Newmarket Era, 15 Nov 1912, p. 5

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J itarristcr Notary Office Main to loan on good LM 1 prank COlECTOn Bolton and Decorator Niagara Tecum seh Streets Or NT I v v Municipal Calendar a Medical Health due as provided by Snow Vcl Coun cils to enter upon lands and erect snow fences is deemed ad visably and SKA FRIDAY 15 WiaV l -J- Main Street Stormy emitter Kicks Word and Works pe riodical speaks Of a storm PcrioM about of the months moot crosses i a equator on the the united strain Op Wilkinson DENTIST Office in Block Newmarket and decided storms may to anticipated at sihly culminating period show Instructions Piano Organ Theoret ical Branches introducing the Studio The Hank Toronto Newmarket SATURDAYS WW- NEWMARKET Ontario Veterinary r J worth League A very meoUo was held last Monday is of topic Miss Miss t Mr Mr Haw and Dr W gave fcd on Mlssjiymry iHofcrapuy in India and the situation there at time attended to or -Nichi- lhoDc Issuer At the Newmarket- Office Private Papers issued at private resi dence il desired Clubbing Era Globe Kiu Era and Era and Weekly Mall Era ami Canadian Home Era and Toronto Era and Pronto Daily News ll Era and Toronto Sun and Star and Canadian News A Range should be a permanent invest and as such the PahcJora is fear- guaranteed by dealer as well as by the makers simply be cause they know that will give utter satis- faction Can wonder that t many people id FIVE Healthy Mothon M Make Happy Horn Inning last wee too Ontario Hall- and ranUd the application or Mill to aWmt j round up the Village plot and Motherhood Is woman highest sphere sm life the fruition of her dearest yet sands of noble women through de rangement have been ihU blessing In many homes once childless there are children because of the fact thai E Vegetable Compound makes women normal heal ami strong evidenced by the following letters genuine and truthful i In the M fetation grounds NEWMARKET HARDWARE TORI Sir delivered an ad- much bolote the Empire week last wve ol the quart to be drunk the Ol Magistrate ftned the pluprleUir MOO Kir on Friday re- A CO the statement by London wish to thank you VicPreskletit fts I received by SnVfl ago that the A famous medlofne station at North TofntVi by I a the 1 It awT It will be Vego table early spring and Before my during the The city has been that the annexation ot Moore wttytd bo by the Hallway and Municipal Itpard on property lii about acres and Is situate north totmt Park I felt like a new wtdetlCe 0 sUoshifitUl S TOuK progress during fa year from morning ill night and was nappy I andwelU I think It rcHcveV Union kd HI tend long or walk distance had to He down nearly all the time After I Canadas Charity A be in arket nee for and how to combat disease in private homes More S J Boyd Rural Mall Boxes Postmasters are asked concerning the annual cost of a rural mail it might he well to understand that there is Ap an nual That is the charge and are served free of cost tot all time J or at least as as present re- Township Whitchurch Sunday School Association will their twenty third Annual Convention in the Church on find was was I Wanted a baby but my health not penult it I uorvovis my side ached and I Was all run down heard that E VegeUble Compound was good and took the a baby and your Compound has helped main every J J Stewart Horn- St Brooklyn months gen ulna lltvloninon was id a last He was arrested and when before the said he was no h the bottom the he was in close JMagistrat Cohen him for a week to flnA out the of the cIobs and to secured Scotch interpreter I You Can Save Money By Buying From Us t Line i j Paints Oils Glass Etc COMPANY A E T A W NEW 9 fee to a rural mail day and Friday November the first cost is three dollars The strike of the freight men on Anglican Slimmer Home wade by the Hallway an ihul An excellent has been arranged are in force The courier Graduate in medicine of Government one also Licentiate the year for each box he serves in College Physicians and mem- j addition to the amount his mail of the College of Surgeons contract The rural mail and penny of England Former clinical assistant postage are two popular innovations a in Eye Hospital and Di versity College Ear Nose and lliroat Hospital London England Office Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone Consultation Hours t6 My services may be had of the day or night by calling at the offloe or Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties w r See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS SONS Next to introduced progressive Laurier Government while the Conservatives previous to this were always strug gling with immense deficits in the PO- Department Methodist Church The pastor was away last Sunday owing to his duties as chairman of tike Bradford District was ably filled by a rattling good speaker Gray Thornton who also taught theBerean Class and Sunday School Good morning and evening and large attendance at There were in the Choir on Sim- day evening and the music was ex cellent Mr Newton the new or ganist is things- move airs also contributed a beautiful solo in the evening and Miss Bark er took the soprano solo in the anthem with good effect The Tripio Pledge Roll was signed in the Sunday School but as it dd not half way round the number of sig natures will be reported later Move Mr new house on Water to be occupied by Mr Allan Mr P Stewart has Secured the house on Ontario St now occupied Mr Howard and Mr Henry- Elvidge will move over the store comer Main and Simcoe streets now occupied by Mr Stew art Located on Lake Simcoe fort to secure higher wages is de clared off Employes have either find the following reference to a 3fi- scheme for dealing with down- town problem of Toronto in the Globe of Saturday last An immense scheme for effectively been filled The men who have much to say and not specially fond of work are now out of a job falling coping with what is generally known Friday last Mrs Pope of us the downtown problem hip and plans for erection o a large Hospital Institute a Home on Lake j- S0O to Lend farms Agents wanted Reynolds Victoria street Just two weeks to pay town taxes after which costs will be add ed King Council meets at Hotel next Saturday Whitchurch Council meets at next Wednesday Mr J Pattexsoo has been ap pointed Issuer of Marriage properly equipped and for the establishment of em ployment bureaus nursing stations etc has been evolved by clergy men ot the downtown Anglican church es of the city within a year or two it is expected to haw plan in practical operation- It is already working in The movement originated a year ago when a meeting of a tew of the cler gymen was held at the Synod office At the annual sale of unclaimed ar ticles at the freight last week the amount received totalled about The highest paid for one parcel was for a gasoline engine the lowest was or three empty i Altogeth er there were parcels Robert Hall senior missionary of ithe City Mission a report at the monthly meeting of the organization last week show ing that drunkenness loth In point of numbers the meeting was men and women was alarmingly on NEWMARKET a failure but those first identified with the movement persevered and finally an organization was formed under name the Anglican downtown Clergymen and Workers Association The churches censes and disports a new sigp in the I united innttho instead of carry- window of his drug store next to it on separately in their own pa rishes and ibb movenient has met with great success A Summer Camp The first definite result obtained establishing of a Summer Post Office r Marble Works LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering elsewhere GEO A Paying Investment regular meeting of the New market Hotel Company the accounts for the past month were passed and ordered to be paid The earnings or the last year have been the wine as the year before in spite the fact that the sales from the bar scft drink and cigars fell about I owing to the unfavorable weather con ditions of last ITS TRUE Mother has had her picture taken rather than father has but even she hasnt in two years and that picture will- never do to send to Aunt She wears her hair so much more becomingly now and anyway its high time was another picture for- the family collection Photo Office rectors decided banquet on the summer The to bold the annual of this month in the spacious banquet of the King George Hotel to which will be invited the stockholders of the Com pany with their wives At this meeting the dividend of per cent on the stock will be paid The hotel is still Paying stockholders and well satisfied with their vestrrietvt Hints for the Council It has been suggested to us that either the holes in composition walks about town should be repaired or else the electric turned on about a or else the Cor poration may have to face a for damages is getting rather late for repairs of that kind and a good many people ixwlsUmi to go to the ft oclock car on Monday morning the should be turned on that morn ing at least Another cause of complaint is that the six oclock whistle blows as long again as titere is any necessity to the annoyance of many who want to sleep little longer 1 1 J J e i THE FARMERS DAUGHTER IS NEEDED IN TORONTO OUR CATALOGUE EXPLAINS Boarders Wanted I Vaoakclea for more Boarders at Cor VictorU Park Mrs Farm Produce Splendid market last Saturday Large quantity of all kinds of pro duce As high as a was pair for new laid eggs and- for fresh butter Tlie ruling prices were as follows per do to i5c Butter lb to 30c Dressed chickens per lb to He pressed Ducks per lb Dressed Geese per lb 13 Dressed Turkeys per lb 13 to Apples per to Apples per Potatoes per bag to Onions per peck Pickling Onions per quart 150 Winter Radishes basket Cabbages and Cauliflower 5 to Live Chickens per lb Old hens per lb Live Ducks per lb Geese per It Live Turkeys per lb 12c Pigeons per pair Hides per lb Calf Skins per lb to 9 SI to Sheepskins to Tallow per lb five miles from on and over persons children were re ceived there last Summer Rev Gibson of the Church of As cension was in charge It was found that there was need for more work among the women Miss one of bestknown dea conesses in the city has been engag ed to take charge of this department and a 0dy- of between and workers has been organized to assist her His proposed to educate moth ers in the care of their child- ifip sanitation and ventilation of the home and hygienic matters in an attempt to stay the present death rate of infants which is said be due larty to improper care and feeding- An effort Is also be made In tift direction o educating young women to become good house keepers Miss has opened an employment bureau for young women Wanted Operators hand severs end girls to learn sewng mens coate J- Clothing Newmarket Very Sudden Death Last Friday morning Mr John Toronto who was well- known in Newmarket and at one time carried the NorthEnd Bakery with groat success died very suddenly in St Basils Church from heart trou ble He had just entered tho church and was kneeling to say his prayers when he was heard gasp expiring within a few minutes John was born in Ireland years ago Coming to Canada with