Newmarket Era, 31 Jan 1913, p. 8

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mm v I Used FruItatiYes Greatest In Toronto Professor P the elite of city has from Davis In the art of nd Deportment constant gradually weak- cared bis Kidneys which calamity ifcrcatessed to nuke him An invalid pat read Prof Church St Toronto Out I wait to say that sir medicine And has been for the five tears Previous to that bed troubled with And And bad taken many without satisfactory the of Nome fourteen of lb old employes hero have seoircd the and there on Monday rabrninp A low others gone The borne the aignatn Fletcher and has made forever PILLS Pit join Allow no one to OH rid Of YOUR or good by that remedy GIN will relieve the will strengthen kidney will cure yon to cured or 1 a a I adopted this treatment alWether And know I an have taking 1 i Is with Wo chronicle the Of beloved wife of Christian Staffer of had for length of time and on Saturday last lunerAl took place- oh Tuesday to lYmctery a Uvea and friends present to pay last tribute of for departed Urea enjoying the health DAVIS or Kidney Trouble is making you miserable take and get well Joe a box for trial sbe At all dealers or on receipt of price fcy limited Ottawa House to Rent Church St Apply to Mas fiosyomii St Newmarket T for months And that they bate done a great deal of good I had for two years and this I saved my el from il by taking I highly recommend to llie public- A the acid con- of lite prevent the forma tion of uric acid in the bipod and atone in tie bladdcrand kidneys keep the welt and strong arid ttius cure ward attacks a for Sample free you write National Go of Canada Limited Toronto V Messrs- Arthur of market were town Saturday j looking up a Class Club of berg and gave success hop iivtbo town New Houses for Sale Brick and frame All win- Apply at to MORtOX Box St For Sale One acres more or loss of Bush and Pasture Land Rg sKtcg water creek Lot at Whitchurch J DAVIS and of Mich the their brotherinlaw the late Quite ft number of people art retuinrnt lo ikton us ttt j of the late lohn provided took on Saturday afternoon M to laurel SloahUvho vie being 1 the Melodist lliea typhoid fever in the West Inst by White assisted iVetki was held from his brothers the 90 Hid IMP in this Imitations and and endanger the health of Children against Experiment What Is CASTOR I A is for Castor Oil Fangbrlo and Syrups It it contains neither Opium Morphine nop cures aid Wind Colic It Teething Troubles and It air Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels Wing healthy and natural sleep The Childrens If others The Kind You Hm Always Bought Bears the Signature of never again but tt fitranger wife- pitied in a 0 Kith of flanK going In Use For Over SO Yuars- boys it Mar to by The ui was largely the- Cemetery for Mr- he Orange Order and VOUg maft by out circle friends both old and conducting their serj bright vices at the grave him his friends deplore death Death came as release to H Clark on Tuesday of last Mr Tuesday of last weok one of lark had been time the oldest residents of King he to ship passel away at residence of his soninlaw Mr Morley Proctor at the advanced use of years ceased had been a resident of the all his life and bad resided For Sale Brick in tie growing Town of Newmarket Main and Water Streets very tor a doctor Price Daafora Roche Co Mr the fl Station at Palls is transferred to Aurora- citizens of rturka Falls on Friday last at a public present and Mrs Hall an ad dress with gold to the value of furnished the by Orchestra from With out donbt Mr ate held in high the of Falls 1 v fornrod onlOK I Ml for and ho gone and Of hell had by throat Drink drink drink I said Mint said to alary the It Was not dayligiii when stood on alone I flew Saloon to Saloon Ihcy ftro Iho shops and hat locked in rorm at too fought lay fight and ftob in eVilng by the grace of but people of that the marl Who spoke through Arw looked upon bt nd of the of ever They from the todwtJon due to II are do They arc too well known for thtj and their mild and gentle Wit W sction on the bowels and too It you are out ol sorts take at once this famous remedy and you will endorse good opinion of thoo- will why so Have Unequaled Reputation BEAVER FLOUR XT W but if nmdtdV Patient and tta bona Just Arrived Fresh Car Corn Car Gluten Meal lieirt Milk Try Our Corn and Oat Mixture each fiw I tod won 1 am tobe which he Mr Clark in his year A his was spent on the farm near hero A few years ago he moved to and gladdened our citizens with his