Newmarket Era, 8 Nov 1912, p. 8

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mm S ill IP it Suffered Agony Until Fraltitlns Cured Him iff Bloat the Iff ft v j Hundreds of people gladly testify to the wonderful curative powers of lbs famous fruit medicine those now suffering with or other Stomach Trouble this letter of Mr Stirling the welt known real estate operator of Western shows the way to a spaed certain cure Aug FpuUAtives were so beneficial to me when I suffered with distressing that I wish to Inform you of their satisfactory results Although I hare in past suffered irony with Dyspepsia am now in perfect health accom plished the desired result STIRLING FruitAtires will cure every trace of Indigestion Dyspepsia Sour Stomach Bloating Pain After Eating Biliousness Constipation is the only remedy In world made of fruit Juices and tonics 50c a box for trial At sit dealers or sent on receipt of price by limited Ottawa NEWMARKET ERA More Dandruff Hair Best rfUHQWllKUU Quite a number- from fowl on Wednesday night report good lime petition signatures was presented to King Council at their meeting on Saturday too SStth asking for a Vote to he total Do you option January The retired number id hc6esAlry to option Vote is the number ol voters on the list he- ins Ito5 Hut these be a hot contest as the tettpA party said to be Gray Hair Men and worueri you want a demand that woman pare herself unnatural softring by obtaining safe and proper help when physical ills and depression occur and suffering come to you re mem ber there is one safe effective v o Instant gentle and remedy itch daitdruft fjV vou want hair so radiant it the M who see it want a scalp us a newly ed coin you Sag Calais girl with Ah- burn hair on To Very hot- ami that get it It BOTES of ar ranged turkey Italy Tripoli and Wiiriy a aquare is to Italy On tin hand Italy iiiWiey indemnity revenue derived territory BY TO tliii Italy pieces Unit liyi the of SEGREfS OF HOME LIFE aui lafo tfai Trtipt Idnw ft a4Ml mumI WWtTtTVriOlfAt to Rent In tti Hank of Toronto the in the fttnfevViKxl church ilay veiling worthy Die The house Was the gal lory Was to commission consisting grains droning raid and were ami arranged beauty to the occasion Tito service mostly of and in program While all the singers ftAVe Miss Carey of aas eas ily the favorite anil she is sue to le here The aiter the was a very large the music by orchestra proving the Jonw For Sale 1 17 Sash and Hand Poors J Newmarket For Sale 1 Brick in the growing manufacturing Town of Newmarket- corner Main and Water Streets very suitable for a doctor Price Roche A Co tv For Sale Good Vacant Lots West Newmarket cheap Apply to 39 Real Estate Agent 3 New Brick Houses Ave or rale Two are at occupied and the other one will be ready shortly All modern Apply to Isaac Rose or Win French Mt Al bert House For Sale New Modern Brick House corner ami Millard Newmarket Hot air heating and open plumbing Terms easy Newmarket For Sale saw Brick Houses on Park all conveniences also house on Elm St For terms to MRS SCOTT The Cedars Cor Victoria and Park Farms for Sale Call at the Newmarket Town Real Estate Office And got Prices on Large Number Uptodate Houses with Modern Convenience Snap Houses a TU on a Number Lots for Sale We Buy Town Houses at this also rent Aent or Atlas Fire Insurance Co part nobly Miss Lehman Toronto solo Just lor which was much appreciated by all When the appeal was mode lor cash to defray the balance the indebtedness for repairing painting church the wus more than sufficient amount testily Miss Watson of the holiday at her home here Misfi Etta Wesley Newmarket Miss and Mr Wilson Toroiito were the Me ami J A Wood over the Mr Stewart Grantham and of JO spent Monday night- in and Newmarket of special value to women Pills the Of suffering tidy clear the by their tonic relievV you of a lies rebellion Try few doses mkI know Ihd how Pill Will your how they strengthen c to read iwijl nUh a box till debt was the cash offer ing in all To the ser vice was Joyous and inspiring the people had a mind to give The pas tor and people eel very grateful to of and surrounding community who came so and so liberally offered their gifts CORN We are having lots rain those days some of the fanners around here are trying to finish up their har vest this week Mr 1 Rye returned the West He said liked it all right out there- Mr and Mrs faster spent Sun day at Corners Mr George Wright bad his broth er from Brant lord spending Thanks giving with him There was a good turnout to church Sunday morning to hear the new preacher Those who purpose attend ing church be there on time and not be coining in all through the meeting so doing they would hear all tlte sermon Church service commences at 10 oclock Sunday morning and oclock at night Al so remember the prayermeeting or Wednesday night Mr Owl is not a very good judge about young women as have one Children Cry MR- FLETCHERS CASTOR A AURORA Hid North York Farmers Institute will hold a meeting in the Town Halt here on Monday- November The annual Shooting Match of the York Range was held on pay at farm of Major There was very good attendance The annual meeting of the Aurora Lord Day Alliance will to in the Disciples Church en Wednesday eveningsNovember at oclock Rev and Rev Allen will address the meeting Solo by Mr 1 Rains H who far the past year has teen manager of the Out look branch of the Dank of Montreal this week received notice of his trans fer to Swift Current where a branch will be Mr is son or Mr C Public School Inspector of this rhe time for filing petitions with municipal clerks- praying the council to submit Local Option ByLaws to be voted at the Municipal Election in expires 1st A petition signed by about three hun dred ratepayers of the municipality was filed There are about rate- down around Baldwin has VoU they had better keep For Sale to Rent MM store and dwelling house Mt Albert next door to Dominion Bank first class business For further particulars apply to MISS LEEK Box Albert be1 Canadian Unexcelled Train Service Fast Time to WINNIPEG BRANDON NELSON SPOKANE VICTORIA TACOMA SASKATOON CALGARY VANCOUVER SEATTLE PORTLAND Standard and Tourist Sleeping also Compartment Observation Cars via Canadas Greatest Highway General Change of Time October Full particulars from any no better ones them there They may make nice candy and such like but they are very late with their meals guess Mr Owl cant see very good Mr IMdic Sutherland was- home over Sunday There was a young lady who was all smiles on Sunday Her gentleman friend was up to see her from the city Miss Pick our schoolteacher spent Thanksgiving her home I wonder where some of our young ladies were on Sunday Thcyweren at Church I A Wonderful Bargain particulars from Agent ATKINSON Aseat Newmarket Notice ft Having moved from tha Northend to three doors south of the King Hotel I to notify the public that I am atill prepared t buy old Metal Rubber Rags Cop- per and Brass alio Fowl of all krnd V hat in anything For great big dollars worth the offer this season By the Her ald and Weekly ol Montreal can not be beaten A sample copy of the new picture Mothers Treasures size by inches all ready for framing has reached this It certainly is beautiful and every home in Canada will be the better of hav ing copy In ihe house The Family Herald and Weekly Star bigger brighter and better than ever along with such a beautiful picture all for is a bargain- that should be taken advantage of It is only the Family Herald and Weekly Star that can of fer such a picture free with a years subrriptdtnPetyle wonder how it can be done Jit still it is done and the people jot the benefit at municipal and as the law requires twentyfive per tent of these sign the petition to the council it- will the peti tion far exceeds this number Notwithstanding the continued wet weather this summer anil fall Mr J of Whitchurch a mile east of this town had splendid crops which he succeeded in harvest ing before much damage was done He had 50 loads of ha which he was fortunate in getting in it was damaged to anygreat ex tent He had 10 acres under crop from which he realized 1lUO bushels of oats yielding 50 bushels to the acre and acres of barley which yielded bushels He hart acres of corn the heat he ever bad and which is now in the silo In addi tion to tho corn he has an ex- root crop All toUl Mr SpauhYng crops this were better than for many years- Mr says his crops this year Hon by providing a house for help and employs his for the whole year MY Arthur Snider on Tuesday on a visit- to relatives at- Mich Mr James who has been a resident of for a great num ber years with his family to Toronto where will reside in future Mrs J and ate spending with relatives Bolton King Council a BRADFORD Miss of Toronto spent the holiday with Mrs Lukes Mr and Mrs Rogers have been In this week There was a small dance in the par ish Hall on Monday evening Mr and Mrs 1 P Belfry spent Friday visiting Bradford friends A government detective was in town during Wednesday and had two fakirs arrested were each fined costs Bradford Hockey Club was organl7- for the season and decided 10 en ter a team in the Intermediate A series Oscar Bernhardt cap tain of last years Preston team will he available haying been movcd here this summer by the Bank of Toronto The following officers were elected president A D Secretary Watson Treas urer Green Executive Dr L J A Webb W Evans Mr Sinclair of the Settle ment presented his daughter Ethel who was recently married to Mr Frank Wood with the that Tohn had on exhibition at the Brad- lord Fair 1 The concert given by the Agricultur al Society last Tuesday evening was a success In point of A roast veal will be greatly Im proved if it is larded this prevents its being dry and tasteless when cook NO RHEUMATISM i Tbaiks PUIS Li -I- xrta ONT you want to free of Dont you want to enjoy life as other me it Dont you want work si healthy normal men do Instead of being all crippled up with Kidney Trouble Then take GIN and conquer your old enemy for good Mr Beaudry did with the help of the GIN PILLS Panel St Montreal March j It affordt me great pleasure to Inform you that I have lued GIN PILLS for about six months that they have done me a great deal of good I have had Rheumatism- fur a couple of years winter myself from It GIN PILLS highly re commend PILLS- to the public A Thousands of boxes of PILLS are sold every year through the Influence of who have been cured and who recommend PILLS to their friends and neighbors If are subject to Rheumatism Kidney or Bladder Trouble in right now on GIN Joe a box for want to try them first write for a free sample to National Drug and Chemical Co of Canada Limited Toronto 14a The above Council mot at Slineys on Saturday Oct Members were Minutes of meeting and A petition was presented to Coun cil signed by 57 ratepayers praying the Council to submit a ByLaw in accordance with the provisions of the Liquor License Act and thereto Said bylaw received its and second reading was instructed to pay the following bills Joseph Billings months pay reps to bridge 1200 Sam Hastings gravel Williamson reps bridge 100 A A Conover plank 3900 John Sweetie ft lumber Wm Williams on cement tile re contract v7fil0 Ed Owens gravel grant 15220 Frank- Robinson road grant 20 removing stone off road Bell reps to bridge 200 Duncan MeCallum cedar and reps Duncan and to bridge- Alfred Wood rep bridge con reps to bridge Herbert reps to culvert WellsLemonThat Dr K Dil- be paid services as to Sept 1st 1912 WellsWatson Thar Joel be paid re services as Sanitary Inspector as per account rendered alcCabeWells that tie Reeve Mr Watson be a committee ar range lor selling the Pine Trees op posite Lot Con The sale to take place not later than Dec 15th WellsLemonThat Leonard Hutch inson be granted a refund of stotqte labor he having per formed the work later That the following sheep claims be paid being of same James Burns WatsonLemon That the bill of W against McOtnnis tut groceries during amount ing to 1010 be paid the Clerk be hereby authorized to have the ByLaw to prohibit the sale- of liquor in the Township of King- said passed its fits t and second read ing by this duly advertised in the to take all steps by Statotc to ally place the ByLaw before the elec tors for their approval or rejection That the Clerk be instructed to write Frank Aitcheson retired for and ask him to report all money collected or work done on the Road List for 1911 and return to Treasurer all un expended money and unused ma terial to his successors in McCabMVatsonThat the Council grant for gravelling opposite lot Con and Fred Westlake Commissioners this Council grant to gravel and improve road leading from Schomberg to Lloydtown Jos and John Bell Commissioners WatoaLemon That the Treasurer be instructed to receive from Dr Dil- the sum of for sewer pipe On motion Council to meet at McBrldes Hotel King on November Ifll3 to a of the city Of J to bulla- a without first ft tain ihe Mr Justice en ail the wind oat of Clip by is so far as can Act pate- a bylaw requiring tie of a building permit Mr Middletonholiis liidyiow a complies with trie city no to stop Its lion Me and Hon Mr tier during were of on naval to be lit political with Mr bill Hon Mr Monk lias stepped down nod out life above Cabinet Ministers still cling to- ami the thereto the lgful which are praising the den cabinet because of his views on the navy question are scrvhg up Wormwood and I to Messrs -Nan- tei and who while sharing Mr Monks views have preferred to cling to th of than The Kingston is not fol lowing J in waleof Conser vative speakers or party nawspa conductors who arc evesstingly seek ing to belittle- of the Ontario Opposition A short time ago Mr Rowell delivered a couple of addresses in Kingston when the Standard observed that made a most favorable impression It also Mr Rowell is not an orator but he a persuasive and earnest speaker- and has the faculty both of putting his facts plainly and ol the attention of his hear ers We- cannot always agree with Mr politically with some of his ideas for social reform but this be is an abefaet that public life in is the better for having in it men of the high moral and intellectual type of Mr honest men decent men if you will We have many such rnon hut there is plenty of room for more fc A Woman of Few Wcrrds IIUat and I ray In fftrr I l BATS TWO MONTHS CURED No In LtIoii at Vour of rrni in I that taking i I rtrpUlfclr a I of tub I itr m nt world eih and I MS in W nj Cur VABICObK URINARY COHPLAWTS VEINS CVEEO In In hMt Varlcoao VMnt on both ilmpli Mi monUii at Itttr aril wry Ud 0 MX I Ihlnk Varlc- ft It a I hair no v anl If I lhl I to you for fcltiJ in onf month No Tint iMtT hail a MM of Nrrvoiu Vkni s In anil vitality irrih- at I iii I funJi In itKHilh a It fl6rti to ilka A I ftvery Mia A I tills It th that I alll act I at tin ull but I put n Its yau tha atari ad you cured inc CURE ARAMTEED OR NO PAY VEINS NERVOUS DEBILITY NEY AND DISEASES II vaaWU call for BLOOD AND alt a to Our Can- consultation BOO3 free tor Horn Tr I I A KENNEDY WINDSOR ONT DrsKENNEDYKENNEDY CorV Michigan Ave and Griswold St Detroit- Mich MATERIAL Hive Hand a White Pine Norway tfphicv ate to Order Special Finish Mrs Harry Bye Main tftte north Mount Forest writes Vour for kidney bladder and stomach trouble has given me great tin relief Have taken three boxes and now feel like living and better than cape winter months Round Doors Hash Moulding M Kinds of Isulde work Ash Pine Run to Order Work Dressing Rasa In AU Suck Work THE CANE SONS GO LTD New MasseyHarris Separator and New Cultivator or will exchange for fresh cow Apply on Lot 3rd Con Whitchurch to J Penrose Aurora P Charming Winter Resorts a trip to a- milder climate and your felt for veare ami I FIG PILLS All the praise for they are the host have ever tried At all dealers and 50 cents or the Fig Pill Co St Thomas It a cane or willow chair table has dried out and become tightened salt water and dry it wet it with in sun School Reports of No for October flood CoraAVrignt- I Herman ftrililman Harry Smith Jr I flood Edna Bertha Hall Primary liarry Viola Nellie Pearl Collin Teacher Report No- 9 K for Jr Henry III Glover Hodge A Blizzard Jr HI Vera A Verna Maggie Sawlersori Irvine Rose Jr Hemic Gordon I Carl Row Max Glover Belle Philips Primer Cora Blizzard Printer A I MiWred Abbs John Ada Blizzard Jennie A Those with asterisk ab sent for one or more exams No on roll Inspectors Visit Oct Merle Richmond Teacher for costs trip tourist tickets issued by thu Grand- Trunk Railway to MqxIOq Colorado pacific Coast Points and- the Sunny South at low rates giving choices of all the i best routes Features in connection with this route only Double Track Line Buffalo and Chicago Fast Ser vice Modem Equipment Car Service Palatial Elec tric Lighted Pullman Sleeping Cars all elements of safety and comfort Ask nearest Grand Trunk Agent for lull particulars or write A Duff l P A Union Station Toronto Ontario FINDING FAULT WITH THINGS Dont keep findina fault with things any more than with people There are some boys and girls who always think the day is too warm or not warm enough and the desert is too sweet or needs more sugar and they are not the children in world The faultfinding habit is a bad one even if you only find fault with things Coujhs and doe a and Coldi so touch Vvi v iv 1 1 AN Sick Headache are not caused by In the head but by constipation iness and Headache powders or tablets may deaden but cannot cure Dr Morses Indian Root Pills skk in the sensible way by rtmovW the constipation or sick stomach caused them table free from any harmful and sore When you fed Si headache Dr Indian Root Pill Freed the horse started through on a sharp trot His mothers scream Reed to attempt a running catch of the bridle Instead his head the boulder Mrs Blacks servant girl been In the habit of going out to meet- grocers fcoy when he to the bade door with goods Observ ing tWs Mrs Black watched nd saw boy Nora heartily When the In Mrs Black said I saw the grocers boy kiss you morning when wont out for groceries I shall go All tight Nora hut twill do yex no good sjjt he no- Old folks who need something of the kind find LAXATIVES most effective without any discomfort Increased doses not needed a Vox a your Lnsi year the colossal total of 55783a dozens of eggs twelve eggs for every man woman and child in the Dominion had to be imported in to Canada to meet Canadian demands despite the fact that there is a pro tective duty to encourage the homo production of eggs This protective duty amounted to while the value of the imports was New Telephone DIRECTORY The Bell Telephone Company of Canada soon to print new of its Official Tele phone Directory for the Dis trict of Central Ontario in cluding Town of Newmarket Parties who contemplate be coming Subscribers or those who wish changes in their pres ent entry should place their orders with the Manager at once to insertion in this Issue CONNECTING COMPANIES Should also report additions and changes in their list subscribers either to the Local Manager or direct to the Special Agents Depart ment Montreal H Mortimer Local Or de Vans Female Pills sieeediDjlT powerful la stirs portion the puis srs powerlul la portion the uso all Dr da told as or three or to sit sHaWU Co Si GO Marks Designs a skttea M Han fa for Si EDUCATION Electric Restorer for Men mm i but dm AV a F J THAT is just tho kind you get under the very best conditions at any one of Shaws Schools Toronto The Central Business College The Central Telegraph School and Four City Branch Business Schools pur how carriouluin explains courses given Write for a copy Shaw President A Its restore aad It slit sad all ssxisl it Fries Us box or two for i A I K j- ARCHIVES TORONTO e ATE NTS hs seat free MARION MARION r

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