it JSu f AV 1 i next school- room 1 Lino of Booths Kng- In White and Gold St John Church RossPa Mutfoal Vesper will bo sung full at 7 Reform Vetting Willing from Ottawa Feb Dr Michael Clark MP for Deer says am loosing forward to the Of your most Riding and hoping to have a good Mm with yoH Liberal Most- Meeting bo held on Of Feb will bo one Of the first importance and the speaker a will most trait ha visited lading for many a day Mr has Ford and Mr pot an order for a car City this makes cats In and vicinity and of Fore Lecture Noil Monday under the auspice of too Young Peoples on plowmen in W Toronto offered lo come to the- city the spring and plow up Vacant lota to alio lo plant and flowers to weeds York beW a Tuesday and or oil to too the in Toronto aha i J In ton on Tuesday Joaa tto for buying worth that Madame in teaching hoc lip ttuatap- Church Sunday will b 1 next Sunday will used In teaching of Mr in nor- av 97 Pieces for 1 few A IMPORTBrt OP STAPLE AND I the 1 of re Marion tried Joint Hus sion and Iianiata in Quality and Athens You can a set In our in Town all at Seats at The is from Merlin pa- per AiUtoUgti Hall ftasiit filled by any means yet who treated a distinctly superior nature when last night Messrs- Ernest Orey and Joseph a delightful and varied pro gram its appreciation v lie music in applause that on occasion called the artist back to the platform our times Mr besides accompaniments for the other displayed talent of no mean in a number of selections two which wore of his composition lie is a with an Enthusiasm that is contagious and his numbers were welt received The- Thome with Variations Op one his compositions was a particularly In charge a present on ctols Ml fean years pastor in that will bo On 0 tendered being Sunday at this week places v all skaters over Canada- wear China Hall Grocery aHWI that wiever Brand Wc per TRY A SAMPLE LB AT 20CTS AD BE CONVINCED j City Johnston should strongly oppose pro- Meeting position the to xi resnlex Mcthers Meoitng double track Street north of Will be of Mrs Mills bonne titer will be St On Tuesday It In tho Legislature of llUi at p in Tha Super would miraculous indeed to bring any seCondhiiid capo death on Saturday clothing which may ylTltt medical sUident paired or fiiwd over in any at Toronto University- who accident- so to and needle -V- of full Me- field arid then took Manus of Work potash to kill as an antidote v- Of course he ill the j hut is better Womens fnstliute ilary Mason pleaddnot guilty hi regular monthly Police Court Branch of elected he tried by a on institute will held at home of of stealing a 4dousc- the Mrs Fred Dawson St on Simpson afore ease goes Saturday lh toHho sessions This will take the of Board of Works has decided In a thimble tea nil ladies favor of making street ate expected bring their needle- ft wide north College street work when motor ear as yet A goodmusicAl literary pto- j crashed into the rife in which ho playing is All are with his three children Iter y near Jane St Mr Kearrwy road and M5 eldest thrown to Apple PAckMgh a fracture Between and 30 farmers Attended the but the girl escaped our sessions morning and bruises The took noon at the of the Department the road until- it of Agriculture on by wtio and take in the the two clinging erson Lightning Hockey Shoes because they most and 1 he Hijch is buckled up in a second arid after the shoe is laced on the inside ankle support may be ad- justed to the ankle without unlacing the shoe The large eyelets make it easy to lace the shoes in less than two minutes i i s Karl ft an Rob- S- IB fl end roomed n joe Ihrougk lie cal V I gH Steaple TEAS Bulk Teas Their Fresh- and Flavor ran toed lUaek Teas at the following prices and per ft Black and per lb Upaa and per ft The Leading Groeer- was executed with a skill and that the audience by storm Four times Mr was return stage by the tumultuous applause of the His violin seleceions splendidly executed with a sympathy and ex pression that played a large part in heavy dUYioilt selectioii course provided on the packing of the grab- popularizing the artist in Caprice Viennois by Kreisler his duo parts were verybeautilul fruit especially apples under di- lines The police are trying cf Mr Hamilton a Govern- locate the driver of the motor car expert Much valuable put on speed was given which should got away the wholesale crop more valuable in Si the future to the farmers- who attend ed IV S GEt THE ITCH James er Co the An accident on the near Maple on Saturday When a i southbound freight train was halt 1 way between Maple and Concord sta- lions the supports a carload of Prompt OF Phone a Main Timothy Streets NOTICE Having installed a Grinder I prepared to Sharpen Skates Knives file and set- Saws all kinds of tools Wood- turning and light ripping HILTS St Doors West of Public Library iei Willi TendersWanted Soiled Tenders will be received by ujtderslgned up to Saturday Feb for the purchase and re- Moved of tho Frame Stable and on the property of the Public School Hoard formerly owned J K Newmarket For Sale- see Up i for sale we except I acre and on- Id si it It acre si able One sow with eleven sow eligfele to register Rock Cockerels DO AN Phone r2 Newmarket Lot Owners Newmarket High School The Hoard met at the Secretarys Office on Wednesday evening when Mr J McKay was elected for the year The report of