Newmarket Era, 22 Nov 1912, p. 4

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J I I i i ft TO SICK WEI Postmaster Dismissed BOTES Thousand Have Been Helpc By Common Sense Suggestion Women raftering from any form of i ills are Invited to promptly with th woman department of Lynn Year letter will opened read Answered by a woman and held In confidence A woman can freely talk her private Illness to a woman thus been established a confidential con which a extended ovv many year and which has never beer broken they published a or a letter without written consent of the writer and never baa the Company allowed these Us letters to get out of their possession as the reds of thousands of them in their files will attest Out of the vast volume of experience which they have to draw from It Is than possible that they possess the very knowledge needed In your case I fog Is asked In return except your will and their advice has helped thou sands Surely any woman rich or poor should be glad to take advantage of this generous offer of assistance Ad dress Pink- barn Medicine Co confidential Lynn Mass Every woman ought to Text Book It is not a book for general distribution as It Is too expensive It If free and only obtainable by Write for It today 1 to a longthr in Wbijqftft or Monday of Murphy postmaster of Tweed most instance oo he ph been postmaster of Tweed for ten years without from eith er fc with the office After the j the He- accession to por of the present S3 the last few hoover a charge 1 tt was laid and now months during which tin we are told the tcrOcneral between act ing On the pressure of the or endeavouring to find of excuse for action he has Mr Murphy his walkingticket Electrical Motel In toe there is a Pi is is stated that and the iJt- ru trct their pastor in the few U ha a i Ottawa aoUee tiat their the bounty wh tinuohsJy for years not been ijou them are strixngly A The states that Mr A since he was appointed- oei riot Intend to was him until after September J IMi that he hail So active a part in that lie deserved instant in Commons aKainsi the decree In Canada lie purposes introducing to the to aitect any attempt said decree Which church of Mr has been appohited to as Mexican Consul at Toronto the of from the hunting grounds up Were piled up about the thr mi a tew Of being exctdinfily evVoln i00 were brought Sound district during Toronto VeOlSon pKbUium the this nun liilnaol tost Week in the in the West were with pHltdod guilty in ABOUT YOUR TEETH her that Mr Murphy jUfc DO in politics and they no spoilt sys tem nor iOrdhl in their This stopped dismissal scheme llut- a new way wis In spite of opposition certain the looal association for aided to the department A of J tii the is ready further that Air Murphy IkJ voted against local option in the Jot the lino for the of his in tbe Police elections settlers ft shipping interests Court following the an was retufiud by the With the tetea pantry ymi hop the electric various switch- the Hut lappaiwtui to wtiKh would draw your are Cannot j ipV of better for them which are on the little here there occupant in one of the rooms a pJarrd near bis and Inteiodlalclyi a Vole the where one aal Without coin to fl and into a receiver he fives Ms or- Wry wOftl lie ft spoken in art Ordinary tone Is by Invisible Ser vant Kirst of all he wisUvi abaters to bo openad and blinds All sin arc the Servants Tile bo too hot mo his FREE TO ALL MAN Oil A THKATMKNT MAIL coupon TODAYv Of Dandruff and Itching Scalp Hair in its Men Of beards are Or all gone women trewtrs been thinned by hair falling out fritiiring the US i it 1 ill a Spelled to take over any portion of t last week Ross a of the Cniveisity pay rental until the whole raiPjbiteV ft cab minus its owner ha little children and i I Wtt- bis sir Is Vrhose hair cm W treat way is complete from the hotel door on Vic tot la a- servant As that time will street lumped into the drivers all In five or minute lotak are to he hi Ate trie to a matter of Gov- Richmond street when the Constable eminent operate sections stopped Of courser be bad to many ways m No two Ilka tall you How Why Health iNnd DLGTHOMSON TO TORONTO Greenhouses St Roses Garnatioas Peas Conservative of Mr J is announced hat jury of the Criminal assizes Wills was appointed to make an in- at Wash- against upon ft of charges rVieferred has tendered his off negligence inquiry over a month and will return to about the Mug his motor ear upon the streets hut not a single of end of this The American peo- on June when It was out of be pointed out nnd to have