Newmarket Era, 24 Jan 1913, p. 9

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A I A iliOllfilS lo work bit in Tuesday J i rt what is ox Tuesday lights s months Aw A lor the family the vm injured lost fall was literally supplied by the nW of Newmarket was lv company has promised an equal amount An important meeting I ho Board place in the next evening first is reported the I ginning in SI- I A pa lish Casta in White Men labors lq tain idfcephs side walk in a passable conspires against and a frlxiuVaoi snow iivSlTWi League I ntinK On SodalShd 97 Pieced for VofKnand ftbly bandied Church largely In the the aaa ser mon in in Isaiah was full and to and wit nest to Han nthrnis very and well tendered The anthem Brejik into Joy well by Mr A Sail be Sunday Choir Ihe ifcaitoberj and by Reginald boy- soprano of Si Toronto Is to take the soprano part air bvrn it that for every applValH for lrie est breeder in- the i woallier is favorable hare in a Chat WO surprise Keep your If J 1 I Cleaned I Hockey skaters all oyer Canada wear Sin Johns will be sung 1 1 next Sunday at the the Friends Will an Oyster the A CO- IB via 1 1 a so ire IT- l Oh k l fe a I all it- Very in Quality Style and sea a set our window f IMPORTER AND FANCY CHINA in three 6 flrst on Maty- Vejii taken by e second on by Miss and te third on Queen Anne I Mr swig jntUtonia in bis style i Sunday b 2nd 0bol In and Day In this Aurora to held in the -iQaptltiM- the 1 Of the World were elected fc Dixon J Smith Esc Kiirby Physicians Wesley and Hull Managers HN Wilkinson Dr ffe have a Blend that j gives Satislrctoti whenever 20th the Camp t evening with per members are A AT take a AND RE CONVINCED of the Rook by Address Adaptation tt Pkv 130 The Work the Provincial Its Stat County etc by Property ll Mr A bouse cower Victoria ami Avenue to J and the latter has sold his resident to to Jaws who came to town torn Calgary- VJLV McPherson Ligli Hockey Shoes because they give most Satisfaction and service The Lightning Hitch is buckled up in a second and after the shoe is laced on the foot the inside ankle support may be ad justed to the ankle without unlacing the shoe The large eyelets make it easy to lace the shoes in less than two minutes I Mr Louis has the Rev Keswick and Stables belonging to 1 I I it TEAS Buy Out Bulk Teas Their Flavor Guaranteed Black Teas at the following prices and per Mixed Black and Green aid pec ft Teas and per I Meeting for the flames win and CoUcetJonr- The SIts Pur- 1 Hi ill for lie The Leading a- Grocer- Prompt Delivery OF Main Timothy Streets o la I I oublearoLck Calif Mexico Florida Newmarket Society Tbe annual meeting took place in the Hall on Saturday afternoon viththe usual The Pre- Mr John proctor in the chair The Secretory presented tike follow report which was adopted iientleineh Your Board herewith submit Report for as follows The exhibition was on jlt was from an agricultural standpoint a success Exhibits in horses all classes were particularly good in number and quality Cattle sheep swine were a good average as also roots vegetables and fruit Exhibits in- the main building no ticeably in ladies work and fine arts and also in poultry class were not so numerous as last year which may ho accounted for by the fact that our dates conflicted with those so many other fairs necessarily do from the number of our ex hibits After securing rates and other par ticulars in connection with running the annual excursion your board de cided not to hold one this year Taking into consideration the unusu al number of holidays and excursions which being held the month of June as well as the in creased railway and boat rates to gether with he large guarantee re quires made it to take the It was not however the intention of the Board that this ex cursion should be was vesterday afternoon j James Co Poultry Fair Since the market Poultry about three weeks he Directors have been stirring and in bringing to over J Skating Party Hewitts Class- of young men in Sunday School at- ranged for a to Bradford on evening- and a skate on the Bradford- rink inviting young the Mens- Men 1 to Rent THE POWER OK CLOTHES- You all look very smart said a Good House and Garden corner ol THE Sunnv South I Ihc annual concerts in connection with the Fair were held in the Town the Grand Trunk Railway is the most direct route from all east through Canada via Chicago De troit or Buffalo Only Double Track Route Round trip tourist tickets giving choice of all the best routes togeth er with full Information ruay be ob- on the two nights and were well attended The programs lor these as special at tractions front of the stand were secured through the Har old Rich Concert and Amusement To of Toronto proved entirely satis factory both FIRST ANNUAL SHOW North York Pet Stock Associate at ont and Pressing from Grand Agent wise The Aurora Military Hand was JUY City j attendance during the fair and Ticket Agent Phone Standing Field Crop Competi tion was again this year oats i February and Urge Prizes will be given for eJl fowls turkeys geese ducks rabbits pheasants- birds and all kinds fancy and pet stock Large list CkiWrens Prizes- Liberal Prern- for dressed poultry eggs M evening clothes out defeated Newmarket at Sut Bob asked his sister No he an- Sutton 2SJi0 Box P G E LUNDY Write the Secretary for a Prize List v- President L HALL Secretary game in l- Wft class located and I Referee t Safe Register had donned pretty j Price This property te w duplicated at- tbe Price Terms but be youngest who rather Pure for King S Convention I A DPA Union Station Toronto- being the grain selected and results showed an Increased interest and com- Program IN Thursday Evening Jany WEDNESDAY- lam 29r Milton lot Con East a wJrile gave in Of course I will hold an couldnt be the only one lie explain- continued a 4 more conversational gart will have a sale better manners eBred Shorthorns as considerate and as general farm stock and impJe- M to take Usual terms sale at one- and McEwan to consider it a func- tion After all there is will hold an couldnt be the only one lie ex farm sale at oclock months And do you know con credit J Kester Auctioneer the that it has made other things The -r- 1 Feb Mr frrcd A Bo- more conversational and liked to be uptodate boldly follow- SU his brothers lead and Jim M rooms and pantry well built on wall with cellar full size good cis tern and excellent well of pure water lot 68 House in excellent repair close In to business town Price WiOO ji I- IO IN nearest Grand Trunk Agent for all particulars tickets etc inclusion to nnot Acent after paying all Depot Agent y hone also principal on the gage vour treasurers report shows Phone 11 Agent Substantial to commence with and to carry on the business NOTICE of another year We wish to take this opportunity Having installed a Skate Grinder f tiding all who generously am prepared to Sharpen Skates Jl ScissorJ Knives and set Saws the exhibition of sharpen all kinds of Wood- turning and light ripping respetfully snb- HILTS St mtM and signet President J Proctor I Doors West of Public Library j 1 A Naval Battle Secretary Win Keith ami i- Imported and home bred pair were seat Friday morning Jan J Implements Hay and Roots before the fir property of Lemon Baker said the The vcrsides Kestcr Auctioneers hide from your little None my I Constantinople Jan The- Turk ish losses in the naval battle with a Greek fleet the Dardanelles on Jan totalled four officers and thirtysix men killed while others were wounded In tins course the fight a Greek shell inside one of the tur rets the Turkish Tor- gut killing and wounding every in it and disabling both of the inch guns Severe damage was inflicted by the Greek projectiles the battleship l Turkish declare- that they inflicted heavy losses on the report of Treasurer was very encouraging- A mortgage of had been paid and there was still a balance on hand of about mo Nearly were paid in prizes nearly attractions and near ly for working expenses includ ing salaries Nearly were spent in repairs and fixing Op grounds There were members gate receipts amounted to Tho officers for the year are President I6hn Proctor 1st VicePresident J 2nd VicePresident A Vfleid Treasurer Robertson Win Keith Appointment of Committees Vt and adjournment Friday Afternoon Devotional Address A Talk with the Adult Bible Class Teachers t fcBWiW Aurora i Addrefs Adaptation t Miss Bertha 330 Receiving of Nominating Committees report and disposing of same- 3 o Address The and Christian Culture of Children v P Keswick going was a long pause Go on I I ARK For some r- weeks said slqwly I have A noted Englishman used hid a secret longing for a balance on time at per New Brick House Eagle street rooms well largo lot vex- comfortable home Price Brick House on Mam street north corner of Main and Huron streetVj rooms all modern conveniences Price 3000 easy terms Frame House west side Joseph St near Queen new well built 6 beau rooms All conveniences 2001 on street New mod on conveniences each one rooms and bath will rent for SI to per month- This is a goo epportunity investment for all Also vacant on Park Ave both sides Ave Joseph St Millard St Grace St and St also dens Why not vacant lots I your own town Keep your here and help to build up Also several excellent Farms for sail l no a A good life secure a good name Keith Board of Directors Geo Trivettl It Pear- soil J arid calling a cab he ordered the driver drive very fast The obliging catinan whipped- up his horse and- the had been well jolt ed before it occurred to him that he had not given any address Ho was going rapidly hot was not going anywhere I A or eat many people experience a great deal of satisfaction out- the idea that they aTe always usyhhur- always -But- is enough are they Mingled story about himself which has a Office son for twentieth century Canadians present 1 Ma He was latetoan important engage- Agent or P Lands Over Tates Meai Market Main Street Newmarket BANK MONTREAL Jy by Act of Parliament Ay Stepliens V J Is the readiest way to and George A Brodi that Address ah in Canada and En New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Scrubbed and plenty soap then rinsed fe very hot water well shaken and dried in the air BRANCH iv my ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO 2

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