Newmarket Era, 31 Jan 1913, p. 6

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5 V- name egg m l a six ERA FRIDAY JANUARY IP J Si i I a JOHN YATES SUTTON 1 MOUNT ALBERT meeting The annual of the Mount Albert Tckphon in their Hoard Room usual business and the following elected a Vol directors Jot Tftos- lloden fiftd Amos Lapp Love Milton John Moorrriead Byron Stiver Altll Truths from North inilllmbdrv Well Weill doe beat mo how aggravated some people do get over my writing but sop have In a sort I will ntt outdone rums put Conceit in head Inever lised to be stubborn Ml you how was over our thresh ing test tall I guess the threshing manager was bis be told that he not get cehb- wood for him would quit so Sot itii that would wot set on thresher Is at tor him before tor says to that tint or they up there aajrVay and one old partridge particular stood by me as ho bad been promised a Job or like so I made bis my HourWi the he snow awful deep but reliefs that went Wmtin deer fth tlut tor tie had never our trip the file where in trouble sooiethla la i that some v I is very good outer at times but lie mix the S Jaws last they and lonipiet the auspices of ini Thursday evening last week was a success avVry respctl The- who attended Was tar In excess what was attentively waited on and were well pleased with liberal and ret tituW to bo congratulate v te I the i Well says t SamaBtha says he 1 says Allan tin stop VOUl I UllWS that you was the Mrs Mcfordiek that f llill on Mr Ketch and Miss KiwIqA lit eity bo -1- Mr Wa ready to turn Ibo wheel Mr 1 ttKlle a Very row rurinlnfi the engine n while It is on the again la this placer Our J Agent has feond to Sunday where the feats dote on Ha lia Mrs her- ami lady took the epnyr A rtMn Point a bice cutter by home Hill Mr J Miller was laid work for a week with a bad cold Mr PCritfendeA spebt Sunday worn circled Tuesday at the lloo fOhrj 111 Tate ft3 TO KEEP YOUTH and beauty to prevent crows feet and deep black circles under the nothing is good as FAVORITE a Miss uasgra is to out again Gee out agent Is the suiter I ever with- Yum ve a bag last have a change of in North am u say you do not to were rain tanuu v m by Mrs work SOing to Hill to wort the should lng was for the coming months same Rev It White was present and down lie goes and sees a feller have I wandered in our present And says to me if it were not says thai he von Mrs was elected ver anil even a branch fell says The the KEAUI Society electa for 1013 The MJ 1st VieePres 2nd Sydney A T Wait Hill John Silas FA Rich J Moore AV Smith Smith time went gave as a watchword A Dry York and says to him says he It was decided to send a speaker Mrs think you remember says tether feller Josiah hold arouse a to it butter I for this in the well try says the cause So feuupon tie trail cv A at dust PERSONAL i Mm to the stable to see the Mrs Swaini was something and then he starts at the of Jos his confidential and re- Swain in town last week minds his lordship of his promise D Terry few Whereupoa it is admitted hut to j make matters more secure Josiah he says roth- Seehere your lordship you may break your word and so we want a Mr AG who has been proof that wont are on the wood I Owing condliioh of roads firendir a few weeks at the home So he sots some paper out the sleighii party which parents in town returned to of his Docket ana writes up vr Pennant on Sunday meat that his will Hs Almanac Look for Mr Mrs of Or- tor the contest and then he holds ijfiJ Alia wer visitors at the the lantern aIK shows it to his wor- I home Mr Daniel Grove- jP- for man ami Mr A Brooks Well his worship hardly realizes days with friends in Toronto Win Sloan of spent his Mr Sloan of a Tew at the- hoi Mr W- Sloan III But all the venison be brought home partrie and a BALDWIN wjse ones have got their next Directors have decided to hold on the and Oo The branch of the Wo mens Institute will hold their reg ular monthly meeting on Feb at 3 oclock Mrs A J Milne and Airs will papers oh The of House Plants All members are re quested to be present years- fuel supply safe homo the wise will be logging and tuning V the blizzards and March at Sunday I notice the Munroes Gum Swamp n la the the beast If you are caught napping kick youre to blame is visiting relatives in town I what hes ami puts his name Mr Ramsdcn reeve East to it and tother teller Gwillimbirv is attending the meet- writes theirs down too as witnesses of the County Council to this week 1 in Torou- Then washappv when had that instrument hands ISO when lection came around and trustworthy tie is not like a ay up in Wellington who the Hub with a car load his lordship was run stcck A says to his committee handsome sum of Lite all the have got him now when those Wo the undersigned hereby papers get in the electors hands A Card teed