Newmarket Era, 1 Nov 1912, p. 1

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WSEi52B S5b fsass Sife yKK IK Repairing hurl i Has Specialty We have lisfted Hundreds of TRY US Watsons The to be the Boat leading County well as being the Oldest York County pet r No sent of paid la Si nnl United State UMBRELLAS to WATSONS Special Cor Ladle at I JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON i Newmarket Ont Friday Nov No- Copies oil A V THE MAPLE LEAF SAW Clean mid easy that Keen sharp cdgd because It is made Steel ynd by the Secret Every Saw Guaranteed For Sale by mi HIGH GRADE PAINTS SUIT CASES NEWMARKET Oaf The On Is ft 1 WKllStiv of Ml What Happened which rah Just M Minted lUUc Huns black went l her V mindly She fc it a JV up and i and the mw place of is meat hut ttiBMt did A ad Miss tiaii on a i rose Clio led fthfc laddie- out of little Lilt sapphire velvet the ruffled em- YEARS AGO lira Kyle At on Mr Chapman to MIki ami In- Kfiuifily dalhthUui Oct Mr liln t were nuts Mia Ann all Aurora taring up it and fa PHONE duct of a of Iniversity on the the last was in the of fairest colors Court and a J paly green to disorderly With of rose and Wednesday evening last week is amber Toronto on of Another row on the part She re- nipt ions She pushed open the gate came up the path Quite still was her errand woman tame nearer Sharper the form her She paus ed In the distinct autumnal puss in Ifee- Cor ner and and were of of Mans when a resounded her Miss through- the house her nocturnal visitor be a minute or reported to make fchloffg lively with no- h l womencontroiiiu each Making Farming Pay FARMING hi come to governed the laws s be regarded as p business of business be successful most be business men they must a Bank account A Bank account to business habits It is better to pay by cheque than with cash tetter be cause simpler often more convenient and certainly more businesslike your account with The Bank of Toronto A sound BankAssets A long estab lished Bank since Branches in Ontario Queboc and the West FIELD Newmarket other wish to see Miss I am she With a sudden gesture the stranger flung back enveloping cloak She held a small bundle Then this is for you she said thrust her bundle in the aims of the astonished woman opposite to make things lively with the did she recall That year lice Before the Varsity toys bad winter had set in early She fancied been dispersed spec- was like profanation to tread on were struck with batons re- the snow that evening It seemed Velvets wen drawn one student was as if she were soiling and and several dis- white velvet playul cuts and bruises was people of night in arts for the tonhad alttady- fcen to dents After treating the freshmen the Christmas a ducking a covering of Lester tailed to her to the til- Mechanicallv the hands of Me sophomores to ehurch She was just a slip Wto parade then wore a crimson An evidence of the failure of the wa a Toronto Union Station to meet the baby waist and had a great- soft present needs has brought out she had on a Mack cloth by thejact that more than three a soft knit ted hoed We must do our test tonight he sard The famous Monsieur from Paris is in town He has heard it seems there is a fine voice lie has heard so later a tall I stranger was shown Into the room With the silk pulled from her eyes Miss stood coloring ahasltd Do on didnt latch me I err shouted tie toy But she did not hear She had thousand live hundred persons rice daily on one passenger elevator provided This was the result of a count made on Saturday- Four members of the New Jersey Prison Commission stopped personally at Toronto one day last wc en for himself route to where they inspect- ft Jg the new prison farm They will iiUjf she answered prompt- also investigate the Canadian svstem and he blushed like During the past twelve months a large colony of yearround suburban- their very best at has settled along the tableland the and the groat gentle- n South End Lumber Yard I- CUSTOMERS KNOW That when they order a Ton of COAL They Get 2000 lbs Every Time Fresh Car of National Cement just in Dry Hardwood body arid limbs P W PEARSON Cor Church and Phone BISHOP Carter oi Louis a licensed res taurant at street He stepped outside one day recently and some of his patrons began a of poker The constable step- in saw some the table hurriedly oil down the path She reentered the waiting vehicle Back to Treddleston in time to catch the midnight train she com manded She wts rapidly driven away MissStcdelia like a person walking in her sleep made her way to the house What Halloween gift had been sent her And by whom She felt dazed She let herself into tto house The lamp still burned on the lia ble olthe sittirigroom The little maid was absent took the the parcel she carried As she did so she move She drew trembling Wasit game and broke up the game was lined On Thursday of last week Richard New York received fatal in juries by falling down an elevator shaft in store Hard was ah employee of the Standard Plunger Co ami working on tlK 3rd floor of the store when the accident occurred willing to be mate It is stated the daily