Newmarket Era, 31 Jan 1913, p. 7

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s liQeal eh PSitWii WHS r would Ik bo i to tho or Oils the entire by a member f the lion IT Christian Church The choir cm Notes The be the W in It had good A Special but will at A Hart been P public that more our SSJJ would been A Trunk last Monday I W to trw ThO Loyl Temperance lafcur will ltAjfi tor useltta in so in any for ftrnii and The I this big for the A A A Special Line of Booths ltaa in White and 97 Pieces for lit hold their regular semimonthly treat on Monday ird at LI in schoolroom of inn will confer a great favor lo Committee by seeing thai each boy A Society held ins and Instructive Jay evening a mo nice subject The People spent and attendance A Mn on Sunday Jan AtO in tin TeinperamecaXiso which was by of l I w ftunato tb to on feW of at of Vory la Quality Style You see a set In our A SMITH direct of Staple for ilk child labor And 4ustrial and 11 then on Social Service in rural hit the- most serious orvlce iur rleiilturo The farmer faun be kept so l it will give best results supply some outlet for energies of the in this way they be farm Rural communities enough community spirit but are too There China Hall Grocery flWtihUttkOtUw London slave if lVH iV id who plays here WWay i Mrs at be Worlds to ol life was yu organlbi Of put TO and progfan was Ma su6dn when WIml to tatty is the orB it i Will It or iadtre Mr ffij- wh0 I inclRicil ate held spoil- Methodist as would at an is often supplied by the rural We have Blend of fiivos15Ure whenever tried China Halt Brand Coffee per I from make it really worth while- bond is Not less interesting was a talk given by Mrs Social Ser vice in large cities The fact that this talk was almost entirely on ground by Mrs Borland to Winnipeg and facts THY A SAMPLK LB AT AND BE CONVINCED i St Andrews Church There was nearly double the usual number in attendance at the Thursday Jan i3rd The pastor let the meeting anil Buy Our Bulk Teas Their Fresh- as a the offerings of Cain Flavor Abel as in Genesis He Black Teas at the following prices over to his attentive hearers J5C 30o and per or the offerings that all Chris- Mixed Black and Green can give the Lord in domestic aid per lb ft Japan Teas 30 1 9 L BOSWORTH The Leading- A Unanimous call was sounding in real or should bo a bond of union in the ex AP Addison to ftusslan by ftebenstein He believe I his the Pastor for the next term subject wherein the tfcailstio sou to the jules of Conference ling struggling troops are so life- The reguaUon Newton as like that critic accused Mr organist and choir was of a of wjth Regret and the Secretary with him to make the sound of tramp- was instructed to advertise for a Ji5 behind the organ lovers successor Tho Choir Us when they hear authorized to prepare artist his classical for Mr Newton who has fill- selections by the reat from the with the utmost sat- Bach and Wagner to Sir- Edward El- of the Board By request Mr Jackson who one of Englands foremost composers has- acted as Secretary pf the Joint To the Coronation with Boards ever since its organization the leautlful Cathedral Chimes which was relieved the duties trans- Mr carries with him and to Mr justs to the organ is toimagtaB As the church is using the self inside Westminster Abbey at System of Finance a single men- historic moment the crowning of of money nasi been made from King George V The same program the pulpit since thelfirst of May last will be given which has delighted in order might averaging five to tea thousand understand how the expenses are met people in such auditoriums as Mr Chairman of the and Crystal Palace or name Committee was requested to the Auditorium Angeles ox Te explain the system some Sunday Tabernacle Salt City Social even business life and perl The midweek meeting of this jday is omitted to give any who wish an opportunity to the in Aurora On morning the pastor chose as his subject will lift up mine eyes to Lord for i whence help In a verv able and impressive ad- UptOUfllO I dress he pointed out to his large and Phone Prompt Delivery CORNER OF Main Timothy Streets morning in the near future The Pastor announced In is not surprising that thero is a very great demand for tickets The ture in order to avoid the list of art- is so great that those who from the pulpit a buy their tickets early may Bulletin would be issued and the greatest treat In years Hockey skaters all over Canada wear Lightning Hitch Hockey Shoes because they give most satisfaction and sirvifce The Lightning is buckled up in a second and after the shoe is laced on the foot the inside ankle support may Be ad justed to the ankle without Unlacing the shoe The large eyelets make it easy to lace the shoes in less than two minutes James Whimster Go The Men Main St West re- years she much Aurora Church Itotamates to give many tacts -j- connection with her days a school in the State of her birth gram which was greatly appreciated the many ways and opportunities of aid from the Lord The choir sang the anthemr ye the Lord Mr A Eves rendered the difficult ten or solo and obligate in a very presslve style In the evening the church was crowded to its capacity The appro priate text from Colossians was a fatherly advice as to how each and every Christian may sing to the Lord The pastor took occasion during bis sermon to hand over a very en couraging compliment to the choir While some the congregation may I have been disappointed by of the boy they were satisfied atter