Newmarket Era, 31 Jan 1913, p. 4

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fc I j Freed From TltWckLw Always Tired Fed- hams Compo cannot speak too When my ipetiU la poor and hare that weak lan guid tired feeling I get a loof Vegetable Compound and It I builds me up me strength and re stores bio to perfect health again truly blessing to women and cannot peak highly enough of it I take pitas- la recommending It to others ANNIB Cameron Out Women who are suffering from those distressing ilia peculiar to their sex not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Vegetable Compound to restore their health There are probably hundreds of thou perhaps millions of women in the United States who have been benefited by this famous old remedy which was produced from roots and herbs oyer SO years ago by a woman to relieve wo mans suffering If you are sick and need ft medicine why dont you try it If you want special advice 11 rite to Co Lynn Mass Your letter will fee opened read and answered by woman and held in strict confidence i much inclined to filth Ino unadulterated a rand Juryof thU in a sheeting the dietary conditions at tha fall in Toronto- Our lj Join with those the notion that ion at public expense too o trusted at be run as a hotel to enable to enjoy rat of If prisoners to tho Wil at the let them cease committing against law and Order and select their own Officials of he Hovel and the do not take much stock in tho maudlin sentimentality of the Hand Jury In regard to this dietary com plaint As an official of the laj said ate not satisfied with tKe jail there nothing to compel them to go for it food would make the jail a bummers roost This Idea of prisoners to smoke the best to bacco read expensive and on best of while their nod children may be hard At hardly sufficient to will not go down with the inspectors Jail food is good pro vision made tor all the changes diet that is necessary food Is of course provided at tho prison where men work harder To JaU a place or pleas- urablb resort would result in crime quartered prisons anticipate they would enjoy a dietary condition equal to that pro vided at a they iiiake the mistake of their lives i up tnAvcrsity of onto along affnl JHH Ht with Whit- WwmAafcp1rh lie stated flt on week hat ho the result v -uv- would of view Mes latneji MiniM of to mil cell TaVing the division evtp excuse tor ha ea aeod a that too liquidator of society lo- jTirSar who ham lU will or for on Id Io It ran j poor feU8 M Plnoial Control In telephones In was will lt a cow or In H and annual ie With the pur ana been pafd Would not bo fairer before such a bill is passed the list of unriald with latest ddre on on es It Will cow or J strongly by rrPnenUttves free f roni to from an on I o not IvbObib flUr at rout Government last As a dfteivai Hydro is In the -V- uUtte agree with the Hamilton in bo Canada i something toDrRarnarflo of and it tor on Drug Store KleotriG for a ft ah alkttifht lln or luriU anJ il and alrtliU Una hold four iKtagUMW for serrfrn jBTOtf Car ie and Una bright healthy and Children Cure tin o Up Town Ticket Agent Ex b One Quarter Pound of Baking Powder Free To tevsrv on Saturday Next It Emulsion rtcxall Store No No W05 of this and US rhow Worm tint WW a- sexes of children of the old i IT TORONTO ifvv vw Should bo extract ed out out for overt Dent be too hasty and consult us They MAY saved mattiU you lfi9Mtsa WEWvYQR- ADC Wnge lORQNTio Profitable Poultry Aeual yield for our months tret layers Dec J an a record for winter througtr a severe season which is hard to surpass Buy your eggs or hatching a strain of Rhode Island Rods which without a as table fowl and wonderful egg producers tor Oat Helping the Farming Industry TheWAJenkftisMfgCoJ Star prints traits of no less of Supplies and as possible in thebit Provincial Ave A wouldnt J be to have local April- Fools Day a this Tax Reform Local Option Pill IInIUU Nil Roads Abol- bUaI Bar and a lot of issues would the result of special in- The Ontario Government has con- to pay of the cost candidates West End sewer which carries away the sewerage from the asylum for the insane at City to a bill now before or- represented members of I lament presented by lion Mr have a to the as well as Minister of Agriculture the Do- Provincial purse However the City has been moderate in its demands in comparison with City minion propose making a grant of for the purpose of aiding advancing the farming industry a by instruction in Agricul ture including the by veterinary colleges Hew towmtt some the avenues of in- the drinking habit i Please note that use af liquor during working hours by yourself or of the men under you is strictly Ottawa Is making strides towards work carried Assistant Chief Parsons has sent the following LANDS a AND For Sale Ianofi and lots is the following lo calities Western towns cities IRRIGATES and nonirrigated lands this the locations of great dam over a mile ALTASUUmVlSION bow sale Include Ogdeu P oar shop city Sunalto and others CORONATION properties T I CURRENT contemplated agricultural dairying and horticultural schools Developing short courses in agriculture Agricultural teaching in the elementary schools Work by qualified instructors travelling or located Demonstration trains Nature study Domestic science From observations made by the Hon Minister in presenting the bill we understand the respective pro vinces are to spend the grants made It will be observed the proposition of the Government extends the grant over a period of ten years that to say the appropriation is to be one million dollars annually for ten years The Hon Minister stated that the principle of division on a population basis would be adhered to twtnty thousand dollars a year to bo divid ed between such veterinary colleges as grant degrees and come up the required standard had been set- apart Then in addition to this the Govern ment proposed to allot to each Pro vince regardless population the sum of special The actual allocation to each Province as de fined by the bill will give Ontario the present year and with yearly increase it will re ceive by the year 1017 the sum of 336319 Hon Mr In pre senting the measure explained that If in any year any Province is not prepared to use all its grant the un used remainder shall be hold by the Dominion for future use by that Pro vince or until time as it can make a good claim or show good cause Tor such payment Tho scheme works the following allocation Inc P Island 20530 any forbidden Also that no one under the influence of liquor is to be employ on your work Nonobservance the above rules means dismissal Mr to Abolish the is not so far away Intimation is given by the city press that the Provincial Government has now under consideration a pen- A press despatch from Ottawa to Toronto Star saysrlt is cur rently reported here that J A Ellis If Aior West Ottawa and May or the City is most like ly to succeed the late Hon A J as Provincial Treasurer And this despatch comes at a time when North P P was rubbing his spectacles ready to take a look for Premier nod for the position Ottawa seems to want tte whole push Federal and Provincial The Tory Premier of Manitoba got a slap in the face in the House of last week from Mr Oliver A paper having re ported Sir Roblin as hav ing stated that Hon Oliver took whiskey and money along with Ontario crooks and heelers into the constituency of McDonald Mr Oliver in hid place in the Commons said that Mr stated was untrue knowing it to be un- drive across Grand Trunk hi Maple about- j John MeNaUghtrtii pertKis young farmer of Township was struck fthd Instantly Is ommerelal School Of the High killed by the est ARtTBlt IN His body was hurled some distance OANAIM In strong when Up life Was now free Young was marketand n his of the railway track was obstructed by freight the siding to this is that a deep gravel pit TR NORTH Leave 85 1 30 Newmarket ft Oar Toronto better GOING SOUTH Newmarket Toronto PM ioo Browns Nurseries Are famous tor their Apple Plum a ad Cherry trees They best nursery soil la da and are the largest growrs In the Dominion All and are cut by aiau ftnd he has bees In their employ years so no we made by Sue that lias the view The was of sis dollars worth down grade reach- bonds in London a price the tracks before noticed tlwiWr ei8 paying near approach train He tried Per lor money to urge the team across and they A split is threatened in the Hoard succeeded In clearing the rails but Trade this city growing out the wagotb was struck fairly- recent election of It into kindlinz wood result in the organization of a by two or change tacfag tofts was removal to a nearby and fish Another cause a doc arises the tact feffiRSa CO ho nothing death having Hoard blame the Produce been Instantaneous The family were balers with the cost tttllarl Oiun resided at home with his parents Is willing St Pauls at notified the distressing and Duulas Methodist Church- D PMI and the parents were com- will exclwnse Ministers Rev rm prostrated by the news ceased was and Rev A in years ol age and John Mara twentytwo years gffilfSfi extremely in the village and Raymond a district in which he lived arrested Saturday ori