Newmarket Era, 15 Nov 1912, p. 8

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ITS v f eight ERA RID A V IV 1013- iV3 v r l Mr nun Wednesday hi was Mis over A Inula Toronto conduit- iM anniversary advices in Church on Sunday Inst church crowds at all thrift i auspices of Patricks lrnUW will Ik held In oft Nov Penh Harris deliver lec ture on American Indian Ills MCCNNA St wish to fell you of have done for inc years was a martyr to anil Trouble was really run down and friends feared had I Cried numerous 1 doctors ami all kind of medicines but received no relief until advised to try by Mr of St Stephen and am pleased to that I now enjoy excellent health are the beat medicine made I strongly advice my friends to them is the only medicine that will positively and completely cure Constipation This wonderful Compound of fruit juices acts directly on the liver this organ to extract more bile from the Wood and to give tip mote Idle to move the bowels regularly and naturally a box for trial sire At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa I ZEPHYR J Appartments to Rent In Bank of Toronto Building v J rtnd of Vah- ell at- Sunday Mrs Win Is tl oh the sick had the misfortune lg lose A day last 1 is in Toronto visiting her mother Mrs Pews The first of the ell on Saturday night- which caused a number to supply Mr and Mrs 11 and Toronto id home on Friday spending few days visit ins- here HIS BLADDER WAS TERRIBLY INFLAMED GIN PILLS mm March I had been iouc time with my mid was passing water very scanty as as thirty time a day time pain Was avrful and do rest at of your and decided them a at once I my tea to gel and am hi for that In less six I relief days the had left I took half a box and today Well a ami nay iJlD soothe the irritated bladder lical the sick Weak painful iiilnr uulslriiUici itirc back if free Write and Chemical of Canada Limited ft and Sure Youj should give prova to this efficient remedy your bowels will bo regulivted so surely and safety your liver stimulatetiv your digestion so improved by IS Plrst ted White Pine Cult Now in Dcmmd V For Sale Hand Poors Sash and Promos of J IT The new Trunk station is credit to the town in every respect Last in Hall a num ber of voting friends gave a P Rev 1 preached his farewell sermon in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening He on Monday to take up his new in On Halloween a few fences were pulled down steps and gates remov ed In one instance the laugh was on the hoys when they had to put down a walk aid of Matches which they had up Newmarket j For Sale Brick in tie growing manufacturing Town of Newmarket corner Main and Water Streets very suitable for a doctor Price Roche A Co For Sale Good Vacant Lots 50 ft on of Newmarket cheap Apply 3d to HUGHES Real Estate Agent 3 New Brick Houses Ave for Two are at present occupied and the other one ready shortly All modern Apply to Isaac Rose Newmarket or French Al bert For Sale s Brick Houses on Park Are all conveniences also house oh Elm St For terms apply to MRS SCOTT The Cedars Cor Victoria and Park on a trial off that is much interest- to and farmers it appealed from the evi dence produced a horse buy er from Toronto bought a horse from Mr Icily of the Township of West for the sum of and that Mr Jelly represented as being perfectly quiet lot when the buyer took the animal to Toronto it out to he v visciovs and he to Mr that he would return the free of charge if he wotild the money But Mr Kelly refused to do this and informed him over the phone that he had bought the animal and consequently would have to keep sold sued on Sunday night by the announce ment of iWath of Herbert Baker a PromtiUMt man and of the most popular and best men in the town Deceased was with hatt while in a shortly after and expired instantly was only 0 age and had Veen married about ten months His widow is a daughter of Mr Giles Mills His widow father and mother and a amity of brothers and Miters survive His father is Seneca IaVer of York County Last Friday evening a concert given under the auspices of the brass band was very much enjoyed by a large and appreciative audience artists from Toronto were Miss bra elocutionist who fair brought the house down her se lections especially mas Dinner Pearl Forfar soprano soloist who was received and merited an encore when she sang and Forfar solo and con cert pianist who evoked much ap plause by her excellent playing of The of Athens by Rubin stein and an encore entitled The The band rendered scvef- pieces Yery creditably anil the trow concert was a great suc cess The Misses Forfar gave sever al choice piano duets in a delightful Division of Turkey WANT ALBANIAN A Rome Nov The events the Balkans which taken th whole of Europe by surprise are caus ing less surprise here although Italy on account of her war with Turkey was watchinjthe Balkan States more closely than the other great powers Now it is evident that the end of the Ottoman rule in