ft Warned FRIDAY County Council For Sale Siatlon Wanted Legislature J a Dr s King card lo W I Hi 0- of Thanks 9 rtu my fcusineas to Mr a of Mi I A New and SecondHand Stoves and AND SOLD Repairs to and Wood articles and I- Bring in your s Small A Opposite Watsons fitOfj I J t ESTATE Has Frame Hop good cellar eletftlo light ed This is built and finished and located on north side Lot close to Main lxice WOOD Also well finished two families or per each end Would bring 510 A price Nice Mow Cottage Style 7 rooms nil modern DCes on College Heights Price New Frame House on Prospect Ave opposite Complete throughout All a In locality hot but this is a and planned House Price speech the throne rJ lOtJ to to ami their duty of tin refers to harvest so grant to aid Interests vinoe frMucatlooJH work by H- am right additlobal district Were mineral products year Honor pointed Out amounted to this silver was nearly of gold about and copper fiOObpo lie growth Of the rower Commission is referred to serving nine- inuniiivlitiis year ago the Commission Tito best with tlie grants made by the Federal authori ties behalf of training are producing Tire ana- Improvement of roads is then referiVd to about miles having been con structed io miles lp Ontario- A is given at tlic Senate Snot allowing the Government to its the various intima tion is a further in Allusion is next made to the territory added Ontario and to tho exploration work made by Mr J On by Jhrec to one York County Cptmdl refused to Thursday in order to allow lV- W 1 IW to accompany ftp for 0 1ulham of Mr lack- to a proposed inc Under ordinary j W To of ftnrcftHlea Would lh accompanied ftp deputation but of come ffg tday added ft ftla too probability of vote pro Saturday for k I I Harry S got to Clean up before Nothing Is Exempt Prices Radically in Department to Force a Thorough GlenDp I St Catharines very much inil For Second place oh the firidusirifti proved In Homo lioard Mr had a close Thompson run With J iMpUty- to Lindsay three ago ftaa the vote feWnoVvr In wo win our tor the pwtw months and Qui- The Mild has Wt with lot of ttV a to Sacrifice ftfl Wt Wo to of this Wore too fool that wo ennnot it Every Dollars Worth of Winter Goods Must Go eighteen to visiting at Mr Win Womens Goats and Skirts to of totting asloe Village of as a at llagavas not ibllie aurwynot having The report the commission- ens dealing with the- Oft tho county bridges was but not finally adopted i lot couple A bunch were entertained at Prid toventng it honor of atissVer- City Mrs bo6 writes We do not tike to a single copy the as 1 a home cutting commenced on- o so far Quite a number attended the Bos on praise should be the I on Saturday to the of the late It P bright- nor leaving Chamber brief teacher Miss for the on trained the children Proceeds Mrs of La Grippe seems to be epidemic i around here now One rig drove over the lake on day the first of the season Buggies are seen everywhere now as the snow is very thin seems- to be the order of day I Off 1 1 l Brick House on Millard Ave C rooms pantry well built on atone wall with cellar full size good- cis tern and excellent well pure water an lot House in excellent repair and close in to business parts town Price cash formerly Keswick writes We have had a very nice winter with only a little cold weather We are all well and doing Mr Morden Mam writes Every year I think will drop the Era but it is so much like an old Head it seems that I do it All wail Mis Stanley Janes nee A VanKvery will for the first time on Monday Feb four to six and on the second Wednesday Mrs C Cane- was called to j Friday the i vr serious brother Mr Conservative discusses the whole financial policy the record limit- we are pleased to learn Is now venture to say that a miv- vftlo v number followed A Change Needed The Ontario legislature opened yds week and promises to be a session interest We have lately whether our readers on the Liberal side of politics have ITEMS read the pamphlet issued by Mr P Leader Mr and Mrs Millbam Chapniau the in the Ontario have returned the city to of the ot Mr George Wilson or l Xellio waits RcdOctwriB will witoe feaadv- NO AG yKlKTS Bale 1200 Inventory Inventory furies inventory Sale CM Inventory Bale WOMANS only Womans Walter Pur to fc while COATS of our Girls to tit from to M years up to To them out quick Often r WOMENS WINTER WAISTS Coats have in thete Waists o electorate of anyone guess what province have any conception It will he thought or vouch for what he bo news to a good many said when Frank wjboon parting HUNTER Reg 500 lines sale 376 lines sale price Hues sale price 149 Reg lines sale price 1 10 lines sale price NEWMARKET Toronto spent last Saturday in town with his daughter Mrs Gilford Mann Conservative readers with Clara on Sunday on -go- j Mr and Andy rooms all modern conveniences Price easy terms side Joseph St tear Queen new well built beau- iul rooms All conveniences A housed on Lot street New conveniences each one with rooms and bath will rent tor to each per month This is a good puortunity investment Price for all Also vacant lots on Park both sides Arden Ave Joseph St I Prospect St Millard St Grace St and St also Connaught Why not buy vacant lots in your own town Keep your money here and help to build up Newmarket Also several excellent Farms for sale Ok Agent for C P It Lands Office Oyer Taies Meat Market Main Street Newmarket we better service now than seven bed jrent who is well known In this le pamphlet The Ladies Aid met at the com- was quite a factor in a KETTLEnY- Say is toy lie has some idea of locating here v land tor a house to suit Milton is lag a few days with Mr and Mrs Jim Stevenson ate redwing old acquitt ances in these parts Mr has been lew days with lady friend at Mount J- ani Mr Da via aro attending sots forth that the contrary homo of Mrs prohibition in the Island of is the fact A breakdown in the on Tuesday last where 12 tars will be cut Kent ot Education especially in The Dress