Newmarket Era, 7 Feb 1913, p. 6

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I t I l F FEBRU ft TINDALK AGENT 4 i MOUNT were tbt i BALDWIN Quarterly meeting services add in the Methodist Church ft the stove was cold enough or Folks generally though most folks prefer Ms room to Ms company J hare mono audi weather before were Mr John French disposed moons older residence Mr Oliver to his acquaintance to Toronto shortly oh the pond been the company our young Jaclc Frost has kindly came to the ad so this winter aid of cut woodmen and made Tbere are still a people who s to get team into the swamps do not keep snow and ice wood sidewalks of your tail Is moving into town declare that a head less fcuJ will Mr Geo A- Shut- than ntnCtocn Inches Indicates house that the Owner is a fool set my The lights under the new s basis by actual lnea- are Riving excellent twentytwo Not a night has been Hodgson South Ws a bat This a measure about was a brainy old cent Mrs A Ward Mlt baby a job never a hands turn and last week i Proceedings of The Annual the Shareholder I Yum the the DM too going down street the other Mir rt wvl school Listen FOUTt Of j Vftlws a TfO HANK hi4 on Third c5 a It nVVcd by A W Austin iejdnded by do and Mr do act as Secretary A and- wore appointed a The Secretary Head the ttepoH of the to the Shareholders and submitted ho gutekneht of he Ibe Hank which is as follows ANNUAL OF- a I WO I House of ie Iniilllution Tothto of ftVatcxs uaryi iSlJi Mrs Sutton spent dumber of present jay in llrown Hill Austin by K that Hi- Mrs do cake the and thai Mr A Jo act MY liirliu Mr Leslie Hose Mr Mil cone tu to To the SbitrelioUcri to the of the Dank and the result of ltd Operations for the twelve months ended Will be received With by the Shareholders Balance of Iroftt December Net profits for the yeaF deducting all ohurSos and full provision for bad and doubtful debts make more than do- at the home Ms sister Mrs last week Mrs lira Meld Hiss Orchard over Sunday Mr Donald is visiting with relatives and other friends in town After paying all expenses he will lilt Premium received en new Capital a of i i Which has been disposed of as follows Dividends at Twelve cent per ah- n i it t Two per cent l A looft was i 111 for produce at Hi Friday Mrs Geo of Sutton spent over Sunday with mother Mr P Iwte wore glad hear a report ot a resident THE DOMINION BANK A BOQERJ Muntger Capital up Fund Amli f000OO00 You Can Start With i Some of Ihe largest accounts In our Savings Departfnenl were started In b njodest Ah account can be opened dollar or more MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH D TERRV is la the Hospital Our friend Tim spent a shuvt t61tSS4 Total distribution to Shareholders of Fourteen per cent for the S3 Contribution to Pension i Transferred to on Stock serve the Owl that gamed such notoriety by midnight ex on my neighbors poultry a balance of and carried forward at credit of account 5102 Transferred from Profit and Less Account are tailing adVAntn tile cold on the tars time at his yesterday sport days Mfvnofie hep daughter yfwit a tow days im last Mr spfetit a days In tiie city this week Mr has returned from the city and ion is iiigUit slowly Rose has to Toronto to accept a position about skatiflg sure have sohid rink la our burg the young the and handsomely mounted in Spa was in tow on old Davidson of Akron few at home of her brother Mr Davidson There has been a further gratifying Increase In the business Bank as evidenced by the figures In the Statement presented The prosperity of oa Saturday- Herman J- A couple of our popular peo ple went up to the masquerade at his forte This place abounds in Bathgate of York Mills is vis- We have one bad ones ones sweet ones all kinds in fact including do and the aiihiversary at the pastor was at one time as miaister attendance at quarterly meet ing Sunday morning weather was rather Unpleasant wo congratulate Mr Fred upon being the purchaser of Mr 1 pearl Cain spent A her home Aurora Mr Walter Wright a Mrs Dr Graham has- returned home after a weeks her w were only started on brother and yet to J SriV2 account are true some the is- to administer the sacrament lathe girls of this vicinity will Presbyterian Church here and at Mt j vive the winter Theres not so mack Pleasant next uwiay There should when youre Mite Mildred Todd is a few days with Miss Delia Home Several around here boo la j at atd report a time The little at grandpa llrooka Is certainly a man Prof J bales conducted service on Sunday The was well with I sermon music Well this Is funny state of continues to participate Directors Shareholders front of the the wcath- itin at the home Mrs Terry Mrs is In the city a gen- seriously HI A snart Mrs loo of Newmarket was visitor at the home of her mother Terry Mrs and spent unday at the homo of Mrs BaiTctt will be found Invariably after dusk at their school work They arc unusu ally knowing lads boys to be proud of Theyve got good heads on their shoulders Master Johnnie a handsome recently at Sab bath Scnool naming offhand Some preachers DOMINION HANK would stuck o that These boys Improvement in every respect are young gentlemen as well They the Annual dont acquire their schooling at tbo the Dominion village school gramophone plays creased its paidup Capital- Ate violi in a mast servo M gains in deposits stj in circulation and total assets J Its net paidup favorable it should be a Some people sutler while skating feet others with cold Ladies Aid of hies Chrtsr jtiao Church are arranging for a con- ft amounted to W Capital now stands at tho and the Reserve Fund at the deposits total of over down with the fair young bride That sailed from Dublin Bay And do you know it vividly recalls the lost Titanic and its liv ing freight A Mistaken Idea A good many of showing a gain the An examination of the Hands As cot shows a very its flairs- SSi special commit the from theyre rrir in the where its Branched arc located This is plainly and cause of a new issue of capital stock when all p facilities special comment lh toU the current loans amounted to S it showing that the ank is do- a land large share jouniaa n providing tor the business needs of error of record Of the of February J a further of new Capital Stock at a premium This is a part of the of new stock by the Shareholders at the Annual Meeting of the January and duly approved by the Treasury Board at Ottawa Particulars of this allotment will be given forthwith to the Shareholders by circular When payment of this Issue has been made in full the paidup Capital of the Bank will amount to and of the total Authorised Capital of there will remain unissued Owing to the growing importance of- the Banks business the Directors considered It advisable to recommend an Increase in their number from nine to eleven and a bylaw will be submitted to you covering this You will also be to give your sanction to increasing the remuneration of the Directors made necessary by these additions to the Board In connection with Bank Premises the year Just closed was one of i unusual importance several transactions of great moment having been to be held about list Don to completion get to in Mil next week Mrs Jenkins and are visiting friends in this vicinity 4t is rumoured that our grocery may change hands we pre sent proprietor will leave this neighborhood but we would welcome a baker who could turn out such de- bread as we have purchased from Mount Albert We have reason to expect the ice harvest to be alright Saturday Winnipeg and additional property was acquired eniiip wis Cold adjoining our Windsor Ont Branch- Vila Branches of the Bank were opened In as follows In Ontario- righteous man the life of his beast but tbe fellow who re moved the blanket from his neighbors horse in order to Put two his own went too far even it his was clip- tea large attendance at both ser vices Mr Will took- a trip to Orangeville this week SUTTON time here last Monday flight of S No North limbury for January PupilStella Morrison Douglas Jr Clarence Aurora team- up with two man King Blanche Roadway uttou special cars to play in the Metropolis j tan League Match it being pwiously III Harold that the Sutton team would Barker Ross Graham whip them badly Betting was Ross Hols tock to on Sutton but Aurora whipped- Jr III Stella Leon Rob- locals to json Joseph Morrison Muriel Aral an- Second meeting- on Monday Barker May Graham You were Informed at the annual meeting In 1911 of the purchase of the property on the Northeast comer of King and Streets Toronto for the purposes of Head premises as your directors were at that time unable- to acquire sufficient land Immediately adjoining the present Rite Last year however they succeeded In purchasingthe property directly south of that now occupied and extending to Street A sale of the northeast corner was subsequently effected satisfactory price 1 Plans have been prepared and it Is the Intention to begin active opera tions at an early date for the erection of a building that should meet the Bunks requirements for many years to come Necessary outlays have been made for Improvements to several already established for new Branches opened and for the purchase of the premises which the Bank for many years occupied at the corner of Queen and Streets Toronto and at Osbawa Sites were also secured at West Toronto Edmonton South formerly Knox choir attended the Allan Teachar For Sale Christie Streets and High Park Avenues Street and Avenue Street and St Clair Avenue Toronto ByWord Market Branch Ottawa and Port Arthur In the Western Provinces Swift Current Moose Jaw South Hill Branch Saskatchewan Edmonton First Street Branch Calgary whem Pi fined the toys JLOO and costs In all The annual meeting of the England met Wednesday oven- tag- in above Simpsons bake shoo and a pleasant time M was spent with the brethren of Scott 190 acres cultivated balance Lodge Loyalty of Aurora bush and creek at back end aC lowing officers were installed for I acre orchard ensuring year by brickclad house Barn Silos pig pen stable tbts forced through 2f windmill North Vancouver British Columbia and Wawota Branches were cause a new issue i ek at WW a share which I aid up writ Increased fc 3000000 Hank things with knowledge chemical analysis can sec