Newmarket Era, 24 Jan 1913, p. 10

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TEN I A January Wal lace Toronto preacfcrd and On Monday was an oyster supper cellent proam those liking pari The Miss elocutionist of Toronto Gladys and Ada pronto llvGo Ion who ate Kidney and Wilder you one those OYinthqal is source of Kidney Troubles are to good you start to aftafcetm to disappear like SflSSur ihr benefit of by lioimh ol berg Mr ILLS- Milt MAQQ1C Mountain I desire to let world know the great debt wUeU saved my lewheu I bd being yen J For six rears I Kidney li5esc My and but of my body fcaiTulty The pain my hide and legs would be so bad Out I would faint the different itoclors attended me and alPaiid It Was Kidney Disease and gave me no of getting wejl A kind visited me and the case of who had been Cured of a like- I took Ftmtatives and in a lime to belter the swelling went down the pains easier and soon I as 1 have gained over pounds sine taking and my friends loot upbn my recovery as a MISS are sold by all dealers at a for trial orient on receipt price Limited Ottawa J Mrs goring Tablets help digest reasonable nioflls arid will soon restoro to such perfect hat have one after each a Box at your Druggists Made by the and Chemical Cot Canada I have lumbago bad a aciitcittackrWch me to the house Patter fart of April I your Mr ml my complaint to him me to take Mix taking at intervals early pan of the present no for good and lurii of trouble fact I better than that my old enemy thai lost thorn Winds at play the lowhi or of The i ihb l- foolish of hap Pen- I all frowsy die ami uiiu Uh llw home A from attended ft niRhl Mrs is jst her daughter Mrs Alfred Uoyd Mrs of Mrs Mercian a few days last W In otxanii Head on Starr J Mrs Hop makes twelfth branch- In Wo are sorry to report Mrs is very low Mr Mr Harrison at on DR D m3wK MEDICAL OnHCCTT R MILLS FLOUR a fasormoney back tilt VfiS n hi inWslW but i a t6Uld two a and In fad heaviest that thin and lor iiqttihiKt it was or Ha- to wet Mr had a fair as a win of bat to say rioihuig- iheve Just Arrivnl Car Corn Car Gluten Meal Our Corn and Oat Mixture iiiuijali aiHiniways the Mrs Thomson of Toronto mother ScJiOOt to of Mrs Well Curtis 5th a J do visitor this weak I Mr J as reasonable comfort MrsGeo pe R nO per each 1 Out i For Sale Brick in the growing Manufacturing Town of Newmarket Main and Water Streets wry suitable lor a doctor Price Roche A Co Mr ami Mrs Geo Long- visiting their esteemed pub on Sunday Jan and Mrs Sunday Jan 13th sister W were In Toronto oh to bid very lavorably although- their sister Florae wha his periodical visit Mr has from severe attack of municipalities and Mrs I For Sale iPVt V a a Lots West side Newmarket cheap Heal Agent 3 New Brick Houses K r Ave for sale Two are at occupied and the other one wiUba ready shortly All modern convenience Apply to Isaac Rose Newmarket or French brt was leaving tor South Dakota she dutends to resume her duty as a nurse A few of the friends this little burg thought to show their of Rev Drown in his of labor hero during the evan gelistic services held here some time ago by presenting him with a purse of about dollars was very thankfully received Two of Brocks live business men called on of our most prominent farmers one day week They Were received but as scon as they the real estate an article on meet- Get tut Coal Galore Quality Price Right IN HUT NOT QUALITY GEORGE FORESTER rnoMpT TERMS CASH at the missionary ing Judge idow had read letter her For Sale or to Rent Mr and Mrs Chapman have returned to the cite after an visittcher Mrs Wilson Mr refused the tempting oiler of well up to the fve mark for his team of draughts which he to keep for his dispersiok sale Fri day While Mr of the line was strolling around tle on Sunday last he a hunt elsewlere 1 urn lion William Immediately gave them whose actions the cold shoulder and told them to but ho peared While making his daily vs- to his imps on He footprints leading to a of hay He thought of the of the previous when wending his Tle Orangemen of this District to the stack he found man decided to celebrate the coming a hole made in stack AURORA to the statejiient that there 150 and districts in saying t enforced and what is more I grim little ha further intimates and emphasizes dollars was nut much that failure on the as was partVits to children to- scti6ol is olten due to the poverty and I ar Lord she cried Thou dost know- that I do hoi Second Annual Winter Course wretchedness of the home lack not envy Mrs 01 clothing house her servants the but how is affairs Mr- Kelso points out that she loves the no tosecure the best results it is she can send that all truant officers should I WtlX many women be -inspired- of l hut two cents a week -IN- CULTURE AT and uplifting parents arid guardians liealso has her face in believe prove affective but you of as truant fcn only forty would he thing f of the Womens Respecting the iu obscrves MISS LEEK Albert town Estate Office AN CO Houses from up bought and sold on easy A number oi uptodate sale or rent ranging in from to have been secured at a and will bo sold at a -tartaia- Houses and lots well situ ated We also invite you to call on us get bur prices for supplying Material and building houses leav ing completed ready for occu- The material will be se cured lots lowest whole sale prices Before buying your ma terial ask for our prices First class contractors have been engaged to work as soon as build- lag operations start in the spring loaned on first mortgage or town property Accident it and Fire Insurance at Real Estate Ofllce Parties wlsh- te sell town property call us Morton Phone monthly meeting of CTI- on Wednesday- A and a little talk Mrs Webb of was much Appreciat ed Mi Marshall whose barn was destroyed by fall suc ceeded In purchasing a large barn near Bedford Park which had carefully taken down His neighbor ing farmers made a bee and fifteen or twenty teams went down brought it up As soon as the spring opens he will have the barn erected The Trinity- Mens Association of this town entertained 100 members food they to the man and he ate very ravenlously They ex amined and found his feet hands and face badly -frozen- Councillor Lemon he the doctor from who elicited from the man that bis name Was lames Shannon 35 years of age and that his parents lived at By Mr Lemons order a rig was got and Mr Paris was with haste to Aurora where con nection was made with for On arrival at a rig was acquired and alter drive ol twelve miles log house was Compulsory school attendance ceases at and there is no law by which boys are to go to work after that ae Many lads sons of widows and desert ed mothers woo are unable to control them have got into idle habits They make a pretense at selling- papers and hang around amusement places tracks etc for casual work with the -re- suit that they in a few years have means livelihood and either drift Into crime chronio pauerism All such lads should- be to be at school or work and in largo cities there- should he an association to Principal J STECKLEY Agriculturalist Assisjaat church to which sow belonged forty women out of three hundred and I She knew most of them the work brought to their personal attention Would she un- hat task Did she- love Contracts are Christ enough to do it Did she miles of new care enough for those suffering tea- Canada then women to do if It meiuU so virR steps so nany words- so Edmonton Jan Hra montons wholesale district- early School From Jan to Newmarket I i For Farmers as Farmers Sons Write for partic ulars erxall at of Agricul ture opposite tis Market Newmarket entered into for P line in west- London Jan were excluded from practising law i the liar by an vote of Bar Association at Us annual meeting held this Ian Harold ami Joseph El the clerks ho were held up by a lone bandit in 1 tact and patience and faith and tout- 1 and many encounters with h W l difference and unbeHei perhaps The call grew clearer and Grand Trunk ticket office stronger the struggle selfwill 23rd and fear was brief Whom picture of J Montage a that of the man who committed the grew struggle with selfwill brief Whom led ap points- He of the Canada Rubber Company Jan A local crime of St Annes Association of reached in This suitable to together with their lady friends man Know as his home- On alight- and callings con- on Tuesday evening visit- from an old man avis cooperation with both par- splitting wood wlib on seeing his employers of labor thus Only baptize me with Thy Spirit Lord for this service prav- tragedy of the sea was recorded here to a number Helen Lynfold and like every when Captain of the cities and who has comessed of other holdups in ta- came in a special oar about 830 anil were given a royal welcome The musical and literary program was given by the visitors while the ie- freslimouts wero provided by the lo cal members Mrs T Maiming at a progressive euchre party on at which Mrs Speer was the winner of the prize and Mrs of the lonehand son Oh my James The old informed Mt Paris that Ids son had been Committed to the six years ago the lirst seen of him that institution and this was since escaping last Juno The dispersion sale of- the rioted herd of registered shorthorns of Mr A Bogart lot Con of King to take place on his farm question which he has recent I v sold will he ages of that passes she Dutch steamship reported found that it was sunrise the sinking a large Danish that little attic storeroom God steamer about miles on Plymouth iiuferlfift W It ivas j England on December during- a i tthole romantic nor- remote but light hurricane The entire crew perished nJ it it that she had I The name of the vessel is not known neglect of Known She at the ask hut officers of the Phecda believe it to appoint truant officers is attachable lo either scliool 1 Inspectors or the- Department of for Ontario who apoear to the welfare of the children of less the risk of offending officials but children between the It and 16 should be Farm for Sale acres Lot ConKasi miles east at Fall seeding and ploughing soil with creei straw TICMPEUANCKVILLIi cm- 1 A Very pretty wedding was solemn ized at the homo of Mr Coup- land of on January when his daughter Caroline was to Mr Herman Of Areola one the most important be at school or else in the season several years- ployment a point Mr takes ago selections from the famous occasion to urge herds ol John and George they have been chosen from two never surpassed in province The stock bull Scot tie is a winner in any by was Ian woman while passing through the I tunnel under the St Clair river on quietly and