Sir BRA J I AVED FROM AN OPERATION iT 1 How Mr Reed of Peoria Escaped The Sur geon Knife 4 1 Peoria I wish to let every one Compound has done forme I suffered The doc tor said I had a tumor and the only remedy was the Burgeons knife My mother bought me Vegeta ble Compound and I today I am a well and healthy woman For months I suffered from Inflammation and your Sanative Wash relieved me I am glad to tell anyone what your medicines have done for me You can use my testimonial in any way you wish and I will be glad to answer letters Mrs Christina Mound St Peoria Mr Lynch Also Avoided Operation Pa After the birth of my fourth child I had Sevens organic inflam mation I would have such terrible pains that it did not seem as though I could it This kept up for three months until two doctors decided thin an operation was needed Then one of my friends recommended E Vegetable Com- pound and after taking it f two months was a well JOSEPH A LYNCH Pa Women who suffer from female His try E He Compound one of the most success ful remedies the world has ever known before submitting to a surgical opera tion OfrtriO Premiers Mistake In addressing the of Middlesex last week Premier Whit ney would truthful acid let add more to his credit as Prime Minister of the lie from imputing motives to the of tN Opposition in the Legislature for his policy on the temperance Issue Mr Howell a preposition to abolish the bar docs not include abolition of licenses ho be willing to leave that dealt with by local option his regard to shopllccnsiiig the Premier Middlesex that on he part id Mr arose from the tact that lie a shareholder in the Printing 10 and desired he revenue derivable advec- tisim This kind of criticism was unworthy of Ontario Premier Mich mercenary thy leader of Mia opposition he would hover fldvtHitHi a policy to the as the adivrtising to quite promotive of the liquor in ho tels and restaurants as in The attitude or the Premier opprtiinH fur tire meiitl Mr gave Sir rimes for the imputation of of such an unworthy and UnjUS tin able a Had Mr Whitney for the policy of Local or his own pet proposition to abol ish treating- the issue would been open ftrgument but then a motive arising Interest Itself made a huge a mistake the temperance people will not Ik- slow resent S A ALLAN CO Toronto One evening week Mrs 1 A MacMonald at largely attended Cooks interesting vitibS the of the nd inrnHncemciil that ti Was proposed to a hospital in work for a doiiatioM WHi had already been made A feature of the Canadian National Inhibition bo ot Alio and ready preparations for neeii iegtn Last week l lias was ic4 to I alter his Sentenced two necks ago for llsoii Olio of burglary lotofe found jjuNl jewelry from the on Ihurch street lr Mackenzie mister of suHdft at the Albany Club oh of last lie down Stait preparatory to ftoirig to oclock train lor li tainted ami fell twelve steps to the landing below Ho sunered injuries but in it is recover il V i What Canada is doing for the Empire io preserve the Stoves V takes pride hi her Quick clean easy lOcSTOVE POLISH 10c At simple to as shoe i can on the make for ABOUT YOUR TEETH many ways of fixing them No two and lot us toll you J How and Why and If Health and upon your am DENTISTS EDIIOatflli BOTES i mining that the Ontario Government is projecting a roaxl from that to thereby open ing up a rich muting section between the townships of Charter and van over i Mayor per a are bat 1 I ST THOMAS for reridtntlal hlcj to for o lfe Tb0I In High School Bumi and Domestic Science Inspiring nurse Insures of students- roodemU Every needs n ALMA pro spectus scot on to Principal The Ontario has named Nov as election day to fill in the Provincial Legislature caused by appointment of the sit ting member A A to be County Judge Nominations to be held one week previous Here are Frederic Harrisons live golden rules life com mended by Lord let Abstain tobacco- 2nd Do not eat too much and rise with an 3rd Walk two hours daily eight 5th Be contented mid tale a The Weekly Sun calls premier Whit neys attention to the of ap pointing a public trustee as an of ficial of state on whom would devolve by operation of law the care of the property of infants By an international at Germany at the Expo- sition Congress held in that city General except at inter- of years are prohibited We are also tokl that the regulation an interval of ten years between the- holding of two General expositions in the same country Provision is likewise made against bogus Expositions and the saje of awards The Provincial License Department Is getting after the hotel and res taurant buzzer In future the In terpretation of the offence of ob structing an officer will take cog nizance of passive as well as active obstruction In fact the operation of a warning buzzer or unnecessary delay in accommodating an inspecting officer will lay the li able to the charge of obstructing that officer in the performance of his as director the Gas Company and per yearns director of the other The Presbyterians and of city win unite to the extent of Avoiding over lapping future Sir Mortimer Clark presided at the annual distribution at Andrews College last week Hal the College whore took place was with a gathering- J Aikens field- secretary of the Department of and Moral left this and intestates Heason for suci an When Greek meets comes the tug of war age Hut when Greek Greek then is an oflicial is thus stated At present well the tug seems to be onesided Profitable Poultry yield for four months layer Dec Jan Feb Max a record for winter lay- through a severe season is bard to surpass Buy your eggs for hatching a strain Rhode Island Reds without a peer as table owl and wonderful egg producen for Aubrey Ont the expense to estates and poor people of the fees charges bonds of security and the like upon which a swarm of rust companies and simi lar agencies fatten is Intolerable WYS A despatch to the Toronto press speaks of the discovery of anthracite coal recently on a farm in the Town ship of- County Exploration work is said to under way on the farm of Henry about two miles northwest of and less seventy miles from Toronto If results indicate tile location of a payseam a strong syn dicate of Toronto and Roch ester men which holds the option will develop the mine on an scale It is reported that Mr S tod- dart has been using this coal for sev eral years fcu rned up in plowing wee for three weeks tour of New foundland in the interest of Toronto mud comes high days The northeast corner of King changed ownership the past week at tlie highest price ever paid Ion land in Canada viz the a million and a hail of dollars Slightly oer two years ago the same corner was sold ioi lnlSbO this property was sold for Herbert a drug sent to limbo fur on last on a charge haying suiting remarks to girls on the street a few evenings Another drug clerk named John Butler was arrest ed in the same case on a charge at the trial Bail was allowed for Butler The annual Bob Party was held at Victoria College on Thursday evening of last week the spiritual fire down AAMmseienee pricked The people as in Have cried out for- A king of fame A shall ring passages of speech With feasts of victory And stall entertain them Upon the- Sabbath day 1 i that the rented pew follow fashions call his diction And crown him Lord of all Mount rM Hamilton Herald THERE CAN BE NO SYRUP SO PURE AND WHOLESOME AS Que Oct Press Before an audience over peo ple from and all the parts of Richelieu County and with a large contingent of some thousands brought in by excursions from real Three Rivers Iberville and St Sir Wil frid and a goodly number of his chief Liberal helpers today made appeals for the election of A Car- din Liberal County against A Morgan JUST TRY A TIN ibiolutcly Your money returned if not entirely Every tin by Sugars Limited Montreal BALE NOW BY CODY NEWMARKET NEWMARKET NEWMARKET fcA at which the judging from the cabled news from that part of the world It is well for Turkey that her conflict with Italy before the Balkan trouble festered to an outbreak By coales cing with the now Italy might drive the Turks from Europe and become the undisputed mistress of the This prospect is now beyond her power through tho ac tion Of the other great powers On Bulgaria will fall the pressure of the present struggle freshmen and were i It GET THE REST is well known as the right place lor superior business- and education Positions worth and were recently filled by us Write tor catalogue Time Card NORTH I five a p m 805 Newmarket Allandale 805 The is made that another stage of Ontario railway con struction was reached last the first car on the Governments northern trolley line ran from to New Commission er and number ol T oITicials enjoyed the initial ride Our readers will remember this part of the road is an extension to New of the Central Railway the electric line purchased by the Government