the choir had rendered the cantata Penitence Pardon and Each member of the choir had thrown heart and ef fort into the singing and the hearers were satisfied with the result MUSICAL COMEDY In Town Hall next Monday Evening California Mexico Florida AND THE Sunny South Grand Trunk Railway is the lost direct route from all points east through Canada via De troit or Buffalo Only Double Track Route trip tourist tickets giving jConservaytorj choice of all the beet routes banner and expression with full information may be ob tained from any Grand Trunk Agent City and Ticket Agent Phono I 1 A DUFF Union Station Toronto nearest Trunk Agent for all particulars tickets etc Depot Agent Phone J It BROUGHTON Phone I Agent NOTICE J Having installed a Skate Grimier am prepared to Sharpen Skates Scissors Knives file and sot Saws and sharpen all kinds of tools Wood- turn and light ripping HILTS DArcySt 4 Doors West of Public Library Tenders Wanted Sealed Tendors will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday Feb 1913 tor the purchase and ttoyal the Frame Stable and on property of Public chool Boards formerly owned by J Reilly K ROBERTSON Seoy A MBAK TRICK 1 Wo for the and groom To start their trip there was enough in the house To sink a ship fellow held a trusty shoe back And there were ribbons pink and blue Upon the back bride and Rroom To our dismay mention should I made of the singing of the tenor solos by Mr A Eves the baritone solos by Mr Cane and the soprano solos by Miss of the Toronto Her style each of the three parts to the cantata being faultless The success of the Sun day evening sinning reliects credit Miss organist In the contest for new members the Young Peoples Association the Hues and Reds the latter won and the consequences was the Blues were required to provide a The membership of the So ciety was increased from a small handful to about The Banquet was announced Tuesday evening last the which the losing side had very appropriately de corated for the occasion The young ladies spared no pains provide a feast of tilings which was fol lowed by a toast list presided over ly Mr Cross President of Guild in a very efficient manner King was proposed by Mr A- and all responded by sing Ing tho Rational anthem Following the individuals who responded to the several toasts The Church Dr Boyd and Rev Thomas Guild Miss Hardy and Mr Marshall The Reds Messrs 1 Bingham and Wesley The Blues Miss Thomas an Miss Ross The ladles Messrs and I Richards Tho speaking was interspersed with violin by Mr vo cal solos by Mr Kennel recitations by Mr Edwards duet by Messrs Eves and organ selection by Mr Aubrey Atfcut attended tho Banquet and all admitted that it was a most en joyable affair Too much earn not be given the for the ex cellent arrangement throughout Next Sunday is Young Peoples Day under directloniOftheSynod It will ACT Julia the haughty bene of is as proud as she- is beautiful All the sailor lads are hopelessly in love with her but she scorns them all On the eve the departure of the Bounding Billow for a years voyage Barnabas Lee a wandering artist comes to town and falls in lova Julia who returns his The sailor lads driven to despair by their rivals success plan to kidnap Barnabas stow him aboard the Bounding Billow and carry him to sea They ate successful in their scheme and the townsfolk returning from seeing the ship sail announce to Julia that Barnabas was on board her In the meantime Nance a gentle damsel is loved by Joe Stout Joe is bashful as he is honest and fearing a repulse he induces Bill Salt to propose to Nance jn his name Bill promises to perform the task but unfortunately he meets Julia first and thinking her the object ol Joes afleoUons delivers the bashful suitors message her Julia is a great believer in the old saying One In hand is better far than two that in the bushes are She tells Bill lo bid his friend try his luck a year Bill delighted supposed success seeks Jo and Informs him of the result only to learn of the sad mistake lie has made The whistle pounds from the ship All Aboard and poor Joe is obliged to sail without seeing his sweetheart Nance Julia tells Nonce of Joes lovb for Iter and Nance is heartbroken The Barnstapoole girls having qua relied with the sailors pretend in difference at their departure act Takes place one year townsfolk are waiting on the quay for the return of the Rounding Billow The girls meeting a party of artists down from town for the day take mali cious pleasure in going to welcome tha Hounding Billow ac companied the artists The sailors who during their long absence members quested to be in Tuesday night She was always kind to the sick and had a word of cheer for everybody membership as roll will be called the Gym are re- tiSKSKS crowd soling on Mta Lake Saturday afternoon The ice was Talent Sale WHAT RECOMMENDED HIM The Ladies Aid of the Church made at their Talent j 0 advertised lor a Sale in the School-room- last in his office Nearly in afternoon Good House and Garden coraer of Eagle and House fitted with furnace hard and soft water Possession given at once Newmarket P O Cleaning and Pressing Mens neatly repaired clean ed and pressed per suit work called tor and deliver- Box p O Chosen Friends Meeting next Wednesday very important one fifty applied for the place Out of the number he in a short time chose one sent the rest away I should know said a who was present on what is a very important one chose tbat Council lias to upon a Medical with him Examiner Every