pursued it unobtrtisively was the of She was sure that God would direct gen her every step and so when the days cUma I si rch for bandit came today with detective hen he a Hat at South Wabash Ave for the purpose of arresting Bob Webb said to be an accom plice of James Perry confessed bandit now arrest After the shooting the assassin leaped through made ffiP nest prayer would make a coll with the express purpose of securing a new- member for the auxiliary but was difficult for her to get out of afternoon and it was surprising born to aa many ladies called upon her and Dr Morses Indian Root Pills owe their singular effectiveness in curing Rheumatism Sciatica to their power of stimulating and strengthening the kid neyfi They these organs to thoroughly Alter from the blood the uric acid the product of waste matter which gets the joints and musclesand causes these painful diseases Over half a century of constant use has proved conclusively that Or Morses Indian Root Pills strengthen weak kidneys and Cure Rheumatism i bam This is an ideal farm If desk sell will rent Apply on premises or write for full to l l Delivery Sharon Out For Sale to Piano Apply to Prospect Ave Newmarket bride leaning on the arm of her lath- appeared and the ceremony was performed by her pastor II The bride wore a dices of cream silk with crystal trimming wearing a- veil caught up orange blossoms and carrying a hotiqupt white car nations The bridesmaid Miss Ma- pel Lcggo wore a dress cream silk with pale trimming carrying ft company with model Passengers oh the train gave- the babe a 300 coir very prolific sire as his progeny shows No one will ho disappointed in the character of the cows and heifers In herd are tore class show propositions Uniformity of and quality is a striking feature among them and Mr I extends welcome to J to all lovers of good stock to visit Mat farm and the herd A lection Vienna Jan Twentyfive thou sand Albanians nave more less wantonly- killed in the Turkish Kossovo by the Servian regulars irregulars since the in vasion by them of European Turkey The so brought into her parlor the covet a window to an adjoining roof ran and escaped in the crowd toe cause she- She often wondered at the interest ihe truth awakened af the kmdness with which her advances were met J and the almost unfailing success of her effort She did not know that there was a light in her yes mag netism in her voice a tenderness and force in her simple eloquence that came the fulness of tha Spirit FORTY years use years standard prescribed and recommead- by physicians For Womens Ai- Dr Martens Female Pills at your Can- and many hearts In Electric Restorer for Men cry the body teaalontfMtorea vitality rf wySsJ Alter the enjoyment af the wedding dinger which was served in the din ing room and the usual congratula tory by those present happy on the car toy Toronto and other points and will return next week to spend a month among their many I and rela tives before leaving to take up their homo Areola The beat I wishes of a host of friends go with couple to new home the West where Mr has pur chased a- farm having lived on it for somo time previous to mis return Waumi Dcstona RIGHTS AC I JAecordlng to statistics Coun ty has an average 800 births and 70 JO V Mbst people friend sugar just before servings Try using salt instead aril see what Hi to dinner table he was placed oppo site a goose The lady of the house was placed on the Vicars lei Pee ing tne goose he remarked Shall I alt so close the goose Keel ing his words a bit equivocal he turned lady andsald In a most apologetic tone Excuse mc lady I meant the roast one Womans Best Help to the good health which comes regular action of the organs of digestion and elimination to freedom from pain and suffering to and beauty is the vetable remedy PILLS Northern will lay steel into Calgary the present week The end of steel was Only four miles away from the city limits on Saturday ev ening From Calgary the engineers will connbot the Goose sionwltli thenwin line toriaskatopn Of the extension there was to be-fin- thirty mlls and the road Isexpected to be in operation section In the Spring Mr Mr a large gathering at Bright on Sat urday In response to cordial wel come Wr spoke on the ques tion of tax from the point of the farmer anti from of the settler New On tario The basic feature of the pres ent movement was to give municipal a measure of discretion non of the products I six months she had secured without any flurry of excitement or parade of lofty intent one hundred new mem bers and fifty subscriptions Of these one woman wealth un dertook tho support of an orphan in China two others pledged thenv selves t sustain a woman in Japan of all bright and Agnes Carroll join ed tho society became intensely inter ested and was called the foreign field The night before slie left home for the missionary training institute she bent and kissed Mrs oh fokehead saying It was your band dear that opened the door of service my Idle feet and a glimpse of a life so attractive could back Whatever I of roward stiared with WPtened that all thai yeatfor the J deist kingdom the one stood second Ho reaching results was the Unknown W Have Hind a of Pine Hemlock to SpecUl M Hi- I K1b ol 1 Vs if 1 TORONTO

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