on the seventh concession He knar- cheerfulness A family of three sons Miss Harper who predeceased two daughters survive- him some years some years -A- I The fair this year will be Zephyr early in October held whole life lunsuieretl a and so denieU fiitl con- the high- tlanemy or two- wbo wait or the Oct Ready or Zero Galore Quality Price Right again but GEORGE FORESTER TERMS STRICTLY last he has resided with his daugh ter Mrs on- the concession where his death took place Pour children survive him AURORA Mrs Albert of Aurora visit ed friends here the past week Mr- of Cedar- Valley called on here on Sunday J Marshall of Pine Or chard visited sister Mrs jpfcs the past week tiptoe of expectancy and cheerful pro lines the sear of ft- plunge back into the Dead Sea of ink it wfc Our school was closed in tho junior Prof Weston of Monday on account of For Sale Brick House on large lot the bast residential part of west side of town All conveniences Price A Apply to M Hughes Hal Estate Agent II Ave for sale Two are at present occupied and the other one Mill be ready shortly All modern Apply to Isaac Rose Wellington- Dove A 1Uness Ioctor Miss Harriet WLS l The shooti Morley Dove Thursday afternoon from Mr roc- Dove The funeral took place- last tors residence to the Cem etery where the remains wfere inter red the family pint match held here on unaay last in spite of the stormy day Ltoydliaa oW his farm provcd success birds the inn rial i at another time l0r est home on 1 llcr WSdor k find I knew that waiting to tn were two of stairs but twenty my heart 3 Brick Houses in 3rd concession ol Mr Lloyd intends to and will have a sale arm and implements the latter pa two curs FVtmiary A i bicssed on the in middle ourirooM Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs Towns entertained the employ- aml at one- Mr after a of Towns and to Ed sweet bravo life was absence of twenty onto years at their residence on Wellington St K 1 Meyers and atj in Golden West is visiting his A sumptuous repast was served tended the annual meeting of Scott sister Mrs Jim West He has maiiyjdlnin room tables were beld at IWora interesting reminiscences of Calgary decorated and laden with ail Balance on bund HEW METHOD MEN ww u and nuke a taau of active that ail heal uo the as nttl so ran Yea feci jTMirielc a aii4 kaow cannot bo a let quacks I- ho without consckt THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS teter t feamiufcrt of toftny to youth I hecaiao very iiotoidciit ard whether I or I lookod at me kussed lay secret at eight weakened back ached had ray bead baud and a morula appetite flDcrawe abaky fcytj hair memory etc In the told took of matt where he now resides the delicacies of the season ter the previous business Mr Leo Blackburn accompanied by was spent in music ami amounted to MrKd K and his sisters Misses and Gertie Friday evening a gentleman from were or French Mt Aljalso Mr Joe Wilson attended whose name we dance in the southern end of the for the respect we have of friends and neighbors What is it I cried What Is incIicjrn ana wore an telt for but benefit I KeanMy I had lost All In AM For Sale or to Rent store and dwelling in Albert next door to Dominion first class business particulars apply to MISS LEEK Lock Box Mt Albert 1 i For Sale or to Let A- Dwelling and Five Acres Land situated on the 3rd Con of Wtiltcfcureh about one mile from Now- j good stable driving house pispea henhouse and good water possession Apply to GEORGE STEVENS Huron Street Real Estate Office Aft NEWMARKET CO dance in the southern end of the Line on Wednesday night Mrs Albert Wilson and Miss Eliza beth Toronto were the guests of Mrs Fred Webster during the last Week Mr Rogers of Sharon installed a new furnace into each of the schools at and the nth Line dis trict The Iaim the saw is heard In the land and the shrill siren whistle the sawmill Installed in the hard- woo bush of Mr John on the Ctai Line- arouses from slumber who tarry too long in the morning Mr Fred Walton is rushing busi ness these days in fence posts the hundred and railroad ties by the thousand Mr Fred Webster disposed this week a choice bull and of fat porkers for all of he the highest price Fred is a hustler to feed Should the weather prove propi tious as it will the sale of Mr A Friday should be a success if application from stockmen mean anything as almost daily are from giving for his wife addicted to for the respect we have and family and who is boozing came down arms sobbed out he story her wedded matter but have listened for Houses from up Lata bought and sold on easy A number uptodate or sale or rent ranging in lee from to r catalogues houses have been secured at whether it was In and will be sold at a lo Advertisement for sewing Houses and lots well situ- operators or sle the ate4 We also invite you to call on Walter Ket- us get our prices for supplying lbo weeind In the city and building houses in ready for undertakings The material will be Scotchman who knows whereof in ear lots at the lowest whole- knowing well the leading sale trices Before buying your ma- ask for our prices First contractors have been engaged atffimence work as soon as aaerattons start In the spring IMajf loaned on first mortgage property Accident Lite and Fire Insurance at the Real Estate Office sell town property call on us Vorton Phone to she their appreciation respect to Mr and Mrs the four clock ear and last at their or more o hotels About ff30 he served in dininc- dead drunk lying In I mahogany chair After doorway of tho Imperial Hank lne jiaina- HI- Constable Duncan time seem t have lost all sense are absent unexplained and every sound on lie street startles was sent for the man was conveyed to the lock up where he remained alf night Saturday morning Magistrate and costs pleasing sight especially to the wives and children of those who refused Thoughts or the Opening year or Option and put temp- Miss out his way to see ii years Work papers by Miss Mwla spectobly- dressed man in beastly condition Altera full days scrutiny on Ian 5bu be held at the me speeches were a threat was brought before D who the home of Mrs It- must- have teen a feembhrS being present Paper by Miss Lulu ftnd a pain and the stillness chokes me aud the darkness smothers nib room delivered and music from the Zephyr branch of womens Institute f my mind without one detail and tonight J doctors I ijameaxd the Treatment and It caved my life Improvement feel vigor jroioif sent and to Jo CURES Oft NO PAY treat and curs VARICOSE VEINS DEB1UTY BLOOD AND COMPLALTTS KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES ami allDlaMi BOOKS TREE to call write Blank Home Treatment Cor Michigan Ave and St Detroit Mich All letters from Canada must be to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- merit in Windsor Ont If yon desire to see us personally call at our in Detroit as we see and treat no patient in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian only Address all letters as follows the children sighing in their sleep and thought your having to walk in your weariness and in this midnight through Kneeland Street adjourned until lan the local of Aurora had exactly their three fifths majori ty vote and no more Judge Mor gan conducted the scrutiny at Aurora Town Hall Armour and Mackenzie represented op- posed to bylaw and Mr Thomas K appearett for those championing the bylaw count Of the ballots in the North Ward showed lit for local op tion instead of as returned and in the South Word only instead of the purpose of Clearing up the mystery Mr lames K for the interests suggest ed that the municipal ballots envelope be opened and that they be counted The Judge consented How come meeting will be home of Mrs Feb in at p in by Miss Alma on flood Form in Public Plac es paper by Mrs on Save iCxpenses Everybody rr Special for Saturday introduce their Slaking Powder will give away next Saturday one quarter a pound write for our private address KENNEDY KENNEDY Windier Fife Causes Panic 1 1 M 1 acres Farm tor Sale Lot Con Bast miles east Fall and ploughing Good soil with creen o4t buildings barn feet straw ft- oh walls Water through This is an Weal farm sell will rent III Win g jfign or write tor Sharon I fc4 WIV to Joint and at Winnie the is to be erected two railway herds the Dominion visited tho home Mr Fred A day and in looking the Short horns advertised for dispersion sale on Friday Feb expressed something the following manner The province has little to oner Possessed of more real merit In this herd there is a full share of best blood of Scotland the land as famous for its Shorthorns as for I Its Clydesdale horses in herited from winners in strongest representatives the breed Their well set legs support smooth and nicely turned body deep wide chest and splendid ribs To possess any animal from the herd will bo a host age of success to any breeder they deserving the inost careful attention of Prospective purchasers of in at clever style a very in structive sermon to the congregation on the Line last Sunday when the Choir acquitted