For Accident PHI DAY J Robertson A- Al to loan on I prank Ddnean A AND COLLECTOR I Bolton Practical Painter PaperHanger House Decorator Niagara and Streets Newmarket EH T TV Dp St Main Street Offer Toronto Daily Globe will sent to any of KrasuTficrttjera in the for lor commencing Nov ls This special to to this Include the State and tain is it Proved in this Case A market Dr HP Wilkinson DENTIST Office in Block How Does This Come is our authority for saying that the Co gives that town the of cloven phonos In return for the tose I the streets In the has Use free and the Coun cil pays rental for at least four phones J does tfiis J Organ leal Branches introducing System StudioTho Bank of Toronto Bid Newmarket WEDNKSPAYS ATVKDAYS i- Ontario Veterinary College TO or i the 1ra Office Office Private ftr Papers issued at private tesl donee f desired Hallo we All passed quiet in town on Thursday night Of last week Probably the had something to do With It and five special Consumes had more to do with ICarly in the evening the children with their tun at the windows but it didnt last long So tar as we can not gate nor sign was misplaced nor win dows that not been able to Say for or more- Halloween Party The a Class tailed is to be congratulated On the success of their unique party last Friday night in the Methodist room was lit the customary pumpkins in various and the walls decorated with haunted and the pipe drainyl with add Ghosts guarded the and alter jumping the broom stick witches received the guests silence The program in keeping lawyer of Keene writes iusbnd la- on a id one day white Wood ihe top of the and fell Upon foot nasty gash was bad that We first ihotift We would hare to Bet doctor but we finally decided to drees the cut X6niWuk the 1 proved a groat- success H not eased the pain but ft prevented ion and tight from first applying the cut began to heal It Is now completetv and saYs he will be box of In house for we are sure it saved us a great deal of expense Over and over again has proved be beat remedy As as applied to a cut a burn a scald or aiif skin injury it iilncs tin eels up lag It also prevents ftr inflammation is ft lor old sores chapped hands etc- abso lute purity also makes it the Weal balm for babies should used with balm washing places This soap will be found tot babys oath Vn balm is not All druggists iuk stores at and Soap at tablet or post free Co Toronto upon- receipt of price Refuse harmful substitute Sold by J ALLAN CO Town Council BalkanTiirkish War Mtlans Advances I lion and cr to lir A IDS S J Boyd AB Gradoato in medicine of University also Licentiate of the Royal College ol Physicians and mem ber the Royal College of Surgeons ot England clinical assistant in Eye Hospital and Uni versity College Ear Nose and Throat Hospital London England Office Main and Timothy Sts Newmarket Telephone Consultation My Services may be had at hour of tho day or night by calling at the or phone with too haunted house and tboj ftoiicral conception of while refreshments comprised brown and pumpkin pie It was certainly a very social even- between 50 and pros- eat Uvular meeting last Monday Cane Deputy Hunter and Council lots Vale Deanis Cane Lyons Kotowing bills passed Buffalo Meter meters Duty on above Coal Co car coal freight on same Duty on coal P care of Hall Rubber Co hose v Furnace Work Plumbing is it toe ft long VISION P I I -TOWN- 1- S of Our Specialties J Narrow Escape Mr had very narrow escape from Wing burned to death on Friday last He was cleaning a paint brush with benzine He was standing quite close to the stove rubbed his hand which was wet with benzine across his pants Imme diately he was enveloped in flames from head to toot Not being able to put the fire out with his hands ho ran into an adjoining room and wrap ped- himself in a tent and succeeded in smothering the flames but not be fore he was quite badly burned His escape is the more miraculous he was alone in the building and is not able to speak loud enough to be heard at THE LEADING TINSMITHS ft OSBORNE SONS Next to ScaifcVs on- hose Bank Montreal charges on debentures Applications for water granted to Water St Geo Andrew St Walter Day Main St Albert Elm St That of Janes Prospect St referred to L Com also his application- for Applications lor electric Orient granted to John Weir Main St T Bacon Victoria Ave Walter Day Main St Ed Adams St H St Mary Sibley Niagara St P fturon St Petitions presented Iron JHill and others asking the Council for the privilege of voting on the Re peal of the Local Option ByLaw pm By wireless via Kustenje The of Nnzim Pasha opens the way to Con stantinople tor the Bulgarian troops Tim will in the Opinton of diplomat ic circles to a situation which wil almost invaluably bring about foreign It is reported secret meeting was held recently in the of the most fanatical quarter of speeches were delivered by a number of who advised a rising against Christians When the of further Turkish Toronto Letter Chief Sir will the Criminal in his city oh Monday Mr Justice scheduled to the Bench foe the week There are our of and five on Ihodooket to gether With a number of less serious charges The list to be the largest In the history of tho court Fori driving peat a- street oar stopped at and allow to alight to law and warning A Lover was food In the told the fine would he the noil time John Brown a plumi- ershejper used his employers I to large quantities of supplier from the whutettale bouses Of lUHtoi I5 lames and National Plumbing Supply Company Brown of securing the by and reselling Magtst rate sen to hard labor The too has called to the t drinking out of tops to city pouring the ufMisaincdpOr outback into cans- The Is The last week in Order PorefiteiB- held in honor of the 1661 an niversary of of that illus trious authori Charles was great and Gibson at the On all sides wvio booths plaCVS made In the Dickens such as the Old Curiosity Stop the etc the proceeds ba zaar go towards the tilckens cot in the Hospital tor In curable Children At tl annual of theW U at Renfrew lflstaeekiMrs A Stevens of the city el ected President for the ensuing year Mrs- of was Honorary President Secretary Mrs Cote Ottawa and Treasurer Mrs During the a lot rubbish thrown into a stove in Stanley Barracks A fire was started in stove last week when an explosion occurred from cartridges had V MARKET HARDWARE STORE 4 ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line of- Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc J A WALLAN COMPANY NE W A T Fall Goods Arriving Choice Patterns SEE defeats was received the authorities Y I ordered the state of to be made more strict The brides and Staniboul are now not op ened until some hours after dawn The principal European nations are rushing warships this direction to protect their subjects Athens Greece Nov The Turk ish battleship was sunk in the Gulf of Salonika a Greek torpedo boat The Greek commanders doting en terprise was carried out under tho Runs of forts without f On Thursday of week Mrs Isaac Webster aged years chok ed on a peppermint candy at the home her daughter Mrs A Johnston Hundreds of Mystic had business and ceremonial sessions in Temple Building on Friday last clos- with a banquet is growing there wer iOftT registered at the City last month also marriages Our Bargain Table Toronto Jobbing tog observed and the torpedo boot escaped Mtt Sofia The Bulgarian troops today occupied the Turkish town of Demotion- Urns cutting oil he possibility ol com munication between and Details thus far of the rout of the Will Probated Hubbard teach- Petition presented from J A Roy Turkish army by the NEWMARKET Marble LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering lewhera GEO W P Pearson P Sullivan presented a statement Showing cost of cement walks and Grading at Gardens which was placed on The Mayor and Chairman of the Road and Bridge Com were author ized to Instruct the town solicitor to prepare a Improvement ByLaw v Township bodied others favoring Local show the Bulgarian on August on estate Option the that decldeU the secured by teal Petition presented Iron F of mortgages 11500 bank balance Gardner and others expressing interior property in Pickering with Option As he died intestate The petitions- were referred to tors receive onefifth each and a Special Committee composed of the nephew and four onetwenttotti j Mayor Dr Wesley Hunter and each are Elizabeth MoKueri Janet Dig- by Margaret Gibson Chica go Cowan Birmingham Margaret Ahfterson Toronto Matil da Brampton Florence An of In farm in cattle in sheep etc in farm produce and being the value of his acre farm in made up the estate while the number of births indicate that the Stork ha lively time I The sad part however aflectlng family circles may be imaging It is adoed that for Oc Dr Helen instruct ed medical examination of the Rental condition of the 100 girls in Alexandra Industrial School and M warere numerically In- and 1 One the most striking evidences Three No ass seen a n the Quartermasters stores of Highlanders Regiment For Fall and Winter O from the captured fortress Kirk- as well as the main body Turkish troops which had advanced from The capture of a third milifciry train near before the battle was a great advantage to the Bulgarians as it furnished them with more facilities the transport of their troops and supplies to dis- tine purpose to let where the fighting took place pay for the improvements on that portion of the town known as pot naught Gardens PHOTOGRAPHS I We equipped to Portraits that are right and onrj long back of vary we make The child the parent the all are assured ol a good and artistic fin ish when wo do th work Come In at any time or it more dtsitable make an Photo Opposite Post Offlao Smith deceased on November Council adjourned I bequeath all my estate my wife Isabella Smith in structs the will during her natural life until her remarriage In the happening of either event all my Teal and personal estates are to go to my sou Robert Smith subject however to the payment to my daughter Evelyn Smith of l0 400 Make Young Folks Independent GIVE THEM A BUSINESS EDUCATION- J I Boarders Wanted for more Boarders at It Cor Vletcd d Park Ave Overflow Personals Mr Charlie of Toronto spent the week end In with parents Mr Gordon Wright and lady friend of- Toronto spent Thanks- giving In townV- Mr of Bradford spent Thanksgiving with his son J Broughton Mr Walter Collins left on Tues day evening for for a shooting trip Mrs and daughter Tot onto visited at Mr over the holiday Mr Cane of spent the with hie parents Mr and Mrs Cano Mr and Mrs Marshall of Wash- ago paid a visit to their son Mr Marshall for the holiday Mr Fred of Toronto spent the week end and Thanks giving day at Mr panes Mrs Rogers left for on Saturday last where she has secured a position an piano player In a moving picture show Mr Clubbing Rales Era and Weekly- Globe Era and Daily Globe Era and Weekly Era and Canadian Home Jour- nal Era and Toronto Daily Star Era and Toronto Dally News Era and Toronto Sun Era and Montreal Star 190 Era and Canadian Poultry News i- Hundreds tons of peaches lid rotting in the orchards- around Ver non British Columbia and thousands of barrels of apples will never be ship ped so great is the crop Bald Dont be pearly Everyone May Secureia Splen- did Growth Hair We have a remedy that has a record of retarding baldness and promoting hair growth in out of every cases where used according to direc tions for a reasonable length time That may seem like a strong state mentit and we mean it to be and ho one should doubt it until they have put our claims to an actual test We ore so certain Rexall 93 Hair of I will eradicate dandruff and to Wanted Operators bond sewer end girls to learn sewing mens coats J S ABBOTT Clothing Factory was the guest of Evans over the holiday Dr and Mrs of KgUngton spent with Mr and Mrs J Mr and Mrs Geo Thanksgiving holidays in To ronto with son Mr Walter Mr and Mrs Booth and Mies Ada Tonkin Toronto spent over the holiday with Mr and Mr Mlsa of Toronto spent the week end In town with her parents Mr and Mrs TV prevent baldness stimulate thesoalp and hair roots arrest premature loss and hair growth that we personally give our- positive guarantee to refund every penny paid us for it in every instance where is does not give entire satisfaction the user- Hair Tonic as plea sant to use as clear spring water It is delightfully perfumed and does not or gum the hair Two and With pur guarantee back ot It you certainly tal no risk Sold only at our OVER TURKS IN THE FIGHT London Nov The cor respondent of the Dally Chronicle the Turkish army writing from Tcor- on and sending his despatch from that place by automo bile to Constantinople and by sea to Kustendje confirms the previous re ports of the defeat 0 the Turks in a big battle with the Bulgarians he says was irretrievable terrible says It wajujfct- lowed a rout parallel ed in history Forty thousand the troops says the have fallen and percent- of artillery Was captured Ab dullah Pasha had a narrow from capture The army found its way back- to by The Bulgar ian artillery mowed down thousands of Turks during the battle The Bul garian artillery was much superior to that of the Turks TURKS BADLY BEATEN London Oct 3ll A four days bat tle in Thrancc has ended the of the Bulgarian Commander- inChief Gen whoso skillful strategy has probably brought to a close one the shortest and most remarkable wars on aecbrd great Turkish Army at over men has been defeat ed and Constantinople is believed to he the mercy of the victorious Bulgarian army and Council sitting at the Porte is dis cussing the advisability suing for A sensational discovery was made at last when the cel lar of Dr Morgans house wee found to be nothing better than a hi Morgan was brought before the police magistrate land fined coots CASTOR I A for and iKM odd rifles are piled on floor Many ot them aro broken in two and others twisted in to the most fantastic shapes The prisoner n ho quit his job at the Industrial Farm a couple of months ago was recently recaptured and Richmond Hill magistrate add ed two years to his term for the of fence of jail This sentence will prove a wholesome warning to other prisoners The Franchise this city- has passed a resolution to be forwarded to the Dominion premier and members of his Government ask ing for the enfranchisement of tha women of the Dominion Walter- of the Victoria Quoit Club Toronto defeated Small of Cleveland Ohio the Ohio State champion at Black Rock by to Both had a lot of rooters to give them encouragement Magistrate has succeeded Mayor as chairman of tho of Police Commissioners Word was received last week by the License Branch up at the Parliament Buildings that as a of a raid on blind pig at Port the week a man named Stott was convicted by the Police Magis trate and fined and costs Tho total membership of the To ronto Motor League now numbers over 2000 Three licensed restaurant owners were fined in the Police Court last week for selling candles on Sunday- two of each and the third Also tobacconists had to to the mark for selling cigars cigar ettes and tobacco and each Toronto- is now upholding moral reputation A the next session of the Ontario Legislature the Government will in troduce a bill to amend and modify the present Municipal Act Report has it that it is almost mea sure simplifying and making work able many portions of the existing Act Halloween passed off very quietly in the city and so far as pranks ot students were concerned more quiet ly than for a score years Mr civil engineer of Public Works Department of the On tario Government left the city last week for a tour around the world A man Was up before Commission er Starr last week for his wife and five children almost starv ing the family through his drinking He the Farm for three court living assurance that family will The showing of Fall Winter Samples and Styles are the best ever shown in parts SEMIREADY GUARANTEE A Perfect Fit Entire Satisfaction Unshrinkable Fabrics Patterns Latest Styles Come in and have your mea sure taken while the range is complete Stock of Fall and Shoes now is complete A DUNCAN The Cents Outfitter m 38 Newmarket Send the Era to absent v J CHANG J I 1 MR J CHURCH has bought put the Repair Business formerly car ried on by D STEVENSON in connection with WRIGHTS STORE Mr comes from Midland and is a First Class Shoemaker Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done Prices Right 1 Terms Cash i WRICHT T- EXCLUSIVE SHOE DEALER ti- A- ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO