W NOVEMBER j- Sri Andrew Church 4 Carting Anarchs Mating A f gg fire exchange with Li fl mutt on ntTUxvsvJi pi town all members and any fe Rev Thorno Sunday Special Announcement Silver collection Proceed to to the School Repair Fund enclosed a The old Dudley house Welling ton street is having an other on Election Nomination Election Work that MeMA W Towtn A I Dinner Set Special QUALITY VNlCK RESIGN PIECES I- Owing to he we will every is In MBP Bargain at 25 Pi 4 Curfew lends Christian of again Win ter with the following Officer Pros IKKlnmi Wilson Miss and Mr I The AH VrH of age over desirous use of the to bo at a In Window Social Phillips imhJ laiivs Mr Sutton Mis- ten in the at is still in Cony Any the ages it found oil ho Bank of Montreal ftlotl pro- j The the are liable tobetJ hi Was nul on charge by the last the year ending Oct states that the I the deducting doubtful dcts and Were WSi3 the previous of Quarterly China Hall Grocery lAO Vote leo Will Probated r i late y Anderson were The estate the v committee the the evening Hanrahah Toronto lor- Council to whom wsMRffcrred brought to a close about the Ne market who die in tot and hour Nov last amount to Local Option present- this is in real a ieort on mmlay estate as follows Ave 8385 Gore Yale Ave At a given last night by St Lord and IS Sussex and an t6r property it it would be a useless ex- New Fruits Vegetables t Option at the Municipal Klectloh of tenor shared and recommending that such with All- be not taken veillae of Garden Our Selections New Valeucja Raisins ana Sultana Is Simply A I We have the Choicest Selection of New and Dates Committee based their decision upon the following facts Liquor License Act does not require Councils to submit a Local Option upon the pre sentation of a petition but leaves tho matter the hands of Councils On examination by the Town Of- the petition of 280 names of unqualified voters and names that New reels have l lhe of 500 voters Orange and Citron satisfaction with the would have the Finest Qua- W than 25 per cent ot voters on the petition asking for a vote There was also a petition present- led from IM nonvoters hut residents and to rtSking not taken Under the present law it would re quire lift cent of qualified voters to mate a change back to the License System The petition expressing satisfaction with the present conditions contains considerably over 50 per cent of the qualified electors Mortgages bank stock and the rounder the land of Fruits for Your MinceMeat fakes etc come and get Your Fruit here and you wil Not be Disappoint ed Our Canned Peas Corn j and displayed the same beautiful art in phrasing and finish His enuncia tion is clear and distinct which gives added charm to his always interpretation For pleasing stage presence ease of manner wide range of vocal power variety of theme and versatility has never seen the equal of this talented artist The Sun Y Don drew Friday Nov equally between them BOTES The dear food problem has been AN OF INVADED QUFR STORE TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE TO A WHILE THEY LAST TOR Saturday Jili WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF A SUIT OF GUARANTEED OVERALLS Will GIVE GRATIS AS ABOVE ON OF H DOLIS ones of true Libit with t ho jIr They almhj iKo cm bi w a a Brine ftr fc tecU I I James Co The Men Main St Weal Newmarket Senator The Leading Reliable flFOcer reported upon by a committee the IP p place Senator Dr Win- mes tocmer leader in Nova SWta In Ontario Blame is placed on place of the late Senai Miner methods of Dr Murphy ol I which conclusion the City press coin- in- place of the late Senator Mac i Toronto Board of Trade Its conclui aver that the cost of in Kay I oncer i loniiu in I GONNAUGHT GARDENS Prompt Delivery CORNER OF p l Main Timothy Streets Kiddies Welcome Dear Old Santa The Star- takes occasion to Donald- Never a hero receive a more say that food actually produced in cordial welcome than St Nicholas is carried our doors and got Friday afternoon at Hunters sold more cheaply in England than Store in Newmarket I in Canada after paying cost of trans- As Santa arrived by Vail and across the tbc North in his airship at Fri This is amazing and the afternoon Hundreds of children breaking up of monopolies is I t I The Committee also finds that the grownups were on hand to as a means redress general opinion manufacturcrs- fl merchants professional men and TORONTO LETTER As the a lamp m Tuesday evening boih severely burned in jutting out and in trying to save their two little children The Rosedale dental District OF N A K T BOULEVARDS PARRS a prettily Ottawa Citizen rises remark back JP Toronto Santa t is interesting to hear refund on a ticket he hail purcnai 8 somewhat puzzling term Canadian Immigrants as applied to those com- greetings and cute sayings 1 are sure that citiztns generally will f Santa wants a wife compliment them upon their logical I conclusion which was by the Council Toronto and Return Plus FOR ADMISSION COUPON TO Ontario Horticultural Exhibition Toronto Good Going Nov to Inclusive Return Limit November Its cold up Im the real old boy Gifts at Hunters Hows the Canal Meet me at Hunters Ask nearest Grand Trunk Agent for lull tickets A K DUFF Union Station Toronto J Depot Agent Phono J 11 Phone Agent For Sale Lords Day Alliance Tho annual meeting of the market Branch took place on in the Methodist School- Room 1 1 was supposed to be a un ion the Young peoples Societies of the Town on occasion but there Were only about people pre sent altogether- m vi fcuV In the absence the President their names and Sccretary presided to write Rev Toronto ve a time an address for over an hour which About 530 Santa Glaus climbed up Jl on the root of Store and alter waving his and throwing Lords Day Alliance as a bulwark of tne took his de- Christianity in the Dominion oTOan- airship promising to I return some time before Since passing of the Lord Day for England Lionel Nash formerly an