Newmarket Era, 1 Nov 1912, p. 7

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i I l 1 J Temperance Pledging will In a signing campaign on Sunday In the Churches and Sunday Young meetings i 1 Dinner Set Special Fit Suits to order Si LOO to Fit guaranteed Mao by Male Attire Co of Montreal- hundred samples to choose Tirtonf Local I KINK KICK I J A Correction In the WAWg list Inerswhidi appeared Inst the of A mi tag printed A Mr lyke won 1st prize Oh Bull not the Jim baa been engaged for nights of Tuesday and Thursday Nov and by tin ladies of the Christian J Professional la lent has been to local performer each in ion wit to annual dinncrey etc A meeting of Including the call ed for ft day afternoon the parlor at n NOVEMBER x SEVEN of Tbe Circle At be on the week as a pretty good He ilx lnl LI See a in Always a Bargain in our Window R A I OF AND FANCY CHINA tl L China Hall Grocery Christian Church Following are the Endeavor Topics Nov Christian Social Coin Missionary IK Tim itCv17 Miss Morton Id Zeal Titus Mr Russell Collins i0r Temper faster A Public who waste of lhi commit n that Papers have to removal thereof and do of the its p6opl0 who papers and parcels at the office at stores teuton on pass ing to to street and scatter tlio frame on the is the fcJwtcd- a L Wea Estate ha Mr K lowing sales in the past ten days lot on north side Par Ave to Mr Fred Webster of King lots adjoining the above to Mrs King A block of lots on Cedar Street side to Mr House and lot adjoining tie the of the Cane Sons Mfg Co to Mr Moses Toole Your Success The Burrows Ash Sifter Will save its cost in a very short time No dust Inspect it at In Making Pickles and Catsups de pends on Good Pure Spices and Vinegar We handle only FirstClass Quality ia Pure Spices and Vinegars and these used in the Preparation of Your pickles will Ensure Success t I fc if ft- t II you are Tired of the You are Blends T drinking try our 1 W B0SW0RTH The Leading Teachers Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the School Teachers of North York took place last week in Toronto wfcento were elected for the current year A Lehman Hill Miss Newmarket J McDonald Aurora Com Mr Miss Kennedy Miss Trench Mr Mc- and Mr During the meeting the following resolution was passed Whereas complaint has leen made that many applicants for schools mis lead the School Boards by not stat ing correctly their qualifications and whereas many other applicants accept positions ottered them and then af ter weeks delay to fulfil theic engagements we the teachers of North York hereby express our con demnation of such conduct as tending to bring disgrace upon the profes- Wedding We clip the following Patriot Valley City On the day of October village of York Coun ty Out Mr of County and Miss Catharine of the named village the holy bonds dust years later on Ft id ay IS a of relatives gathertsl at tnelr home Valley North Dakota to Gold en Anniversary that marriage All their with their wives and husbands were pres ent as follows- wife Lottie of St Louis Mo J and wife Tena of Valley City Ella and husband Herbert Cooper of Mary and husband Samuel of Valley City Stephen J and Wife laisv of Valley City and husband Jo seph of Eight grand childnu weie present I A and an am were in the lane at the rear of the Church shed a wefc to to an ahUKalonUon humanity of one there tl is peeled that the pat- by the Charch in the Town Wl Nov and will ail previous ef forts Reserve the date Anunitvr of young people ranged for a dance The cellar Is excavated for the Gardens Tlotue Circle next night I t v m A The Gymnasium The of the Herein will take place next night for memters of the Methodist Church and also hers and other churches- Application tortus be from any of the following Cat Wright anil ley Brooks- The members of the Methodist Church ate S3 others The Gym will le lowing open night Class nigtit Visitors pert milted no Ladies only I men not Particulars In regard to Heading will be announced is a request that all menu- be On for opening Wednesday Nov L IS on he viol- r is TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE ONLY TO A FAMILY WHILE THEY LAST WITH EVERY PURCHASE Of A ftUFT OF OVERALLS AS ABOVE ONE OF The authorities have a strong picioh that one or more counterfeit- are operating in this city The sham fight on Monday and eight were these- with j seriously on the return trip from Mil- those in all all ton when their train crashed into living making an unbroken chain the engine of a express for Prompt Delivery CORNER OF from which the grim reaper has yet severed a link At pm a sumptuous dinner spread The table was set in gold and white and cut glass Appro priate place cards and napkins were also in gold The wedding sake was decorated with united hearts il luminated in gold letters with the places and dates two events The floral decorations were chrysanthemums in prolusion The gift from the groom to the was a beautiful of pearls and diamonds The brides gift to the groom was a handsome gold ebony cane The child presented their father and mother each beautiful gold handled umbrel las The occasion was most enjoyable and the- wish of HANDSOME DOLLS we urn ft of or rMikr No cbOJ or J or lilirt In loy up nJ with 1 wnr U Ihdf la o A I T1 i The Men Main St Newmarket i not Detroit which was moving out from June Two mem- of the Toronto Garrison were I killed and 31 other militiamen in- Yobge Street subway is a level approach and a headroom of feet enough to permit- of double j Canada carried on by the Presbyter j decked motor busses travelling thru i Church needs lor it It is ejected the newly appointed Not less than people witness medical of health for the Eddie Root win the final mile dash feral districts into which Ontario which decided the six day grind at j been divided will go out to their Arena on Saturday night posts about the of this Burglars made a haul- when they ransacked the bedrooms connected dental offices of Caesar and street last Monday night The got and clothing Harry colored who plead- guilty to a offence at I If fc i I The statement is made in the City press that A of the company which bore practically all the loss and injury in the Thanksgiving Day railway Streetsville is deemed by military experts to be the best individual Wishes to to the citizens of and surrounU count that le I HAS BOUGHT l Main Timothy Streets il ice ir es New Store Cs F CL0UTH has opened up a store DOORS SOUTH KINO GEORGE and will keep on hand full assortment of- Dry Goods Ladies Gents and Childrens Clothing Boots Shoes Call ami see where You Can Save Money by spending it buying your supplies from me We also keep on hand an of Oil Paintings ready framed The Power Question On Tuesday evening the Board of Trade held an important meeting in Fire Hall when Mr Wilson man ager of the Metropolitan Railway Co and Mr Boyd consulting engineer laid a proposition before them to sup ply the Town with electric energy on either a straight meter rate or the flat basis on the peak load which compares very favorably with the rate quoted by the Hydro- Electric people Mr Wilson explained that tho friends the esteemed couple that was by their setting sun life may not go Denton on Tuesday last to eight months in the Central Prison Dr J Evans convicted of forgery was sentenced to the beneaih the of time for many many years to come Lanterns That give a good light In any wind j only at Hardware Store A light I Missionary Convention On Thursday last week the of the Bradford- District held their annual Convention in the is putting in an extensive Mrs distributing plant at Bond Lake and the chair Mrs Rev an auxiliary steam plant always the address of wet- ready for service in ease of necessity Tlie line is being equipped with two distributing wires and the distribut ing station at Newmarket Is being enlarged to take care of all demands The line will tral or IS months Fifty sick children left Home at the Island Tuesday and were safely landed at the Hospital for Sick Children Two hundred and fifty more Bul garians and Servians left this city for the Balkans on Wednesday in response to the call to amis Conctrt Halls and Theatres were largely patronized last Monday oven- THE NORTH END GROCERY pany in Canada Henry Davis a man who had work- Crockery and Business from Mr Howard and at Trinity College for some time t0 fl was arrested on a charge of on Wednesday bis trunk was searched a complete set of instruments and a varied of students supplies were found p Reports from the various and circles were very encour I ing Greetings from sister churchea equipped ready for service on the delivered by Mrs Rev Webb of December and the prices quoted are on a for horsepower J for the Presbyterians Mrs Stock ley sang nock of for five years The current will be delivered at at the pro- working voltage for continuous use and no further installing will be required The proposition looks good and the of the Board of Trade Will confer villi the Town accompanied ou the piano by Miss Stephens Mrs of Cherry Creek MARTIN AND THE BEGGAR In the freezing cold theblinxUng snow Of a wintry in the long ago Folding his clanking mail rt soldier is fighting the angry gk Thanksgiving y the campfire light come and the response was given by Mrs- Rowe of Wilton Ave nsed his longing this wintry night Mrs Winters King Coal oil in her endeavor to start a iiili a quick Are in a stove Sunday She All in a moment his path is barren got badly burned and also In draws his sword as he stands on her arms at tie time guard A military funeral was given yes- But who is this with vron May to the two miUtlamen killed in And piteous hands held up the wreck on Mcndav Tenderly bending the soldier bold The Deer Hotel property a beggar faint and cold a landmark of Toronto for 1 he seems and spent over half a century was sold on the that cover him worn and I Tuesday last for FirstClass Goods We ask the Citizens of and surrounding country to give tr a share of their Patronage Our Mono Goods will to please Customers and a Quick Deliver PRICE PAID FOR ALU KINDS OF P MILNE Col Roosevelt addressed en im mense York city en Wednesday night New DrossMaker Council atonce It looks as if to raise the Mrs of ri mail cars nor coin can the soldier find pave a splendid paper on Christian reported in a City daily The with gold is lined Women and their opportunities and pay cars and Govern- his soul is sad at the sight of Mrs of Aurora an ad- officiolR with market will soon be in lino with trie energy for manufacturing pur poses at no distant date Farm Produce I Hunters Excursions Single Fare for the Round Trip GOING DATES Christian giving Mrs Wil kinson also spoke on How the Aux iliary may help the Circle Miss McGuflin of Toronto led the discussion on various questions There was a regular Jam at the Market last Saturday morning and Auxiliary served tea the the it was a very busy place lor an rij the greatly com- two The buyers were very anx- on efficiency as and sellers obtained good prices As a rule the following prevailed lhc J Simp- fe son occupied the chair and Miss of Toronto gave a very All functions of social character SU pleacung is not in vain announced for this week by the ofllcors and His mantle of fur is broad and warm Highlanders has been I Armor of proof against the storm postponed out of respect for the men j He snatches it oft without a word who lost their lives in the railwav One downward pass of his gleaming WANTED One Ton of Cream Daily FOR CHURNING am Highest Market Price Paid THE MAPLE CREAMERY Butter and Ice Cream Mfg St Toronto I Miss Williamson has be DressMaking Parlor over Dry Goods Store Ladles are invited to call- Qualified Maternity Box Newmarket Eggs 30 to Butter per lb Dressed Chickens per lb Dressed Ducks per account of a trip to Palestine Egypt and Tdrkcy She told the terrible degradation of women In 0 si t Oct to Nov to Points EM AG AMI Etc Oct to Nov to Lakes of Days Midland Lakefield Severn North Bay Inclusive to conk Lindsay to to Parry Sound Inclusive All tickets valid tor return until Thursday December except to points reached by steamer lines Tuesday Nov Ask- any Grand Trunk Agent for particulars A DUFF St- Inn Dressed Turkeys- per lb j those countries seclusion from Wie iv Union Toronto J Agent Apples per and Apples per Si A S3 Crab Apples per 20 to 25c Pears per basket Potatoes per bag to Onions per peck Pickling Onions per quart and Cauliflower to Cucumbers per 25o Radishes per 3 bunches Carrots per bunches Corn Dozen Celery per bunch Peppers doz Citrons each Tomatoes Green per basket Live Chickens per tt Old Hens per lb 8c Live Ducks per per Live Turkeys per Pigeons per pair 15 to per pair Hides per lb lie to- Calf Skins per It to to 607600 outer world being trie least of their and related amusing in cidents of travel The missionaries are hoping that a revival religion may come to the Greek Church which is given over to formalism Mrs Pescott of Toronto spoke of a visit- which she made to the mis sions In where the mission aries work very hard rising early and retiring late thus improving moment She of the lack of men in the worlt n number of parson ages in empty ministers are needed by the Meth odist Church to supply vacant sta- in Canada and Presbyter- tans are as badly off- appealed to mothers to interest their sons religious work with a view to mak ing them ministers of the word The Choir rendered selections and Mrs Howard Cane sang Perfect Day The Convention was pronounced a great success though the attendance was not as large as anticipated V J Y If Aput ft Bo r Scsd to wreck on Monday On Tuesday last the Good Roads Commission instructed Engineer 13 A James to secure a staff of men to maintain the several highways of the County improvements by the Commission in good condition No smblclng at boxing bouts or hockey matches is allowed in the Arena Gardens so there is nothing lefb hut to chew gum and eat pea nuts Another wifebeater named was up he Police Court this wk and Magjstrate ordered 30 days in Jail and ten applications of the just to let him know what beating person means William had to pay dearly on Unruly tongue in a Queen St restaurant a fey evenings ago He was of humor and found fault with everything set- before him He poured forth his wrath not on the food but also upon the waitress This effusion cost him or sixty days in quod He will keep a more civil tongue after this A party of thirtyfive Bulgarians ar rived In the city from Midland on Wednesday en route to the Balkans According to his own confession Frank Schwab who was remanded in Police Court on Wednesday morn ing for a week on several charges of obtaining money and goods by fraud has been eminently in a number of worthless cheques on tradesmen The work in the five foreign fields abroad and the Chinese Missions in sword And cleft in twain at his feet And the stormwind howls frowning skies Half for thee and with tender art He gathers the cloak the 1 0 gars heart half tor me and with jocund song In the teeth Of the tempest he strides along Daring the worst the sleet and That brave young spirit so long ago I I as he slept at midnights prime His tent had the glory of v ulv Shining out of a wondrous light The Christ beamed on his daz zling sight- J GREGORYS for French Dry ied Pressing and I will call Over Toronto Jotting House St Notice Having moved from the to three doors south of the King J George Hotel I wish to notify the that I am still prepared buy old Metal Rubber Rigs Cop per and Brass also Fowl all Kinds Anyone having anything in this lit to dispose of just me A card Vewnaiktt the Lord Christ Braver Vlill BOY DAUNTLESS FLOOR was the beggar said As he stood by the lowly bed Half of thy garment thou me With the blessings heaven I dower thee And Martin arose from the hallowed tryst Soldier and servant and knight of Christ Benham years old was fatally injured at Windsor being knocked down by a motorcycle Robert years of age drowned in St Clair while hunting with another tad And Patrons Your Home Why buy from and pay more money 9 S Full Lines Feeds Gluten Meal Oil Cake Coal and Wood Buy Pea Coal Cheapest it J It have liags VVUt raOMTT DBUVEBY ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TO ROM TO

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