to sell a package oi live standard size boxes Silver Tip Silent Match- as for twenty cents Quality if rose TRY SOLACE AT OUR EXPENSE MoncvBauK for any Case of RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA OR HEADACHE THAT SOLACE j KAILS TO REMOVE So off they sent the the printer and got a slew of them that they sends oft to the electors But guess the electors were not childish enough to bother with such trivali- W blow out cent ot that wad of ssoo the threshold of the Pat Hero he was entertained was ar ranged to go to Bradford last Wed nesday been- indefinitely postponed Good ice and Vvely music the Sanderson Orchestra made it a very entertaining for thoso who to the rink last The Orchestra will be in every Saturday night during the sea son The funeral of late Gilbert Long took place after noon Mr formerly owned the farm now occupied by Thos Millar on Union Street lie has ro- in Toronto steps crossed Ver enjoyable evening was spent vc Presbyterian Halt Friday Hcs and Managers met to Hannah Suitor to moni Laura Amelia- 16 Mr Frederick BC marriage 10 take early In wore at and week re The re Mr the of North and south York- Mr ptarsonarnt era meetings held at the Council SOU the has sold his to Me Bert Mr not had tho best of health since he entered store- thus the change- Mr Well known by all of and is a young man of energy and ability and make good wish him NEARLY COMPLETED work on the Sutton the workhaving been finished and the work of is going on fast The approaches have to be put In place yet and thea we expect trat- be resumed again over the short route A grand concert under the the Methodist will be given in the town hall Sut ton on Friday evening Jan Miss Violet read er and Miss solo ist Toronto have been secured to giro the program This will be a treat of the season Do not fall to hear them Admission 5c All rush seats AGRICULTURAL The annual meeting of the Sut ton Agricultural Society held in Sutton on Friday afternoon last and in addition to ether minor business the following officers were elected Cronsberry 1st A E 2nd Stohehouso 0 J Silver Directors J Kay Lake Culverwell J Give It A fair trial for banishing those distressing pains or drain on one of Dr guUtts all womanly function It eradicates and destroys Female Complslnts and that make women and before their time girl oeda It before womanhood Ersry mother needs It It la an tonic for female AH rmsdldna dealers have sold it with to the past years It Is now obtainable In liquid or form stamps for trial to V Pierce Buffalo uU lTterte THE DOMINION BANK A General paid up He i jr Fond Total AIMU t Influence of a Savings Account When you take in a faw a few hundreds deposit at one In a Dominion Bank Savings Account and aw li out as you heed It It Is far to save If you do for money in the Bank dots not slip sway like money In your pocket or at home It earning Interest all time MOUNT ALBftT BRANCH D TERRY Manager M Clark Equal quantities of tincture of tea Resisted Bobbers are far complexion Jan WMousntts a of most daring bank- robbery in Carlsbad water during tory of this city was pulled oil dressfr halfpast twelve this rirnng the I most thicklypoputated pari of thai city Two unknown men carrying a coil of- rope entered the Bank of Nova Scotia and at the Point of gun demanded of he person in the building named Clare West that he throw up his I hands West refused to comply and a des perate struggle ensued while late pe destrians passed by unaware Scott Sherman and John- what was going on inside the banv Eventually the robbers managed to bind proceeded to the outer which they rifled of a hundred dollars JVhila they were continuing the search West rnanased to secure his GWDavidson ESTATE MT ALBERT BALL The members of the Laura Se cord Chapter Daughters of the Empire are holding their second annual masquerade Ball on Tues- FOR SALE Come Albert and see very desirable houses have for sale and also the hustling town we have here Locate here and enjoy the facilities not found except in much larger places Large Cottage and acre J Large Double House and of an acre and a vote now and re- ties as it did not alter will quit lection tola late some more Well last Tall says to me says be Hi believe nee J ducats lavish style rafie for the Annual Oyster Supper putting up ten dollars as prize for J After settling that- matter a good attendance Is anticipated they made heir escape Everybody will be made welcome through the rear wmle those in is requested that many outside who heard the shots were as possible come in costume the damsel who could kick highest etc When his finances were gone he sadder butt a wiser man the lady supervisors very Kindly saying Call again A bloody fool noted 0 note e SOLACE REMEDY is a discovery oi three German that dissolves Uric Acid Crystals and Purities the It is easy to take and will not tho weakest stomach It is guaranteed the Pure Food and Law to be absolute- ly free from opiates or harmful drugs ivany description SOLACE is a pure specific in every ay and has been proved beyond all to be surest and remedy for Uric Acid Troubles to medical science no matter long standing It reaches and moves the root of the trouble Acid and purifies the blood THE SOLACE CO Battle are the sole S Agents ami of voluntary has restored to health Testimonial fetters and FREE BOX sent upon request Lee Morris President of the National Bank of Texas Solace Company as fol- lows SJ you to send a box of So to my father in Memphis Tenn or which I enclose This remedy ias beep used by soma friends of 4vJ here and I must say Its action wonderful Signed ft Morris Put up In 35c and SI boxes Its mighty fine to be well and you can soon be so by taking olace No Special Treatment Schemes or Fees- Just Solace Alone does the Write for free box etc REMEDY CO Battle PA Mich- tor a rest for a while ami I as Thomas Jefferson is quite big shaver would say enough with the aid the others i Tomlinsons plans to manage the and as pairing the mill wheel meet with Ann can come home from College may approval as it means stability night star with you that I takes place on Feb nth and sandwiches were served followed by a very pleasant hour spent in games etc Let us have more of such even ings We are glad to WHIPPED We understand that a certain them farmer from North Police were soorf en spot and- became a trifle officious and was j made a hurried search but no trace treated to a neat whipping With could be found the men West was a horse whip by a couple of boys used up by the loss of blood House and- acre House good and two Lots unable to get in the front door house good which the robbers had locked after- and three Lots Bonn a run up to OaiaV letters which have been OTeVi from grateful people SOLACE i EH PECO ALBERT in all Kinds of Wood A Steel and Cast Ranges Peter Hamiltoa Farm Engines all made by Steapley will take Oh Allan says I you may get shot and anyway you could not shoot deer but be was so sot on it that I could not resist- his wish So for nearly a month we were busy a cook in up stud patch in up his close while loaded the cartridges all day long and went to his club at night where they told stories and fish yarns till all hours Sometimes they talked horse tor a change especially race horses but is horse Cows and calves are more in his line But- you see when Josiah cant talk of cattle or lection be is done un less he reverts to some old fish story of twenty years ago or some horse race of long ago But I like some thing original chestnuts are out of season Well anyway I must finish down at the Lake Shore A case and the boys were up for report Mrs on Saturday but the better than M the ease Iirge Brick Dwelling franc Stable and acre Large House rooms Barn suitable far livery all practically new has sold his far in to Mr P Tri- ii it has disposed of his business Hurley St A number from here took in the Convention at Mount Albert The not as large as was expected Mr aud Mrs A Wright gave a very enjoyable dinner at their home Grand View on Tuesday evening and efficiency He has arranged to have spiles driven to foun dation for very heavy wall And I da t ion for a very stingy of stone which weaken wall May fortune smile on Franks efforts this time Itve noticed I couldnt help doing tendance was so that Tommy is a very helpful neighbor in time Frank can statement XftZr About preset Chafe alS ot A nonsense now ami then Is relished by the wisest men On the contrary as a rule It is like dank poison to a fool remarks on kissing as OIV trials of Queens- plied to a man small statute This- Was only some personal remin iscences though I did not say so at time Now it was just a some sue was last week and trust the improve- were up again for meat may continue trial Activity in Heal Estate and s circles continue Mr FlaniI He is nowresting easy at the Large Brick Dwelling large laL Stable and two Lots No trace of- the robbers has Large Brick Dwelling been secured w acre also small Program for the League sum ins to u Newmarket amiMr J Around the W0rll Ncwmaraei aim The Two Sobs Matt Speaker Vera Smith One Jan day last week our burg was Stable shop Most of places almost any terns be arranged Be sure to see the above before you locate C DAVIDSON Box 30 Mount Albert Phone Canadian Pacific Empresses of and Asia- an world cruise alUmder the of The Independent Fire Insurance Co with its con- SneakerPearl Cain Animals fotir who highly by the visit of very wise men from the East eamb down upon us in all the about Josiah- 116 fixed up at all his shot and when one shoots at packed night Alter into the bush he dont much and the youngsters good- expect to