Newmarket Era, 31 Jan 1913, p. 2

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TWO W rfi Wanted for ply at Hunter 3 For Sale Sows Hon A iircss Perth Jort announces Sato ox TataperedWiih Ian A scrutiny of on local option na con ducted Judp In St Ward which iisunHy largest temperance Oqr Society rat for Sale A a tots on West side of TwnUOO each Apply to Real Estate For Sale sow with eleven Young sow to register A few Hatred Rock P Phono Newmarket Farm tor Sale East hall Lot Con 3 particulars apply- to J or Reed Van- Independent Phone AtirO- a 0 in it Lot Owners Desirous would do well get designs and tenders tor fram ed houses etc from POTTER BROS Carpenters Toronto Caution undersigned ill not lb respon sible for any debts contracted after thii dote any person or persons without a written order S3 J W usual day usual jkrod ADqsncnl a hour at Perth Club during evening at a quarter ten his txne was about In the lull of the of the family found him called quickly stated death was AluWt took place on Tuesday last Under auspices This Is the death in the Cabinet since Sir James became lVeiuler Ontario Hon Ms without portoUo passed aWuy ago anu succeeded by Lucas The latter as Provincial Treasurer during the late Treasurers Illness last ami is again Acting Treasurer until a successor is appointed to Ait the va cancy in the Cabinet was first elwtod has held ever Mr leave pro- deputy turning oulrci and clerk to show that With during the veiling since did not the innx flot be- ins ittinced be had tin do deputy rvturniiu leer has the- UDbounaVd inniidcnce the citizens ami they are at the apparent effort to lutoet by law that had a majority oi AURORA i b Boarding Stable EDITORIAL An impression obtains in Iudg Morgan the recount Of in the Aurora local until to await toe of CoViit la the case which will decide it he has to conduct recount to been hold yesUfday Lo cal option carried by an exact fths IIARHIR is not circles that the vacancy In the On is to sentence a tario created by the demise of late ill not be filled till after next the Legislature The Toronto Star referring to the death of Mr Monday says The oldest printer in Toron to and possibly one of the oldest in Canada passed away yesterday Monday Deceased was bora July and went into the printing at the of that t the stable south of A be am prepare nd Mr Jackson a tun a Feed and Sale are the to run Stable at a reasonable rate would the public very much for their custom Newmarket i- Election of Officers Newmarket Liberal Association age and older printers than the late Mr I A press despatch from Gait announces the death of Hon James Young former Provincial Treasurer of Ontario one of the most widely known and universally honored men in Canada He passed away on Wed nesday last For nearly half a ho Was a wellknown figure in political life and history of Canada even before was out of his teens he assumed the management of the Gait Reformer and at the time Confederation was elected to the first parliament of the Dominion De ceased was in his year young girl just o it her to prison but no other course was open to Mr Radenhurst on Thursday morn ing when Agnes fore A ew days previously while employed as a domestic by Mrs Bradford St the accused dis- red with a coat and as she admits but tho amount lost was The girl was arrested as she step ped from a train on its arrival hi Toronto oh the wearing the Coat in question and the following day was brought back to This wonfan- is out on sentence She stole asuit ease longing to a teacher in from a train Some weeks ago and was found wearing the stolen hat Live Stock Market Temperance Hall AT PM ON Friday I A good turn out lis All Liberals Welcome English Scotch and Irish Liberals are requested to come and identi fy themselis assist the ral Cause Mr Walton our candidate will be present Chairman i Insure Success by taking a practical course in one Shaws Schools Toron to by attendance or by Mail by so doing quickly prepare to earn a good salary Hun dreds of young do this every year Why not you Free catalogue explains Write lor it Address Shaw Pre sident St Toronto i When me on a criminal charge and is allowed to go on suspended sentence it is I want to give him a chance to make good If he thinks it is just an in dication of weakness on my and proceeds to try to make a fool of me he is likely to find that he is tho fool not 1 This was the observa tion of Judge Morgan on Tuesday I morning last in the case of Chambers who pleaded guilty to a charge theft and who on the rep resentation of Salvation Army oii- was allowed to go with a warn- Chambers forgot this warning and on Tuesday last Judge Morgan signed an order to have the delinquent brought before him to have his sus pended sentence revoked Wo have not heard the result but we have no doubt Judge Morgan will teach Cham bers a lesson will not be likely to forget The Toronto News referring to a About the only change the mar kets in Toronto this week is an ad vance of i hogs TORONTO LETTER James Smiley was fined and costs in the Police Court on Monday on a charge of being drunk while run ning an which bumped an other machine on Street Lo cal Option would save a number of dollars to chauffeurs Ontario Legislature meets for business next Tuesday Rev Byron Stauffer in his llss is Mr John Warren of In loWn lost Saturday and Mrs en im Friday week Mr John Toronto will in town next veek Mrs jvp a parly for her mother Mr of ftas of Mr Park Ave on Mrs Richard Western Of is week with Mist Perkins of Quebec is week or so with Mrs Jackson fc seven- band a Tuesday In honor of RftU Mrs Kenliey of to town oh arrange I i spent Over Saturday with tier niece J SJmfesoHa fhornton was visiting at Parsonage last week Mrs daughtcrMrs weatvito Pembroke last Saturday Mrs of Toronto spent a couple days her son Mr Walter lost week Mr and Mrs and Miss Florence Willis spent Sunday at Albert with Mr and Mrs Roy P- Rose Mr J Mr McLean of this town has gone to Winnipeg to attend the funeral of bis brother-in-law- also on business Many ladies of Town much interest in the postnuptial re- of Mrs yesterday afternoon Mr Jas Addison of 111 writes that they are all well except Mrs who has been poorly all Sirs Geo Vale gave a delightful sevenhand oh Friday afternoon in honor Mrs Fields mother Mrs Mr and Mrs Geo Ayers who in tended going home to next have changed their plans owing to the death of his mother sang at a Con cert in last Friday Her mother accompanied her and they spent over Sunday with relatives- Several ladies last Friday evening with Mrs Dr Scott who has been confined to the house for the past two months but is now able to be out again The Mission Circle of the Method- Church about girls were MEANS TAKINO entertained by Mrs Simpson the Parsonage last Friday and had a delightful time J vr MiA iion or taking pains Most people can be agreeable if they try A lack friends may be attracted to laziness Weve got to Clean up before StockTaking Nothing is Exempt Prices Radically Reduced in to Force a thorough CleanUp hi 15 to our or the nix Simply to hi r Stocks wo it IV Wtld feft us whim lot of Whilur on us nil loft Wo to Listing Jowls tho of this Winter cannot too that wo pan not bo too it Every Dollars Worth of Winter Goods Must Go s Goals and Skirts lint will force Baled in SKIRTS lKvontory Sale Sale Invwrtory Sale Inventory Snip I Inventory Sale WOMANS COATS Three Winter Coat Fur Collars interlined regular 1500 Your- Choice while last CHILDRENS COATS The Balance of our Coats to fit from years up to To Clear them but quick each WOMENS YINTER WAISTS have boon forgotten in pricing Iheio lines price W00 lines sale lines sale price 200 lines sale price 149 Reg 150 lines sale price lines sale price NEWMARKET who- have been visiting their daughter Mrs Field the past month or South next quite as to week to Montreal capacity Mr Mrs wette vis- tuning i is inborn in Ring in the city several I days is only a question of week On Thursday Mrs Miller nee fcu it- and held raaWttg effort to conquer the self- owner of silver l ftshness which liking rem custody on Bribery last Sunday at the Bond Street Congregation al Church criticized members of the Ontario Legislature for accepting passes from the railway companies Mr John Gilchrist A Venue is the two weeks capl Mayor and Mr of last Tuesday after an Renfrew in town Saturday getting pointers a Option Hotel in that place They were well CLEARED ON FOX CRADLE Hotel in that place They were well pleased with their visit here and Town on Jan remarked that Newmarket is by no and Mrs -Blfen- a dead town if it is dry For several years has gcie forth the annual warning that miladys furs will cost her more This as is generally known is because the sup ply of wild fur Is being depleted- Ac- recent sermon delivered Rev ron H Stouder In the Bond Street in Easter Mr Thompson of Will iam writes I do not know of any better value for my money than a for the Bra and it keeps me in touch younger days Wo have ladla fine winter here it puts me Eastern winters Church on Bribery quotes him as saying If candidates the Board of Control must 3000 for summer picnics nen moderate means would be shut out of Eastern winters years have conceived the idea of agosteady ami cold have had J The holiday rush is now over and we will now get back to our reg ular trade t OK SON In Montreal on Jan to Mr and Mrs hi Jackson a daughter and grand daughter to the Editor Era i the contest The News then com- furhearing animals hae conceived the idea of raising bearhg animals Hie efforts in fur farming- arc at present directed toward rais- hundred cars of wheat a day take some handling We over wi rum engines out of this station in men as this slap at success and to dav the month of December that will TUB ALTAR a busy fall here everybody busy The grain rush was handled well no blockades in Fort William Five On Friday ev ening Jan at the home of trie brides parents Mr and Mrs We can supply you with the very best groceries that money can buy l is Our Motto ETA Of ttiesa most extensive Is that movement sOurtity is steadily grow ing and the new industries the last season Girls Wanted at Clothing Factory Ave make public donations it better when he Is in civic affairs as fe 0Und a prospective candidate for him to confine himself to public char- iiics COME AND SEE- OUR I in BE I BARGAINS From to oclock pm 1 ALL GOODS AT Half Price Twelve years ago Mr says while in business as a coming here this summer and estate soaring higher portends a record Wishing every pros- town and afternoon n li I PATS JOKE An Irishman passing a shop where County Council vote of the Coun ty Council Alexander Reeve Kiug Township was Tues day afternoon elected to the Ifur dealer I saw the possibility notice was displayed saying that profit in raising furbearing animals everything was sold by yard I At great expense I managed to thought he would play joke on the euro a pair of silver gnu- foxes which shopman so he entered the shop and had been dug out of their den for a yard erf milk The shop- only puppies not in the least taken back I speit thousands of dollars be fore achieved results and in these lion of Warden of York Count v There to the jeers was practically no opposition oil regarded the other nominees and there were hall nothins a dozen retiring in favor of the dipped his lingers in a bowl of milk and drew a line a yard Ions on the counter Pat not wishing to be the caught In his own trap asked the S j3Doors South of King George i also Junk all Kinds io fthyi drop a Card Township is about years of age a Presbyterian In religion and dent Conservative ire has lurf a L A has W CLun- of the members The other members nominated were p per son Reeve Newmarket James Cameron Reeve of Vaughan Jr York Township ana Reeve of The pelts are marketed in London For a single fox Mr some times obtains as much as and for a pair of foxes to be used for purposes he is paid from For the few years most of the Tho new warden is a native of Kin i foxes on his farm have not been kill ed for their fur or now- that the enterprise has turned out a success long municipal experience having t0 In the Township for years and during the greater part of that time has been a the Cornell A The value of the silver fox fur lies in the fact that it not be imitated The color Is- black cessiu farmer and prominent In J cry local enterprise Warden s the silver has always popular mem- K ber of the- County Council- nd w I are A appointed to strike the standing ices foe reduced ft beauUtul sheen which the Messrs A v S to Johnston Nigh Pearson A Children Sixpence said the shopman All right said Pat Roll it up Ill take it a machine needle which a turned or blunted point may be made as good as ever by rubbing it back and forth a few times a whetstone mm 9 THE LEADING Undertaking St Toronto by the Rev Dr John Rebecca to John Hay youngest son of Mr Eli of Toronto and grandson of the late lohnW of Newmarket At ville on Jan Rev Thomas of John Douglas A B of brook to Hannah Eliza beth only daughter of more Councilor of ville 0 S Our Phone No ia 35 TlRK-ilONTlNGTOX- At the Met ropolitan Methodist To- on Tcesday Jan by It W Huntington to Rev Turk both bury I RUGS PURITY AND OUR MOTTO QUALITY You can buy your FornUore Cheap For Gash te UNDERTAKING St THE TOMB CAMPBELLOn Sunday Jan at thb residence of her itfIaw Mr ft- J Dew King Ont Atkinson relict of the late Archibald Camp bell in her year interment at King City Cemetery LONG On Jan Nth at his late re sidence TorontOi- Richard Gilbert Long In his 58th year on via Metro politan Railway oar the Cemetery J Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J W Patterson B MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and Photo NEWMARKET Chocolates Weekly G TELEGRAPH OFFICE Phone 151 I i ii A SPECIALTY Night colls attended to at tea J CLARK At on Jan Samuel his year- recti Ad the Lakeside Toronto on Wednesday the January Mary A formerly of Newmarket in her 88th year on Monday th Jan ttne residence of her daughter in Toronto Phoebe wife late aged V Interred Cemetery Farm for Sale acres of first class clay about acres if Careful Barn has nearly a new roof and spouts and stone foundation- iSl stream and a good hard water pua close Teh acres of new acres hay four acres fall wheat four acres fall a good hardwood and softwood bush and w cedar swam near tt make tails or wood For full OF ONTARI TORONTO

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