themselves in their usual melodious of Isthe guest Miss A Weaver and turned from Berlin on I has accepted a CANADIAN PACIFI a to each lady making a amounting to twentyfive cents or more This Baking Powder Is made pure Cream Tartar and Bicarbon ate of Soda and contains no acid or other adulterant Price per pound cents per haltpound See their add on page SPECIAL CRUSE AROUND THE WORLD The of Russia will leave Liverpool April 1st call ing at Villeiraacoo and Port Said proceeding via Suez Colombo pore Hong Kong Shanghai Kobe aid Yokohoruw arriving at Vancouver Juno Empress of Asia will sail from Liverpool May making similar cruise Mose direct fee April 1st sailing is via press St I March 1st cruise fc Exclusive of be- tween arrival time England and departure af FulL particular Evelyn thinks that I will never fall Winter Evenings in the country today that she has any fear hut yet until the undertak er screws her sweet face out of my sight forever that ghastly unformed nameless thing will walk the cham bers of her heart whenever I am un accounted for By the mercy of which has given to you the and im- confidence of her you love I beseech you fight for the wo men wait tonight until the sa loon spews out their husbands and their sons sends vomiting to their arms And you happy wives whose hearts wavered nor had occasion to waver and who when your hus bands fail to come on time can go to without a fear and go to sleep with smiles upon lips and sleep the long night through too peacefully even to dream by the mer cy of God which gives you that beseech you band yourselves t at least cheer the wives who their whole lives through must walk rotten lavacrust of burntout very love a terror and a pain And you good calm untempted wbJa never fail who never tasted for man mean to I beseech you cast a vote the next time for sake of the drunks aril and try to make the stations on lifes highway for stormtossed men to stop at any day or night New York Jan 25 Brooklyn Bridge was the scene last evening of one of the largest jams of humanity which the structure has held since its opening 30 years ago at which time a dozen persons were crushed to death For minutes during the rush hour all traffic by rail was- at a standstill because of a small fire in I a shed under the bridge which cut oil the electric feed wires temporari ly From to persons were nfassed at the New York termi nal before the jam was relieved Many passengers in the crowded trains which pulled into terminal Just as the lames became threaten ing were forced toclirab out of the windows and many were in a state of panic The underground trains were so crowded at the time that probably persons walked the milelong bridge in the Electric Restorer for Men rim tad vitality weakness averted to proper restores and all sexual at aiakOTOu or two for Matted to any address it YEARS STENTS MamUi undtas a sketch sad na dales if r a Collingwoods financial statement shows a deficit of on Pateots taken thrown irMat oc fit Scientific iaUoa or any for or FOR ll j The memory of a kindly word For long gone by The fragrance of treading IlowVr Sent lovingly The a sudden smile Or sudden tear The warmer pressure of the hand The tone of cheer The hush that cannot Hut I have heard Tiw note that only bears a verse From Gods own Word- Such tiny thtnss we hardly count As ministry The givers deeming they have shown Scant sympathy when the heart is overwrought Oh who can tell The powerot such tiny things To make it well Sick Headache are not caused by anything wrong la the head but by constipation bilious and indigestion Headache powders or tablets may deaden but cannot cure them Dr Morses Indian Root Pills dp cure sick ache In the sensible removin the constipation- or sick which caused them Dr Morses Indian Root pills are purely tabic free from any harmful and euro When you fed headache comlns take Dr Moraea Jan The Unit ed Farmers of Alberta are for uni versal peace opposed to war and very much against the Canadian navy policy of both the political parties would have Canada lead the world in a great disarmament move ment So declared an aotlnaval re solution adopted by an overwhelming vote just adjournment In six hundred ablegates only twelve voted toe resolution- if J ears ta Use 20 years Prescribed and recommend- dans- For Womens AM- BUILDING MATERIAL I I l Tie Hare Hand a Stcck el I 1 White Pi Norway SpnictHeniiock to Order if All Ktadj al A a -V- V ta a v Female 1 A A A- UN fT Vv- V5 tiOKi MB 1 Or 1

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