Newmarket Era, 1 Nov 1912, p. 6

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YATES AGENT SUTTON MOUNT ALBERT A under auspices the Mount Albert will ven in of toe Hot- hi the Methodist on Nov at iho Perry AW Invited to attend Intrude rflViic home for AM West vol run- of our known Vii young man to Counill i Monday evening an J the lHy closing bylaw and the No member to gtoecilcs Mtji and butcher rife Win family WyX must at The retfiUr meeting of the mens Institute will re In Wo- Church on Nov at Pm lias hivlftcd to AN rendered An will l blanch anil tho Mount Albert afterwards ladles ate on Hoard met at home of Thiols the only public bran board in llnvl is the the library and i that time has MlMf for There aw now fifty dollars worth of new books read bo the shells The from the of this year was thirtyone dollars instead of ten dol lars as in Iha past It il to move was deiided library QVt Mr Harry fr Walton Kqq a Westein Wrjit home the vC others a a Mr Uy Toronto to u l yiy home J y said bylaw j i or herself Ihe Of Mrs On J ivt Spring AND Fads for Weak Women In was homo Over thanks- Known lias lw W Miss of TofoQo aiw j arela iioat Mrs On Mrs and the Miasms have pte etloi to to Hut- to and Mrs Allan have laWighl and are pylnfi lately owned by Mrs tvtalo of the past a ncie it were or A up from Toronto on Monday and bought and cattle Wef on Thero ear loBut in alt they Ward finest animals thai them i and- Mrs ate from a to their ranch at The gave a most lovable party at the home Autumn leaves jack j veitU cutting It promises a of- black eats and witches the about When it Loving and mil frilowimu iti hut not nil of it law not tiro Whole H W aKtrouR In place iutiHl to if onward great sums vc raise nil while same Wit and revival religions life is W Instead of we Uiouia heads mi If Were willing to lolhiw elosolv chart l life- wo would do his a d tot leave other- undone It is fiiave to that money for of Jcob on skill of iaOhViumth day being pros- cut on r and Halloween paints up John weie played by hoys and in their j NEeeatb pi til tcVws l Is due to some or etii of ike Suck eta cured Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Women Strong Sick Women Welt It oU directly on bo affected and it the time a live for be whole It female in the of home It the J treatment so upon by doctor to abhorrent Vte tbell particular re here t the of those peculiar affections incident hut full iiifiirraatioo i to their cure are referred tothe Peoples Medical paid newly revlaed band uptodate aeat free on receipt of 50 one- o cover cost of wrapping and only In Preach cloth I Dr R V No Mala Street Buffalo Wleeii Hewitt Leila the me inodern the delusion may be And all npftto our with- those of our father greater mincers and Inrixiied finaijial but supposed scab down to the vanish i5 point by the to move uw ggd Mr A stove and where the VfW Li access to the best daily The is dally a have access papers and maaiines toe to the Library rata Your S as we wish to maVe a live Institution 1 A vvtj quiet but pretty Wtfiing took place at oclock on Wed nesday afternoon Oct 1912 in St Stephens Church College Street Toronto when the marriage was sol- of Miss Alice daughter of Mrs late of Mi to Mr eldest son of Mi and Mrs the Wallace The Who was escorted to the altar by her brother wore a dark blue serge suit with a picturehat to match and a bouquet liUies of the valley Miss Wilson was bridesmaid wearing a light blue suit with a black Waver hat and of of valley also wearing the grooms gift an engraved pin The groomsman Mr truest Sain ton received a gold engraved locket Mr and Mrs left later for a trip across line Mr ami Mrs Woodcock held a their on evening at Clinton St Toronto all our beauties and belles ate wtch- SI T of society with Vrd U be late up in your- Mr ami Mrs Jos Profit have -re- Ida spent holidays and Florence of Toron to was the guest of her cousins Misses MeKarlaiid Monday l auto and take us loir a burl arkl well Miss Oram of Toronto discuss the situation mother got an auio eh Ah well in a wheelbarrow Toronto tender passion is let loose and home Us roaming up and down along every v concession and in these parts is booked for a sal peculiar They to hold Christ with hand and all foe party more ha the Church spent a Mrs tteo- last week A number friends from visited Mr It over the weekend s THE DOMINION BANK tin ttOMOhba I A QonerA Manager Capital a Up A a Bunking By Mail is a to those living at a from Deposits may te withdrawn and other by mill without or delay by the Manager Moinf because is no relish Uhen Dr of Newmarket accept- when and mother of lassies the Methodist pulpit ft their early teens are so forgetful owing to lire in Sunday morning Mice of Rev Mr Somebody report that Mr Johi p Moore did intend Sell every in the bills Moore us to say that the J sale is unit take about itl served and no luVc their moral and paternal duty as to allow young swains to sit up all hours of the night wiWttein are you surprised that evil follows Away with such puppy love Miss Velma comer holidays last week with mate Miss Morton Jacksoas An ami came along about dusk one last week and one of them I presume said Will vou wees Mr and Mr- for a sale evert day fia the Heath and Mr J the splritu mil to overflowing with the financial and very is lull is of course no spiritual and all religious heavilv When this state PERSONALS Thanksgiving Visitors Mr Sleeper at Sleepers Mr Frank West oi at Mr Watsons Mr Howard Jennings of Toronto at Hayes Mr Fred Grose at his father va Grose Mr of Toronto at Oughts Miss Lang and Miss Gertrude of Toronto at John Moores Mr Albert Sloan of Toronto at Sloans Mr Del Barrett ol Toronto at Barretts Miss Gertie Harrison and Mr Floyd of Model School at their parents Mr Johnston at Mr Geo Miss OBrien of at Mrs A I Mr Smith of Prince Albert at P Smiths Mr and Mrs Archie Cook To- at P Cooks Visitors Away Mr and wife In League- Program tor the League The Great Supper SpeakerMr McNeill Header Nora Bait Claims of British India and its to the Missionary one of mv and his family Speaker Mr Lulu The Song of Redeemed Miss Reader Lancelot Wright Government Ex 181330 Speaker Mrs las Wright ReaderWillie Car line of Toronto visited sister of cises latter Mrs Heath p en the is reached forms worship holiday are easily and those who Win Homer has returned front Kin in and enjoy them soon seem spent a where he spent p months to perverted vision of school- withhis son Frank- Christian tone fanatical A quiet but pretty took A Church whfch the spiritual life place at Manse ale on is at this low ebb enjoys the praise when Miss men and is pleased to have- the place was uMtet trumpet give an uncertain sound matrimonv to Mr Wilmct Lake A of Hut we have tod much of this pro- ride Untile Owl Will a ducVjVejjrsina KESWICK Miss Violet A has been engaged to give recitals at North View and HOLLAND LANDING Abbott at Toronto D Terry and wife at ton Mr Mr Mr W at Toronto Mr Draper and at The following have gone shunting J John Steeper Rev Roiling Frank CWDavidson ESTATE MT FOR SALE Acres Solid Brick Nine- roomed House Bank pig pen 20 driving house water in barn Acres Worked balance pasture with creek PO mile station grain and produce market mile school and church down balance easy terms Acres Good Frame Dwell ing Bank Barn 30 all till able 3 wells halt down RR sta tion grain and produce market PO and church mile school mile Frame Dwelling and Stable- acre Good Well Cistern Rural mall mite to mar school PO and churches Frame Dwelling lo ft I good Inside town injected on best tor first residences In the new town to church gas and DAVIDSON following spent Thanksgiving with friends and Mrs P Wilson Mr Joseph West Mr West Mr and Mrs McCarnan Miss May Lennox Miss Winnie Bell Miss KJtcMng Miss Wernham Mr Prank Stevenson Mrs Smith and family all of Toronto Miss Sarah Marsh of Mr John Holland of Mr and Mrs John of Miss button and Wesley Pegg of Mrs Geo and Mrs Win Groves Miss Pearl Howard leaves this week Toronto and several others Mrs Marker and Harry in tend moving to Toronto this week We regret very much that they are leaving our midst and wish ery- prosperity their now home Miss Pearl Howard eaves for Swansea where site intends re siding with her mother for the win ter Miss Howard who was organ ist in the Methodist for a number 0 years will be greatly miss ed especially church work We all Join in wishing her prosperity in her now place of abode Rev Mrs Scott spent Monday and Tuesday in the city Yes I and thank you I kindly Dont know who it is dont Presently he made himself known who should it be but Robert staunch friends the motor loose and I let my Owlish tongue loose and for one hrief short there was a hurley hurley and confused clatter of tongues and Uncle Owl hardly knows how he got to Castle I was pleasol to them lor the name is open se same to our most friendly regards I dont forget Auld Lang Syne J J Fosters chopping mill is do ing famously Hes kepi on to keep up with trade Roy and his interesting family bade lis goodbye on Tuesday secureil a sit the it employ and has removed to Allen dale Our larmiers will need keep a hust ling from to twilight to get their fall work completed time Work is dreadfully back ward The Indians prophesy an open win ter are not building warm houses Days are short evenings are long Village evening school has reopened a school it is Win Alrd shipped a car load of po tatoes Toronto suppose he got a good big bite for Woi A fellow cant work for Paul 1aChappelle returned from his trip full enthusiastic admir ation of the land flowing with milk and honey He describee the country as one vast stretch of grain ready for tho harvesting worth going thou sands mites to see When asked would he invest there he replied for the rest of my days Ontario is good enough for me Patriotic Paul smooth things is the death of a than useless to pat a backslidden- We regret to report former girl Mrs- Edwards Church upon the back and say You second daughter of Mr fare doing It is Jo the ing which sad ivent occurred in best interests of the Church ant sp The remains were false to Christ Church of our terred at Ccmeteryj on Wed- day heeds men with the spirit of a followed a large Paul a Luther and a Wesley to tell friends it the plain Advocate North Couocli APPALLING meeting held at Del- Haven Oct members kit pros- except Mr VioNormaW statistics of the tell United States are alarming enough- Murrell teaming j cigarettes last year EKing Work increase the King Work before It is figured out that Walter Thompson expended in Walter Thompson expended Germs of decay accumulate on oftused pots and pans and ordinary soap and water only clean off the surface Gold Dust does the workand does it right It digs deep after germs cleans like a new whistle and leaves your pots and pans as new as bright as the day they were hew and sanitarily safe Gold Dust does this work in just half the time required by soap or any other cleanser Does it better too Gold Dust cleans