Carnival at Keb- May next School and EnglishFrench tleby was a pronounced success The of Port his damaged Ontarios handsome costumes spent a j Mr C P n for education the various competitors I Morton Timothy St on his return almost taxed the abilities of home Miss Delia who a lifeless inertia has caused professional judges Messrs Joe been spending a few weeks with Ontario to drop behind in tho race at son and Mr who alter due amti Mrs P vrv time she should bo I deliberation with the utmost care accompanied Miss Even our Conservative and without partiality or favor rhade Morton and Mrs A Norris are free to admit this the awards of prizes as follows i who will remain Jew of Toronto COME AND SEE I ahead Spread SkaterMiss May j Mr a prominent Mrs Conservative of Toronto In a letter Best Lady Olive Sunday with her son Mr sent to the present Minister Ag riculture You have permitted you art permitting thousands of young Ontario fanners the mw agricultural to two Their own Province the West by your inertia you indicate you are nub cognizant the ad- Vantages continued residence this Province if full taken of the opportunities in resnonsQ to intelligent ef fort i son and Mr Frank jg whose little has Ladys Vera been ill during the last week and Miss Gertie Black- fair way recovery Also Mrs of East Best- Clown costume Mr George Jowtllimbury aunt of Mrs Awning w hem this week owing to Best Costume Mr Bur- the Illness of her sister Mrs ling Best Gents Costume Mr Smith BARGAINS From to oclock pm ALL AT Half Price who is rccoring nicely- Fred soj hundred and twenty ladies attended the postnuptial reception of race was won by Master liar- on Thursday after- Webster who this year again shows several coming up his shiftiness on the skates that we Both the drawing- have hesitation in saying that a tear were decorate have been made jHarry would make a good showing- with daffodils narcissus Newmarket Mr entertained few friends at a small euchre Tuesday night vi Mr Fred Ellison of spent a few days- at uncle s a on S WW Institute and Do- bate on Wednesday afternoon Feb Good program All ladies wel come Mr J entertained Haines and Miss Evans of Davis Corners on Sunday Children FOR FLETCHERS THE The holiday rush is now lover and we will now get back to our trade V We can supply you with very best groceries that mone buy Qualify is Our Mo F CL0UTH Mala St Newmarket South of King George Hotel t I also Buy Junk of all Kinds It you have drop mo a card Si has l but mean- Jajjn of Mr A on the Callers lhe tearoom which hi too many S unpunished Con of on Monday after- of T has been largely noon and not only a pl ronto assisted Miss Florence Wal dos an apprehension- Pre- but profitabie time inspecting be Miss of shorthorns advertised for vails that was interest- to each one tor him- fi of self examine carefully the various Instructors are coining up vetvn inefficiency Points of merit and demerit and every Tuesday night for a couple of horests lhat the their reasons why they should place months to put the boys through their l if the Province animal above another Aftcp facings There were on the floor raStaWfai to lieating their pros and cons Mr last Tuesday night calling Telegram then in a manner showingno is a help to keep the Here is THE House i You can bay your Furniture Cheap Tor Cash UNDERTAKING A A SPECIALTY Night attended to at residence John Millard and Our Phone No ii 35 PURITY AND QUALITiY OUR MOTTO New DressMaker Miss Williamson has pressMaking Parlor over C Lun- Dry Goods Store Ladies are to call i Cleaning and Pressing Mens Suits repaired clean ed and pressed per suit Up- todate work called for and Bos P a The regular meeting was held in Whitneys choice J herd collect- the whole Department rfMWfjw fa flH Millard Tuesday- A large ere Present You have only mention the name of our- genial efficiency to ihe W They of Mines and examined herd and collect- the whole X lly In summing up they all that not in North York number w up New Ontario in siv as t With could Ho was transacted and up a months coming from a source iddge could not do anyi t thing but herd per- Joined Press to Administration wo ftfU wif feet andvreflecting utmost on Mr as a breeder and A- An exhibition game was played at Rink on a a further comment With regard to WWL of stocktoe held being in ect respecting jJWJ edition returned on same etween the Telegrapn ways and IheVhad received and one team Toronto and tfle Newmarket basis ad private we acknowledged the fcerd was worth leave for another Hockey J in O Juniors The visitors come up in a special car about strong but locals St Catharines Feb- Henl boat them to Mr Emie Moore a noted characv referee Our boys all- their usual good North Par ale THE CRADLE East on j Jan 1913 to Mr ami Mrs Rogers a daughter MEEKLEY In Newmarket en 1st to Mr and Mrs a daughter BLACK In King 2nd to Mr and Mrs J Edgar Black a daughter In Newmarket on Feb 1913 to Mr and Mrs a son Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J W Patterson B X MAIN STREET Agent Cameras and Phot Supplies Chocolatia TELEGRAPH OFFICE House Phone No Store Phone THE ALTAR TOMB the real- Thursday Jan Hh of parents Yonge street on Wednesday Feb 5th by Rev Thomas Menu eldest of Mr and Mrs to Mr John or Newmarket 1 Hall Iter In the eastern portion district was this rnbrnitMt sentenced to five years in toe penitentiary He two NORTH will and Prompt at his home near Brighton Ralphs P Jones eldest brother Mrs Chas of Yonge St At the of her Mr Wellington St Aurora Wed nesday Feb 5th Alice Wa be loved wiferr Daniel OBrien of Laskay Interment City Cemetery Friday afternoon Au rora- V v l- acres of first about Acres under Barn has nearly a new spouts and stone stream off tie barn Frame and good hard close Ten acres pi acres old hay tour acres four acres fall rye and a hardwood and softwood near tte Clay IM cuUlvaiien and ere- wits Ue pump hay fir mll good make rails or wood lull apply to Fergus Con ijwl the Era to absent J OF ONTARI TORONTO ras i to SS is S