Newmarket Era, 11 Oct 1912, p. 7

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nssm ii il i FRIDAY 11 1912 1st nH I I Weeks Local f a t i Bowls Jugs We have just opened a Crate of Direct import at Specially I Prices Nice Goods They ate White Body with lllue Bands A NEST OK A FOR The Jugs are from to re cording to The front And lawn Christian was sodded this work and present and tidy appear ance Special Car Between and GO id -ron- on Wednesday under this of Principal the High School and production erf Julius Caesar at the Alexandra was very satisfactory Not a Word of Truth A report S being circulated around in two of our coal dealers were fined tor soiling Jig wight Is absolutely not a word of truth in the and is too that reliable business be so Town or has authority to order any load of coal to driven upon the Town Scales and welched at arty time for the very purpose wr short wtIrIU no has ever been made I For the good town do not repeat the false 7 For Railroad Tickets at Store ticket it A Great Snap New to the In advance or will receive of this time to start Town Pulpits Following year free- Now is In the churches In week you leave town next Urtda in with It moans one less to Always a Bargain in Window A SMITH DIRECT IMPORTER OF STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA- the Missionary the In Vlckrey Secretary of Wovemeut WiUl StoteeSmi the Mr Helton Bargains Co arc a stock Overcoats Ladies Furs English Made at Price In order to reduce the morning too heavy a to Priest Secretary the list their Movement ada In the evening lr Eudi- l Your Success In Making Picklos and Catsups de pends on Good Pure Spicks and Vinegar We handle only FirstClass Quality Spices and Vinegars and tfcese used in tie Preparation of Vour will Ensure Success If you are Tired the L You are drinking try Blends More Lots Sold has soid to Mr Hot on side St Mr intends building a beau- on thispreUy site Also a Lot to Mr las Stork on pros pee Ave where another new home will be In the neat Industrial Home Inspector Public Institutions who visited York County Home a last Saturday sent a copy Vol W Mr the aUperintrodent do Wednes day which Is Very satisfactory lime visit were In the males ami a ifritU fit wtioni On the tree list a much than a few ago the Home being provWed with 75 beds There is deutns the past The halls ami were order being and well tor In every part The dining abi adequacy and SatisniCtofy also tno water supply and Fire The attics cellars all very The are with I kfWHB Li u w to the China Friends In the morning Mr K in Toronto In the under ttia will be Tuesday at J iv Methodist In the morning Rev Dr p instead ft ftcyh Telephone Extension A hew lino out the Town Line was Viehrey opened on connecting Messrs Rogers Rogers Rogers Join Newmarket change The line is being tended up the 2nd of King as far the residence Mr Pottage Both wellWest A pretty house wedding took and nicely served inmates are comfortable and There are three feeble minded The records were kept and the Home Is well managed by those in charge many structural delects which can only be remedied hy build- ling- an Place the old house outside which has Wednesday afternoon at the Condemnor as most of bride when Miss Margaret- should he down as it Is a only daughter Mr and Mrs ate other on the lit Li ffwl entered m- which teen Either ex- foiu3 during the past year are wtis- Mr Rookkeeper factory- but an addition is much the Davis Tannery Rev should receive Lecture in the presence of- Webb about guests e rauM The- too place in The Choir of the Methodist eh Uiuler evergreen has seemed the services Williamson of Niagara to deliver bis popular lecture arch decorated with white and The bride who was a wu5 white satin and carried the Methodist here last Reserve ate The guests from a distance were Mr and Mrs the early at tention of trie County Council The Commissioners met on Wednes day of last week and accounts to This sum includes tttt salaries ol the oitiwrs l The crops wens good this year Corn was late ami mature but ts were thretshitl pink 30 acres own L B0SW0RTH The Leading Grocer Prompt Delivery Phone CORNER OF Main Timothy Streets An New Factory Last Friday Architect Tench stak ed out the ground or another new building tor the Office Specialty Co on the side Timothy street and east of the race The building frontage of feet on Timnthj street and feet in depth will have a toot basement and two 14 foot stories on top of It will be just far enough from the track to up well and will be anther to the town The rand Trunk Have opened an ticket of fice at Drug Store to enable passengers to secure all in formation as to tickets and timeta bles without the necessity of going to the station Colonist Excursions 4300 SETT 25TH TO OCT Sioane Wash Vancouver BC Nelson Portland Ore San Francisco Los Angeles Mexico City One Way Second Class from NEWMARKET Proportionate rates from all in Ontario to above and other in Arizona British Columbia California Idaho Mexico Oregon Nevada Texas Utah and Washing ton Hunters Excursions Single Fare for Round Trip Going Dates OCTOBER TO NOVEMBER 1 Points Tcmagaml etc OCTOBER TO NOVEMBER 9 To Muskoka Lakes Lake of Bays Midland Lakefleld to North Bay inclusive Argyle to Coboconk inclusive Lindsay to Hall- burton inclusive MadawasVa to Par ry Sound inclusive All tickets val id for return Thursday