mm as ii tV Owners town pay pay ftC shore- rv to the out Up ho ill to and of Custom 5 have nothing but wo them in Ho fmt tho work for the Council tido Thanlfirttf of I remains Yours HP Iridic he in a If who AU for A brother of td to WMvf fofNtU hi lion Vot Sain Mr i it j i and Now holidays course and Wo Metro- ftPVU- and be a stock or a to- laor5WtfoG I talking about ikud the the got to tbe J v A you -have- gullies or ditches in jive orpins at the aria Sewage warm fleWs now is the to mow in to Sit lames P Whitney uxor oil be hot all the weeds and fence in his attitude towards tas reform as at will be command of ices and All gullies it says Sir is election to more will prevent such suffering from of ltno mentbaia ot the of the hand and dttcbeii from further wash- ft he so hot that it X0R0NT0 ONft desire the in which we pay for sew- The wonder is nobot here is a reason for it for tot more Knwr We aavepresi now ii A ti PACIFIC v Special cruse e AROUND THE WORLD impresses of I leave April 1st ilDraUar Said proceeding via Si- Kobe ami Yokohama arriving Vat Vancouver June J 1913 f of Asia will sail from May similar cruise direct for n April 1st sailing is via Km- I press pi from St March 1st of maintenance be tween arrival time in and departure oi af VuU particulars from J Agent ft ATKINSON Agent Newmarket stated ttrat to this end the j the sewage In iO Wires into the touching a switch off r into Owen Sound i Minister has branches Daughters prescita statement is made that Col Hughes with ranting is concerned for the sue- readily admit it cess cadet movement to water coming as it does Sound- Jan License ffiSra wells uncovered- here yes- strong nuaui1 A Denpa all ground and daring fraud to sewage water from wnllgfjn large of whiskey into town lie received private should not he Several years a shipment had ago wo had about a dozen cases typhoid found that town It to liec hidden honied serve thai every afflicted warehouse Only merchandise on leeti taken which the duty been i paid wells on the premises kepi in a bonded warehouse Now ioiH the ofcrnfasln ships With her yiAmftv skipiiafi Ids told eomuany has fveniHjhope of ever ship sailed with toiis rails tor itetoljqwiiig- Is posed to have slifc the alcard out- iiriy Stated revenue vessels have El more than a teyJavejiot ipiki Her heavy carge leak the battering up the gale- sent swiitly to the bottom this is the belief most of the officials of thciMbrgao Line Qeorglnti Council Council elect for current year viz It Dun can I Taylor Couicjil6rs pur suant statute on Monday Jan am atPeflerlaw declaration and of office their seats at- the Council Board following officers were appoint- Jas Assessor JonnCOTav- CollectorrJafsSV Kay Hoard of and Six- copies Municipal World each member of the Council and Clerk Five Dollars was donated to Hospitals for Sick Children Toronto following pavments were order ed Officer M I Election SO00 Corner Officer r r ri AN HAVE UNDEft- MmWvVbua The valine loroirraiiViAl Mat ibem Wwpf- rthlomovV TO CtmE FREE OF a IU yon r or NERVOUS VARICOSE SKI DISEASE GLEET BLADDER COMPLAINTS fee tf writ question for home treatment i l J Ave and Detroit Mich An letter Canada be In reucd to our Depart- Winder you drirc to treat and KENNEDY i fc THBRB CAN NO SYRUP- SO WHOLESOME as PURE J I BRAND i 3 TRY TIN FROM GROCER returned ii not entirely satisfactory Every tin Sugar Cahners Limited Montreal SALE CODY V- MKWMARKfiT g I i I i A AT 1 Hack for any Case of The Citizen Conservative at the Capitol has again backhanded to the of Ontario On Thursday of last week it had this to Sir lames is to maintain his present atUtmlo tax re form we think lhat the province to retire Sir lames from power Only in the mimls of mere- is any man or part necessary to the progress of ih party of Ontario can if need be get without Sir lames but if it could not Ontario anyway can witlmul the Conservative party if Conservative going to stand In the wnyot both commoi sense and rfvfc rights An Ottawa press despatch states I that legislation paving way for erecting Ottawa Hull and suburbs a Federal District being draftedat of- Justice and may possibly introduced in OCUKXPKNSKMarlianient towards the latter end Of the present session Shouldering a portion of the cost of Municipal the al certain are simply dangerous The present debt and charged the officials the town Is over and it with attempted fraud and demanded is very if another tte whiskev he turned over to our borrowing power to fiilLl the If we did we would not land which the he- able to bonus other industries Summonses have beers desirous of coming to or to issued all officials connected With borrow for other pur he- warehouse shippers thai high on Election a00 ftit Officer Election Times poll books 1912 Johnston Hall for Donald Returning Officer 91 Election 1000 Gerps of decay on oftused pots and pans and ordinary soap and water only clean surface I Gold Dust does the does it right It digs deep after germs cleanslike a new whistle SSsS IS and leaves your pots and pans as new as they newarid sanitarily lones for extra labor and loss of time re pile driving at Bridge The Reeve was instructed to em- pioy Frank County Engineer and have plan and specification p pared for a solid cement bridge ovcr river at said bridge to be foot span and feet wide Councillors Duncan and Stilos every- to examine the thlll ilk tho and Welsh Bridges the spring freshets Reeve and Councillor Stiles were instructed to wait on North Council and get a set tle with to Hie town line to Hie of 1013 i i Gold Dust does this work in just half the time required by soap or any other cleanser Does it better too f Gold is sold 5c size and large pack ages The large package means greater economy i GOLD DUST TWINS do your work A nrukalcha fi on THAT to TO REMOVE Purifies the Blood Dominion generally is the underlying purpose of the proposition Is it Ottawa seat of C of expenditures by etc to shove burden upon general 1 has been proved beyond art to be Use surest to ft the attitude the tut Vear i 0 Thou wo have throe bridged in a- 1 dilapidated condition that should WW have Sub- be replaced by modern reinforced a fluid to pay the return ex- concrete structures lenses of the his wire and Then yet again it we sign up a- a lay representative from each con- contract with the Hydro Canada to the general as- trie or the Metropolitan for cur- which Knox Church necessarily have to Toronto on I upend to On Dr Grant superintendent of home AVtvffs iu a now transforming deal with electric Tuesday said on the sower Cooke agreed to only should not the the- liberality of the donors of the encourage the Council to manage fund prearranging for the free of th town in the ting of the representatives solvent economical yet pro- thousand are Expected t licy Council adjourned to meet at on at which is addition to all deal WHh theVdVV J a pm Makers of Fairy Soap the oval cake A concrete milkhouse makes riiilk worth more I r- giebsive way- in which own the work removes Acid and purifies the bipod l CO of Battle sole Afcntsand thousands of llal letters Which have been from grateful SOU restored to Testimonial taken by Sir Wilfrid and the members of House of Cojiimcns in the Prime Minister to the expenditure of reference to by the Road and tec- last yeur on in the we laid out to On new walks and the for the up keep of the roads repair of bridges -liuh- wo laid out to spent- its bv Canada on M defence of Main St sate mination of both political parties in to support mother rj f the Papacy on the high seas but Isof opinion that the interests ot h 2 rSiT the better the as lot- tbl spent i on fleet units to manned and by Canada stationed In AUantlc used J ii a of peace on too Atlantic and IT riff o Admiralty timeot than by Ae of cojitiihation i v the navy which Increases lne ttmw of ships faut cpntajna for their Kraser moderate or appointed- to represent presbytery at the new and Mark Parkinson were appointed to visit the cpngregatlons to organize every to- canvass for the gen eral assembly funds Toronto Pres bytery is assessed Douglas lev au4 lteVir were appointed represent the Presbyte ry at Dr Parson John introduced to the presbytery moderator PEOPLE to pay more formilk that comes from a clean sanitary dairy In nearly every city such dairies charge from percent to cent more tjian others and even then they can supply the demand for pure hijh- grade milk You will get more value out of your cows if you properly cool score the milk Such milk is not only more wholesome therefore can be sold for abetter price present of labor and material The result was many asking for walks were disappointed The council should put all those hew walks in on the Local plan This should have adopted at town V the for walks as oodon J Sol 11 and S33 SHI J BBS y paid general rateand part by frontage tax Still our- duty is to remedy the mistake at once as the longer the system continues the more and harder remedy- The great advantage of putting In walks on the Local plan iStt keep down tmi and lt easily possible to fill every demand walks Brampton his a tax rate of lft TOVrf it mm A i consisted 0 Liberals Iabor he measure is about larger in area than said one Inn on Experts and country minerals send at ions youfb CANADA LIMITED i HWrW Buildin MontrlVv J-r- A V cirsenirmni Canadahavt v AjCauj ttmni tef fc x i t tea ftfe -l-ri- g Sfi Sg OF ONT7VRI TORONTO r i -3C-