press that Hon Adam Beck purposes friendly euro for sion eon man from sat with the local possible that the boys of Treddleston of Treddleston and Us- some unkind trick lened attentively And iha upshot Then came a- cry a smothered- of it all was that the Hastily she unpinned the shawl each longed for was given to India cashmere flvng it back Lester Oh A baby His voice was superb decided the a baby it was sure enough impresario His- method was dressed all in finest lace and tic parents would consent softest mull A great big would in Berlin Arid pinkcheeked baby well time Sites stored at it in waKedhome with dismay Where had come land that They both trod on from Whoowneil it Why had it air He because of the honor done sent to him She because he had chosen her Suddenly she espied a note pinned from all the girls who stood to the tiny yoke of Valenciennes She ted took it opened it read his OLD This white Charley She just murmured the word Mtdelia They were young again They bad come home from rehearsal He had for the time kissed her Their lives were lived together and And then the firelighi and the apples and the dark stranger and the laddies laughing face went and round She had fainted An later when they sat to gether she with the yellow- head quiet on her arm and the lad dies round cheeks very rosy in the firelight he said to her Pear I have you all Of my disloyalty of my most miserable marriage of my long lingering in the death all I hardly dare ask you if for the boys He broke down Indeed there was no more for him to say His sor rowful and yearning eyes spoke for Halloween The two greatest second day joys of her life had come Muffled At by on the Mr- James Win Trent to Miss Isabella Amlp Chapman or cl the Hilars Township Kail at last week wm an flVeraxe Judges were Messrs John Kiugj John and Aurora Art Inquest was held on the of John who Dr Dyne- Coroner jury was composed of the following apt North ami Messrs cob Jacob Pal mer P Lovely P Blight Die- terl D Hill P Cain John Wilson Verdict apoplexy the cause of death Annual meeting of Bible Society was held in Congregational Church on Monday evening Mr Jackson in the chair Reports adopted and the following elected of ficers for another year Rev Rjnrsay MA A Marling MA Secretary teeMessrs Robert Cook Robert Alexander Trent Kirk Joseph Millard 10 1 Tle GovernorGeneral has pro claimed Thursday Dec as Thanksgiving Day Mr James Nixon opposite Cabinet Shop is again and Oyster business 5 25 YEARS AGO from Era Kyle Nov lth 1881 The Kail Show King Airicultur- al Society was held on the loth and iitt October at Lloydtown between lOOfl and to her on people were present The hot ters sprang- to irct ins eyes Itis my child another Charley Lester God knows I have never loved woman In fascination a moment of glamour of madness waste- sou an rivers in me rii- ii rtCT winch vinco and of surplus waters in the I Ml meet you hero rtWlQ Because well its awfully hard to oil that was best in me protester A NEW FALL SUIT m Had thinking about It We Stooked a way to Pleaso you Men In Fancy Suitings Browns will be the Leading Color have them to suit Old Younrr J Before you Buy any for the Fall let Show You F WILLIS PHONE NEWMARKET MAIN ST Mrs aged was probably fatally burned on Saturday evening last as the result of an ex plosion caused by her husband throw ing kerosene on red hot Coals in kitchen stove A child was also burned on one foot and Mr and Mrs Ellsworth avenue were home on Sunday morning found in their ay morning q an- then had say as it is said in novels The have since released me know I think more of you than from that most unholy alliance They any of the other girls and Will have given me the custody of my you wait for me Hut I am dying I cannot leave him Would she Heaven opened for her tq the mercy of an irreligious in that -hour- vindictive woman Will you take They the door of of our childish And the parting is best and my most passionate and Extraordinary I EYE SACE A foottall match Let ween Aurora and took place the first one hut it Halloween Should she refuse t which heaven had sent Her left arm still tightly clasped day- the latter club got the sleeping child She held out her fair right hand Yes Hut not altogether if Vie boys sake Then the former claimed en was disallowed A successful leameeting was held at Sharon last Tuesday evening un- der the of the ladies of the Methodist Church A railway accident happened the Mount Albert line last Thursday The was the only person hurt postmaster Sut ton is suffering attack ot erysipelas Mr John McKay had his pocket AT BENNBftS HARDWARE Picked of at the recent STORK NEWMARKET of your eyes by a leading Eyesight My lawyers shall write you semiyearly Stedmans lins only known other room their little dog was found The of mother and of The baby commenced to W dead Gas asphyxiation the as- somehow full upon own took him up in her arms Her tear imwi i Sweet rosy darling mouth I kiss fell on his velvety from You dear forlorn little darling all that It should be RevV ago she said of King struct Meth- was seventeen then She had waited odist Church last Sunday evening tar him