Newmarket Era, 15 Nov 1912, p. 1

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SAVE MONEY Tho Host Kind and Cents Jo i Watsons jewelry Stork A The Era lo Boat lading County well a being the York County fit JACKSON and Proprietor JACKSON Newmarket Ont Friday Nov la lo Piper North York Its Rata w putting money In bank will make It faction that will If you a watch In mind hurry and one of your pocket WATSONS STORE T Oar Toronto better BalkanTurkish War Allien MX No Single Copies Nov a AW annual Match templar on last today on the arm Of A Patersoo At fflSUUSS am lately the fall of The City Industrial Farm a TUi lh AHK MANHOOD HAS sway Saw MAPLE LEAF ami professional men for k the me- filled ivnj faculty the University cheering Toronto the announcement move and by the faculty Dr A processor of medicine has been en gaged over a year securing the fund Nov ah- wa- defeated today by vote of i an the Unionist party lo Of the Horn- while It Was in committer of iom irftovimfgl fc In ll-ii- iliiln mil duties rmmm British Cabinet Defeated ON 50 YEARS AGO Nov Married My of Mr SAW Up three alternative The creation f the Prison resign it the Home ftulc Farm at the smaller it forward o- tlonisdoing just as admirable the bill obtain tot its own field llc Ward Pour Conservatives bad a Wf a place the was taken today after stormy- in eleeUn a President ha given due its inter 1 last week balloting continued Unless it Cures has sway cuts clean anil still tains keen sharp edge because it made of Razor Steel and tempered by Secret Process Every Saw Guaranteed For Sale by B man grade VARNISHES TRUNKS SUIT GASES NEWIvlARKET balloting continued j WMOS it enures away the spirit some hours electors PPWmism dominates were within by drunkards- vagrants thieves M is and other on the is a are received there an circular on Church been discovexy to recover their lost strength Ion to do w opinion is the will move for- the- recom mittal of the bill and will hot re sign in view of the fact that the division was unexpected and occurred Anglican in ingredients of character to forsake on- Monday when many of the sup Canada forms a towel regulator evil ways sent but into potters of the Oovernmeot had not The Secretary of the Ontario and strength- world again with shoulders returned weekend the Dominion Alliance -fa- are Ifke ami renewed courage to port that seventyeight petitions contests on option have teen k filed lor next January are notable for their face the World light awl play to -We- palate and wn- game There has been considerable of at Inst Mr ry Miss ester all of Toronto Mr hill to Annie Crowley all of Joseph that fcaita Mill at more in running order fit ricks advertises an meat in the Catholic on the last Eli fl Irwin A Co ftftreuliral Implements Mr Grant the Ontario find has tendered his Cumhfluul will continue as chief manager Mr John Morton of North and Fry Draper and Council lors temperance people of foil and Landing held a successful last Thursday evening Mr John Morton is Reeve of Whitchurch and he has just Issued a contests on- option have teen f f lA members on the Ministerial iVi fiUnl lor next January No locks or Bars side of the House ol Cbmn to J f Hon Adam lucks plan to use rebte el- relieve the provisions ol the Home 2o power in with at the jail it was decided nil Some Liberal mem- of municipal elwtric railways has met Unlike other lot a its innovation thH the farm should have given voice to their wth such general that it jhas been call a conference be conducted on broad principles and to the Irish Parliament being PHONE jof representatives of the power of habit acquired through y punish to go into the whole of orumary laxatives cathartics strengthened the and permanently re- ar6 no Tne are free Word was received from cause of constipation restraints are assist the distressed operatives in the manufacturing districts of they do not create a habit hut instead they act to overcome the that its mission reform of the as they Star in Newmarket last and is- that A l the Northern Railway has monev with- Making Farming Pay tAHMlNQ has come to be as business the laws of business Farmers to be business- men They must ha a governed by successful must he Wank account A Hank account conduces to business habits It is better to pay by cheque than with cash tetter be cause simpler often more convenient certainly more businesslike Have your account with The Bank of Toronto A sound Bank Assets A long estab lished Bank since Brandies in Ontario Queboo and the West FIELD been appointed they do not do as we of the companys eastern with lbe and headquarters in Toronto The business tax is considered by Store a municipal men as an imposition las week the President of Toronto Court of Revision ex- pressed the opinion which was I by his colleauea that it was time Nov the tax was abolished as it was a- Mother and Child Killed placed upon their honor to the parole and in only one instance has a man broken his majority of those who are inebriates others have teen com mitted for non-support- still others for minor offences The sentences of as a rule- been subject to a maximum two years and the prisoners con- duct is the passport to freedom tiome of the charges are sent from A Wonderful Case TOREK IN HOSPITAL AND CAME OlT Cured Him in Few Weeks- day evenings YEARS AGO From Era Two deaths runaway horse at handicap Valle city the jail others from the Foliceot St Androws says people of the city- Wj yesterday Court Since its inception no ess j had eczema in knee Magistrate had Cane- Wife before him last week on a repeated Irene in a Fred Mason the wellknown up- mattress manufacturer Married At by Itev Hunt on the 1st Mr of Holt to Miss Mary A Hall of On the same day the same ister at the residence of the brides charge of drunkenness and he were take six rving homeward months your The and when the trate looked and under the fl can have two at the aii the they- were Farm It willbe Option driving took fright at a passing and dashed madly down the hill Mrs S inception no had eczema in my knee Mr of a Flamboro lhan taken care of at fee terrible pain and f sixycarod lhe institution and while some The sore parts would itch the vmums lne men have been hum and and then WJffiS for for committed as a rule scratched would from the painful- When the knee their steps on the highway burned wot arid the itch- decent endeavour and burning and smarting were farm is situated on Staimogt unbearable I tried various nearly miles from the city and it remedies better so de nes in country whera to go to Montreal The Toronto Automobile Mitchell and her daughter were Association has been- granted the use there is sweetness and freshness and for thirteen weeks and at the end oi that time I was not cured and almost in A friend advised me to give a trial Almost as soon as- applied erf the and instantly Killed The mother in place the stench and noise to the city Hospital which had emergency South End Lumber Yard OUR CUSTOMERS KNOW That when they order a Ton of COAL i They Get 2000 lbs Every Time Fresh Car of National Cement just In Dry Hardwood body and limbs P W PEARSON Cor Church and BISHOP Carter Phone in the police patrol to call The horse continued down the hill cared injury at tbe Exhibition on wa grounds for its proposed automobile show The city is to receive per cent of the receipts as rental The work of the Ontario Prison Farm at was the subject of an interesting address J Hanna Provincial Secretary last week at a meeting in St Pauls Church under auspices of the Mens Association While excavating a cellar on Main Street Toronto Mr Fred Si others ill found a cannon ball seven feet below the surface The sthd metal pounds and a quarter and had been in Its earthly place a generation The ball was handed over to the Ravi rector I of the of Ottawa at King and St Johns Norway the Tinder borne streets Toronto Students the Arts Class the The bank has University Toronto had their tilth annual last week also a of jail life At first was available for only a small num ber but recently temporary frame buildings have been constructed al lowing- for tbe housing of between GO last Friday evening and much- satisfaction was expressed those who delivered addresses were the following Messrs J A J A Dales J Beckett and Rev Smith The childrens- part was Kindergarten songs Mr Milton died at Mid- hand last week- and his remains were to for interment- J Davidson announces the the itching and the i persevered the balm Christmas stock and and plans are under con- soon that it would travelling under the aus- Kachay the pain was Burgess give an eo heal entertainment in last few ran the stable at the Valley Inn and the force of the collision which will provide for per- knocked a big hole in the side the and adequate buildings next reduced he sore spots began buildmg but the horse anil buggy year j and by the time I had used a- man The men do all rough work and the endeavour is to make tire insti tution not revenue producing Potatoes are cultivated is a fair boxes of I was quite cured urday night Mr A Starr of Whitchurch Will Miss Something If Fail to See Our Suitings THIS FALL And youll simply le carried with Over- travel tho proper Only a Fair asked for Every Garment Call in and See them F WILLIS YOUR TAILOR PHONE Flour MAIN ST Bank Clerk in Custody on a large scale There chard and much of the land which from near Ottawa j braces acres has teen sown and to see the football game on Saturday cultivated There are cattle in the toils law as he 50 and pigs and in horses to cash a check at In addition to attending to the li cuts bruises and Col- stock and farm the boys are injuries and diseases I ployed in building operations and it without an equal on the lookout is intended that they shall do alt the for a da or two for worthless checks excavating and rough building in con- bearing the accepted stamp of the with the proposed permanent mixup with School of Science j branch and when ten- structures dents who tried break up the such a check for 16 this morn- A number of them were also farm- party ling the teller at once informed the out summer at a daily wage One day last week at the manager who invited his of 150 One man made no less Stock Yards Mr A- son office A long distance call w than The money as a rule is the late John made put in for to see if kept for the men and given to- them heavy purdasc of thorough- stock the check was OK When Moule on ilieir release so that they are not for ilia Alberta Government The beard about the telephone call he thrown penniless on world but Since then has cured runaway on Tuesday Both he in finger and at wife were thrown out of the time when my finger was in juch a Mrs Starr was unconscious terrible that eared it received lor some time would have to be amputated Henry returned from For eczema bloodpoisoning piles ulcers sores abscesses varicose ulcers bad cold sores varicose tfttf Telegram staff napped of Toronto were guests over Sunday Mr Clark and wife left this week for of some months in Colorado tor the benefit of the latters health Mr and Mrs J Robinson are visiting at Original this week-to- tbeir sous weddings Mr an old resident of Whitchurch passed away last Hunter a years box all druggists ami stores or post free from IV To ronto for price Refuse imitations Duck Hunter Shot I consisted of one car load of shorthorn bulls snort- STRAW AND HAY IN BALES STANDARD MEDICINAL A 1 for stock and poultry lime and cement pull lines of lumber H Boyd Read or by Phono of Smith IV A 1 L Mi horn cows grade shorthorn cows heels The chase grade dairy cows two cars of hogs composed of the Yorkshire Berkshire and Yarmouth breed were cases of in the city schools reported during Ochober Is also said to be prevalent in section The pastor of Wood green Methodist one ube worktr- ask- that the money he sent to his made a dash for the street and got in away with- two hank clerks at his was not long family welconie that the caught on Front was- proving successful In and taken back to the bank Hut- some cases also where men have been the morning checks committed for uOiisupport the money which had been Passed in stores came bus been their wives and to the bank f6r and re- was taken Into custody by Detectives Wallace and maker the M Beal leather Co- factory was fatally in jured today while shooting He left Lindsay accompanied by a boy Cleveland in a rowboat this morniog A doublebarreled shotgun was placed in the bottom of with both hammers cocked to GUIDING SPIRITS spirit of the announced last Sunday that was required to meet present liabilities fl asked the members to meet tho financial need His was warmly responded to and y middle of the weok was receiv ed Part of sum will be utiliz ed In improving the Interior of the iron girders over the deviated Street at the crossing North Toronto are in place The street will soon be tot excava tion purioses Toronto Harbor Commissioners the Ottawa last week respecting harbor improve ments submittedpLans Involv ing the of flfteeii of dollars which were substantially approved With the arrest last week of George and White both colored the Police have up a of over half safebfowers is the Superintendent ftr At police headquarters It was said Appointed tlie until a Week ago Qovernmcnt he is one coin- been a ledger keeper at the Bank of Big at A check was to the importance passed at Ottawa In all cases was signed on the checks the boat be in readiness in case- a dock of ducks was seen While rowing the craft Hunt ers Stop Hair Falling ToDay It wont cost you a cent to prove foot slipped and struck one of that you Can stop falling hair and hammers discharging the shot in- J prevent forW J Patterson to his thigh The accident occurred at Greens Point a few miles north of the town Cleveland wound a piece of rope around thigh in an effort to stay the flow of blood Then boy A check was on Saturday for and with that I rowed the boat toward the town charity that gives human After going ball a mile a passing urHkrstandiug lie has won the respect of not only his superiors but of those who are torboat was hailed but Hunter died reaching the wharf from under his charge More the discharge evidently y is told of the refractory Mm but several blood vessels He V etc George Caldwell was arrested for stealing team of horses and from the K James Company After he made off with the outfit the team ran away and smashed the wagon into wood Me was fifty days with bard labor North Bay Nov Lilly Salmon aged three was probably fatally one is told of refractory by a boiler of hot water ov- prisoner brought to hmi by his was just two years out from ertuming The leg of the stove gave fellows The that he is way while the mother was washing with the playing at her Kingston Nov Word from Station on Kingston Pem broke Hallway this afternoon stated that a man named James Cammell of keenly anxious or their wellbeing there is an esprit do corps ap parent in the institution that has remarked on by more than visitor To many who been active promoting the success of the experiment credit is due and to that place was shot Instantly kill- by a stray bullet seated ialnone more than to Alderman O his own house lust of of the Property Committee Station This Occident marks Daniel Commissioner f first ins this section the hunting season opened The bullet came from the rifle of sportsman Send to abteat- friends i- v- CASTOR I A Infant and Children He Ktad Bought The of Useful The name Prison Farm Is en couraged- nor are those conwuittod to the institution prteoners It is an Industrial Farm and are spirit is apparent In all things The essential consideration is to encourage to forget that are under tike arm of the law to help them their discharge land was 5 wife and five years old and leaves a children will supply you with a bottle of PA- Sage and if you are not sat isfied with the result be will refund the full purchase price The same guarantee applies to dan druff splitting hair faded hair or scalp itch PARISIAN Sage is the most de lightful refreshing and invigorating loss hair dressing in the world pre- serves the natural color the hair and imparts to it a glossy appear ance that all admire f Large bottle cents at dealers everywhere girl with the Au burn hair on every package Belleville Nov A T Neil of Stirling was today Then and costs or three months for having tor sale intoxicating liquor in a local op tion district On October ac tion was brought by inspector Mor rison of Department Neil was convicted in June on sim ilar offence during May but through a technicality of the court proceed ings the Magistrate depend ent who appear personally in court the benefit of the doubts where by he escaped a term of Imprison ment without option of a fins i Kingston Nov While making re pairs to the electric wires at an arc lamp Pole at the corner of and King streets early this evening Simon Beyne a lineman of the city power plant was electrocuted H and a companion had been sent out to make repairs alter- the pole had- iV London- Oat Nov 8 In the nine- teen months Police has been on the Bench- he bat had three up- before him with lations and to many of them he separation The causes of the trouble is if husbands spending their mm CTf 5S re iCifci ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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