last year tor and was acquired as an auxiliary to the Provincial railway which its southern terminus at Cobalt The annual Convention of the Provincial S S Association at Ham ilton last week was the largest and best over held Nearly delegates were outstanding features of were the addresses of Rev Br- of Ohio A Brown of Chicago and Mrs of Philadelphia the singing led by Prof Chicago and the piano playing by Prof Roper of Indiana The Association reported splendid work the past year and it was decid ed to iut another expert in the field to help the teen ages in Sunday Schools It was also decided hold two conventions year one Ottawa which be the official Convention and one at Owen Sound fforonto p 100 5S5 755 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a By- Law was passed by tho Municipal Council of the Corporation of Town Newmarket on the day ot October A providing for the issuing of debentures to the amount of for the purpose providing increased Public School ac commodation and that such was registered in the Registry Office the North Riding of the County of York on the of October A I Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must bo made within months after the first publication this notice and cannot be made thereafter Dated tho day of October J E HUGHES Clerk A London paper states that His Majesty the King has recently purchased for fiO0O0 a acre farm bordering his estate There Is a comfortable old manor house in excellent repair on the farm and the whole estate is well fenced Improved We were surprised to learn that His Majesty was able to secure this valuable es tate at tlo price ironed that Is to say about per acre More than a quarter of a century ago a form was purchased by Mr George Wil liamspartially inside the corpora tion limits of Newmarket tor which he paid if our memory serves us one hundred dollars per acre an advance of nearly an acre over the price of land in the Old Country At the byeelection last week in Richelieu to the Federal House Mr Liberal was elected by a ma jority of over Mr Morgan the Government candidate This was first byeelection in tho province of Quebec since the general elect ions I tho success of the Liberal nominee was tho causa of much rejoicing among the followers of Sir Wilfrid Laurier Sir Rudolph Forget led the fight for Borden Government forces especially in where the It Navigation Co of which Ik is president has a large number ot employees During the campaign he declared he had seen Hon Mr Rog ers and that the Minister had given him a written promise binding Government that if the people elect ed Mr Morgan the Marine Railway would be voted during the parliament ary session which will be this month The promised patronage diont count Intel iecuiaUy hazed by the sophomores in the presence of about students and their friends Mrs S wife Rev Westmorland Methodist away on Thanksgiving Day from an attack of pneumonia De ceased was honorary president of Womens Missionary Society Mayor narrowly escaped se rious injury when a in which he was driving along street was struck by a street car at the corner of Euclid Ave The most successful Exhibition that West York ever took place at Weston on when WOO people attended Five natives of Poland engaged in a sort- of free fight and stabbing on the holiday 5and were locked up A congregation of women lis tened to Dr Margaret in Guild Hall on Saturday afternoon when she told them the work o the missionaries in for girls in India Aid Austins drug store was again I burglarized Thursday night of last week got away from the cash drawer Upwards Macedonians Toronto on Thursday evening last week amid the loud hurrahs friends on a journey of miles to take part in the hostilities in Edward OBrien St fell in front of a engine In the freight yards at West Toronto last week and had left leg so terribly bruised was found necessary to amputate he limb above the knee Morris Zespr who encouraged boys to steal stamps was sentenced to three months the Central prison THE OLD AND THE NEW DYOLA or kayWllf dont i to KIND of yourCooJs i if for Colo CtrJ Story sbJ t of our It CO A Oct 23 While working at the bottom of a hoist at the new re servoir si the Fergus waterworks Thos mason was struck on the head with barrow which ell from the top of the hoist twenty feet up When other workmen- arrived on the scene he lay as if dead with a large dent in his forehead He reviv ed and was taken to Alexandria Hos pital