Europe has come over tic Call Or of North down three scientists an tother w assistant rixuhint a point within of CcHhcanc and were thero In the On Hie river and force and arid walk through the bush to 0 tor of ornithology of the Museum at Pittsburgh Pro Preble master at North AWnsUm Mass It Tufts CoUegMass and MR formerly the Fos ter Mine in and now employed the fl and Railway party was one of the interesting that has gone into the North for some time or even since have slatted trips Bay from because of tlw act that mineral was not the objective Mr McMillan who came out with the parts is just returning from Ms second trip- to Fact- this summer- and he Mr Todd and his patty From then on the four kepi together for a rent er part of the Ms work To those Ncrthem it is probable that the most Interest- will centre In WW purpose of Mr McMil lans trip WlthOhe man he made the trip up the- FrederiekhoUse and Moose Rivers to Moose Factory and there made a careful examination and a superficial of the harbor fa cilities for the and While naturally Mr McMillan is hot to cVhcuss Until a report is made to it is that he firmly that the Moose estuary will afford facilities will make Fac tory logical terminal of the pro- extension of the TV and Railway from Cochrane The harbor at how provides for the entrance of the Hudsqns Bay Com panys beats but more or less dj ing will to to- maca place for connect wilfra railway at that point r A Of um- her doqnd in the white f the ary for low It dfVUurlnR that it In In they would tiave tion flt only tfJOUfih up of wlwo became drnsnuo were ihtuwn InW the or used rondwaVH or lor downward con fur boxniatcrlftl l men Jocosely air now or thattoc tttVr o or W3 Mm thai such stun more saleable than fttid hotter Wfr feature iiue not lumber Aiatjfeia the lait inrtainn to Toronto the for the grades of that theieis a of and tthat are called cxilU Oh lumber- has no soil In it This with snecl to the lumber market of shows the trade of is with that of this country for namely for in province as In Hie not Ou States the States lelOR usec up almost to last has than It means Ihfct in a tree or tog isbeins in saw product wad timber that was once considered useable only as is now being converted into that actually sells than good The Greatest Book in the World Presentation Offer and the only thing to settle is how to divide the territory possessed by the followers of the Crescent This of course is not an cosy matter I Farms for Sale Call at the Newmarket Town Real Estate Office And Prices on Large Number oL Uptodate Houses with 11 Modern A Snap Houses a Bargain our Prices on Number of Lots for Sale Buy Town Houses at this also rent houses A tor Atlas Fire Insurance Co For Sale or to Rent Combined store and dwelling house la Albert next door to Dominion Bank first class business location For further particulars apply to MISS LEEK Lock Box 33 Albert Notice Having moved from the Northend to three doors south of the King Goorgo Hotel I wish to notify the public that am still prepared to buy old Metal Rubber Rags Cop- per and Brass also Fowl of all kinds Anyone having anything in this lint to dispose of just a card and I will call Main St Xewinarke- it Afterwards for and Jelly for befog the difference The was jury and thev returned a judgment or Mr Telly with costs as conflict- interests of S not oSfy the four Balkan allied tales and hod worked it and used- it n ev ery way it quiet in his possession Witness fc EDUCATION THAT is just the kind you get under the very best conditions at one of Shaws Schools Toronto Central Business College The Central Telegraph School and Four City Branch Business Schools Our new carrtculum explains the practical courses Write tor a copy Shaw President Dr de Van Female The postmaster is jJsKlng for tenders for the delivery of rural mail from Ihe Aurora Post to be known as the Aurora rural mail routes The tenders are to lie in by December The first route in cludes Gormley and Plensantvillc post offices The number of round triivs per week is six and distance travelled is ijllea The second route will take Oak post and the round trip will be lot miles six times per week Mr Marshall Wilson who- lives east of this town met with a heavy loss in the destruction of his bam and all his seasons crop by fire on Monday evening was caus ed by a lantern while doing the chores The fire spread rapidly and the entire was soon a mass of flames Several of the neighbors soon arrived and suc ceeded in getting out stock and most of the implements Mr Wil son has been running a dairy farm and has about twenty cows and can easily be Imagined the serious posi tion in which the lire has placed Mm We understand he building as soon as he possibly can but owing lateness of the season and the difficulty of getting material he will- not be able to do much this winter In the meantime we understand he Intends disposing of most his stock Dr and Mr Stevenson to gether with Mr Proctor have re turned from a ten days hunting trip to bringing with them their full quota of They re port the deer very plentiful but their trip was shortened by heavy fall of show The Toronto York Radial Hail- way Co- arc endeavoring to get a franchise from Aurora to supply the municipality with elect rlo energy as motive power for factories lighting The is now under advisement by a committee composed of the Mayor Reeve ana a member of the Council but also and the three great powers especially interested in that- part of the continent Austria and Italy The last of these countries after having taken Tripoli in spite of the proverb that eating and fighting only want a beginning and does not aslre to any further territorial gains but is very sensitive the future rulers of the opposite coast of the Adriatic chief Albanian town on that sea is only a few hours steam Iron Italy and from its naval power could dominate the whole of the Adriatic This is why an agree ment was made between Italy and Austria by which the two countries pledged themselves not to occupy Al bania The plan favored by Italy Is there- tor that with Prevesa and Janina be annexed to Greece Scu tari with the surrounding district Montenegro If that be Impossible then It be divided between Montene gro Greece and thus giving this Inst count also an outlet- to the sea Rheumatism Lumbago and Lam Back Can be cured by this fruit kidney and liver remedy FIG PILLS 1911 Your medicine Fig Pills has work ed wonders for me The rheumatic have entirely left me and T owe everything to remedy You liberty to publish this At all dealers and cents or mailed by The Fig Pill Co St Thomas Ont 1 Dr Morses Indian Root Pills are not a new and untried remedy our grandfathers used them Half a century ago before Confederation they were on sale in nearly every drug or general In the Canada of that day and were the recognized cure of homes for Constipation Indigestion Biliousness Rheumatism and Kidney and Liver Trouble To day they are just as effective just reliable as ever and nothing better has yet been devised to Cure Common Ills Mrs Patterson died at her home In Campbell Township In Manltoulin Island on Saturday Oct 10th in her year Deceased was born In Township and was married to Patterson in resided m Whitchurch until when moved to with her husband who died sheck- il village of was CANADIAN PACIFIC Unexcelled Train Fast Time to WINNIPEG EDMONTON BRANDON NELSON SPOKANE VICTORIA SASKATOON CALGARY VANCOUVER SEATTLE Dawson Gov The steamer which left litre four lays ago with ICQ passengers for White Horse ran into heavy ice on Indian is- now stalled The passengers inch ding ten women started back shore ice miles Tottenham Sentinel A stranger struck town last week and he was going to start a large here Stables were also a fine residence orders given for feed etc and he expected two carloads of horses in any mo ment over the He claimed to belong to a firm of dealers In Owen and would make this place headquarters Meals were sent to his room oh first floor and every attention given him all questions the grace of Chesterfield In fact he was made as welcome as the lowers In May He lingered around a few days and lit out giving the town leg bail Some of the citizens have been making outside enquiries and instead of being a horse dealer he was merely a travellng corn doctor PORTLAND Standard and Tourist Sleeping also Compartment Ofasecvatlcn Cars via Canadas Greatest Highway General Change Time October Full particulars from Agent ATKINSON any i WAS A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC Niv Fills It J Pleasure li Ent Mails Here is a case which seemed as and as hopeless yours can possibly be This experience of Mr J Brown Bathurst St Toronto in his own words Gentlemen I have much pleasure in to you the benefits received from Dyspepsia Tablets and can cheerfully recommend them I simply had confirmed dyspepsia with all Its wretched symptoms and tried about all the advertised cures with no success You have in Dyspepsia Tablets the best curstive agent I could find It is now such a pleasure to enjoy meals with their consequent nourish ment that I want to mention this for the of other The fact that a lot of prescriptions or socalled have failed to help you Is bo that yon have got to go on Try Tablets and see bow quickly this sterling remedy will sHva yon relief and start your no abcxatyour Compounded by Drug and Chemical Co Canada Electric Restorer Men tt WJ tin at eaca auks yon a Tries a to Welled to Thirteen boys up Police on ilorday charged with depredations They paid of court for damag es and received sound lecture from the magistrate New Orleans Nov per sons were killed and than fifty were injured In a wreck on and Mississippi Valley Railway early today when a freight train trashed J into an excursion passenger train j hound from New- Orleans to ville Miss Iceland has ro goals no there is no court and cue policeman drop of alcoholic liquor is made on