Newmarket Era, 31 Jan 1913, p. 5

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it DAY JlANUAHY 31 WW v Robertson SW on FIVE 1 c v of the J wilt no Mil lard on the Ufa of Feb I SOLlCtTQH abd Wellington Aurora Ontario with Ontario Homes Limited to public arc cordially v AND COLLECTOR iiwllt House Decorator Methodist Church pastor to a series ftcnrtoii oh which should interesting of the life of the late Mr formerly of Yo St Newmarket appburs ihr Herald at KingaloQ ao i OOF Toronto ro on different from both fnthofr composl and than without or discomfort 25c your MATWiiM a Strong Mart exceedingly to that the Is tyiMon AH free- Good music WATkD Dp at New marmot pm i J introducing fiio Col umbian System Studio the Bank Toronto SATURDAYS AToV in keeping of Newmarket and Ago in we live there auunt as in the ordinary Ontario of twice the size and still the list keeps on growing- We heaV that or tore feceh delivery for tf arid Alderman Pattersci has sold his oar and new Who 1 gia- aii aw Ontario PJHs iUt latiofi the are at ny Oat Ontario Veterinary Collegb 3ALLS ATTENDED Livery phone PHILLIPS on Piano Violin Clari net nod other years experience having solicits a share of pWic patronage Names can be at Mr Office when suitable can he made A Voice and Violin AH Kinds of Musical and PIANO TUNING A to Columbia and Records Stock Prompt Service 500V00 to Lead Oil farms Agents Waited Victoria street Toronto Reformers Attention A of the Of Newmarket- is for- oclock this Friday evening in the Temper ance Hah for the purpose of for and delegates to the Central Committee Meeting on Saturday Mr J of Aurora will ha present and addresses may be expect ed from Liberal workers in Aurora and Let there be a good rally A Cold Duck Last Saturday some young felloes were having a grarhl time tobogganing at the upper end of Parry Lake Finally four would go down at once and they did down When the toboggan reached the edge of thostream it gave a grand bounce and the weight of the four was too much for the ice They all sat down up l their shoul ders in water and was a grand I scramble for terra when they lit a bonfire but nearly froze stiff trying to get dry Montreal musicians Who f be sound and surefoundation of work woman across the hall from which dUtitigulsxted a woman has dearest Utile cook- ani9t and grounded tBJ lores to get Inv now as the only whore sunny whi for training be those to Jet but the went to him trouble is you have the dog and Imported to them a knowledge mistress If you let him which must always lhcin and good no matter it dread bore they may in pursuance An cast a pitying newer Weals lie those at young woftith whose rare musicians a born teacer an ftouh was so dead to what is who exacted much rota lives iht She could be anxious self the studio as the a doet it dents iearninfi his it did not being noted by the seed he bora the who his mistress fruit in many who are Weeks when the able reputations forthciielVes Mr tress tell ill and was taken to the fttraUordDawsooa capacity for hospital the knowledge or pains was Infinite and had he lived be would not have suffered heard afterward sad with the wen brave story of the womans life who are constantly hribgitig fresh J and what she had done and Ififror because such ideas had had borne wondered then that their root la the soil which he J because of little she had Jot of at least be too to bother her She reproached her self then she hail been willing give the kind at tea V so Overstudy and too little thought for physical necessities in his young er days abroad is said to been the cause an ago when bad lie j retained his health should have been at the height of his powers j and tress was more in need of human his retirttnent from musical sympathy arid love more In atterroon last Venetian fololas Wrire in Toronto bay wer for Mr proprietor of at Usually this time of year lay over but on Saturday there was only some ice the enure i months term In Central Prison commit ted suicide by throwing himself well stai the prison lie Was fcilWf The city number of bilcs by One these lined or auto than the limit and bad the to ask the corpotatiofi to pay the but skid No I last Friday mocnirip a man named Abraham a lob- tie of milk doorstep on Street and before the hour rWfcii he Was ordered to Jail tor days IS the otdef of the day and ay llio train to Hallway to passed through the city The train nod ft tor the Consisting autoiiiObltea wOtlh almost a dpilars The Northern sent a of to the National lot the Wfig alciiiorlai fund On Saturday last Mas Hall Saturday a tltoroughly Toronto audUiur MARKET HARDWARE STORE OUR LIGHT FIXTURES i- Yoii Can Save Money fay Buying From Us tioiis merely to a dog and closed her heart to that the dogs ties years ago was the occasion of a general which is still felt in the musical world The late Stratford Dawson was raided on the old received cation at ceased had been in failing health for two years and left toe Kingston in September last aye and more able to appreciate it douot underrate that propensi ty that should he every soul to be to the animals hut Aim 1 Full Line of Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc A W ALLAN COMPANY NEW A R E T For Burns- i i lasoet 1- MARfUAOB LICENSES Office Oflloe IraW at private Clubbing Rates Era and Weekly Globe Era and Daily Globe Era and Weekly Mail Era and Canadian Home Jour nal V Era and Toronto Daily Star Era and Toronto Daily News Era and Toronto Era and Montreal Star Era and Canadian Poultry tfl J Stops Tain at Once v t I Al Dp sJ Boyd QHkduaU In medicine Toronto also Licentiate the College Physicians and mem ber the Hoy College of Surgeons of