hit anything So when I bye he leaves for the wilds my random shot I was awfully When he up there a day hear a yelping Id hit or so wrote thai he was I guess there must have a good time and not to look for him till 11k season was over been some kissin sub rosa and pos sibly schoolgirl flirtation Youth- Well it did make mo feel kind of Passions are warm Real Romeo lonesomollke for as the poet says and Juliet luck the cX cheap being north bait Thores gdd luck at a Theres little pleasure in the house When my mans Awa But Just as I was of my louliness in walks only or five days Say but ho woe pleased to lonesome and homesick that ho had to como back So says I Josiah where is your game Its says he kind of glum like Did you bring veiuson says I No says he got sou part- IS Oh well says I are v but why didnt you bring some fcfv explain It to you see went away in such a harry that to take any ere me and Of Tio baza saw is buzzing Rev P Fletcher preach in tho Christian win on Sunday afternoon Feb 2nd at oclock Jack star out to pur ify the moral atmosphere of the me tropolis Physician heal thyself Observe- some of Jacks utterances smack of the vulgar boy he djdnt mean to Week a bumper budget us ve- Poor mortals loLQueel villo that they are very wisest of the wise and are in the seats of the Their dignity was such that weight of their Wisdom appeared to stick out In what one oT our small boys said was They came to reason with us that- the one of those gentlemen know with its big priuits was the very best ever- and that we should be very grateful to have it as it was as it might be even worse They were very plausible and could afford ta be for they to keep the goose which lays the golden eggs not tell us sub- yearly rent- Is profit to central here for switching and the remainder for a pair of batteries and other incidentals Every th that is bad is the fault of else not the Company the powers which seem to make it their business to know nothing of the trouble and no dohbt they dont for what does any one those tine gentlemen know- about the phone business They are chasing the- dollars too hard to see their own faults They rely on the reports of- incompetent work men who seem to have- only one aim a However they did no Id- lhat SS of per cent Prof Dales will preach in the Sunday afternoon Feb tad at Christian Church Cnion Street on oclock r An unusual opportunity for around fas Canadian P sequent standard ct service is offered with the advent of the great now quadruple screw turbine engine steam ships Empress Russia and Empress of Asia The Empress of Russia will sail from Liverpool April aril will calf at Gibraltar April th April Port Said April and will proceed via Suez Colombo Singapore Hong Kong Shanghai Kobe Yokohama and ar rive at Vancouver Saturday June From Vancouver to Toronto passengers may travel Via Canadian Paoific main line or Crows Nest Pass line and may also travel from Fort William or via Great Lakes to Port Vossol remains lc days at Hong Kong The most direct conuecUon to make for the sailing from Liverpool April 1st is via Empress of Britain from St John B March 1913 The rate for the entire cruise Is exclusive maintenance be tween arrival time In England and de parture the Empress of Russia arid over at Hong Kong The Empress of Asia will sail from Liverpool June 18 particulars of trip will be announced later For Information apply to Canadian Pacific Agents or write Murphy District Agent Toronto Reader Russell Bus- J Japan What arc Jo its Evangelization Psalm Jt Speaker Doris Stephens Reader Max We Represent The Royal Fire Insurance Co The Merchants Fire Co IS ReaderWillie Hill Philanthrcphy as Science- Isaiah Speaker Bertha Scott ReaderWalter Wright I Co of Canada Issuer of Marriage Licenses Done J A McFARLAND r and pans with GOLD DUST Germs of decay accfetoulate on oftused pots and pans and ordinary soap and water only clean off the surface 0n Monday night when Mr Walter Stewart pushed the Iron rod on the door of the the girt M ik time We would Above to fastee he received an 5i ftsSLSTMa iconic tliat threw him to the advise the Independent Phone Com to plant by competent who their business Hurt- and us the service we before it is tJto- late This and have it will w Kindly he i afterwards Mr Also received a severe to bolt the owing to the also of wire which curreat was to the Gold Dust does the Work and does it right It digs deep after cleans like a new whistle and leaves your pots and pans as new as the day they were new and sanitarily safe Gold Dust does this work in just half the required soap or any otlier cleanser Does it better too Gold Dust cleans every thing like magic Gold Dust is sold in size and large pack ages The Luge package means v I DUST TWINS CHIVES OF ONTARIO

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