member is urged said the be present be has a great many I He wiped his shoes when he came in and closed the door alter Mm 47k from owtak that he was tidy and or- W gave up Ms- seat immediately Ontario primary man that he rinks were P and M Howard and Curling came promptly In he cutest With the- Maple score stood 37 to 1 against Newmarket i it the table while all the rest stepped over it or shooed it aside showing that he was careful When I talked with him I noticed that his clothes were carefully home had quite recovered from their love for Julia are much Candlemas Chagrined to that the girls are apparently quite in- Next StWiiy will be nnd to their return Even Julia will not speak to Bill Salt lias the unpleasant duty of explaining mistake to Ju lia ami offering himself in Joes place Julia at first spurns him in dignantly but afterwards accepts him The happy return of Barnabas Lee releases Bill Salt from noose be had cast about his own Joe soon finds Nance and explains the situation to her The artists return to town and the sailors and girls become reconciled The scene ends with the promise of many happy weddings in the near future SCENE QUAY ACT I A Summer Afternoon ACT One Year Later G E LUNDY REAL ESTATE NEWMARKET- Has the following on his list New Frame House on Prospect Art opposite College Complete throughout All modern convenienc es In beautiful locality Lot but this is a well built and nicely planned House Price Brick House on Millard Ave rooms pantry well built on wall with cellar full size good els- tern and excellent well of watery on lot House in repair and close in to business town Price cash and balance on time at 6 per New Brick House Eagle street rooms well built large lot very comfortable home Price Brick House on street north corner of Main and Huron streets I I a 13 Overture The is The Sea I Behold the Pell Once Lon My Name of take the nature of I insiicui a Manly Man N Joe and Chorus Sailors Chorus Ago Delia Daisy Bora and Chorus of Girls it is Barnabas Lee Barnabas I Love to Stroll Julia and Chorus of Girls The Pirate Bold Jim and the Sailors Loves Full of Joy Nanco that Julift Barnabas and Chorus Girls A Mermaid Fair Bill and Girls Love you Like of Girls then Ill Think of Thee Joe Goodbye Chorus Away with and Sadness Kipal Chorus act 16 The Sua is Shining in Sky Chorus A Fishers Daughter Daisy Delia Dora and Chorus of Girls We are Artists Down from Town Artists and Girls is lower Juua It This be Love She is now Within the Chorus Cfceer Boys Cheer- Hornpipe v I Oheer Boys 23 Spain an ancient Church festival kept in teeth white as- milk- I momorv of the purification the Vir- And he waited quietly for his turn all modern conveniences gin Maty who submitting to the of the others aside Jaw under which she lived presented showing that he was modest infant Jesus ill the Temple When he wrote his name I Owing to the number of candles lit served that his finger nails were it is said in memory of Simeons instead of being tipped with Jot son 33 a light to light- like those of the handsome little- fel on the Gentiles etc the festival was in the blue jacket called Candlemas Its origin is as- Dont you call these things letters by to Pope in the fifth century The practice m lighting the churches was dlscontinu by English protestants an or der of Council VI 1548 but if is still continued in the Church Rome In the Province of Que- 75 years ago it was the aim of the to provide if possible have ball their yearly supply of food and fodder on Death of an Old Resident Saturday the remains of the late Mrs Mary A were brought to Newmarket for burial the old lady having passed away at the Lakeside Home in Toronto on Jan uary in year By request of the family the fu- servico at Millards Undertak ing Parlor was conducted by a grand son of- deceased Rev of Toronto a number relatives and old friends being present Interment at Friends Burying Ground these of recommendation I do and what I can tell about a boy by using my eyes for ten minutes is worth more than all the fin letters he can bring me In cleaning woollen clothes in win ter time take them out of doors throw dry snow over them and then brush it off- This not removes dust but lint quickly throat 23 cents Price easy terms House west side Joseph St v near Queen new well built beau- rooms All conveniences on street New mod ern conveniences each one with rooms and bath will rent for each per month This Is a Investment Priced for all J Also vacant lots- on Park Ave- both sides Arden Ave Joseph St Prospect St Millard St Grace St also Gar- dens Why not buy vacant lots in your own town Keep your money here and help to build up Newmarket Also several excellent Farms for Agent for P Lands Over Market Main Street Newmarket BANK OF MONTREAL by Act of Parliament ii UA Street Mary A Chantler was born in New York State Chorus Mixed Voices j- and removed there and Sailors ad lib Newmarket in its very early history Her husband died years and the surviving children are Mrs John A Sharpe of and Mrs Andrew and Joe Deceased was very much Joe of the day and sympathy ana CAPITAL PAID UP- rest UNDIVIDED PROFITS I Branches at important centres In Canada and In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland J description of a Banking INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS re Former customers of the Ontario Hank Branch will be accommodated as heretofore J BRANCH I ARCHIVESOF QNTARIO TORONTO I SSraf I afi

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