the auditors was re ceived us satisfactory the Troasur accounts showing a of over on band The annual of was made for decoration purposes Tito Supply committee not ready to report on the cost of seat ing and lighting auditorium and it was suggested that the amount earning from the Town Council for the cost of stand pipe for fire protcc- might lo used for pariose salary of Mr J Steckloy was increased per year commencing Nov 1st last Tiis Standing Committee for tile year were appointed as follows Jackson Whitney and Finance and Ross Supply and The report the Inspector was received as very satisfactory Tho School is graded 1st Class in deparUnents and 2nd two- water closets cap rooms The accommodations generally arc in good condition and the caretak ers work is very well done Tho recommendation of the last In spector concurred in regarding the placing floor covering in tlio Principals room and thp Teachers Rooiu The Inspector also suggests the ad dition of a cv pieces of gymnasium apparatus so as to make a full course Physical Culture Some suitable additions save A made to the Library aiKl scientific I Apparatus since last- inspection She provision of biological material should 1 bo continued until a good standard on Lot Con terras sale at one Building is ring A Vaudeville Entertainment Will conclude the poultry lumber became broken and fell by the v Mr Fred next evening It will be wayside under The train well worth Everybody should had to be stopped and all section attend so as to help out tho Poultry crews and available men the Association Watch for Posters- employed to clear track Prize ribbons and cups are to be On a charge of stealing a given for special breeds of Poultry at from departmental store on the Show next week by Friday Alfred Robinson was Clubs I interested ask trie ted lor will not Secretary about The in affect Wmf the Secretarys office at the Market On Monday last Mr Taylor losing control of motor it turned completely over him He was taken to the hospital where it was found Horses Jersey and other he had sustained a fractured skull his right arm was broken and badly bruised A drug clerk named Clyde Ash was arrested on Saturday on a charge Christian Church or forgery Rev J of Aurora Mr relative of will at the of Torontos oldest families Church fcext Sunday morn- away on Saturday Deceased was and evening in exchange with ho born In the city pa9tor A cordial is ex- Ontario people are warned by fended to ll James Outran Bart of Vermillion lw a TORONTO LETTER I York County Farmers great the demand for if I Are in Need of Help Exhibition Grounds it is stated by A safe as Hockey and Felt Boots Ladies and Boys- Clearing out at eat price Danford Roohe A Co will have a that it is Pure BredShorthorn as well of the York County of- ttc combined general farm stock and ficals was bold Tuesday afternoon Buildings will Ln 1 2 sufficient to accommodate all Ae being now placed theresjdents the county to lunch SATURDAY Lot j as an agricultural Tuesday at Cook Con Township of 1 JrW with a view o attracting the miles Sale Cattle who Syme DeputyReeve address and home bred Shropshire of Township J Pearl Raymer aged was implements Steckley the Monday afternoon Jn en property of Lemon Baker Stl paTtmCnt J Crawford cf Elmira She had been versides KesteJ Auctioneers and Thomas oi Etobicoke detectives for i arraiD past week as her actions in TUESDAY Feb 18Auctiott Salt of lioBS throughout the county are sen- been suspicious Yesterday aha Farm Stock Implements on hampered by the lack was cus by the east halt of LoV 33 ton counties on either side a small East the property securing emigrants It ladys J Smith Sale at sharp jested that the aid Thc lrl American and will Terms months p bo obtained to deported to Michigan Auct ensure the success of the movement of Last Sundays slices were his SSt af a ifte by thoufihUul on the part of to England from leing deceived will have an extensive the good congregation to the by of the West Ails mbngvbV the pastor which have been not gold that glitters rarely equalled by any sermons he While coupling cars in has preached The morning theme yards on Saturday J Mitchell re taken from Jobs defence My heart ceived injuries which resulted in deatli shall riot reproach me as long as 1 few hours after live was the foundation of a Carl Webber was arrested on SaturJ discourse on inner life of day on a Charge of horsestealing j all who draw near to ser- about weeksago He hired a vice concluded with a reception of rig at a livery stable but- did not j members and observance of tho return with it Anything but honesty Lords Supper evenings soma people sale on the West Half of Lot understood that the Government will floor of the 2nd Con of East supplement any grant made by the Public School was badly gat fl mos credit or per cent oft county The meeting decided that by fire Tuesday night entailing Sale at oclock W H Kava- applications should be made to the the contents na Auct a moderate- sum to le Wi to the The fire WEDNESDAY Feb sale of stock implements etc be- longing to the late Ebenezer on of King Old Survey credit or oil Sale at one sharp spent in this work rem an overheated furnace the basement oificrent ideas fundamentals that Is gratifying to know that ffSJ months- Sale at ono assist all growth either sphere Provincial Secretary has stated that A pleasing feature of