Former clinical in laoortelda Eye and lni- College Ear Nose lliioat London England Cor Main and Timothy Sis Telephone t Furnace Work Plumbing or 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS Two Days Course Mr J of the Dopt Agriculture at Newmarket has arranged for a twodays course in Apple at Agricultural Office opposite Market New- on Tuesday Wednesday Feb and Meetings will com mence at a and p day Mr Kidd of the Fruit Drench of Ag Oat will lo in charge The course is entirely free for any body Money In Chickens people say that keeping docs not pay town where one has to all the feed but Mr Oli ver Wright evidently knows how to make them pay well On Saturday ho got an order from Mr of Port Wayne Indiana tor and two Pullets for which he received the- sum of A time ago Mr Wright sold this same man three birds for and ho was so well pleased with them that he sent the second order Newmarket is its name up for poultry This is the verdict of ail who have tried XamHuk The woman in the home knows best its valuer A burn from the stove from a or a hot pan is instantly soothed by When the little ones and cut or scratch themselves stops the pain and incidentally their crying- The best proof ot this is the fact that children who have one had applied come for it again For more serious burns too it is unequalled Mr John of Marks street Fort Wil liam a moulder in Foundry says time ago I top of my foot was taken home and ZamBuk was applied to the directly was surprising what re lief this balm afforded The bum was missing math of the richness of life J is easy to squander blandish ments on the dog or Cat that can dismissed at pleasure when we aib tired of it and whose costs us nothing easier perhaps than on the human stinger who may say something that grates upon feel ings or who inadvertently takes more of our time that we have to spare and not he so easily dismissed but the little sacrifice entailed in the higher choice is sure to bring its own ward NEGLECT To cleanse system undigested food foul gases excess bile the liver and waste matter in the bowels will impair your health The- best system regulator Is FIG PILLS At all dealers ami cents or The Fig Pill Co St Thoioas it INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS BY DRINK IN- How to guard against waste of life so deep and that It requir- land limb in modem industry isavfcry special attention but present problem to the employer prevented other complications arising was daily applied and as it the pains and allayed the In the course of two weeks the hole burned in my foot had been quite healed Mr D Gibson of Belleville writes have tried of ten on cuts and sores and 1 think there is nothing that can equal it amHuk also be found a cure for sores chapped hands frost bite ulcers bloodpoison vari cose sores piles scalp sores ring worm patches- babies eruptions and chapped places and skin diseases generally All druggists and stores sell at box or post sea the reception which his great achievement deserved The audience followed with keen attention the account of his successful expedition to the South Pole On the precise of their first religious service years ago members of St Peters- Church last the founding of parish While- at work oh the new building ot the Harris Aubatoir St Clair Ave Harry Rice painfully in jured An iron fell and struck his ankle causing a Compound The annual convention of the Onta rio Branch of- the Dominion Alliance will be held in Hall Febru ary and Single fares on all the railways leading into Toronto good to return to March 3rd Delegates should be appointed without delay Last Friday evening Mr Mae- lean P delivered an address be fore the University Literary and Sci entific Society during the course his remarks he deplored that- the University had not played a more promiment part in the politics of tho country He also gave Premier Whit ney the following rub It Is ab surd to think that the municipal law Morrisburg the home ol Sir Whitney which law was framed sev enty years should apply to the city of Toronto now District No J of Curling Clubs are playing this week for the District Cup There are sixteen Clubs in the district viz Queen City Granites Aberdeens High Park ToroutosThbrnhifl Brampton f Richmond Hill Newmarket Swansea Stouffville and John Williams aged a well- known character about St Lawrence Market had a narrow escape from drowning in the Dob- He was walk- ling along the banks near the P Station when he suddenly fell in Another man was run down while attempting to cross the railway Our January Sale WINTERGOODSi must be Cleared Out Toronto Jobbing Bouse NEWMARKET J TUB SHOE OF QUALITY WRIGHT employee is equally concerned in avoiding accident through his own or soma one elses carelessness A new illustrated book Safe guards for the Prevention of Indus trial Accidents edited by SiVid Van emphasizes the fact that at the foot of York tends to make a workman care- threo or four ribs broken and less and therefore liable to bring recover to himself or to his fellow- workmen Even a man who is ordinarily most careful is apt to become heed less when under the influence of an intoxicant- and the habitually care less man Is often made positively reckless goes without saying that the free from Co ol during working price hours should positively be prohibited SAYINGS The home Mr Wm Crawford Hie rear of St was made vfery sorrowful on Friday evening last Shortly after giving bfrth to triplets for the third time since her marriage a little over years ago she passed away and two of her babes Mrs Crawford was the wife a sectionman the Metropolitan Railway The babes were buried with