charts of mm Pro j shoplifting and the of 14 bags Children FOR FLETCHERS la my itci Co scheme for civil servants It is true The House cheered stited that a bill will pared providing for the retirement of civil servants on reaching the age of The proposition will provido for from the Government employees with generous assistance from the Provincial funds And now the Hon Minister of Hughesis in the limelight Without receiving any no tice for reason of dismissal Harold has got his walking- ticket from being bridgetender for tho on the Trent Canal Also Win Moncriclf bridge- tender on the canal near Lock on Lake Division has received notice dismissal No reason Col Sam Hughes controls the patronage for the County of Victo ria The Col is making hay while tho sun is shining Telegram gives the Borden Government and its Minister of Fi nance a slap in the face over Book Act says The authoriza tion of loans to farmers the restric tion of loans to farmers the restric- from being usad by any foreigner are representative jof the petty trifles with which Hon White has fringed a fabric of a complete surrender to the ideals of tho Hankers Association Notice the observation fringed a fabric that is patronising monetary of the country Yes the Minister of Finance is an adept that line ASK l if I i TOWNS1TK PRO- AND SELliCTKl P i fvV lands in the Provinces of Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta J INFORMATION APPLY l to Agent P it Brunswick Alberta Columbia Manitoba Nova Scotia Saskatchewan Quebec Ontario 17334 MO 51288 L20G A correspondent in the News gives an illustration of What farmers wives in the Western Provinces can accom plish Whether sle resides in or Alberta is oot stated or Alberta is not stated The correspondent says A farm ers wife here raised twentyfive this year which she sold at Thanksgiving time for per pound averaged pounds The same woman has ten cows and told a month ago that she had sold pounds of butter last year She has her family seven or eight in thing in the house and j920aih In K31G 71114 81731 Although a member of the Government Hon team Hughes in a speech on the naval question seems to favor the Nationalists idea of a plobiscide Herd is ex tract I myself- hope that the Per manent policy ho a Canadian navy but I stand where J stood when I voted for the Monk amendment which required the whole question to be submitted to a plebis cite Just now I favor not two three or four Dreadnoughts hut ever is required to meet the demand of the hour Any permanent my opinion should not be entered upon unless by a referendum A Valuable TO BE AWAY of sugar from Scott Bros grocers The Police had a lively race through back yards and over fences before capturing Mara At the West Satur day evening a large crowd witness the opening Sbnior Ontario Bas ketball Association game when the West End beat Hamilton Tigers by to A mannamed John Smith aged 35 Read the following offer years while walking on the T R- To At least twentyfive persons Monday was struck by an making a cash purchase of goods engine and probably A piece of board glanced me to the amount of each will- be given a chance to try their luck at guessing the number ol beans Catalogne Now cular saw on Monday the planing mill of the Lumber Co in jar which will my striving and shop opposite Wilsons Jewelry the right hip To th nearest correct from bright and lapsing will be given Absolutely Free a hysterical condition Mrs beautiful a woman Piece Sillier Plated Tea Set fifteen feet from a window at King street east last Monday night land received a of the right to nearest correct Mrs Coleman had been ill twopiece Carving Set to the next about to retire a Silverplated Salt and Pepper wnen Vas hysteria and to the next five smaller pre- 1 Monday last W McDonald sents I guarantee that the goods while adjusting belt on purchased me will be full valued pulley became overbalanced and for your money- fell 30 feet One arm was fractured We keep in stock a full line now revenge Harry aged secondhand Cook and Heating Monday Vast shot George Stoves SilverPlated Goods ot all dell le Otto was arrested kinds the finest workmanship Beautiful Post Cards of best de signs This Turpentine naphtha beautiful and useful prize don miss j it Start mow get in your Guess be on top and dont forget the place SO brim ot ooJ think vftlutbU tot the ft irar alinf intiojjctiow of mw not for -U- I91l fcbKruUlr or with your Bud fcddrcM Your will if vtstUblt or for Write while Its HUNTER SEED C0- N LONDON CANADA A PROMPTLY SECURED in an countries Ask for TOIVS will sent free MAUIOX A University St Montreal