admired Mr rcrnir the death ot were characterised as much ireleed the New York Kettle a fliuvsey and vague Several prominent Sun leniaxJ To coll Ambassador Church celebrated its they had no to Mr the most popular foreign anniversary special services on Conservative for want to America is to state a Com- Sunday last Murphy whatever and The news of his Charged by the Montreal given that he had attended ho 1 departure will be re with kidnapping a young Montreal or taken any active part in theeeived with a very real and personal man named Summers interests of the Liberal party regret every corner of was arretted here on Saturday and of any committee Further that he been taken to Montreal for was not even a memoir of the trial Association of the j Toronto papers state that members Twentylive years last Sunday These facts ate set out in the New York Commission I Rloor Street Church Caiuls were theoity last after nuiklng an of the We la Canal The Commission are was merrily on his way along- top the little table is at his fids table is in with one of the lifts in the kitchen and ftll Hie serrant has to do is to place the dejeuner oft the round tray of and turn on the eject On the tray and its con tents reaching the lop the table ljhuYt ask you to take my word for out- free coupon below today Im a will prove all I claim Free 100 Outfit Coupon ft In your name and on the blank lines below out coupon and mall to oinMny llllK Ohio leu cents Instainps or silver an to Cover packing peat age etc and complete outfit win le unit you at once by prepaid of charge Name State if J alter Wat the crippled and SK remove The tobe a perfect sue- cess Humanity is yet extant in the race The may not he a way hut the bar baric stale from which we have work ers are dipped on Ice or iop ie muw wfty a long the top opens automatically ami teck Knighthood may not be Children FOR FLETCHERS R I A ray stored by a catch forms the top otthe luble axe some recruits for JAN Mh The reverse of this happens when ant the room has finish- eV d the occupant his meal He touches a hut ton immediately the tray descends to the office deuce and yet in the face of ail the has him to step down and out- Of course the case will be made the subject inquiry on the floor of parliament but meanwhile the action the P displays a tendency towards the spoils system of a most character not in best interests ot the country Our Flowers are fresh We prow them Funeral Designs of de scription made on shortest no tice Our Bridal Bouquets are the very best Satisfaction Guar anteed Out of orders so- llcitatod Thousands ol Cauliilowcc Plants or sale bone S Profitable Poultry Actual yield for four months from layers Dec Jan Feb Mar a record for winter lay ing through a severe season which is bard to surpass Buy your eggs or hatching a strain of Rhode Island Reds which Lie without a peer as table fowl wonderful egg producers Fifteen egg for CO Aubrey Newmarket Ont In all TORS I be sent free MARION MARION 364 St Montreal WANTED i FOR CHURNING Highest Market Price Paid THE MAPLE CREAMERY Butter and Ice Cream Mfg Elizabeth St Toronto Bicycle Repair Shop P NEWMARKET of all kinds and prices and Motor Cycle part3 always on hand We also keep SocondHand Household Furnishings all kinds and Cook Stores nearly new and very cheap We also repair Fur niture Stoves Bicycles Sharpen Scissors Crosscut Hand or filed and set Bicycles to hire Come and see us A 3w41 The summer cottages several London people at Grand Bend were broken into and robbed by unknown thieves Children FLETCHERS CASTOR I A t Compulsory Voting The question of compulsory vot ing at both Provincial and elections was discussed at Congress held at some time when some of the delegates that the Dominion Provincial Governments be re quested to introduce legislation in of that principle On the other hand not a Jew as an elector if so disposed can spoil his ballot ami should not be compell ed to go to the polls against his per sonal inclination An animal can be led to water but it is quite anoth er proposition to make the creature drink Co with compulsory voting By legislation an elector may be com pelled under penalty to go to polls and east his votes but he can exorcise his franchise for a candi date or spoil his ballot according to own Willi FtW our lowti port we are inclined to favor cons- voting as a check to a fruit ful source of bribery but at the same lime we are hot favorable to im position of fines or imprisonment for default However a penalty of some kind should attack a violation of a votlpg enactment and wo would meet this obvious by allowing immunity In Case of lifeless or other reasonable cause to sat isfaction of the Revision Court Judge otherwise disfranchise the delin quent for one two elections as the wisdom of Parliament niiit tlecm prudent This is only reasonable in asmuch as every elector he sufficiently interested in the develop ment and welfare of the country to his franchise in the choice ol inert make our laws and mould our institutions At the last Dominion election or York just how many voters failed to to polls we are in a position to state accurately but it was stated at tins lime that over votes remained unpolled making allowance for persons who through illness or other reasonably excuse were unable to poll their vote there must have been several hundred who a plain duty to their families and to the country Possibly the result might not have been different but in view of past political history of the Hiding the chances aro that had a full vote been polled North York would be classed in the Liber al instead of Conservative column in the House of Commons Brown- Nurseries Are famous for theit fine Poach Apple Plum and Cherry trees They have the best nursery soil in Cana da and are the largest growers of trees in the Dominion AH scions and budsticks are cut by one man and he has been in their employ many years bo no mistakes are made by using wrong scions or buds Send for Cataloguo or write for agency as they have some unoccupied territory in your county CO BROWNS Co Ontario touring Canada we are told canals in effort to ascertain the manner In which the large Canadian waterways ate constructed By way of punish ing Newmarket for Voting Conserva tive last election the Gov ernment out its ban en Newmar ket Canal hence the Com mission did not Hub North ftork visit on their tour I ship hers its first service The member- then consistent of persons- ate now on the toll anniversary services were A NOBLE DEED still to be found a remnant of humanity in the race The low est depths of have not been reached despite the claims of pessimists The golden rule is yet held in remembrance by a few and the wicked old world not so hope lessly as any profess to believe HOW TO KEEP FLOWERS When one has carried a f TORONTO ONT oMlowers in the hand upon School re- dip hem lor an instant in hot water and have ready a how or vflsti containing cold water to which has been added a bit of Toronto Canadas llih Write strong new catalogue charcoal size of a dime The whirling of time makes un expected changes in the minds ot men as well as in matter The Do minion Premiers dear friend at the last Federal elections and who is said to be responsible for Hon Mr retirement recently from Cabinet is thus alluded to by tho Hamilton Herald Mr is gradually coming round lie says now should to defence of the empire by building up a strong and strengthening our coast defences Rut what if best way to defend our coasts is to maintain a navy Really it may be that Henri will wake some fine morning and find himself an im perialist the police A premature discharge of some dynamite caused an explosion at the works of the Foundry Co which threw a iron through the window of the home of Mr Hub bard Cooper striking his in a hospital in Gary the other day a newsdealer who gehorous- volunteered for the purpose was placed on the operating taUe and after one hundred and fifty square indies of skin on crippled leg on Up thigh Miss Ether Smith he Miry 61 this ceased W the wit I to Iota formerly the sun mnl I Many readers of the Bra will join us in regrets at the hold of the Mor mons in Southern Alberta Mr in the Presbyterian not be generally- known but it is a fact nevertheless that the Mormon Church has itself so strongly in South ern Alberta nothing short of a miracle will uproot it It also a fact that the Mormon Church pro poses using thriving colony as a vantage point from to carry on an aggressive work all over Canada iid the Mor- of Albert is the same old that has defied church and state in the United States of America for eighty years Ottawa is again agitating in favor of converting that city and country Into a Federal District Of course the predominating pur pose is to get a large sum of gov ernment money expended annually in the improvement and the ad vantage of the but they want at the same time to boss muni cipal machinery ot corporation As the Hamilton Herald correctly ob serves The people insist upon re- taming all the powers and privileges as citizens they would eat their cake and have it too That will never do If Ottawa is to he converted in to a federal district it will have- to he governed by appoint ed by parliament There must he no mixed government v flowers are violets add half sugar to the hot water In which they are or very small morning which salt J GREGORYS for French Dry Cleaning and -Pteuimgf- Toronto Jobbing House V Onlhfl Question the high cost of iking discussed with much interest the Toronto Board of Trade a Wide divergence of thought seems to exist In soma quarters The ttlobe tells us how acrfcrts the are go to settle the point Toronto Board hot singular in its discussion the high cost of living All over the world men are engaged in the same debate and where argument falls mend matters as in the German and Austrian cities an occasional riot Impresses the for reform Our neightors to the south have been at lb hammer and tongs for months and ate gobg to see whether Curbing of the trusts a material reduction to the tariff will help I illness Professor was him self unable to accompany the body of his wife least Mr John Farmer a middle aged man living at avanue Friday evening last slipped and fell to the bottom of the staircase fracturing his skull Commercial Lodge on Saturday evening last presented Mayor with a copper salver wrought from the fittings of Nelsons ship the Victors It was receiv ed from Rev Alfred Hall the person al representative of Lord In Canada who pointed out that the Mayors election to office took place on the anniversary day Trafalgar Mr President of the who is leaving for Ottawa was also made tho recipient of a pair of hand some chairs as a fitting gift from his fellow members John Wright was arrested on Sat urday at Detroit on a charge of stealing a mail bag containing from postal substation on street a week ago last Saturday Mr principal Collegiate Institute de nounced the recent rowdyism of students as a gang of worst piece of blackguardism that has ever been perpetrated a university mob meddling with a street lamp and lighting it without authority a man named Percy Brown was fined in the Police Court It was whiskey did it or at least he said he was drunk which means same thing in this case litis said that so great the elevator traffic at the City Hall that the Property Commissioner has decided to another lilt on east side of building twovtar term for all Sty is moated by the Alderrhon Oh Friday last Philip Kaufman W found gui of manslaughter in the Assize Court He was charged with causing the death of a ynunJ woman in an automobile accident in the city Sentence deferred so mat lie was depri its use Friends of Miss Smith had offered to give of their skin or graft ing but the total area available was far short- of being enough Hugh heard of her serious condition He was a stranger but evidently of the good Samaritan type- He offered the skin from his crippled leg hut the doctors were afraid he could not stand the shock of its removal Then take the leg and all was the noble reply At the hospital was Riven an anesthetic and on the operating table beside Miss Smith already under the influence of anesthetics The living skin was stripped from the young mans leg the burns A SIMPLEST J BEST DYE ne you fro KINO of Coo4 U J for Color Card J i JOI CO I T Time Card GOING NORTH Leave Toronto Newmarket Allniidnle am to pm GOING SOUTH Leave Allamlale and soon transferred to Newmarket on trie girls limbs and Toronto or am AND TOWNSITES For Sale Lane lots in the towns and itt ALTAinRIGiAtfM and landa tail locations of great P ft Ir rigation dam over a ALTT1SUIVD1VIS6N now on Bale include oar shop city Sunolto land and others CORONATION ALTAT0WNS7 properties KERROBKRT properties site properties SASK3roVNSITE perties AND SELECTED lands in the of Saskatchewan and Alberta FOR FULL INFORMATION to Agent P LAND DEPARTMENT v I V matting may be cleaned with large coarse cloth dipped In salt and water then rubbed dry v a It two iron holders are a tape long enough to slip about the neck and bong to convenient length at either side there will bo no excuse for using the apron drees or burn ing the fingers In opening oven door or handling hot and pans Send the Era to friends I v I ft Play v The Instrument can play and with it furnish for the home a new program of Music every day unequalled exeept class concerts Educates the ear improves the Musical and Increases Appreciation and of Music j Prices Direct Player Pianos up Pianos 350 up Gerhard Heintzman City Hall LIMITED Square Queeo St TOR ON 0 n I- J i- i Ktt 1 v i mm ARCHIVES -v- V t i fc J i5 TORONTO

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