every thing like magic a in Gold Dust is sold size and large pack ages The large package means greater economy COLD DUST TWINS do your work Made by THEN K COMPANY LIMITED Montreal afakers of Fairy Soap the oval cake Thompson moving bridge J Woodcock counsel J Anderson work Thompson 3000 400 Winch WHY HE GO I v 1 Vnnderberg Nelson J Merchant work Dr Law services King cement J J Anderson work- Palebarn culvert Shaw teaming John Spraguo and were col- A ByLaw Was introduced and read a first time to make some in road across Matthews property at Roachs Point A resolution was passed asking the Minister of Public Works to a survey made of Black River at entrance to Lake Slmcoe Council then Adjourned to meet again December tlie United States there arc smoke and the practice is more than men and boys practically universal amon cigarette old to snvoke It they all smokersIs harmful to fie and a smoked cigarettes they would have heart Of course of SSJLtlX to smoke eight curettes apiece a from a cigar te1 billions If even worse but this sort or ffworfdtS is a too acrid I the stubborn No coun cilors and pipes and a further al- as cigars are smoked the probability me for But me why for the boxes of is that there would be no crusade Imported cigarettes that are used against them Therefore when smok- the daily allowance of the cigarette erS generally abuse their lungs with Because he responded they smokers in the States may be cigars as they do with cigarettes we machiDes down there estimated at from fifteen to twenty may expect the cigars to be put faere cigarettes lot each Medical men the ban too The Mail and know that the practice of the OTe A Cornwall Oct 25 Thos Knox of Toronto who joined the yacht Kara at Toronto on Wednesday was elec trocuted west of the guard lock at Roches this afternoon The young man climbed a pole in an ef fort to if the lock gates ahead were clear He came in con tact with the electric wires and was instantly killed Children FOR FLETCHERS AS TO R A Air Mount Albert Wo Represent Tike Royal Fire Co- I ha Merchants Co The Fire Co Tt Co leaner Marriage CoaTeyanetog Done J A HOYS DREAM sinroN Mr and Mrs attended the funeral of Mrs wells mother at Holt on the Mr and Mrs Frank Thompson of Holt were guests of Mr Mrs id towr on Sun day The winter time on- the Metropolitan Has gone into effect and there Is now five Mrs leaving Sutton as follows and pm They arrive hero as follows ate 910 pm till leaves with pretty fair The Anniversary services of the Virginia Methodlit Church were held on Sunday Rev Geo Wash ington of preached On the Monday night following the annual hot fowl sapper took place and as usual there was a full house to do Justice to the good provided by the Virginia ladles The program was good and the solos by Mrs Hamilton Leigh were rendered The 1 V i Tesla who had been accompllshiog some remarkable results in I wireless transmission of electric power at his plants on Kong bland and in Colorado told recently of Ills first efforts q9A boy illustrating of Invention bios- spin when When I was a lad said la I lived near a mountain and one of my pleasures was to build small water wheels and sot them In mo tion in the streams capie down mountain side It was always my ambition to sea power of the waterfall chained and put to work used to tell my uncle some day would see the falls of America at work at me and said I would probably never get to America let alone see Niagara Falls That was many vcars ago and of It again when delivered an address at at the intro duction of the Niagara power plant and saw in actual operation that which I had dreamed of is a boy A nature olive oil and ink m equal parts is excellent or removing the rusty appearance suede shoes or slippers serving afternoon tea try us ing slices of orange instead this witti green tea especially glvea it a delicious flavor Cheques Will be Distributed Among Canadian Farmers Will You Get One of Them In addition to the twentyseven first prizes of each there will be eightyone other cash prizes ranging from to in our PRIZE CONTEST FOR FARMERS This cont W is ilong the lines as the one which was to successful last year except that there three times as many prizes and therefore three times as many chances for to win Every fanner in Can ada who uses Canada Cement is eligible to compete The conditions are such that large and small piers of cement have equal oppor tunities to win a prize The divided into three cities are first second third fourth SIS and in each l M HI CLAH wk Kit ins ami uwit C1AII c tit i vu i Ui it at Send partkuilar of your In addition to thus being divided into classes so as to give small users of cement an equal chance with those who use more the Contest is also divided into nine divisions one for each province So you see you need only to compete with the other farmers of your own I province and not with those all over Canada- Don think that because you have never used cement you cannot win a prize Many of last years had never used cement before they entered the Contest We H1 you a free book What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete that will not only help you in the Contest but will tell you every thing you could in to about the of tie farm I j tl Oi frit C kit it It a ihju aUar Canada Cement Company k Ml Herald BUf J Ni I- j 1 A- book Concrete to all wo request details the Pttze Contest f i v m M I I l sfiagtgp S ass ARCHIVES OF TORONTO 1 iffi0 mm mm

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