where err They might just as well scatter broadcast that would le to Poverty Hill When gave a bonus of cent to share- learn tcT enrich their soils h 9 cent- taking total 1 I m to them lor the year of f Branch New Dundee and do- in Every Branch of the Bank has been inspected during the year by Head specially for such duties and as is customary the Balance Sheet of the December mi Including the Cash Assets and- Investment of the Institution has been verified by a Committee of your Directors Toronto January President Report was adopted A bylaw was passed authorizing an increase In the number of from to eleven A sorrel ought to be as warm as a bay Skating is agood wholesome sport and the rink should be well patron ized I Sandwiches and coffee are very but it is whispered there was something stronger than drir the night of the Hockey Match And whv did the price of the to them for the per cent OUR TOWN town back to the old Paris Land if you wish At clover Stingy It were to allege that our citizens were stingy it would bo you down the place they live in We havea lew fortunately very few who decidedly very pessimistic in regard to our future Thev insist a libel And yet what would has Its vnackers and term tin habit some hade drinking ours is no exception There are I separator milk a pig some Individuals who much would starve to death on They else to do go around and cry like to use the pure lacteal fluid place they live in We because its robbing the cream crock My neighbor John Alexander is a liberal minded fellow who would make poor man happy hid ho the the place is going down that the wealth of the Vunderbilts the town is not what it was a few yegrs the ago To make matters worse John keeps a few things for The thanks of the Shareholders were tendered Ma the President Vice- n m President and Directors for their services during the year to the to Manager and Officers of the Bank the efficient performance of And she used to be really lee led their respective duties The following gentlemen were year Messrs a Austin J C Eaton- J Toy Matthews A Sir Edmund Osier MP At a subsequent meeting of the Directors Sir Edmund Osier MPi was geeted and Mr Matthews VicePresident for the ending one correction GENERAL STATEMENT dnty elected Directors for the ensuing Brock B J Christie Hutchinson V Edmund Osier Interesting Wont some of her fronds show- her the word Finis and close the book before she discovers what a back number she really is Her account of the drawing up of iiu in best of repair possession Scott Jg J jj e Surgeon A Webb 1st Co Chapman 2nd Com 3rd com Grant Com 5th Com Edwards Com Redden Inner Guard Outer Guard Weir this month A Miller Real Es tate and Insurance Uibridge PECO ALBERT in all kinds of Wood A Heaters Steel and Cast Ranges Sleighs Peter Hamilton Farm at Nigh Wells Silverthorne Pearson standing the of men were prominent work ers- in the recent local option palpi about three years ago and If only thought so are i r his own table When eggs were fifty cents a handed Uncle Owl a liberal donation to put under his You wouldnt throw them with those who opposed that measure away thus boss on the ground that would ruin the am much attached to my- young town In a few years As a matter friends but enjoy the society of my our town was never in a elderly friends most Uncle John- prosperous condition True several ston is a entertaining have moved away dicil and gone out conversationalist He has business Hut no place depends memory and is well posted on old lor lis success upon any man or times fcer of men The old world still goes In late issues of the a no matter how important or seem- reference to my honored old friend Circulation not bearing Interest bearing Interest including Interest ac crued to date in Deposit CI Deposits by and In Canada Balances due to Banks balanced due to other In foreign countries and a 15 are those who from time to time entered the Great There have always been to take their places and Total Liabilities to the Public Capital Stock paid up Reserve Fund Balance of Profits carried forward Dividend No payable 2nd January Bonus two per cent payable 2nd January Former Dividends unclaimed 1 Reserved for Exchange Rebate etc on Bills Discounted OS 01 ASSISTS dominion Government Demand Notes Notes of and Cheques on other Balances due from Banks Canada Ited Kingdom x fcV r Mr Harrison lroctor and- Mr David will remembered tor their honorable sterling upright ness and manly independence Look due Agents In the Unit Is SO here There have at our friend Mr You will foreign countries business changes but none have stamped on his intelligent Aurtthe town In any way Many nance honor jovial good humor nud properties have been sold and in Long may case the prices have Iccnwith us than ever- We feel safe In You are hale Father William the SS 20 Worship wrote it himself an he signed it In presence of witnesses As to the statement that he hardly realized what hi was do lus when he signed it that would tie for the Reeve to contradict if not cor rect Some of you are wondering why supported other follow be cause of the facts recorded above and a pretty thorough