his parents when four years of age and Battling at He re ceived his early education at this place and when a man follow ed the carpentering business lie a grocery and but confinement did not agree with him so he moved to Toronto and en gaged in the contracting business He rose rapidly and when he tlrtd fiv vfcars on bronchial trouble was one of best known men in the business He held the carpenter work contracts for Canada College Massey Hall St George Apartments and other wellknown buildings He was a wid ower and is survived by a daughter Mrs Kernahan of Toronto a son Charles of Chicago and a sister Miss with whom he lived The remains interred at St Johns Cemetery Newmarket last Monday morning service having teen previously conducted In St Johns Church by Father Whitney Among the friends from a distance were Mr and wife directly upon blood of Chicago Mr and Mrs Ker nahan Miss Nellie Mr Sullivan Mr John Barry Mr and Mr Jas of Toronto Unanimous Verdict v offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J CHENEY A CO To ledo We the undersigned have PJCheney tor tas list flfteea years and believe him perfectly boo- in all buihiess transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by Ma firm Rinnan A Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken inter- land mucous the system Testimonials sent tree Prices per bottle SoM by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for Newspaper publishers and Citizens generally throughout the Dominion are unanimous in their opinion that picture entitled Mothers Treasures given with The Family Herald ami Weekly Star Montreal this sea son is a most delightful and beau tiful subject Here is the opinion of one publisher Mothers Treas ures Is a of beauty The subject is one that will have a ten dency to home ties We in the same business wonder fiow you can afford to give such value in pic tures besides the vast amount of good things in the Herald and Weekly Star Signed Rich ards The Mirror Millbrook horn in Canada should be without this beautiful picture One dollar pays a full years subscription to The Fam ily Herald and Weekly Star including picture which is ready for fram ing 23 by indies It is a big dollars worth indeed Sebastapol Russia Nov The Naval Court sentenced seventeen sailors to death and imprison ment for from four to eight years at hard labor for Instigating mutinies in the Russian fleet Brandon Nov- The crashing of an eastbound freight train into a Ca boose arid cattle truck In the yards here last evening resulted the death J aged cattle dealer of Winnipeg Children Cry FLETCHERS C A S in a the increase evidenced not only by the number of arrests but by the number of women found in their homes in an intoxicated condition Young McCartney who stole two doeen ra7ors par lor in Leader Lane about fen days ago was sentenced to days at hard labor Sir William Meredith Chief of Ontario will sail for Canada on or about the 3Sth of November Sir William has been on the continent during the past few months engaged in regarding Workmens IasC Friday morning Rose carpenters were thrown feet by a hreak- scafloln on a pile of bricks Rose ha 1 his soalp torn and hemorrhage of the brain is feared was badly shaken up but no bodes were broken It- seems strange that car penters who to know whether a jcaffoidis safe or not would work on an unsafe structure For breaking into a Sealed OTR car on the of Sept and steal twentysix pairs of boots and Other stolen goods Mrs Snow Mrs and Oliver Brown were by Judge Winchester to four years in the KingtUon Peniten tiary A lady of this city an estate valued at something over An Interesting on railway for- warding companies was revealed when it that principal item was comprised in one share the Forwarding Co par value value The Railway Commission should get busy When the Co started bus it less than half a dozen teams now It has a plant representing near ly Almost every week judgments are being obtained as asset of the Farm ers Bank- Recently judgment was given for against- the Knabe Prism Company- Another Jack the Hugger was arrested last Friday anil up for trial today Special Collections were asked on Sunday last for Woodgrecn- Methbdlst Tabernacle and Church The former raised and the latter A mail bag was stolen from the branch at J Taylors drug store street on Satur day The bag contained about letters including registered money to the sum of 475 The cornerstone of the new St Annrews Institute was laid on Sat urday afternoon by the Lieutenant- Governor Sir John Gibson Rev Crawford Brown pastor of St Andrews Church King Street of whoso institute is conducted the service Ed Iemois seriously assaulted Mrs on the trolley going cast was fined- and costs Delegates from all parts of Ontario and- leading centres In Quebec attend ed the annual convention of the Wo mens Baptist Foreign Convention at College street church last week Mrs John Firstbrook presided addresses were made by Miss and Katie McLaurjb oh 1 A1 i v- For Fall and Winter f Tho showing of Fall nil Winter Samples and Styles are the best ever shown in parts SEMIREADY GUARANTEE A Perfect Fit Entire Satisfaction 3 Unshrinkable Fabrics Patterns Latest Styles Come in and have your mea sure while the is complete Stock of Fall and Winter Furnishings dud Shoes is complete 1 DUNCAN Jr The Cents Outfitter f i It- is a womans duty as as pleasure to appear well dressed and with illfitting shoes this is not possible The above illustration will appeal I v i V v- iTi Saff s FBI t iter il-V- ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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