Newmarket Era, 15 Nov 1912, p. 2

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Cow for Sale Apply to Tbos Sharon First Class Stabling a horses Electric Light Wanted at Hi we see J fc a a is mm iii IS i MS BS fuilUV i for many with the Ontario has resigned Ills position County advanced in years about and has con- for four lime past For a Ugh this Dr and Domestic Water Terms Very M lyO of Kinj- Convenient to Specialty ha appointed to the at Hallway and Municipal Hoard Shop Newmarket lwnd will succeed Mr James Chairman This Intuno- was out by Whit ney on Monday and the appointment rocs at ono A good sized Hoy or Your Man for Pressing Mens Coots The Ottawa iWWrisos to mark work and Rood for a willing Maty has Set a most ad- worker to example buying many- Christinas presents No- this is truly the I to the trratnient of store clerks Quite there Is a reason has mm money Alt are not so the but reft Sow aih 10 days old also a number young runbred Pigs of Farm for Sale I I in I the miles from Aurora on good rood buildings- in eluding modem barn flood soil well Card of Thahks Mrs A Hill has returned borne Western Hospital Toronto and is improving as well as can be ex pected Mr and Mrs Hilt and family de sire to thank the neigh bors who have been so kind to the family and home during her absence HEAL ESTATE Has the following bis list for quick sale House on street north of Main and Huron streets rooms all modern conveniences Price easy terms Frame House rooms in fine re pair not long built large lot Lots of room for two more houses on east side Price A good cash payment re quired Frame House as good as new rooms electric light well finished KOod sized lot full sized cellar close to business part of town Victo ria St Price House on coiner of Victoria and Millard all conveniences rooms well finished well built nearly new A very comfortable home House corner of At den and new well built a pretty de sign all conveniences 7 rooms nice grate in hall a very desirable loca tion 4000- Frame House west side Joseph near Queen now well built 6 tilul rooms All conveniences 1 well built house Nicely finished in hardwood Modern lot good stable Well located on Prospect Ave Price well finished in hard wood nicely on corner ol and Millard Price Frame House In excellent condi tion rooms domestic water Fullsized cellar Large sized lot price is 1 Frame house nearly new large lot beautifully situated on College Heights Will rent for per month Price Brick Clad rooms all modern conveniences Beautifully located on College Heights and nearly new Price Also vacant lots on Park Ave both sides Ave Joseph St Prospect St Millard St Grace St and St also Gar dens Why not buy vacant lots In your own town Keep your money here and help to build up Newmarket Also several excellent Farms for sale Agent for P Lands Office Over Tates Meat Market Main Street Newmarket Private Sale Happy Thought Range Small Heater coal or wood Extension Dining Table J A COLLINS Prospect Avenue 1 Browns Nurseries Are famous for their fine Peach Apple Plum and Cherry trees They have the best nursery soil in Cana da and arc tin largest growers of in the Dominion AH scions and budsticks are cut by one man and he has been in their employ many years so no mistakes are made by using wrong scions or buds Send for Catalogue or write for agency as they have some unoccupied territory In your county DROWN CO BROWNS NURSERIES Wetland Co Ontario instanced As with a year I that the supply of is rail say neatly iiivpiMed Said Hon pvtu Minister of Education In cussing the success of the of Education in establishing the sys tem of normal training for teachers la fact there Oar Tof onto mow incmUirs of a holdUp guns were on women The holding in w Cojirity Hall this week anil Individual for uplift of humanity and the i of loe was the dom inant no at a of over 500 and laymen at the parish St oh to celebrate the fiftieth of the lishment of Laymans Movement Canada The of the and curling rink side the In York County raised on ftatOrday Svr court a of men being re quired to put it together The new structure Is nearly in length by about feet wide would that Dominion start immediately upon the construction tha barracks and her buildings to be at a wist drivers employ the who the erryihpl the to side of tho city went on Monday ftifiht they refused to wotk eight hours Through the breaking of schools In the Province without Monday man named lhQs ined teachers at toe present lost his hie TC Hewitt in the City a few days week- Mrs will not until New Year Mrs a few on Tuesday Mrs Sott a flveV- clock tea on Alderman been an Anatomy Mrs Major Is this Miss Laura was the of last Mr Howard is In Week on tilj Hughes Millard Ave will receive on ItiUriday Nov and daiirfitcr j MISS were town on Sun day Mrs had a of ladles in to tea noon The Minister is breathing easier They must have experienced some very severe weather already this tall in Baffins Ray A cable says Percy a Col lege student and had both feet froen in Land and amputation board to this effect and the message thai the young man is on home volunteer missionary Baffins Bay followed on his adds was Norton was found in his bed on Monday gas Deceased was So years of Rev Ren l Spence Secretary of the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alliance stated on Monday are in better shape now lor He prosecution of a vigorous Wednesday ted sta tistics to that- last week more money has been spent over the id her tfj Cone was than we ever were before and the stumer Principal Vc a of WvcliRe has been their He also announced on Thursday that William Lowe late inspector of Roads for district and the of the Conservative convention held here a short time ago re- in favor of Armstrong also a Conservative but opposed the socalled machine candidate We hear Mr Armstrong is in accord with the temperance polity of the leader the Opposition bar than was given to all the A despatch from in Canada in the last saysIt was as the cost years insurance and dur ing the same period the city has reived insurance com panies for losses The present coal situation is by a car and for the first time the strike In j local coal dealers are receiving proportion of their supply by water carriage On Monday N Sach was sent down ffi jot Sixty days on a choice of the Provincial Secretory a cony of the now Municipal j took place in the Institutions which will bo Presbyterian Church at Swansea on troduced for adoption at the The wedding party left the proachmg session of the Ontario Leg- today to Hamilton lor nays on a ai re of Hon MrHauna we have church to the strains of bagpipes The Ontario Horticultural Show in Exhibition week is the would not be opposed at to the Commons It contains pages and is being sent to all members of the Assembly County District Court hjeisplaV apples Judges Municipal Officials Solicitors exceed any former of municipalities and osiers in both In Quantity and quality that mistakes may be corrected and the York Radial suggestions made as to improvement K in East Toronto In form or substance j expires today but by agreement thd j Company will continue to run ears It was thought Hon Mr till the city assumes charge The docket of Criminal As- sizes which opened his week with but on Tuesday when the nomination on the bench took pace Mr Leopold ox- 0 cases in labor loader former J twenty years including four charges and real estate agent fiVc manslaughter was also placed in as an independent In his address to electors ho said never was in po litics before and 1 do recognize on ly one leader people My elec tion should indicate that the electors of are contributions without a Christian oianiiationsor the I cite The aim of the Federation is to effect the cooperation of all such societies lanslaughter A on the Street cars was fined and costs this week for being intoxicated while on duty The Christian Federation of Toronto was organized last Tuesday night at a large and representative gathering members of the various A despatch to Toronto papers dated Nov that so far as the Methodist Ministers of Kingston are they are disposed to Countenance mixed marriages The despatch says Two local Mcthudlst minister Rev W Meal and Webster refused the request of Sam a young who Is far above ordinary Celestials In intelligence to marry him to a girl whose parents reside in the northern part oi tho The Chinese hud secured a marriage license having been accom panied to the issuer by the father of the on any questions affecting the moral and spiritual welfare of the Mr Flood a member of Hon S Blakes law firm slipped and fell on the polished floor of the Union Rank ami was so badly injured that he is still at the Hospital About a score City hotelkeep ers have been summoned this week for doing a shoplicense business- selling liquors to be drank off the premises At the opening York Crim inal Assrtbs now Chief Justice gave a brief explanation of the charge against Dr but in doing So a mentioned also The Boy Problem mm I TO Five Hundred Workers with Boys to Assemble at Mrs J Collins has been spend ing several days In with her j slater Drw Wesley vis- his parents in Newmarket last Monday Miss hofleiii of Toronto the guest of Miss Ross Mrs Phillip Sudbury was tho guest of Mrs Wilkinson Joseph Ave on Sunday Hill Victoria Ave got home horn the Hospital in Toronto on M Jones librarian at the lie Library attended the Richmond Mr and Mrs Van are visiting Hughes Millard Mrs leaves spend ihe winter with friends at Atlantic City Val of is spending a couple of weeks with Mrs Brooks Joseph Ave Miss Bert Wesley Miss Maw and Mr Douglas Scott were home from Toronto over Sunday Rev Cunningham of Michigan was visiting at the Presbyterian Manse last Tuesday Mr Saxon was in town a couple days this week previous to leaving for California to spend the winter Mr and Mrs Andy Davis enter tained a number young people last Friday night honor Miss Jean Mr and Mrs who sold their home on Timothy St to Mr Osborne expect to to Aurora next week Mr R W Phillips was laid up last wek with pleurisy but we are pleased to report he Is at his post again Mr Cameron Allan who has been ill in St Andrews Collego Hospital was to come home on Monday to convalesce before returning Mr Irving Ross who was home from Ottawa ou sick or a month left on Wednesday to resume his duties feeling quite renewed In health Packet Dick son visited his sister Mrs J Eaton this on his way back to San Francisco after six months Europe Mr and Mrs J Boyd Listow- el have moved tbeir to New market to become permanent resi dents on Joseph Avenue We welcome them to our midst Mr Harry Hoover of who is in real estate busi ness sends us a very fino booklet of the place Friends interested should write him copy- Mrs of Port was visiting her sister Mrs P Morton Timothy St this week while on her way to tho Flow er Show at Toronto Mrs as Thompson paid a visit with her and niece Mr and Mr and Mrs C Dyke of Armi- last Sunday also assisted at Armitage Sunday School Mrs Wilbur Cody held her post- We have the Latest Styles and Best Values In Pali and Winter Shoes AND WE MENS WOMENS AND FOOTWEAR Wont ihB oil your rfiooi you Will find Uo of inl in of Ounlliy Style aim no All MOB iumI lowing which nhrorrfl Mlunv High Ptjt Dull Button n b Hoot of of find of virinity- It worthy of of nil who to Bret of Full Winter Styles VnlWCS THE FOR MEN QUEEN SHOES FOR WOMEN KNOWN WESTON SHOES FOR I I Queen Quality Shoes for JBV1 FAMOUS Slips is as much a work of in ita sphore press Orutioiia of from new Models of Modi Designing a nolo have an them not to be founcl and we know thai yon wjptivfitod by and Grace Why not come in and E Shoes for Hen i ft FIT AND COMFORT MODERATE AT nuptial reception on Wednesday we constontly Ifearlng which was largely attended conferences of men Interested in She was by the Misses in doing so view of the previous true MM development of our agricultural I and Miss Mildred Mrs Mary McMullcn of announces the engagement of- her youngest daughter to that in brought against Wm by another grand era power and timber Resources It jury it might not bo necessary for gratifying learn that a body of men them to consider Mr are also coming together to devise Hartley raised the point that ways and means for raising William Smith of Fort William this bill was returned upon a dif- standard of our Canadian Youth j son of Mr and Mrs I Smith from tliat upon which I The Provincial Young Mens Chris- Toronto marriage to take place the prisoner was extradited and a Association and the Ontario Sun- tho latter part November truo bill will he necessary upon have united latter before he can be tried As a witness in has brought to tho city For Sale 1 Square Piano Apply to S BELFRY Ave Newmarket ft w Ottawa Nov This now marble bust of Sir Wilfrid erected In the Chateau lor rotunda on which had Its nose while be- 1ng put up The new oust is far likeness than the first Paul superintended the Step by step the rights of the travelling public ore being demanded and as years go by are being con ceded A press despatch on the says Fifty passengers were held up all night on the at Myrtle account of a damaged bridge Towards midnight pas- passed the following resolu tion That the Company should be Censured for not transfer ring passengers around the wreck as the Grand Trunk which oc curred at near on and that all railways In Canada be compelled to furnish meals free of charge on trains delayed two hours past the hours of ft am noon and pm Heres works for the Dominion nail- way Commission Carrots are among the best to conduct the greatest gathering of Workers with Hoys held in this country at Gait on Friday evening Saturday and Sunday November and 21 experts in this unique line of work appear on the program The limit of accommodation in is Mr Taylor To ronto street who is Conference Director says that if the Interest shjown in Toronto Is any indication of the attitude of the Sunday School and men throughout the country It will be impossible to ac cept all the The men who interested in boys work as Sunday School Teachers Scout Mas ters or School Teachers should communicate with Mr at A spoonful sugar added to the water for basting roast beef will give it a rich brown color- as well as a fine flavor Raw eggs rubbed Into the hair and known To scalp before washing are excellent and tend to prevent the hair from be coming grey results they should be eaten once twice day Fruit cake or plum pudding dipped In will be moist even after several months and also much in flavor J scattered among blankets when stor ing them away will keep them free from moths 1 Mr Geo Forester the purchaser of the Grist Mill moved his family and household effects to New market from about a week ago and they are now getting set tled on Ave We give them a cordial welcome to tho Hub Mr John Barry who came up from Toronto to attend the funeral of the late John is a son late John Harry of this town well known to the residents of 40 years ago It is 30 years since Mr Barry went to Toronto and he has worked for the same firm ever since in the lumber business Mrs formerly of Keswick Is visiting at the home of Mrs Neil Morton Joseph Avenue Mrs has oeon visiting friends and around Keswick since tho first part of July is now planning to re turn soon to Ohio Needless to say Mrs has many warm friends in this part of North York A wire on Sunday from Prof Jackson allayed all fears as to his safety The message was sent from Point on the Labrador const He was still on the Arctic and ex- A- piece of yellow soap shredded andjpected to reach Quebec in about one- TM week All on board were will Yes terday morning a letter arrived from him Written at Port l We call Special Attention to Our Splendid Showing of Mon arch Shoes for Men The Beat Shoes we know of in Newmarket or where at Moderate Price These Shoes are certain to at first glance to the man who wants Most Shoe Value foe Money offer these Splendid New Monarch Shoes in all the fcatest Lasts and Leathers Suitable for Fall Winter wear and in assortment of so Extensive that a Trig Comfy satisfying Fit is Assured Every Male Foot in Newmarket and many miles around there is even- why men who want more than Usu al Shoe Style and Shoe Value their money should come here and ask for our Monarch Shoe a B W HUNTER NEWMARKET Hudson StTait on Oct in which he says they have had exceptionally good weather all summer and fall First snow flurrv on the of Sep tember and a good deal of snow since Undertaking House Yon can Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING ft EMBALMING A SPECIALTY attended to at John Millard at CRADLE Whitchurch on to Mr and Mrs Edgar Rose a daughter liURBlS In on Nov to Mr and Mrs Max bis a daughter IVALKKU At on Octo ber 1913 to Mr and Mrs Norman Walker a daughter r I Cedar Valley on to Mr and Mrs a son In on Nov to Mr and Mrs a daughter ROGERS In Newmarket on Nov to Mr and Mrs Norman a daughter THE ALTAR- the Methodist Parsonage Richmond HI1L Nov by Rev Smith Mr Frank Itoker of to Miss Yokes the same place MARKET WE MAKE FRUITS A SPECIALTY Both Foreign and Domestic OUR TEASCO Are Sure to Please you Try a pound and be convinced Our Phono No is TUB- TOMB in Toronto on Nov John aged years Newmarket on Nov Michael Cain formerly T BaggageAgent in yeor Holland Landing on November John Ful ler aged years and 5 months The funeral took place yesterday PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO m Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J W Patterson PhmB NEWMARKET MAIN STREET Agent lor i Chocolates Weekly TELEGRAPH OFFICE No No 1 service at Christ Church KELLYAt Industrial Home on the result of gross and J of November on the part of tho members Newmarket Cemetery HOMER In King on Nov- Hannah wife or Wm Homer In her year- i a nOHDHOUSH MAW NORTH All orders will Oueful ax Prompt Attention Koliey aged years the profession about Montreal He was brought from the Southern part of the County and had only been the Home since Saturday in time Card Montreal Nov Seven new cases of Smallpox in Montreal within tho past hours known cases- in 35 known cases in upwards to in the provico by the malady is according Dr J A inspector of the provincial of dearth the net NORTH I J MS V I ARCHIVES TORONTO f fc I 1 V MB fl I 5 j t- I I t

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