moths It you want to cut hard butter in to squares and find you cannot do it without crumbling old a piece of waxed paper in which the butter was wrapped around the of the knife You can then make a perfectly smooth cut Children dry FOR FLETCHERS Shaws Schools Toronto Canada Central Business College Central Telegraph Railroad School and Four City Business Schools All excellent courses leading good salaried positions Free catalogue on request Write for it H Shaw Preside Head Offices Sts Toronto A press report states that A 1 pastor of First Con- Hamilton is 35117 3G19 A Dominion Parliament DEPARTMENT Newmarket Greenhouses St HOLLY Well Berried per Paper Whites Wc and nice Rod Geranium a In pots and Work Cress Celery fauif Poultry tod fmi ttarguerites Fern Ptlmrc Hon Mr Liberal has notice of a resolution declaring that a Stateowned cable between Canada and the United Kingdom would be Both and in the interest both and MB J Mr Minister ol Ag riculture has presented a bill tor consideration Parliament which provides That It Is expedient to provide that a sum not exceeding bo appropriated and paid out the Consolidated Mind Canada during the period ten years beginning with the year ending Marc or the purpose adding and advancing the Winning industry Instruction In Agricul ture Including tho work carried on by veterinary lr J AUns introduced a bill to amend the Dominion Acivlts principal feature makes It compulsory to abandon the water powers and coal gas mineral end lands sub stituting Tor sale The Agricultural Committee the discussed the question apples The opinion was now the happy owner of a well in A few days ago he em ployed a welldigger to sink a shaft fori water buthad made little pro gress when he detected presence of gas and at feet the gas rush ed forth and when a match was touched a feet high shot in to the air It is said that rock had yet to be struck when the gas ied out The property is on the lake The Dominion Grange at its meet ing last week criUeLsed the manage ment of the Toronto Exhibition out mincing The News states that in the first place the Inhibition is a circus said secondly Cream Separators and Agricultural Imple ments should not be displaced to make room for candy booths and the Duke of Conrmugntr- The discussion along this line was pretty general Mr Burton Port Stanley Mr A and Mr J of Prince Edward County taking leading part shore Why Hesitate As in the days of Moses when on account of the hardness of the pies hearts he granted tbc privilege of divorce so In these days oyer in some of the States of the neighbor ing Republic divorces are granted On very small pretexts A New York State paper having fact In view significantly observes When meeting a woman these days af fixed to her name it is the part of wisdom to learn if present or past tense before inquiring too par- tidilarly about her A has been introduced to the Canadian Commons to authorize the appropriation of due to shaiCioliors in the York County Loan and Savings Society who have not called for their divi dends and to distribute the mobey among the other shareholders Par liament will be stow to such a bill Why rob people of their rights It strives us forcibly that the An Oiler that Involves No Risk for Those who Accept It of the lie We arc so positive our remedy will relieve constipation that we offer to furnish all cost ifit falls Constipation is causal by weakness of the nerved and muscles of the largo or descending colon To ex pect relief you must therefore tone up and strengthen those organs and re store them to healthier activity Wo want you to try Rexall Order lies on our guarantee Tbey are eat- on like candy ai particularly Ideal for children They act directly on the nerves and of bowels have a neutral action on the other organs or glands dp not purge or any ienee whatever rhey act to coma or habitual and the myriads of associate pendent chronic ailments all Orderlies at our risk 10c and The Home Attractive For keeping the folks at home there is no quite like making home attractive For making home attractive there are few things quite so effective as a Gerhard Make vour home a centre of tor kil4res and their friends Music will help perhaps mora jam They- will take sad delight producing any and m may danoe ragtime nytkLije piano player is the great of ti serious parental problem and of- all player pianos the S2HAfiA is vs show you why for complete booklet it will a for deeoriptivs booklet will yeu taken as part C GFRHARn HFINT7MAN limitari NTZMAN A ii v V i OF ONTARIO fv s TORONTO a IMF

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