the was Government will see to that I the presence with us of Elder the Act Is enforced in THURSDAY Fob bale who assisted in both the in after the 1st of May I of Farm Stock Implements pit Work and administration of The Police Magistrate decided this etc on Lot 26 Com bast the Supper that can shouts wares the property The selections by Miss were on the street I Sale at sharp Terms I Desirous of Building would do well to get designs and tenders for 1 etc from POTTER BROS Carpenters College St is reached The ratio of pupils to teachers is i nofi 3 Toronto v Caution will not bo respon sible foe any debts contracted after- ita toy person persons a written order PROSSER Boarding Stable fc able large la small terms the leased stable south of George I am prepared to cub a firstclass Feed and Sale at a reasonable rate public very much for oastom Newmarket boring under ditliculticS and tho sit uation would be relieved if it were possibly to add another teacher to the staff The Is legally and the discipline good Tbe grading work is 1st class jn5 In re maining- four Too character of the pupils work Is on the whole very satisfactory Under General Remarks tho In spector closes his report as follows Since my last visit to this school several years ago very improvements have been in the which now rank as Very high order and the singing A proclamation has been issued by by choir fully up to the usual Lieutenant Governor in Council about 26 to Which li satisfactory I and everything through thc bringing into force sections of rimo Table has been was conducive to progress along act passed at the last session or constructed but the Principal i all lines church work the legislature creating the new Y P C K cial district Our weekly becoming j that ho would better We hope will Wf PflTO soon be a where our interest her MJ demands our rather than a for nonsupport Michael was place whose only attraction is ordered by call of duty This weeks Monday to pay his wife a week full of good thoughts Miss -Now- will they bo Girts Wanted best for schools of this class development of toe side of the curriculum has had effect of creating diaproportlon between force and work uudortaken so that conM necessary in a few cases to combine classes which would Willis gave a very helpful pa per Sit new members were received Next Tuesday Cora Trivott will take the topic Chris tian Endeavor Principles and how to uphold Jot Wo will a Social and ex- to see races which we would like to see a good del count of the success which a social evening bias had la getting a big at tendance oar meetings la future will contain more of the social fac tor We will try to make every meet ing more social boys bring up your end of the contest Youll get stung if And- several il you are Albert Apply Prospect at the Clothing Factory Ave pace Co Co To Rent Good and Garden- corner of and Sta House fltted with to mace hard and soft Possession pi at once Wise be separately attending our point out that in school of j classes on Strangck this it desirable that Our Gates The classes aiY principal should have a Tuesday you know which he might to general supervision and to the details of administration In my there Is work A tfbnjrfi in to sauce added to of the of sauce served with halibut Thoicomenare not alone in raising lainentsj regarding the open winter Word has come from north to Department of Lands and Forests that a heavy fall of snow soon comes the timber output this winter fall considerably short of nor mal An award will shortly be committee headed by Sir Ed mund Walker of Toronto appointed the last year to choose beat design tor the proposed King Edward Memorial on Parliament Hill The Senators at Ottawa so It is said ate have a of the basement in Parliament Buildings fit ted for a gymnasium Now watch the gay members of the Ontario In Queens Park dfollow eld Seeds at Ottawa Parks was arrested on Monday wlth assaulting his wife to had been married only four us in tbo Juvenile Court oldthe Morality Depart that she had been parks is keld 10 months Kavanaugh TUESDAY Feb Mr Wm Mor timer will have on extensive sale of farm stock implements roots etc on the west half of Lot Con East Usual terms Sale at sharp H Auct WEDNESDAY March Law rence Foster will have an extensive sale of farm implements on Lot Con East months credit Sale to commence at one oclock pm Kavanagh Auctioneer TUESDAY February rooms with stable and driving house and J aero lot be longing to the estate the late Catharine Brooks mile south Albert at am in the hotel yard Mt Albert W Kester Auctioneer TUESDAY Feb farm stock and implements belonging to Mr Percy Lot 1C on at one Nine months credit on sums over J Kester Auctioneer TUESDAY Feb Oliver Con Scott near MountAlbert will hold sale stock implements on usual terms J AuottoneerV j- AT Broughfons POULTRY GRIT for WO- lb OYSTER SHELL for lb bag REEF SCRAP per i BEEF MEAL 5c per CRUSHED RONE 3 lbs for c INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD HESS POULTRY FOOD HERBAGElM ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY FOOD PRATTS POULTRY FOOD- Drug Store S the I BANK I MONTREAL Act ef Pariiamen CAPITAL PAIDUP REST PROFITS Branches at all important centres in Canada and In London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS a am A -t-j- te s SIR mm fta ft ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO