Newmarket Era, 22 Nov 1912, p. 1

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3gr- SW3 a you Wish to Talk or onlywish to see Conic to WATSONS it in Newman I well as toagtlieOldeifTnfYock Country No a Newmarket Ont Friday m WouUUNortfc When in Doubt About Plenty w poods and to an cm the Quality at Watsons STORE l Top onto Letter ContiQUes ordered at cuts clean retain sharp edge because It made of Razor Steel mid tempered by Secret Process Every Saw Guaranteed For Sale by Binns HIGH GRADE PAINTS OILS VARNISHES TRUNKS SUIT CASES BAGS NEWMARKET ft is that the- or Norfolk Olksthlrd of Ontario cultural Show Oils iH last As duinty mid as ever a voice has ilbteloil siiice bet las I wftaW a ttutiiriiCo at Thursday this talented youfi popular In this was the Central Prison lor six on a charge snatching a woman on Street Mike can nosy have a steady Job all winter on Prison Farm Arthur Muolonafc who was con- on a of manslaughter last iwJ to two years at prisoner Hall intending to ilohita serious in mental are attending the schools pi the city i At the annual meeting board management the Toronto Wy Victor missions of the Me church at the Wesley building week it was decided to erect a tor the Victor at a was sent down to Florence whojieeps a on a charge ol eery establishment out by giving her a worthless cheque Bow- the Central Prison tor eighteen will go to the Prison Farm all right enough The Civic Legislation Committee recommend the Council to legis lation empowering the city to li cense all lodging houses ami limit the number in them to a cer tain area ot air for each- as For The Weather Problem Nov tin ally of cotdiiiucs The Mi tt positions have aWig ihe Viml dirthc and fej yii city JiervWins also Tli who said to have 20J rpa U11S ii Of fiiitii ami copious saturated ground pools stilt Jersey Cow Again Her Superiority surely might IflKOlViJi silence suiailon mn explained Fan sou Investigation reasons for the pranks world giving A lid also might with rare Uiut 4iiyw sugeUn storm city hut to the to thepoworS w vit Turkish lire To slay such dire The Turks held generations yet unborn A Tl rtlutlrm of CfBiftcitict ft fa gives of thai 4tiaUm tor ftU years ithivld up Jersey seys a lew giftdccovSi number id tUi being tabirw in lid bulletin some lluus ami Iteftrs of tie View the cost of the production of milk arid or joss in the business 50 YEARS AGO Km I Making Farming Pay come to be regarded os a business governed by tho laws of business Farmers to be successful must be business men They must a Hank account A Dank account conduces to business habits It is better to pay by cheque than with cash hotter be cause simpler often more convenient and certainly more businesslike Have your account with The Bank of Toronto A sound Bank Assets A long estab lished Bank since Branches in Ontario Quebec and the West FIKLD Newmarket may be prescribed by the Medical Of fice of Health feet high which j to capture at all hazards This they succeeded in doing sundown anil now hold all positions leading to the town a battle between the Bulgarians and Turks Is going on alt line of the Turkish sends despatch tonight The battle which commenced this morning with an attack by gar an infantry lasted until hour after sunietiV The enemy wbo vanced facing right wmg and our centre was repulsed by our infantry and artillery lire Three Bulgarian batteries were destroyed All- day the sound of the heavy guns distantly was heard in Constantinople It with darkness The fir ing alo the entire line was evi dently preparatory to an attack The Turkish batteries replied vig orously The Turkish ships the Sea shelled the Bulgari an positions the fleet in the Sea also took part in tl engagement though that point are lacking Athens Nov was re- sound their praise Ih trum pet horn J r J The foretell The people laugh at what they say each prognostication Till faith is lost in what will eying only what thsy See to all trade And all street For monstrous hats when on And hobbled demonstrations For With all flying fleeting joys inhabitants of air mans bold aviators everywhere To death in wjld confusion slashed tfee atmospheric To flood with rain mans eriKltoJe Their sky dominion to invade Stirs up their indignation equipped- with angel wings Should seek heavens elevation On terra is their place God meant it for the human race Men mav the deep soa But not for- when in palace ships they sail Oft meet evacuations And down to solid earth 1 3 A ten Dr Una an and will practice make for an ivai at thl ttk Consisting t Messrs I Jack It it Smith and It Boyd together with of evangelical Toronto as w tctnrdr next Friday evening the New market In stitute fipiijecl The Wonders of the A public of live citizens Nftiffroariubt was on Wednesday evening last awl steps taken to aid suffering in Lancashire in all reeornmeaded in add- in private subscriptions I South End Lumber Yard National Portland Cement THE VERY BEST I Lake Silica Brick IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES P W PEARSON and Phone BISHOP Carter You Will Miss Something If vou to Our Suitiuga THIS FALL And youll comply be Our They tra vol the proper gait in Style Fabric and Tailoring Only a Fair ico asked for Every Garment Call in and See them WILLIS TA1LOK PHONE NEWMARKET MAIN ST Flour a STRAW AND HAY IN BALES MEDICINAL AROOAL FOR STOCK AND LIME- AND CEMENT FULL LINES P L EVES Carters J Boyd W Read or i Toronto is all agog just with visions of a improvements running up iiito or Si The press is giving vlows sight which will it will twelve miles wateripontbbulevard parks and driveways from to I lumber The picture is beautiful what the reality will remains to be seen or years hence It is sad the Dominion Government ex penditure will not be less than A charming violin recital was giv en last week at the Toronto Con servatory of Music by Miss Jean Mit chell assisted by Miss Mary Mr bari tone and Mr Arthur Oliver ac companistthe Jailer by the way an oldKewmarketer The train from Parry Sound in Torooto at pm on Thursday of last week was four hours late on account of the occasioned by home ward bound game- seekers Mr was operated upon for appendicitis at Hospital last week by Dr Herbert A It is reported that operation was successful Whether an act of the Ontario legislature passed in the year takes precedence over the ot two centuries arid prevents Indians selling Reaver Skins to the Hudson Bay Company- is a question whloh the Court of Appeal is now called upon to decide On Friday last a man whom the police know and are now for murderously assaulted Mrs Cecil at her own doorstep She was struck on head with a to Womens Institute of Ontario dineti together in the Par liament on Thursday of last week diot to the effect that Mrs Ague A Jury brought in a ver- death was caused by the railway crossing at corners being protected lighted There were 1300 entries the this city last week Tho exhibition was held in St An drews Hall of Ham ilton who- won the cup for the best bird in Wiat city was among the ex hibition with White Orpington which he values Great interest has been by trio appearance for the first time in Toronto of tho Sicilian Buttercups a new Italian variety and also the of Holland Tho Local Council of Women organ ization will ask the Ontario Legisla ture to extend to wo men at its next session In a judgment handed down Justice at Osgoode Hall last week son who borrowed from Ms prior to her death is now to restore a large propor tion of amount to administra tor of the womans estate Mayor stated last week that tho Police Commissioners had to station special officer In downtown district to detect tfcq au tomobile speeders who wcVe violating bylaw At the Conveatlon held Council Chamber last week Association placed Itself on record as opposed to the practice some dealers who selling honey tin as part of the weight of the honey here today of a terrible and fishes thoir fceow deathdealing explosion of a powder arms magazine at Three and twelve Turkish soldiers were killed some blown to pieces Four red and thirty Turks and many houses were wrecks debris was strewn for some distance As soon as it was sale rescue par- ties to work taking out dead and dying- Turks who hart been hor ribly mangled All the Turks in the barracks nearest the magazine had been killed outright The majority of the ISO will dip- farmers have care grown gray with 7 Ml 57106457 1 fi the table up- on analysis is susceptible other and perhaps more impor tant infonnation I append herewith a brief table containing twen ty items deduced from the- three thousand items reported by the ex perimental station It will be that this table gives av erage number of cows kept per year of each of the four dairy breeds the average milk made per year per cow of each breed the- average lbs butter fat per cow per year for each breed the average ages of the cows and the- youngest and oldest cows in each herd It will be observed from the facts deduced that the Jerseys are to be the most profitable cows the greatest producers butter fat and have the highest average per centages of fat It seems tome that demonstration which is of YEARS AGO From- Era Kyle- Nov 25 i To view their large plantations Would truly groan when rain poured down spoil their calculations To California many went To the sun and find content very considerable value as it deter- lured mines the important facts which go On to make up the record of a dairy cow Penrose had a bee at and also the importance of value of each of dairy breeds as cream and butter producers Married on the Mr the resiieaee of the brides sister Mrs A Wilson of Mr Albert to Miss Ida Mitchell both -Kewmar- In-Toronto- in St Marys Church Ion the by Hew Mr Frank J Wilson New- to Miss Annie Fox of To- ronlo Died In Newmarket on the Annie mojherol aged til years on the Margaret relict of the Patrick McQuillan aged about years Mr Rodney Wilson Sharon sends news from his hunting party up in Thus far they have one bear last Mr- g un derwood on the farm ol George I Webber of Newmarket leo- Beivare Blood- Poison IS A SURE CURE Mr of Winnipeg says A few months since was curetl of a poisoned finger thru the timely use of I cut a deep gash across tlie knucVJe of first finger of my right hand- in opening a can I suffered at the time with the sore ness and pain and had no idea it would become a serious wound How ever in about two days was great ly alarmed as my whole hand and to the elbow became suddenly inflamed and the finger was much discolored showing signs of blood- poisoning The pain was dreadful arid was forced to leave oil my work and go home The wound on knuckle had been by dust and dirt get- ting into it I then decided to start the treatment and having first bathed tho cut applied the healing balm It soothed pain almost Instantly and by next day there was a great improvement a weeks time through perse verance with this wonderful prepara tion a cure was brought about is just as gockl for eczema ulcers scalp sores abscesses piles ringworm boils varicose ulcers run ning sores cold sores hands etc It draws all poisonous foul ness from a wound or sore and then heals Use for cuts bruises and all skin injuries Soap should bo in conjunc tion to the balm for washing wounds and sore places Excellent too for babys bath All druggists and stores sell at box and Soap at a tablet Post free upon re ceipt price from Co To ronto And rest awhile from anxious And gloomy introspection To revel in the balmy air And banish their dejection To gather strength for years to come With hopes renewed- returning h Hut some have made a pile of In streetcar transportation The crowds content to stand and pa In seeming delectations How nice for those both anit well To their seats for ill This year has been quite out of With fickle variation l Destroying with the heat and drought Defying reparations And then as though to prove its bower The poured out their deluge store be observed that as in the Methodist Church object which the experiment hand Landing last Tuesday evening station had in view was the ascer tainment of the actual cost of keep ing dairy cows in Connecticut and he profit or loss in doing that the production becomes a fair One as between the different there being no discrimination and as the deductions here are upon the actual monthly data tor each individual cow for each year given in detail in the tables and the averages are I believecorrectly com puted it follows that the facts dem onstrated by this experiment prove the supremacy of the Jersey Cow For Aged People Old Folks Should Be Careful in Selection of Regulative Medicine Like Noahs flood may neer return j Has had its dispensation What has been left in fields as wasto May yield a compensation Seven years of may ensue rainbow promise will prove true Richmond Hill Nov 1912 MRS P L We have a safe dependable and al together ideal remedy that is partic ularly adapted to requirements ol aged people- and persons of weak con stitutions who suiter from constipa tion or other bowel disorders We are so certain that it will relieve complaints and give absolute satis- Taction in every particular that we offer it with our personal guarantee that It shall cost the user nothing 1 it falls to substantiate our claims This remedy is called Order lies Orderlies have a soothing healing strengthening tonic and Hicks Almanac The Rev Hicks Almanac for is now ready It is tho most splendid number this popular action upon the bowels They Hook ever printed Its Value has remove all dryness sore- boon moro than over proven by re- weakness They restore the markable fulfilments of Its storm bowels ami associate organs to more weather and earthquake forecasts this vigorous and healthy activity They Professor Hicks Justly merits are like candy may be taken the confidence and support of all tbe at any time without people Don fail to send 35c for HE GLAD heart erf mine wo shouldnt Worry so What weve missed of joy and calm couldnt Have you know What weve mot of stormy par And of sorrows driving rain Wo can better meet again If it blow For we know not every morrow he sad So forgetting all the sorrow Wo have had us fold away our tears And put by our foolish Ami through all the coming yeari Just be glad James Riley his Almanac or only one dol lar for the splendid Magazine and Almanac one year The best one- dollar possible in bnri home or business Send to Word- and Works Publishing Company Franklin Ave St Louis Mo HE THOUGHT IT A sergeant of Irish regiment very much disliked one men whom wo call Brady One day after drill at which the sergeant had relieved his mind on the squad and Brady In particular Brady walked up to who by the way squinted horribly and said it I was to call you a squinted son of a busted what would I get Flth sold the Sergeant youd got tiix months And I only thought said Brady- Oh yond got nothing Well returned Brady by I it do not cause any griping nausea di arrhoea excessive flatu lence or other disagreeable effect Price and Sold only at our storeThe Store J Druggist Newmarket Subject age in which we live Mr A A Y gave an At Home on Tuesday evening Father a num ber guests from a distance In cluding several priests on the oc casion of the anniversary of his birthday Miss Hillary of Aurora was visiting with Mrs Crr Ross this week Mr Robinson and wife are visiting Mr and Mrs Fred this week Mrs Marshall who has been here visiting her mother for some months returned to her home in St Pauls Minn on Thanksgiving Day Mr Jfrs Hartford Roche of Toronto Hero visiting with her fath er over Sunday Mr Old Mrs Wright wore Toronto over Thanksgiving Day The following former were in town on Thanksgiving Day Messrs LundyN I A Ever ton Belfry Frank Smith Ashworth Harry Millard Jos Muss Warner and the Mrs J returned to New market this week much improved la health STV There was a union service hi the Methodist Church on ThankagWing Day by Revs Webber Hairier and Smith Train up- a sertaUt in way she should go and first you knpw shes gone The has seized pro perty of Jos McDermott of Totten ham and will it for sale at the Court House Barrle on 25 was defend ant in a broach of promise suit a of years ago when judgment was given against him d 1 i ft A GOOD PAIR OF BOOTS You know said a smart young man to a that if you would make a lasting pair take for the souls woman Yes replied the girl and for the uppers you ought to take the cheeU ot the man who said it Make This Test How to Tell if your Hair is Diseased in Children FLETCHERS Do not rest satisfied with a that is you have reason to believe else is better it is to be regretted that cbougtP wasjover since it Is misleading A is the kind of who is always seeking gracious advice Not long ago ho met a wellknown physi cian at a dinner party Do you know doctor he said soon as there was a chance I know a mate who desperately from neuralgia that at times he can do but howl pain What would you do in that case Weil I suppose deliberated the medical man I suppose I should howl with pain too- Shiloh have a luxuriant head of hair you may want to know if it is in a healthy condition or not per cent of the people- hair tonic pull hair out of your head it the bulb at the end of the root is white and shrunken it proves that the hair is diseased and requires prompt its loss would be avoided- If the bulb is and full the hail is healthy 7- We want whose hair re quires treatment to try 93 Hair Tonic- We promise that it will not cost anything if not give satisfactory results It is designed to overcome dandruff relieve scalp Irritation to stimulate the hair toot tighten the hair already in head hair and overcome baldness It is because of what 93 Hair Tonic has done and our sincere faith in its goodness that we want to try it at our risk 50 ci and Sold only storeThe Store to AReHlVES OF ONTARI a mm mm a-

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