it you laJSceoutWsWasi i Mr m Wectric power 0 the farm prom ises sooner or later to be the real solution of the farm help problem Edmonton Alta Sept Seven hundred and twentyfive thousand dol lars is the value of the furs brought to from the north country and transshipped to Lon don Paris St Petersburg New York and Boston The Hudsons Co list worth furs Bros have the Northern TTadfng Company and independent jut traders moke up the balance The skins are of the highest quality and ire in the best condition Dr M Indian Root Pills owe their singular effectiveness in curing Rheumatism Lumbago and Sciatica to their power of stimulating and strengthening the kidneys They enable these organs to thoroughly filter from the blood the uric acid- the product of waste matter which gets into the joints and and causes these painful diseases Over half a century of constant has proved conclusively that Dr Morses Root Pills strengthen weak kidneys and Cure Acre Farm for Sale This Is one of the choicest fifty acre farms the township being West half Lot In 2nd Con cession of miles north of A good rough east dwelling house Bank barns with first stabl- Pig pen and Imptometit fences are good and land Is la high state of cultivation lots water have thirty goes of Pasture and land Wist both together or HENRY guide then ye see And our house went The Joy went out and desolation com in its place the Yes sir it is even sae Im blind been seveu years come Martinmas My grew dim and dimmer for weeks tilt at last nae see laddie Ay sir my laddie my Irave faured kindhearted till drink took him he died just week alter I lost my sight Do sir Sheraisfcd her voice and began to speak lunAly but it was s years last Martinmas Pausing as If to test memory site- leaned her head her hand which grasp ed the stall and left her In a painful silence for some moments I hod no lower to speak The mystery ot her grief froze me into silence At without lifting her head she murmured Last Martinmas No this Mar tinmas Her voice rose suddenly Into something like ft scream iienl was lilted up and her eyeballs fixed upon me with a fearful glare Tis this very month this vrry day good sir seven years seven weary years seven dark unblessed years this very day since my lad had to die One two three yes on to seven seven o them an every them has left Its mark on my heart Another will be made today Lis ten I Thats twelve striking twelve oclock seven years my was dead an his poor- aula blin wauld na get In his dead lips Eh man its its even to think a but It last much longer and What she said mote I could nok catch tor her voice again sank Us low murmuring tone- and then Into stance for a time know what waltla to ask sir she said by and b an why should I wish to hide Itaoo It hide at the time But I say- noo as I said then It Was na my laddie who did it but the drink the drink cursed drink My never meant to kill Tom Mold They were and he kill not the young est day he was a By Tbe foreman the work sold to the Judge BU He was the kindest lad When was hurt was sent for And Toms mother stood up in court and said that once when Tom was sick came and carried up water for him and went messages In his over hours jutt as Tom till Tom got well No sir it- was na Billle- It was the drlnlc the drink drink that kill- Tom r h paynight and there aere them had been drinking tor hours They hegaa the Parliament ot Canada at the next session thereot for a bill ot divorce this sir preach drink an I from her husband Edward Party the drinkin drink arxt lay the the said city To- curse on both on ground ot cruelty I made arrangements to get Bessie ft Dated at Toronto In Province sent to school turned in a few days But when I re- to tell poor lot Ontario this day of June grandmother I found the house filled with other tenants and no one to MINNIE EDNA tell me where she had gone I new CbaUworth saw her again Continental Lite It was a long time before the pain I Mg Toronto of the story dulled out of my mind Solicitors for the applicant For months after as as CAN BE NO SYRUP SO PURE AND WHOLESOME AS JUST A TIN FROM YOUR Your money returned If not entirely ain JLU HOW ftT NEWMARKET CODY NEWMARKET NEWMARKET cm a Skck Walk Norway tf prate Order a- aN v 1 r- J i aaT fe ya a Wmsm TORONTO i m mm V