their mother at Richmond Hill The ji OSBORNE SONS Next to Smiths NEWMARKET Marble Works I LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering GEO Ash Wednesday Next Wednesday will be Ash Wed nesdaythe beginning of Lent a last of forty days and ending with fast er observed in the Christian Church in commemoration of the forty days fast of Christ Dictionary of Dates tells us that the primitive Christian did not commence Lent un til the Sunday now called the first Sunday i tent Pope Felix MI in A I 1ST added the tour days preceding the old Lent to complete the number of fasting days to forty Gregory the Great Intro duped the sprinkling of ashes on the first of the four additional days and hence name of Dies Cinerum or Ash Wednesday At the Teacher Now Minnie what comes after but regulation can properly go J remaining child is a boy and in all further than this man should be probability will live In addition to allowed to go to work when he j lnro0 triplets Mrs Crawford pears to bo even slightly under the in- i twice gave birth to twins and to a luence of liquor and it is advisable 1 single child once but all the Minnie learning the alphahct know cumber Stranger How does it happen that- your name is Smith and your moth- is Small Hoy Why she married and I didnt not to employ or continue in employ ment men who ore known to he steady and hard drinkers The regif- children only lour survive the city on Sunday last pulpiis Methodist Churches Wed being a show mere shadow or a vain bolter he good said one of the twins Why asked the other Cause I heard the doctor tell ma ma to take plenty of exercise the reply queried the teacher of physiology bow many ribs have dont maam giggled tho little follow see Im so awfully ticklish I never could count them- loth his liability to cause ac cident and his The lentific Temperance Federation For Solid Leather Boots Shoes WRIGHTS SHOE STORI NEWMARKETS EXCLUSIVE SHOE DEALER I 4 Si ft ii f THAT LITTLE GIRL yours she soon hair done up and too ne bo outgrowing hot havent had since she was In dresses You dont exactly want to keep her as it but you do want to keep the memory Post Phone in our Sleighs on Sidewalks I During the close of last week and for a couple of days this week the weather was on Mon day we bad snowstorm As a re sult- the beautiful got pack ed on street pavements by pedestri ans Since small boys been making good use of all sidewalks in sleighriding Every body to see children enjoy but some of them are indis creet and act as If they had a mo nopoly of the pavements Some very narrow escapes from broken limbs have occurred on several streets- The authorities would be gravely censur ed if- a lady or gentleman were call ed to suffer a broken limb from this cause and or the corpora tion be called- upon to liquidate very heavy damages There Is no use in passing bylaws for the good govern ment if town and the cWtts unless the bylaws are There htis growing this HOW OLD ARE YOU BY YOUR HAIR Capt for years a lake is dead at Goderich is now the only wet spot in West Huron Bless the nun says the Smith- Kails News who is reasonably -un- easy so long as he owes a dollar To prevent bed sores brush over the a mixture of raw ess white and alum powder I may he 30 years but if you are or gray you cannot prevent people you are years older is- the root of all hair It tt not for tho dostructijre working with a persistency worthy better there would be PARISIAN Sage Canadas greatest hair restorer will keep you looking young and attractive a It guaranteed by i Patter- eon to make hair grow stop it foiling to cure l two to stop almost instantly Sage is PARISIAN vigorating hair dressing made it soft in slackness I along hhlsjJipgVor some use of intoxicants in any consid- by laymen who deliv erable quantity is bound in lime to addresses en of the make workman undbsirable as re- missions in Canada and lauds under the auspices of the nary Movement A coroners jury reached the con clusion that dancing coupled with a weakened heart caused the death of James last week Toronto Council of Women Will ask Provincial Legislature to Rive the franchise to married women who own property at civic elections In the Police Court last week Louis Siogal and Si were com mitted for trial on a charge bur glarizing two fur stores from which worth of furs were stolen Toronto is to have largest apartment house in the world I will contain about rooms Mr Donald Customs In spector was fatally injured by a train on Friday last at the foot of Yonge St J is tried on the Street car Rev Canon Williams aged years passed away at the rectory Port land Street on the ot January Two men were heavily fined on Fri day last for severely beating their Students of WycJWe College enter tained friends the annual ne last Friday at tle college and the event was a huge success- V- Noiess- than mengot n tree Yonge Street Mis sionroom on Sunday The Hockey Season is Her State of Ohio City of Toledo Lucas County Frank J Cheney makes oath that be Is senior partner of flrra of J Cheney Co doing business in City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED LARS for each and every case ot Catarrh that cahnot be cured by the use Halls Catarrh Cure FRANK Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this day of De cember Notary Public Catarrh Cure Is taken on he blood surfaces the When Buying Hockey Boots be sure and Our Line of McPhersons Lightning Hitch f v We also carry a Complete Dress Sboee and StreH for Men who care will tad Skoes yon want the Moss Measure Value you Bought Your Money i A- MsMi Jffffil ffSS TORONTO em

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