Newmarket Era, 7 Feb 1913, p. 5

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A Hi- I A 1 I I St WO to loan on Farm NOTARY ETC Wellington Aurora Ontario Office with Ontario Limited funeon A i Bolton Painter House Decorator Comer Niagara and Dp to ibcuuiAiMfni Trouble is Catarrh Coughs Urinary of Aeodbvn or at This i a fine organ- Ihejr the magic t become a who ncdiciae Wat free a ise in ST and Torpo bo sent ton II he in tie you to bo Immt- cas illation is wbe in aII in and piece it tf no lr i I- I l it EN ST Newmarket On Wilkinson DENTIST in Block Newmarket flctuton Pi Alio Organ Theoret ical Branches Introducing Col umbian System SWdieTfee Bank Toronto Newmarket the in ho Town nest show or and IVt soon in the Province i- Back to Newmarket After an three years Mr paperhanger decorator back to town and this time ho says ho is lvcV to stay- Those wish in his sot vires will find bin at Mr ft St A Mr iVT Walker the Sale Miss bred Toronto last Tfcurdaf and the latter called Hoy at r-U- Bear San- His Shadow Last was a bright iUnshiny it was also Can Day Acceding to an legend it the boar crawl out his lair and sees Ms on this day ho returns tot sleep TWs may expect more of winter weather and is to say tog that early busier oarly spring We shail have to to Sn which rlpht J NEWMARKET Graduate oi Ontario Veterinary College PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Day or Boyds livery- Phone PHILLIPS on Piano Violin Mt Cornet other instruments years experience having lo cated Newmarket solicits a ska re patronage be at lira suitable ar rangements be mode Registration Statistics 5 It is known that the returns of and deaths are important statistics and according to Dominion laws should rendered within month date occurence renders both persons and the Reg istrar liable to ftnfevlt should also bo remembered that it Is not the Doctors duty to the return birth is sent in but the parents obligation fl NEWMARKET at Piano Voice end Violin im All Kinds Musical and Repairs PIANO TUNING tor Columbia and Records Prompt Servic your i Have you cold which open and ic akin tight a eot which at timi lor you 10 go about xciolii duties It 2amBuk will you and will heal the I kin Anoint the Soto pUcca at itch healing- ink Into His i and v ill Deal quickly Mr of a hands nerd Ore and to put I did so they fn as If I uit8un4uo to get relief anything I bub on them Until 1 I ana lb when all failed It big ease in healed niy band IW rW it7 J tc of ill SALLOW SKIN Liver Spots Under the Eyes Are all ot the system being and Bowels am and ttio is and foul Tfto fruit remedy fool a new person After taking three your Pills I for and bios I anoV welt able to my Work Mrs A II Sold at all and cent bores or mailed The Plt St Thomas Seat Sale for Rebecca yunoybrook Which to princess Toronto Kate author has ttio stage creations of Its youthful heroine is at uhd creatures and with a pathos In I firit forlorn days with stern i in In into a JoyOUS turo full of love and life flames Into ftfO site and the man her soul desires young Adam ftiift manly New who asks he to bo wife Is the most delightful lias had in many moons sale Feb accepts now tthen by check or money order and should to Princess SIS For Aged People to Lend On farms- Agents wanted Reynolds street Toronto Lyman Issuer ot LICENSES At iCra Office Newmarket Private far issued at private Clubbing Rates and Weekly Globe Era and Globe Era and Weekly Mail I Era and Canadian Home Jour- and Toronto Daily Star and Toronto Daily News Era and Toronto Sun and Montreal Star 190 Era and Canadian Poultry sW Church The Communion Service last Sun day morning was very largely at- tended and several new- members were received into church fellowship Large congregations it the and the first sermon by the pas tor on the Experiences of a Strong Man proved to be in teresting arid helpful Breaking from Prison is the subject for next evening Solos by Miss Miss Fisher Vast Sunday Announcements for the bulletins must be in the pastors hands on Fri day morning The Joint Board meets tonight to consider the applications for organist When coming out of the Church on Sunday evening Mrs Murray became overcome in the crowd and fainted The Metropolitan Railway It has taken the Metropolitan just a year to remove the large pole at the corner of Main and Queen that has been such a menace to ve hicular traffic change is a great improvement It is up to the Lords Day Alliance to protest against this work being done on Sunday i Old Folks Should Be la Selection of Regulative Business Change Mr A Cook has sold out his grocery business to Mr Hoy Rose ot Albert who took possession last Monday We regret to learn Mr Cook and his estimable family in tend to leave Newmarket shortly the same time we extend a welcome to Mr Rose who is not stranger to- many people in this section and wish him Quite a Success We have a safe dependable Ideal remedy that is partic ularly adapted to the of aged people and persons of weak who suffer from constipa tion or other bower disorders We are so certain that it will these complaints and give absolute satis faction in every particular that we offer it with our personal guarantee that it shall cost the user nothing if It fails to substantiate our claims This remedy is called Order- Orderlies have a soothing healing strengthening tonic and action upon the bowels- They remove all irritation dryness sore ness weakness They restore the bowels ami associate organs to more vigorous and healthy activity They are eaten like candy may be taken Between and from bet attended the Convention in P any time without inconvenience Of J Boyd Graduate in medicine Toranto also Licentiate the Royal Physicians and Royal College l three steps from the bottom clinical to England Main Timothy Telepbone Hours IS Furnace Work Plumbing and nurse In the congregation and afterwards the Dr hitched up drove her home It proved to bo nothing serious and caused quite a commotion the time Aurora on Thursday last week Trie Baptist Church was fairly Oiled afternoon and evening The program proved to be exceedingly in teresting The study of the Book of Genesis led by Rev Thomas of Newmarket was very valuable to every teacher The addresses by Miss Lane or Toronto on Primary Work were much appreciated and also the very excellent address by Rev Simpson ol Newmarket The elec tion officers resulted as follows George Aurora VlcePres Barker Newmarket Rev Au rora Sunt of lemon tar Wilkinson Secondary Mrs Allan A T Home Miss Thomas Rev J Stewart Missionary Miss Phillips Temperance Rev do not cause any griping nausea di arrhoea excessive looseness flatu lence or other disagreeable effect Price and 10c Sold only at pur Druggist Newmarket store The Store in dealrr jx- prewed by It to grey the boys will a ftv the corner and Shoter the Villbo fltM atom floor lor Judge- Morgan entenoed and days each in jU The boys were in a in with from a railway the Ainorican an elaborate lfncolnS birthday A- deputation- In the city last week asapd to remove AM cense to have made himself Oflenslvo to lo cal option ciblzens Hereafter llcepso InspitOrs get the Work Option least the Calk Just now A- the Society Stationary wilted on Ontario Mnltor of Agriculture at week asked to adopt a graded In the fcxom- loatlon for At one class POQnly I mm tie people enter the realm iiollllCMby rpconmtcAdlrig one of number a Senator is understood Queens University will honorary degree Doctor his Hoy liifcir the on Feb llthSt Valentines Here is exhibition- of friendship but in another way In tlie case of JoWrson vs The jury last- week gave dam ages to onsotfc lor the death of his wife and killed when Pills turned turtle In spite of Mr Currys plea for a flue in the case Sing Lee selling opium in his on Elizabeth street Magistrate seiitericod Lee- to months in the Central Prison Ron Courtney King of Scotland will be deported as soon as on officer arrives Montreal Ktn who ins teen wording as an auctioneer is alleged to have stolen from his employers and to have left a wife and children in Edinburgh A congratulatory banquet was ten der Sir John on Friday evening Inst recognition by the Sovereign conferring up on him Trie funeral late Dr on Monday afternoon was a large ono He wasbUried with Orange honors The floral tributes were nu merous and costly Tho services in the Street Methodist Church has been attended with very gratify- success Last Sunday evening the altar was unable to hold all the seek- j Paints Oils Glass Etc A W ALLAN COMPANY NEWMARKET I Our January Sale WINTERG00D8 v must be THEIR LOSSES Cleared Out Toronto NEWMARKET Two survivors in a railway wreck were bemoaning their losses to each in the hospital after it was all over one 1 have lost my arm Think of me cried the other have lost my husband Yes yes moaned the first but mostly men and boys A fire which broke out on East Richmond Street on Thursday night of last week In the premises the Underwood Co the firemen some trouble Tho damage s roughly placed to and contents Chairman will head a deputa tion from the Board of Education to Hon Pyne to ask for legislation at this of the Legislature to fix the school age from seven to four teen instead of from ftveto fourteen- as at present On Thursday evening last week OF QUALITY WW RIGHT- J can get husband he Eaton celebrated the of its existence His Lord- TWASKVEU THUS ship Bishop Sweeney presided of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outnt at the Shop LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS Next to Smiths Grocery 1 i NEWMARKET Marble Works i LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head fcVCftll ordering elsewhere GEO LUESBY THAT LITTLE GIRL CM yourtsboll soon be having hair doce too wAU be net ways and you ad for picture alnoe in long dresses You dont exactly want to keep her o is but you want to keep e I I V- Photo Artist Poet iii A Pastors Farewell- Rev- A- Mitchell Knox Church Hamilton brother Messrs J and J A Mitchell of mi wood Out- resigned charge because the work was too heavy for him and accepted a call from Prince Albert Tiro following is clipped a Hamilton paper high esteem which A Mitchell held as pastor of Knox Church was manifested by the large gathering members and ad herents wlvch assembled last night when a farewell was tendered to him and his estimable wife The gather ing was held in the dining hall of the church and the spacious room was tasted to capacity The arrangements for were in the bands of the ladies of the who served refreshments After a social hour had been spent J A Wil son who has been appointed Interim moderator the congregation assum ed the duties of chairman and Mrs Mitchell were called to plat form and on behalf of the Ladies Aid Society and the Knox church branch of the missionary society Mrs Murray read an address which voiced the love arid appreciation of efforts Mrs in the in terests of organizations As a token appreciation Mrs- Kilgour presented her with a cabinet of silver W then on members of and road a congratulatory ad dress to Mr- Mitchell tins address was a purse of in Members of Chinese class read a brief address and presented a headed to Mr Mitchell and a bouquet of to Mrs J A Wilson made brief ad- dross representing the Presbytery the ministerial association the congrega tion of St Andrews Church and him self expressing regret at depar ture of Mr ftUtcbell and bis tlmnblo family Short addresses were also iVadeV McLaren T Kelley James DD Wood and lbleai also gram Try If DYE cat can buy Why even hive to KIND of Cloth nuJ MtatskM t for Col CifJ J of other color CO LaluJ dwelt within palace grand With hired help on every hand ran the place at large expense The luxury was just immense I Jived on porterhouse and quail My chef o such word as fail 1 a splendid limousine A seven passenger machine also owned car And there was hot a thing to mar My peace of mind I knew no toil I didnt have to do a tiling spring to fall and to spring I had no worry mind Or vain regret of any kind My was a sight to see had ten men to wail on And when I got a My secretary wrote a Check lolled about ami took my ease- With bank notes piled to my knees Then something My wife came in the room and she Said as she v We up work gave my hair a Jerk you chump and go Insure Success by taking a practical course in one of Shaws Schools Toron to by attendance or by Moll and by so doing preparo to earn a good salary Hun dreds of young people every apt you Free catalogue expiates- Write for it Address WHShaw Pre sident St Torooto a I YEARS v WAS A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC Now Finds it a Pleasure It EDjoy Meals J a case which seemed as bid and as hopeless as yours can possibly be is Mr HJBrown St Toronto In own words Gentlemen I have much pi In mentioning to you the benefits received from your Dyspepsia Tablets and can cheerfully recommend them Imply had con firmed dyspepsia with all lis wretched and tried about all the advertised cures with no success You have In Dyspepsia Table tsthe best curative agent I could find now such a pleasure to enjoy meals With their consequent in cut that I to mention for the 1 c ending a oar benefit of other The fact that a tot of or socalled cures have failed to help you U no sign that have got to go OS suffering Try tablets and see how quickly Traoc sv ou oueeryonr money bade Componnaed Dm and Chemical Co OPPORTUNI TIES Almost every one has either read or the story of Diogenes who upon a time went upon the streets with a lighted lantern in broad daylight and who asked what ho was searching for replied honest man Diogenes was undoubtedly took this method- of telling Us countrymen that their morals questionable Yet there ate thousands of Diogenes to day all over the world who in just such eccentric ways arc searching for opportunities as though they did pot exist In a lecture to young men Henry once said are op portunities lying all about you It Is not a question of opportunities but of seeing them And this is everyone know is not a man or woman had occasion to say kcc that chance as well as so i and so ffjcccssful sportsmen are- those who selecting a proper posi tion in the forests wait lor game to them They see the game before it sees thorn The most suc cessful seldom whip- a from month to source but finding proper waters persistently fist than dry So with the man succeeds He does not at first seek big game or large fish hut selefi the little oppor tunityright before his eyes and that makes stepping stono to greater activities In the little gains the that is absolutely necessary for success in the larger opportunity lies not so much In their failure to see the big opportunity he has seiz ed failing to see the lit tle opportunity which he made use of to for Searching for opportunities is all has said the work- that lies nearest to and do it well it you- would fit yourself to do greater things In this advice secret of success not only A For Solid Leather Boots Shoes try WRIGHTS SHOE STORE NEWMARKETS EXCLUSIVE SHOE DEALER And true The Hockey Season- is Here well as so and I 1 I Hockey Boots be sure aid see Our of a Lightning Hitch i oc I I We carry a Line of Dress Skoet ami Street Shoes for Men who care will nd just the Saoea yea- wait taMj get Moat Qeerous Kan ARCHIVES OF TORONTO as SB mm

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