island Its people are total abstainers since they will not permit to be imported There is not an ate person on the island nor a chilu j ten years old unable to read system of public schools is practical- perfect of the improvement is due to the abolition of the traffic and prohibition of all liquor traffic and prohibition of all beverages in this compact little of the north- Grows Hair Here ate Facts We Want You To Prove at Our Risk In nil experience with hair tbtt- there is no one that has done more towards gaining our confidence than any other We really believe this remedy known as Hair Tonic is so superior to other preparations that we offer it you with our personal and unqualified promise that if yon use it and it prove in every way tory to you we will upon your mere request at our store to you paid us or it 93 Hair Tone acts destroying germs which are usually responsible for baldness It acts to penetrate to the roots Of the hair stimulating and nourishing them It is a most pleasant toilet necessity is delicately perfumed and will not gum nor permanently stain the hair We want you to get a bottle of Hair Tonic and use It as directed If it does relieve scalp Irritation remove dandruff prevent the ha from falling out and promote an increased growth of hair and in every way give entire satis faction come back and tell us and get your money back Two sizes and Si Sold at our store The Rexall Store I Rrough- 4att HAS ITS TIONS An exchange says Winter its Joys The flies arergonc and the no longer present their bills The laugh of the iceman Is stilled anil the dust no longer blows icroBs your carpet the buzi wag gon is sleeping the bicycle to knock you oft the sidewalk The chickens do not roost in your flower garden and the summer girl does not hold you up tor Ice cream the Bible is Hie only Book in the world that never grows old It is not only the great teacher it is the ex- of literary style and excellence Everyone should have an intimate personal copy of the Bible a copy that one feels free to mark and annotate Introspection and the sacred emotions thus express ed be shared with others It Is the holy of holies One of the most complete and most valuable editions Bible published may be obtained in with the Canadian Magazine This edition contains every help and hint for Bible gents a department of revised questions and answers There are also thirty full page illustrations beautifully colored arid many fine maps The Magazine with which the Bible is Offered is the foremost literary and artistic periodical in Canada It Clean and nonpartisan It alms to elevate our is Welcomed info the homes of the cultured and HOW To OBTAIN BIBLE TREE The Of the above bike m ieit new 1 to 10 office eel we will feud a Bib lately and Do not delay fee the coupon today ye the notice Re mit letter oil order or re COUPON Th Co Si Years the 1 I to free end aeopyollhe 10 i at l in fin LESS YOUNG MEN AND Sn li thii spark acrgy you who In life you are ilifl am retort an I treated with and drug Our Tr4tmettt despair ha of aod of who We prescribe rein- for each to the nd do jtent Of cur rfii our treatment not fall for adapted to Only cmla cases for over CURABLE CASES ftUARAKTEED OR NO PAY yon lost HI Are to ILisyour Have you any Our New MdtKci Treatmtaft cure you V t it hag it will do for Coiuultitioji Free nailer who has yoi write an Fret of Chargr Books taU-crtocxt- ed of ilea NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT No on mA op UjdCott FOR TREATMENT Michigan Ave and Grkwold St Detroit Mich All letters from Canada must bo address to our Canadian Correspondence Depart ment in put If you desire to see us personally call at our Institute in Detroit we see and treat no patienta our Windsor which arc for Correspondence and Laboratory for Cauadiau business Address all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Write for our private Ours Is a damnable profession Wellington en passed of about as tisu- al in hoys tore down a few bits of fence curried away private board walk and so on A couple of bright youths veto arrest ed and given rest in the cooler for hour or two as a teste of what can happen to boys who forget their home training and mistake destruction of their neighbors property for North Bay Nov River on the branch ol the was visited by disastrous The lames originated Kennedys gsoerat store and quickly to adjacent Five stored the a pool room were the Grand View Hotel The to at about fifty thousand i I af l MATERIAL a White Pine Norway Hemlock stc to Order Special V I finish All KUAj of work Ask Mi Georgia Pis to A Stlcklagr AH Sac Wort THE WM CANE SONS LTD THERE CAN BE NO SYRUP SO PURfe AND WHOLESOME AS I 1AM J 5 rry K1 I I 4 I s JUST TRY A TIN FROM YOUR Your money If not entirely sarisfaetory- Every tin by Sugars Canners Montreal NOW FRED CODY NEWMARKET NEWMARKET v as- ESB ARC SP tew i S3fc TORONTO SB isiPSfSiS ass mm Hi ffiaSi mm

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