Decem ber except to points reach ed by steamer lines Tuesday Novem ber Ask Grand Trunk Agent for full particulars tickets etc A E DUFF Union Station Toronto J Depot Agent Phone J R Phone 14 Agent miss SOPRANO Will accept Concert Engagements and a limited rtumberot pupils In Singing or Musio Store care Miss Marie Strong Toronto Mrs Miner of Buffalo Mrs J Griffiths of Weston Mrs Wright Mrs and daughter McLean Mrs West and daugh ter all ot Toronto Mr and Mrs J ot ThC happy couple left by evening train amid showers confetti good wishes lor and oUier placed in Western Ontario to spend their honeymoon On their return they will reside on Joseph Ave We wish them much happiness and pros perity The bride was the recipient of many beautiful gilts including a shower from her The Uncertainly Life A grandson of the late Mr Alexand er Caldwell of Newmarket was buried ion Monday last at Newton Mass a residential suburb Boston his death being under particularly trying circumstances Boston daily papers for some days past have been publishing accounts of this sad incident M follows the Tribune of Oct Instead of going to her wedding dressed in white and carrying roses Miss Louise Emerson No 31 street Newton if she is able will attend the funeral of her fiance tomorrow garbed in the dress of sorrow Caldwell to whom the popular young woman had given her heart and was ready to give her Public Notice A report is circulated that I was fined for selling short coal I wish to hereby deny this report as we have never been fined for sell ing short weight coal and moreover the Inspector has never weighed a load of our coal that was short in weight EVES E LUHDY REAL ESTATE NEWMARKET Has the following on his list for isTO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE TO A WHILE THEY IAST for Saturday or a suit or fi8L GUARANTEED OVERALLS Mil GIViGRATtS AS ABOVE ONE OF THESE DOLLS We ones doll u of doth true t rUin for with Krtol They will II feet pOMlUr lis In I toft up itll I wirh all whan and b4o a urJrUk 51Sj se I I Co The WiensWear Men MtnlnStWeat T r a Last Friday a league game was played at Richmond Hill Au rora and the home team resulting- in a victory tor Aurora in closely con tested game by one point Score afternoon Aurora to Newmarket at the pounds here and an exciting game is anticipated PARLOR LAMPS AT COST B TOILET SETS AT COST quick sale Death of Mr Brothers Following Is copied from a Moose Jaw paper Mr Brothers being a resident of tWs section His many Moose Jaw friends will regret to hear of the death at the advanced age of years of Mr Wil liam took place at the resiaence of his daughter Mrs L Del USA on the Inst of Mr Moth ers sons and one daughter reside in Moose law Messrs J A Brothers Mrs 1 A The deceased gentleman lived in this with sons for a number of mw years and was well and favorably died early Ho took great Newton A Spot- Cash civic matters and politics and was a strong advocate of the single tax system c I DressMaking Football School boys got a great drubbing from Pickering Col lege boys in a Rugby match here last Saturday score being 13 to ti Tlio College team lined Up as lowsl Centre A norland Weeks LeftrO Pearson Wing Middle J R Outside wing Rogers L Inside Wing L Middle Carroll L Wing A Workman Quarter Back Half Sutton Wilson R Wade Flying Wing The Team go to Toronto on Saturday to play the University team Very Sad The news of the sudden death Mrs Watyr Scott ot Sutton last Saturday as a great shock to her many friends in Newmarket Ev erything possible to save her her brother Dr Arthur surgeon in New York city and her sister trained nurse from Toronto wore ln attendance She leaves a devoted husband and three small children Deceased was the daughter of the late J A Postmaster Nownjarjcet and was a favorite among her acquaintances The ft lends attended the funeral at Sutton on Monday afternoon Dr and Mrs i MRS WILL BELFRY is now pre- jWebb and Mrs Clark Mr and pared to do cutting and fitting Mrs Cane Mr and Mrs How- Coats Dresses etc at home on Mr and Mrs Andy Davis Eagle St Also a few more Mrs J R Mader Mr Norman Rog ers for Sewing Terms reasonable Mr 1 Robertson Mr Sllss Armitagf and Thomas day in toe Newton f It was a sudden and unexpected end ing- to the life a stalwart young man and a climax to one of the prettiest that evtr watched approvingly Young Mr Caldwell died after an for with which he was stricken on Friday a week ago Sister Married Week Ago Her sister was married week yesterday Mr Caldwell was to have been best man When the tedding took place he lay in the Hospital He had been an athlete was strong and it was that the surgical op eration would bo an inconvenience that would only delay the wedding Ho rallied from the shock and ap parently for a time was getting along flnel His and her father William H Emerson moved into a hotel near the hospital that they near the young man and he to cheer him as much as pos sible Miss Emerson Prostrated Miss Emerson lay prostrated at the hotel yesterday A physician at tended her in their high afliool days be gan the romance of the young couple that ended in such tragedy They were members of the graduating class of 07 amongst the members of which class within the present month were to have beer five marriages Mr Caldwell and Miss Emersons to be the fourth Mr Caldwell having been groomsman for the first of the series and