employ of the Lake of the Woods ing into this country It is explain- Milling Co was arrested however the fact that day He is for he theft of the past year nearly 20000 of those from the Street entering Canada from the United of the firm States were returning Canadians- the efforts two doctors a Wo quite agree Citizen in lhe to His Archie remark that this homeward flow is years age died at home one of the most encouraging features parents on Address all letters to me In ere of national development of today hat I Hunters The tide of immigration pills iveu him another took its start four years agoun- the Government and has The new Arena Rink is growing vearly- ever since ready for business The I manaffH j meat to have ice for by About miles of be back cant speak for me in my airship After which a reception was held Santa exchanging greetings and kiss ing many of the Children About 500 The New and SubDivision located between Queen and streets East of Prospect Avenue Only Five to Minutes Walk from the Factories Visit the Gardens on Saturday Afternoon And have our easy payment plan interest no Uses or call at Office Hotel Building Main street Open SULLIVAN NEWMARKET Square Piano Apply to S BELFRY Prospect Ave Newmarket i Mrs Fairies and daughter Delia a couple or days in Toronto The A of the Methodist spent Tuesday evening at the of Mrs Mahon n Mr ol Michigan spent a tew weeks with Miss Hill Mr has to to visit his son The many friends of our school teacher Miss MM to know she is again able to re sume her duties Act in meny who pre vious to that were required to work on Sunday have now the liberty to enjoy the Sabbath as a day of rest Had it not been for the observance of- the Act the record of crime in the North West with its influx of for eigners would have been to the Immorality California which State is to adopt a modified form of our Lords Day Act Quebec is now getting into line and the coming Legislature will probably complete the working of the Domin ion Act in the whole nine Provinces of Canada In Ontario the of tho As sociation are constantly on the alert to prevent manufacturers Railway corporations Day arid Jews from violating its provisions which are in the interests of the work classes and to preserve the sanc tity of the Sabbath Day Many instances were cited to show- toe necessity of the work and need of continuing ihe work of the Alliance The collection only amounted which the considered unworthy of the size importance and it is expected a Sabbath will be set the ear ly part of when the matter will 1 Chorus Praise the Lord CHOIR Tenor Solo The Penitent Preparing lor the 1 Wednesday at Ottawa iH inch piping he ben on busy on Tuesday last and filled the cement si vaclneies In Senate as M- lows Nathaniel Curry were sent o trial ol the Canadian charge through post Association in place of indecent Senator Ross As an lde nee- prog an- Ki Middleton in place ot the Mtu MUa it ftfV late nator Bell Dennis oi thefeadUig ways f 1 Do ha in paco ol the Mr it senior member of the law firm of Black- stock Cowan passed aw a v on Wednesday was born in this city in He was President of various corporations and prior to being confined to his home was president of the Dank of j Toronto A youth named Garnet Grant fell from the bleachers at Varsity Sta dium on Wednesday while watching- a game of football and sustained a compound fracture of his right arm The lad fell thirty MONTREAL Established Incorporated by Act Parliament PROGRAM OK CHOIR CONCKRT IN CHURCH This Friday Evening hi at Mr Win and before the several con- Tuesday in Toronto pregations for support resulted as ten years 80 I Chewed dynamite cap His was blo to Ptccc in school Forty years in use years standard perscribed and menxled by Physicians For Wo- Ailments Dr Martel President Mr Manning VicePres All resident Clergy I Contributions to the work will be gladly received the Secretary and duly forwarded to headquarters Adamsoii Van do Water MR GEORGE DIXON 3 Chorus Our Confession CHOIR it Soprano Solo With Verdure Clad Creation Haydn Solo a Gavotte From the Opera Ambroise Thomas Rosary Duett the Lord is My Light Ruck MR DIXON and Requiem iW W ft MR GEORGE t S ChorusIn Heavenly Love Abiding Shelley CHOIR World of Praise Aylward IDA DlLWORTH Duett Break Diviner Light Allitsen MR DIXON and Motet Gallia Gounod THE I CAPITAL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS 1600000000 Branches at all important centres in Canada and in London ng- York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodated as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH a I A ft Bay and Beaver ton polled large majorities in favor of Hydro- Electric light When gilt frames or moulding rooms specks or dirt from and other causes upon them they P ILflE RHONE NO THE NORTH END GROCERY may be cleaned with white egg- I I First snow of season Charles Gounod one of the greatest of French com posers Church music The Motet Gallia signifying France was written in England in at a time when Franco was throes of political In the following lines sees a state similar to conditions in his This work out new Avenue crushed to the basement this morning carrying with them nearly pounds concrete steel ana iron The accident took place at just ten minutes before forty men would have been at work on the very four panels which came down Nov Twenty of the crew the Japanese cruiser were killed today by an explosion j of one ot her boilers The explosion is said to have been caused by the the vessel Shimoda Shilohm STfiSBf Cow signs Vastly Superior Real Appetizers OUR FANCY CAKES ARE THE BEST IN ONTARIO ICED FRUIT CAKE FOR See Boots Shoes HEAVY RUBBERS LEGGINGS We have put in a Stock of the Best Leather Goods Manufacture Will be Pleased to have you call and inspect our Stock There is no thing Shoddy in our Selections and v can save Money by Buying from PRODUCE DEPARTMENT Little Pork lbs tor Head Cheese 10c Fine English Smoked Bacon Side lb- P MILNE i 1 3 J 1 A