She- had refused many a Wtf in speaking on Public Morals He less loyal women what a comfort that csfderexl three perils would have welcomed Not a part- to her He was saying against the public morals Toronto of his faith And gone out of that baby words w worothe the white heart of hers Hut some of its help and her despair slave industry and the too hope is dead and er trial and hereto and her of indecent jMays has heard of him from consolation her m Edward was up before the world which lies beyond Came a day- terrible day Police Court on Saturday with a Treddleston have come to her was in August A won n a second oftence of wifebeating The Echoes the homage which the men ford Fair The stream oi water from the pord For one day only we will sell res- har ular and Spec- ha Sunday but it and Eye Glasses for lon fc REMEMBER You get a Sulne gold frired frame with Lost quality j Last week North Society lenses together with a scientific W money was drawn at the rate Mr 5 The Market continues very arc the as are W for to Convention of the North Association was held Mad prices will prevail 2 a Mr Tench and family move wmoow- to this sale will beon Sat- M urday November 2nd wtmnttt 10620 Cholera Deaths Washington Oct again sweeping India according to painted flashy attired woman report to the United States sentenow him to ten days love musin had fetvea hlm garden SSw- jail and too ten lashes Echoes of his fame of his material flaunting files asters and Served him right welfare his own artistic success and dahlias Early Sunday the home echoes all these of his own have Taylor in Salem avenue and Godgiven voice come said was ground and most woman com- Miss of the contents Less the good of she caught up Concerning Miss And him to or my son she lie Health service in Province of Madras alone there were 31306 cases with deaths and in other parts of the Empire an equally and T Bailey returnee froinMus on Friday bringing the car cases of two deer and a fawn with them ominous mortality prevailed white glared aghast the scourge Is not so severe as in pre- the little fellow and her heart with a The Doctors Question Much Sickness Disor ders I STRAW AND HAY- IN BALES STANDARD MEDICINAL i 1 A LIME FOR STOCK AND POULTRY AND CEMENT FULL LINES OF LUMBER EVES net nor set Harry street to me at all west an employee at the wharf of beg- your pardon Mrs every Inland Line met with a sort- dooh I was thinking of another sacred I have his accident on Saturday afternoon Halloween And know lmu to his mother deserted vow a woman should hold letter I have at the docks He was I take uteres such stories the decree of wheeling a- heavy load a gang- to chief his mother pVank when he slipped and got gossip of the took her do- crushed between the truck and parture Jcrs from lhe ftW abeam He was taken to St Mich- Twilight closed down The demure fathers Hospital nod will recover little servant came She rut fresh from meno one Grand Trunk Railway con- coal in fihottj the great victed of a cruelty to anrnmadeS amp be it la exacting a heavy A doctors first question when con toll suited by a bow Cholera is also said to be prevalent els move regularly He knows thai in Asiatic Turkey and with Turkish ninetyeight per cent of illness is at troops being hurried into Southern tended with inactive and tor Europe because of the Balkan war pid liver and that this- conditio officials cart the plague may must removed thoroughly through Kurope I gently before health can be restored are a positive Wis Oct As the pleasant and sate tor const I result of a which began when and bowel disorders in Miss Helen daughter of Mr al We are so certain their Mrs John Georgetown remedial value that we promise Ontario was superintendent of the return the purchasers money in Childrens Free Hospital hero and case where they fail to Dr Meyer Elk Hart Lake Wis entire satisfaction consin was an interne Miss Orderlies are eaten like can and Dr Meyer will be married pa Nov quietly and have a vet Miss was graduated from soothing strengthening healing and a fine of was imposed small roundtable She brought in Ac company having kept cattle in a cold roast chicken dffins and tea car from three hours In solitary state Miss Garland more than tbetime legally allowed supper Then she Went to the Tbe Sons of Scotland concert in looked out Hall on the Oct drew the and mysterious an of who pronounced held of MM iAftMA A nlacld sailed up a- in To the poor frightened adoring those caresses the clinging or arms brought ith new contort You seer she said steadily The woman muttered on oath under Miss was graduated from the Presbyterian Hospital Chicago and tame to Hospital as assistant Superintendent ago She was made superintendent three years ago and this position she has just resigned return to her home in Georgetown to prepare tor fluenoe on the entire intestinal tract They do not purge gripe nausea flatulence excessive Icosenes diarrhoea or other annoying They are good for folks Two and olrii only it Retail Store J O A if vv 1 1 ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO r t mm VH i-

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