prevented by his Illness from acting in a similar ca pacity at his sisters wedding and that of fc particular chum whose wedding was the third of the series referred to J Mr Caldwell was twentylive His lathe is Herbert Caldwell a Boston publisher The young man was a member of his school loot- ball squad of a champion team He was well about the Brae Burn Country Club- Ho stood feet Inches in height with a of pounds wellbuilt clad hard wood Finish rooms on Millard nnd Joseph Aves This Is very iricol close to town Large lot wellkept lawn A very desirable home Price Very Pretty- well finished brick clad house rooms beautiful ly located In College Heights lot Everything to make you happy The price is Frame House rooms well built nearly new fine garden Well located on Timothy St This is a good home Price I acres corporation limit Good new house Spring creek runs across one corner lot No waste land Elegant soil for gar den If you want a Market Garden or Chicken Ranch heres your chance Price acres on St miles north of city This is very suitable for poultry and market gardening Good Gildings and spring creek Price The annual meeting of the General Association Ontario Was held in Toronto on Tuesday last and was largely attended The spirit of ho gathering was- optimistic and ag gressive With intense enthusiasm the Federal leader of the Wilfrid and the new Captain the Provincial forces of Ontario Mr Howell were greeted by the okl stalwarts ot the party Hon Mackenzie King was elected President for the coming year and A Treasurer and Secretary A number of pronineatt Liberals were chosen Vicechairmen and on the Executive The addresses on the oc casion were full of interest and gave promise for the future During the meeting a unanimous resolution was passed expressing confidence in the leadership of Mr WRowell K In the Legislature and endorsing the platform the Liberal party has placed before the country Howard has sold his business and previous to Stock- Taking offers some Sensational Snaps in Groceries Crockery China and Glassware FOR ONE WEEK ONLY x 50 Cans Peas pack 10c Salmon pink tins tin lib pkgs Seeded Raisins Any Article in our Crockery at Actual Cost Sale to Commence Friday Morning Oct Ilth A SPOT CASH SALE4 DINNER SETS AT COST W HOWARD PHONE 5 For Sale Agent for P R lands Over Tates Meat Market Main Street Newmarket Bush lor Sale BY TENDER Tenders will be received up to 19th Oct- for the purchase of bush in the 5th Con of King com prising about 10 acres consisting ot maple beech and elm Par ties can tender for the whole bush or for mill timber This bush Is near to railway For further particulars and terms apply to i JOHN COOK Kettleby P NOTICE 1 v i hereby given that a Court will fco held pursuant to Ontario Vot ers Lists Act by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County at the Council Cham ber of Newmarket on Wednes day the day October at noon to hear and the several complaints of er rors and omissions in the Voters List of the MuwiclpaUty of the Town of Newmarket tor All persons having business at the Court are required at the said time and place Dated October 1st In his sermon last Sunday evening in tile Church Rev B Caswell gave his opinion of the sooallcd of the Canadian Pacific Railway in the following plain and emphatic terms The recent action this big cor poration In arranging to divert the On Srigley street near Gardens house in good Con dition stable new cistern and first class water well- Apply to MRS MINNIE WILSON Newmarket P 0 FOR SALS Decker Separator with Feeder Stacker Tank Tank Wagon and Pump one portable Engine one Traction Engine Whites one Gasoline Engine Hand Doors Sash and Frames Enquire of J 17 Newmarket sum of into the pockets j one Cornell Engine together A J of its shareholders Is of straight stealing when we take into consideration the act that tho farmers ot the Great West are plead ing at the sanfe time or relief from the burdens placed upon them by the railways 1 were a member of Parliament I would stand place and argue against the author ization of such I hud to stand and talk until- next January There is grain rotting in our West ern fields rotting for the lack of pro per transportation and when con sider the great needs of our Western country it is nothing short of scan dalous that such a great corporation should stoop to such methods to placo a still greater impediment- In the way of that promising countrys with ropes and blocks Apply to W 37 Newmarket J GREGORYS tor French Dry Cleaning and Pressing Over Toronto Jobbing House Phone Boarders Wanted Vacancies for more at CedArs Cor Victor and Park Ave Mrs Scott I a e I m Just to hand I CLERICAL WIT Car of Gluten Meal III The Best Milk Producer on Earth a Tho late Dr Norman MacLeod enjoying a trip among the Western Isles with some Wends clerical ana lay among whom was a certain min ister the of Honey One this gentleman had been late in rising and rushing Into the saloon with indications of a hasty toilet I upon him some time after the break- fast bell had rung Dr MacLeod looking with merry In his yes greeted his friend with here Honey fresh from the comb Gar of Baled Shavings For Bedding Cheaper than Straw at 2Bo per Bale s 4 Think About Coal Order Quick ESTER J GEORGE FORESTER ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO

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