knowledge of His Lordships methods of working the game Since when did it become a trifling thing for man to disregard his signature or childish for men to take notice such a dishonorable thing The electorate slow yi taking in the facts and in the mean time got in Hut you will get- them waked up alright Samantha Keep right on rousting your chestnuts I Government Securities Canadian Municipal Securities and British or Foreign or Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian Railway and other Bonds Debentures and Stocks J u saying- that any owner of property In young man cried Loans on call secured by Stocks and this town can sell for more than Now tell me the reason 1 etc cost This has Leon the actual w experience of many during past year We a now a police village the past year has shown the ad vantages derived from taking this miss Mr arid Mrs The town has been kept clean all tho interesting tittle Taylo and healthy streets in good repair Oh I wish I were in Dixie I Yes are lighted with should like to be there and if improvements all had Id soon bo there it is a very low rate of Many reason I pray etc Who knows thoso poetic gems Movealong time will soon he ufen us and therell le a host who will J obey here We shall lor and Hills Discounted and Advances Current Deposit with Dominion Government for Security of Note Circulation Overdue Debts estimated loss provided for Heal Estate other than Bank Premises Mortgages on Real Estate sold Bank Premises 32 IS 437171 46415841 120 115161 7 37 Ob new people have moved in for it has became known that Albert is a Very desirable place to live In ft the undersigned hereby those ago ft- 4d villas is othe S is an Intensely interesting spot the scene the struggle fifty years ago A extracts from there would OK Years Ago column Comparison of the list of candidates for Holland Land ing years ago and those of the present show a remarkable i Of Credit CONTINGENT LIABILITIES under Commercial Letters against Merchandise 499Sl Toronto slat December A General Manager twenty cents Quality nS Jr George Williams S S Ho l Past and West 306 Grant Wilder King HHoy Sr Mary WT Alfred Ethel Fdan v Selma Oliver- nHwardaiari in mental and financial status Norman Wilder 841 Alfred I Rogers Proctor George slack Cross Ernest Fountain W l If crowded out tlirtxtjveek Albert Annie WrJ Mr arid Mrs Albert Trayiss are a short holiday at Mrs viss fathers Mr Scott on the Concession They return to their this week We- were glad to see our old friend Mr Turner about tho village this week lie is the winter iu Toronto He reports a very place in winter monthly meeting of the ladies of the Methodist Church was held in the basement on- p Al though a day there was a attendance and pleasant was spent J The Presbyterians have secured Dr of Toronto tor their Supper which- will be held on Width entertain with illustrating his Pales- Son sold two d to P of Retina been visits Cor the past few to Tbrontound ot thewln on and Sangsteh Education Pearson J Bull Fleming Skeitou Equalization A J Bulk Padget Weils- McNair 10 Silverthorne Spalding in lug Wallace Hunter bury and Bylaws Pugsley J Bull J Cameron Griffith Knowles A Pugsley Pearson Cornell I County Property Cameron Kelly Baker Buchanan Printing and Contingencies Goodwin Spildi Kelly Miller Jackson A number of Good SecondIIaad Cook Stoves Cheap Farm half of Let East acres being the 5th Con Apply tO Jacksons Point I i G WDavidson REAL EST M ALBERT FOR SALE Come to Albert and see tie very desirable sals Holland Landing Council we have here Locate here and enjoy many Council met Feb 1st pm the acuities not found except fa The Reeve and all the members Places present J J Largo Cottage and I acre- The members elected Jan 1000 Large Double House and viz Bell John Gibson third of an acre R Tate required Small Cottage and Stable ami Hon and qualifications of officel onethird of ah acre Board of Health a folio -v- House and two Lots Goodwin Reeve J Shop- Rout 3 years A Lennox years G Tate Sanitary Inspector J Hodges house good Stable Medical Health Officer Dr and three Lots Campbell Large Brick Dwelling Pound keeper Stable and J acre Inspector Large House rooms lain Fence Viewers Arthur Morning Barn suitable far ST fiBm s The following bills were ordere be paid WJ Hodge Ough auditing J auditing J holding elections Jan and 1400 Bell that the tenders of the ExpressHerald at 2000 printing for be accepted and that Duncan Bell have tha use of park for pasture for the sum of Carr Gibson that Hodges be paid salary as vil lage constable and that its council dispense with his- services as- Ullage constable Carried Bellthat the Kenya use discretion in regarjl to the a over the the Holland River by the count Carried I ii J A Brick Dwelling terge Stable and two Lots Brick Dwelling Stable siaaM- shop Most of places almost any terns can arranged Be sure to see the above before you- locate- DAVIDSON Mount Albert Box Phone We Represent Royal Firs Co- The Fire Insurance Co The Independent Fire Insurance Co General Animals Co of of Licenses Done aix 4 i J i OF ONTARI TORONTO

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