V r JOHN YATES AGENT SUTTON a Br- lb MOUNT ALBERT Mtiiobisr church Services be Sunday next- Dr Is expect ed to he the speaker in both Mount Albeit and Church SHARON To Council have PERSONAL Is spending a few holidays with his parents in town Mr lames moved Into tow arc in house- Mr A- Millet of in town on Tuesday Mr Jos Clark has rented a farm on I limburv oh WUfc a Thors- of to know ibV rtr noj lWtly PS ffi I Will iwidcrrvi Towmjkp of North I North good will be Kr- H is being made Zephyr awl the opening of the Methodist Mr oft I Service In the morning linimon and was evening The revival On Nov and will continue ail in the Church i regular meeting he herd in of Mrs Ticket ing Miss Laura Took of irictids in Zephyr Miss Marshall her sister Miss Marshall Mr visito1 her last Sundavi Mis ST look of Toronto visited- rtMil Us in of the of tivo Township North rtw- hi of York ta of at in Raid Town ship of on day of t hour of In to fty- banieiy i or p IVOOfa Nellie JXwr Audrey Lorn Millie Brooks How- en Stuart Rowland took friends hew icy days IJwU Mrs of Toronto her SrJU Marjorle Jr ill AIiee Heaver Oik e am to you and Hits way of my reasons I sty iiy as yesterday that Vnc my and Urged to the hating no experience at that itnc not anxious to tackle done I I A ALTKiUMO perform my iha VKRTiNO A UOAU AT ROA OH limited at my disposal Would hi and today to proud of the in lived Or more than halt a o and of the whom wiUifWpiK men and wo men and children doubt there bo any place in the Province or lower dents not During the lime I have been associated with eleven dif ferent Reeves and of Council rt while we have not of the Totoiro rtio of is own for JohnJohn Alexander is with the Of which be XaoIe Owl is the Bole of John is ana of little an of sports but e to lyfaN of our pond Ho taunoiaia In nix mil It his shanks are else to reit af 11 cwW bji Widow wa- saftk and after Striigfttoions safely reached Mis J Jbc the jwaysi in all matters as- past two jsoolatlcfls have always- his frail iargd the WTitor SO In a lashing with true He got a great due cold waves was Mr and Mrs home after spending a wvek in Gordon Wagfc Vera Dike Wood- ji visiting their Grace Wright Ross who Kenneth Smith Rogers Draper Ruth Annie every Olive Lloyd Ruth Millie Brooks Woodcock Vera Dike Dike Alice Heaver Stuart Rowland Stanley Cook Donald Ross onion Wage J I has been under tho rare for the past- two weokks wo arc pleased to report is able to bo around I SCHOOL Following is the report of the Examination held in Alt Albert Continuation School The standard required is sixty per cent of the marks givon for each ex amination paper Form Olive Ross per cent honors Marjory Hansford cent per cent honors Nellie Shields per cent honors Willie Stokes per cent Gordon Smith per cent Gladys per cent per cent per cent Jennie per cent Anna Dyke i7 pec cent Percy troutch per cent Ralph per cent Alice Smith per cent Form Maxwell Walker per cent Russell Graham CO per cent Shaw per cent per cent Toole per cent Form III Well wood per cent honors per cent Barbara 70 per cent Lyle Stokes per cent Everett Godfrey per cent Daisy Watts per cent Marjory Moore per cent Mildred per cent The names followed by an asterisk are- of those pupils who failed to ob tain even the Departmental Standard The Ladies Aid of the Methodist will hold their annual Mission Tea at Mr Win Marritts on Friday of this month Mr who has been the West- is Wilted borne soon Mr Norman Morton Marie was visiting his parents this week The League met last Fri day night and had a very interesting meeting week Miss will introduce the topic also Miss Alice will give a report of the Missionary Institute recently held in Newmarket The Ladies Aid the Christian Church met at Sir Quite a turned out spite of the rainy weather the Christian and League union services last Sunday were a great success the meetings being well attended Kes wick was very fortunate in securing the services of Mr Karl Lehman The regular ol the Womens Institute will he held at Mrs J home en Tuesday at p m Program to consist of panics and household amusements for the young Music Mrs and Miss Leila Morton Report of Convention by delegates QUKBNSVILLE ii of forty for each examination Paper in one or more subjects Principal Ruth HatoW Assistt Sutton The following are names of winners at the apple show held in- the Public School at Nov Wright Kathleen Moore Pearl Miller Ralph Hill Ox ford McNeil Lena Ross Cow- pleasant and only have the feelings to ftjK think that any- man should on to an as is able to his breath and his salary as a great many in Province are doing and to avery man should a all large firma allow this them once have felt the tie ami long hours of the farm am too old only a young fellow yet to in to the help problem as It exists to day Financially I am sure I might loiter stay and work fifteen hours a day but expect in the course of a few days to be found at the upper end Timothy Street Newmarket where will be pleased to see at any time any of the many friends leaving behind Your obedient servant Henry VNovrAi tain Parcel