where it was found that- his injuries were hut superficial be hav ing a marvellous escape- AND For Sale MORTGAGE SALE fc I m Lands and lots in the following lo calities Western towns and cities FARM PROPERTY the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there ottered for sale by Public Auction by Mr Frank Duncan Au- at the KING GEORGE HOTEL Newmarket ou FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1st At the hour of one oclock in the af ternoon in one parcel the South West Corner South West Quar ter of Lot dumber Two in the Se venth Concession the Township of East Gwillunibury i I I and nonirrigated lands this is the locations of tile C P ir rigation dam Over mile long Greenhouses Gorham St Roses Carnations Sweet Peas 5ur Flowers are always We grow them Funeral Designs of every de scription made on shortest Our Bridal Bouquets are the very best Satisfaction Guar anteed Out of town orders Thousands ot Cabbage and Cauliflower Plants tor sale PaRRlM The property contains about fifty acres and is situated about seven miles from Newmarket and miles from Vivian on the Midland Railway and is said to have erected thereon a two storey frame dwelling house CALGARY- 30 rame now on sale include C P car shop city Sunalto Bridge- land others CORONATION properties KERROBERT SASKTOWV9ITE properties SWIFT CURRENT SASK TOWK- site properties SASK PRO- AND SELECTED P FARM lands in the Provinces ot Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta Is ana is soil Is a sandy loam dry and rolling The property will be sold subject to a reserved bid Ten per cent of the purchase money must be paid down at the- time of the sale and the balance in thirty days thereafter without inter est Full particulars and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale and may be obtained in the meantime at the office of the end- Solicitors or MCCARTHY OSLER Vendors Solicitors FOR FULL INFORMATION APPLY I HOME LIFE BUILDING TORONTO to LUNRY Agent C P E October LAND DEPARTMENT Newmarket Earnest Haskctt I Stray Cattle on Lot 25 In 6th Whitchurch on the 21st day of Oc tober four Yearling Heifers The owner Is requested to prove property pay charges and take them away The result of the changes in the Do minion Government made necessary by the resignation Mr Premier Whitneys Minister of Public Works and who left the Government because ho differed with the Prime Minister and his colleagues over Mr contribution policy trans fers Hon Mr Rogers to Public Works Hon Mr Roche suc ceeds Hon Mr Rogers as Minister the Interior and Mr the new Minister takes of State Ho will probably seek colleagues who still remain the resignation of Sir Rudolph For get who lias decided to sit for Mont morency Hon Mr Monks two Na tionalist collogues who still remain In the Cabinet have riot yet decided whether they will resign or wise Children Cry FLETCHERS A Finest Hair Dressing For Women PERFECTLY OF REFRESHING AND INVIG ORATING QUALITIES THAT PUT LIFE LUSTRE AND BEAUTY- INTO HAIR Use PARISIAN Sage and your hair wont turn gray wont look faded or grow thin and scraggley Dandruff will disappear hair stop falling the scalp will become im maculately white and alt germ life will be promptly destroyed At dealers everywhere 50 cents Sold at 1 Patterson who will refund your money if you are not satisfied The girl with the Atibur hair is on every package of PARI SIAN Sago I wonder where the old folds are Who used to worship hero In fancy I can picture them Id like to have them back again To help me through this hour It seems to wed pet along Regain the old time power They never asked for cushioned pew Or for an organ grand Nor asked for fashionable choir To sing The Holy Land He just would fustian cloth She in her gown Arid with their rustic Voices would The little organ drown No tiptop parson prcacheti the truth I No fashions filled pew had his sample gospel faith Each found his to do The preachers prayer sped upward grammar praps Rut power would scorch science those oldfashioned chops Uncouth humble hearts J They heard Saviour call And tremblingly but earnestly They crowned Him Lord of All I soon must go for Jus decreed My usefulness is done My architectures out of The oldtime faith outrun My gallerys like an empty barn A vv improves the Musical Taste and Increases Appreciation and Knowledjje of Music Prices r Player Pianos up Pianos 350 up Gerhard limited City Hall Square Queen St TORONTO i I I j fe i- -1- ARCHIVES OF lhMh 7