tract of prcm- isci- lying and being Of lot twenty three in concession of the North County York comprising- of of mi Here be the same more or leas and which lx better as follows That is to soy from a point in the side line twenty three and twentyfour in the secwid obtty cession of thq North where it la by easterly the To ronto and York Radial Itailwayi woevb a mark has been on a cedar thence south degrees west following the said side line between said lots and twentyfour aforesaid as it at prescnC exislsi eight ninetyAre feet six inches SOS 6 to a point where a post has teen J getting old He caught bad from such a as Risk big spill And he be a i At this Unseasonable period labor Is going in This kirai Would best- be termed Qradualiy little pair rounding up one maiden ladies and soon the last spinster will be las soed MissMiry is settling Dame Rumor is i Sale Register Nov ISMr Con will hold an extensive sale ot stock and im plements at oclock months credit sides TiiKSDAY Nov tOMr Pleasantville will have a sale of horse cow household effects- months credit Sale one oclock P Duncan The place will also be sold MONDAY Nov rimothv Skinner lot Con Whitchurch will hold an extensive farm sale at oclock credit J Auctioneer M percent of the marks given Morton Walter Hillary Florence Lewis Marian Robertson va Doane There were twentytwo varieties of apples Bertha had the best collection Mr Percy unfortunately met with an accident on Monday breaking one of the- small bones below the knee while busy with horses Dr and party have return ed from their hunting trip bringing with fine deer Mr Harold Smith Jias returned Mr J Green agent at tho station here has been ordered to at- Lindsay Mrs Ovnrend gave a report S Convention which Was hold In Hamilton recently in Knox Church on Wednesday evening Work Is being pushed ahead on the bridge hero and two are going one on each side This part of work will soon be completed Whist Club purposed meet ing on Wednesday evening to for the season 1912 rand Intend meeting once a and have secured St James hall as their headquarters i A slight nfassagc using the rotary movement should be given tho face at least twice a day with the morn ing bath J CWDavidson ESTATE MT ALBERT- FOR SALE Acres Solid Brick Nine- roomed House Bank pig pen driving house SO water In barn 95 Acre worked balance pasture with good creek PO mile station grain and produce market mile and mile down balance easy terms Acres Good Frame Dwell ing Bank Barn all till able wells half down sta tion grain and produce market PO and church mile school mile Frame Dwelling and Stable acre Good Well gnd Cistern Rural mail 1 mile to station mar vi school PO and churches Frame Dwelling Albert I have for sale good Inside town lots personally Inspected on best Sites for residence In new town and school DAVIDSON from the west after spending the sum mer The ladies who the train and storm on Tuesday spent a wholly enjoyable time at the Meth odist Ladies Aid Tea the church basement Final arrangements were made tor the tea and entertainment to given next Mbnday evening following the Anniversary Sunday As has been announced before Rev Partridge A of is to preach both morning and evening next Sunday and the choir busily engaged preparing for the musical part of the services Dr of Toronto will deliver his interesting lecture on Climbing and Miss Thomas of Newmarket elo cutionist Mrs Howard Cane soprano of Newmarket and Mr Knight bari tone of Richmond Hill will assist with the program on Monday evening Mr and Mrs John Link moved to Toronto on Tuesday making one among the many changes here In re cent years Turner librarian attended THURSDAY Nov fas Brothers will have an unreserved sale of stock implements and fur niture on Lot 311 in rear of Con of Whitchurch cred it Sale at one sharp D Read- man MONDAY Nov Wil son will have a Holstein Cows on the premises halfmile east of Aurora T- Station Sale at I oclock Mc- Kewon planted at the point of commence- up her affairs here thence continuing south seven- asserting that our Mary tytout degrees west along said is away to leave us line aforementioned one hundred and he a desirable acquisition to good feet to a point on society in any locality as her vir the easterly limit of a road thirty- her upright prmcl- feet 33 wide where a post pic and her lpyable disposition are has been planted thence south seven for youg women degrees cast following thd easterly jOur best Then limit of said road one and its s fortysix feet to a point whore I Mary when you ft post has been planted away north easterly two hundred and not forget your Uncle darling tyslx feet six inches All Halloween Night Hour I am it point of commencement Dear oW mother is enquiring AND a public highway where my wandering toy tonight or road thirtythree in widah Tho boy of my tehderest care lies- to and north of- the Well cant say tor certain- above described parcel intervening last I saw of your whitehaired the said parcel- and the lie was tugging arkl runtipg ty the said Matthews to the north to take off Alderman J- J the said road ters atc What My boy do such AND thing You astound me has agreed to convey to the Corpora marid that you a retraction at tiori of the- Township of North land forty feet there beyond a doubt and might have width south easterly the wool oft his noddle of the said above described par- captured by the irate John eel of land and to construct thereon soph a road- as good as the travelled our on our adjoining at his own expense and has last weeks I had intended to also agreed to convey to the saidax thema Why do they use that Corporation of of North fatty foul smelling color sufficient land at doesnVt Improve the quality the southeast corber of his property flavor or anything else but tho price where the said road meets the- rail- maybe- Give up such- trash road right of way and Turns butter color is the proper northeasterly direction to make thing K road at such turn the same width as Paul the Apostle of French chic the road to the east by con tin- thought as many another -vain-glor- northerly limit of rood Dutclimaiv has thought that he in a straight line to the nortperiy could itch some of butter it of the running to the south of trade by a big bid They ail learn tho property of the said Matthews in experience that is top consideration for the conveyance by the popular Corporation of Township of I was almost with North to the said Mat- though a thunderbolt thews of the portions of road lying me when learned that to the north and west of tho said model I regarded as Nov Alfred will have tensive sale of stock On lot con 3 North Ten months credit Sale at noon Kavanagh Advertising is Soliciting Berlin Oat Nov V decision which will be of Interest to local op tion communities was handed out by Judge Win Reade today upholding conviction of Magistrate of Gait the Berlin Lion Brewery for soliciting business in Gait a local option town by news paper advertising Tlie company In its appeal the magistrates conviction contended that advertising was not soliciting Wornout lace curtains cut into squares moke good dishcloths Owen Sound Nov a foregone conclusion that there will not he a vote at January muni cipal elections for tho repeal of lo cal bylaw At the council meeting tonight no move was made by the antimembers of the council to introduce a repeat bylaw It Is that the antiforces will abovedescribed parcel of land AND WHEREAS said Mat thews has so constructed a roadway as good as the travelled road adjoin ing and has agreed to execute a con veyance thereof to the Corporation of the Township of- North and to pay all expenses in connection with the exchange of property provided fori NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of North Gwillimbury enacts as follows 1 That the said road be altered widened and diverted in accordance with the said agreement and that the said altered widened and diverted road be and te same is hereby es tablished and opened as a public high way That those parte the said toad described as lying north and west said above described par cel of land be stopped up sold and conveyed to the said Matthews By order Henry Township Clerk liartici- What Stray Strayed from Lot Con East 1 cow 1 blue cow aud two heifer calves Reward for information leading to their try to have the bylaw repealed- the recent school Convention in KM MAUD SANDERS Alpena M4ch Nov The worst PO storm of the season Is sweeping Lake Huron tonight and the I- m j r A v I Mount Albert Richmond Hill and return laden with many good ideas for conducting library of which are Justly proud and for establishing a reading room of which wo are greatly in need Mr Goo Richardson spoke most interestingly on Indias Debt to the Missionary at weltattended league last Sunday evening There will be no Icaguo service next Sunday on accolint of the evening church service but the usual meeting will bo held the following Sunday when Miss Milne will speak on tho organization of Mission Study Classes that week there Is to be a debate on Resolved tht War Is a Necessary Evil In which all the leaguers will participate Quebec Nov 10 The Canadian Northern Railway liner Prince Is still In same position the rocks one mile east of Point St Lawrence and is likely to remain there the next tilth do not take place until the Inst V waves practically inundated the northern end of Thunder Bay Island tearing feet of sidewalk leading from the lifesaving station to watch tower demolishing the railing about watch house and forming- a small lake in the woods several hundred ft from the north shore of the Island wind Is blowing 50 miles an hour and has washed the- remains of the schooner Julia Larsen which was wrecked last summer over to Sugar Island a mile away A small dock was washed morning at Middle Island A or more ves sels have shelter in Thun der Bay hilt they are so far out it Is Impossible to tell their names lbl it ctat tad as cat tfS J Prizes to Boys Special Magic Lantern with slides Rubber Type Printing To- Steam Engine with whistle My wheel and everything for running Gold Signet Ring Starr Hockey Skates or Guaranteed Watch free to any boy Send your name and we will send you sets otheautilul Greeting Birthday Scenic or Floral Post Cards at ten cents a set six cards Reach set When sold send us money and we wilt send you prize ihoose It you w money instead of a prize send us When the cards are sold and keep the other Ad dress HomerWarren Co Toronto Within Q months people The Stomach Aim to that arid dlgotlon you will keep No chain la than link No man la than stomach With stomach disordered a train of diseases follow Golden Medical Discovery rooU SAUKieJ form If ft If prefer a of i L So from by ft THE DOMINION BANK in A BOQERT Manager up 1 i a5700OOO arooooooo I A Complete Banking Service of la by in- DouiMlOH money remitted without delay on Silo notes of at each branch of bank opens i MounrAlbert 100 PACKAGE FREE TO ALL f MAX OR WOMAN CAN HAVE A HEAD OF HAIR BY USING THE TREATMENT MAIL FREE COUPON a paragon virtue was a pant Halloween pranks next Tho Our ladies are giving Mary Taylor a in the of a social with of their esteem lor her The Corners scribe bad bet ter dry up and leave our Mos- atony If eheyte no better to say let them their own service at the Church here on Sabbath was Attended This is a very solemn ordinance and should be careful and sober consideration The Sacred Rook says Him that parLakdth unworthily and damnation to his soul Yet there are those wto are rogues who wrong others out of their property who are most violators Gods moral law etc Sue as are found partaking thereof Fools rush In where angels fear to tread Its wrong all wrong know men means whose out lawed notes an left unpaid They are under moral obligation to them Are they worthy No as no I Square ourselves in the sight and your and then you shall eat And drink worthily Most men ride a hobby do queer ones Mine is natural history and it is most inter- and instructing flatter mvself that I have it studied out fine It affords much enjoyment and solid benefit to know about birds animals mankind and all living crea tures It Is better far tho physical fl moral well being than this suck ing at a whiskey flask Try lb I wish some Carrie Nation would visit a local corporation and their rum shops Ill tell you why by Many will never get in their wheat crop owing to the wot we only had a month such weather rail pltfwin would he up short I shall next week try and arouse Your patriotic notion THE -Ua- aj John Campbell met instant death yester day being accidentally shot in the Quickly Removes Dandruff Stops Falling Hair and Itching Scalp Changes Gray or Faded Hair to its Natural Color- Grows New Hair Men whbse hair or beards are or all gone women whose tresses have been thinned by fever or hair falling out requiring use of switches little children boys and girls whose hair is coarse and all find in this great remedy just the relief that they want I take my word for it Fill out free coupon below and mail today a tree package that will prove alt I claim PROMPTLY SECURED In all Ask lor our will be sent MARION University St Montreal Free 100 Outfit Coupon Fill in your name and address on the Wank lines below cut out the Coupon and mail to The Foso Company Foso llldg Ohio ten cents in stamps or silver as an evidence of good faith and to cover packing postage etc and complete outfit will be sent you at once by prepaid free of charge Duty Free Name Street State lilt ABOUT YOUR TEETH Ones out out Com and MAY Mvsd SM aatUe you DfLG THOMSON o DENT I ST c We Represent The Royal Fire Insurance Co The Merchants Fire Insurance Co The Independent Fire Insurance Co General Animals Insur ance Co Canada of Marriage Licenses Conveyancing Done J A Qeens7ill H MT ALBRRTv- it Dealer kinds of Wood Coal Heaters Steel and Cast Ranges it you want a bargain In a good new or second band come to me It you want a bargain in a New Buggy for cash or easy terras coirfe to me as- 1 wont to make room for Cutters and Sleighs H Milk should not be covered tightly Use muslin or cheesecloths A NEW ROAD TO HEALTH Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments KIROPRAKTIK A scientific and practical method of CAUSE disease both acute and by adjusting the spine thus freeing the impinged nerves and the uninterrupted flow of riprve energy from the brain to all tae orgnsand tissues the body Chiropractic holds that health is upon and der the control of the N SYSTEM And that disease is caused by some factor which Interferes the proper operation of the nerve impulses which are generated in the Bralnand carried to the various parts of the tody by means the spinal cord and the nerve branches connected with it Any textorenceol the nerve is between the joints or Vertebrae In the spine or backbone where the nerves pass out when the vertebrae slightly slightly Impinges the nerve thus cutting oft the nerve supply end disease follows Investigation costs nothing Examination tree and Invited For full particular correspond with BELLE GARLAND Doctors Chiropractic Graduates of Universal College Iowa Located at Bloor St Out Phone College Interested parties write or phone and arranged 1 Ji 3- 6 ARCHI TORONTO SSftKsfi rra3 1