Newmarket Era, 7 Feb 1913, p. 8

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5E l- UK p fi St J turn yMWto MCKCNNA ft 191J4 wish lo tell of the great have done or years I martyr Chronic late or is for somebody We hear that Boil bought Mr grocery IVIla Horner visiting friends in the art busy days Miss Others the city to their as Miss dews not flu Vis oil last Sunday whey jcolng to have It a time It it wise you Tlier art hourly to or I stmic of vour GIN at ViQtoria Jiteiuijer flldi fe year agr to give the Ktdnej incident to of my i proves Hire Ihornoat vent and on yncual- PILLS j v Stomach Trouble I run down my rieiid tried numerous And alt kinds of medicines but received no relief to try by Mr of St Stephen and pleased to sly lhat enjoy excellent health atlves ire the best medicine nudei and I strongly adylse my friends to them is the only medicine that iwitly and completely core Constipation This wonderful compound of fruit juices acts directly on the liver causing this to extract more bile from the blood and to up more bile to move the regularly aud naturally a box for trial size At all dealers or sent on receipt of by Limited Ottawa Miss Violet returned after a week in Zephyr Glad to Mrs improving nicely Wider the UK Quito of our ihioyod UiemsehiPS the evening nut- tie to build a Urge pen We are to hoar that Mrs tai a relate but wo hope it will not prove serious Miss Lena attended the- at Mr lat week report a Rood With regret we report the death the infant sort of Mr and Mrs who loosed away after an In the a in rays two- your own not wtttvothcr peoples you have to catch i Luck own OF MAST asked- when pnjnuncid that he follow an action which he deemed H isnt of much of wa his Milled rpby mld not wriiit tek please or approval 1 have to or less fa IfW I If all ami his oourw in the end Iwd both approval w Of iU iNlblto a pWsd people Meat right wilt leiid hearty approval Hi right Bourse ftat Cos Or may- ik right ho obliged to Wj to the want him to iViBjid what God Would lit it do you Is plain- whenever toqaa it he is with the V l the flags are hoisted billy fiaMau H wmieiha de cision he samp since wo tfwi first of servants Mas ter and must Ilia thoagh iilness of three woe House to Rent Sizrooiiied with modem on Church St Apply to MRS Eagle St Newmarket rt I Houses for Sale and frame AH cics Apply at- once to 1 H MOUTOS Box Newmarket For here evening last was a grand success Mrs Gordon and Mrs William were guests Mr and Mrs on Sunday went to Aurora where he has been engaged to manage a liv ery bus ment age Mrs Albert of Aurora slant the past week visiting- friends here Mrs H and family ol To ronto visited friends here for a week The rifle match here on last was well attended longlmrst winning- the prize for hgst ge recomulcndOtN to friends a being the one thine that docs me is a and to of Kidney and hladder Trouble wait till you are slaty before you learn by GIN will If jou have first signs swollen joints or ankles Odin in the hack black specks floating In front of the eyes take GlNHLuS at once- They will free you of these symptoms of Kidney and Bladder Trouble Sample free by writing National Drug and Chemical Co of limited Torouto flag of toft superior or for Mr Holland VqU the inferior the bartender Mr him army found it- bag Constable Banbury beaten it hauled its was quietly sent for and tor the flag of I words were somewhat sharply put under arrest and was induced lo by lie conduotor of even- tell where the- bag was hidden l Vole This was a token of line- train your lantern by and respect SeoU composing the Knia other ranx The perfect health bog a perfect of the come from wm extracts and But it stomach balance of health Is octroyed rt carry the proper elements to the different and there blood troublenerve troubleheart Pain the of organs the stomach and Organ of digestion and That Just what done by G DISCOVERY which has been so favorably known for If put Op tablet form as as liquid and can be obtained of dealer or by mail cent In foe trial box addre COMMON SENSE ADVISBR fcT this is called you ever think what there could he between flag that was- hot properly hoisted Al to catch it find not of a great mam since ftags were used in war it has been the to he Mtt -to- to opin ions be YOU pleasure of SiK In a while way lm him grit arm Sunday Its Movement how Weve number liaMnis are Very interesting iiiotrth we had a social lit the on the meuibcia tbAt ftimply great Wish you could to next night at tons ami t to tome Well Hitertaiti royally and we would be more than- to haw a member As youre afortous Carle replied believe Ill accept your You ffenry and I tre in so Tom ry toW me about it this morning Well look for jou I lfke us well enough to our jt may he that I will smiled At Ill Coir to your Weill purely a hearty welcome declared Tom they and went ways lie Friday night lint was at the social and was that he consented secretary to enroll his name as a member of the class The next Sun day John Sharp was surprised yet delisted see his t- Sun day but wondered why wont Into Tn in stead of bin The Adult Student 1 CASTOR I A for and fa Kind You Have Always Bought i 4 Love was brought before Magistrate in evening and committed to jail Alter sliding the night in lowered out oi Icckuprhe was let out on hail to ftl memory The custom pear at the next assizes ago passed from and Fred weroe to puhlio life of all kinds the for out popular to a man on iK Mitchell the brough1 before Magistrate on charged Wjth supplying the Indian list evidence Hag flying at halfmast being a that the dead man was worthy of respect left above it is for the flag of the great flue and of of costs on each The charge was laid all and Express by Col ami I pending it from his arm Mr of appeared I to in the comer we the prosecution It is hoped this cognized as a form of punishment to think We thought of others will be a warning which will be in his hook on you If anything shoukl happen you would of the oar and your lantern at the other- The I brahman was a new hand who had just come on duty comtKJtdr Mm at the rear of the last car when the above words Were spok en We glanced forward as the man passed Toward the front end and there to our we saw km hung up in a coiner While he was taking it down and pending it from his arm of BEAVER MILLS FLOUR f a acres more or of Bust Pasture Land water creek Lot 35 Com of Whitchurch J DAVIS Newmarket in future Heretofore it has been says that there was score Another match will be held little Letter than a farce tc place anv- f on Saturday next for- fowl sporting on the Indian list as there has iS an ae rifies only The anniversary services both morn ing and evening Presbyte rian Church here was well attended always been a set characters would liquorto these Arsons uu Tor a few drinks thev could them- she would be presented selves i The names of two others are sword and a ring Just A I f tor of Knox Presbyterian Church Heaver ton Journal For Sale Brick in tl growing Town of Nearajp dipped Main and Water StrceU very Miss Clara Davis of Toronto besides inexperienced who sometimes put their lamps where they would he of little use an emergen- There are people who make pro- religion who seem like shining lights in the church but win do not- take their religion with them in their daily Hfe They leave the j at and their penalties will be even more he rope might hang lantern w or with the ring she might mar- can do them good a special him It is said that the latter hour There are people who go Fresh Car Corn Car Gluten Meal Best Milk Producer You Buy Try Our Corn and Oat Mixture Per each a Services conducted by the pas- in tin possession- of the authorities she mi cut OHihls jit- continue supplying Dahhey suitable for a doctor Price Co 1 3 New Houses Ave for rale Two are at occupied and the other one will be ready All modem Apply to Isaac Rose Newmarket or French Mi Al bert For Shle or to Rent store and dwelling house la MtAlbert next door to first class business location Foe further particulars apply to MISS Lock Box i Alleri A For Sale or to Let A Frame Dwelling and Five Acres of Land situated on the 3rd Con of about one mile from good stable driving house pigpea henhouse and good water possession Apply to GEORGE STEVENS Huron Street Town Real Estate Office IV Sunday with her parents The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church held a quilting on day afternoon Mr Robert Potters sale last week was well attended Mr George Winnipeg who J was renewing acquaintances here for past two weeks left oh Monday for his western home Mrs Trios Brown is spending some time Toronto at the hospital where son is a patient Latest reports is doing well The recent thaw Hooded the Oats behind the Quaker church The frett ing cold since has left it a sheet ice and the young people were- not slow to take of it The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church will a sale of ins fancy articles and homemade can dy in the basement of the church on Friday Fob pm Ap excellent meat supper will he served in the basement from fi to oclock followed by a good program The shareholders of the Market As sociation held their annual meeting on Wednesday afternoon TheSecretary Mr gave satisfactory financial report showing a balance of the directors submitted a resolution to meeting declaring a 10 per cent dividend A proposi tion to maintain the one per cent was also met with approval It was estimated that over worth of A- number of uptodate produce was sold on the market last for sate or rent tanging in j year The board of directors ap- from to pointed were Ed Marchant Dr have secured at a ham A Weaver cash price and will be sold at a Davis and Houses lots well situ- We also Invite you to call on A pancake social and debato was get our prices for supplying in the town ball on the evening of Tuesday Feb tth under aus pices of St Mary Church The subject of the de- was the affirmative was taken by Messrs Marchant and J Cooper and negative by Williams of Kettleby Get Ready for Zero gpoal Galore Quality Price Right FLOUR AGAIN LOWER IN PR ICE NOT QUALITY FORESTER An accident occurred in the Positive Clutch and Pulley works on Monday and the gasoline engine used in run ning the machinery in the machine shop was hadly damaged The pis ton rod broke and before the engine could be stopped it was broken An electric motor has been secured and will be Installed as soon as pos- and current obtained from the Metropolitan Railway BELLE The Ice men got a team in the late oh Monday but them Otlt alright Some of voting people skated to Snake on Saturday afternoon The was fine The Knickerbocker Ice Co hope to hegin taking ice the last of this week standard prescribed and light is away in some other place For Womens Ail- when arises Ye are the PROMPT TERMS STRI CASH NEWMARKET Female Pills at your druggists CANADIAN OPPORTUNITY I NEWMARKET BUILDING CO Houses from up bought and sold easy I and building houses lag Usenv completed ready for material will bo Ah car lots at tho lowest whole- ale prices Before buying your ask prices fi coatractfl have been engaged- to work as as operations start n the spring loaned on first mortgage on and Fire Insurance at Estate Office wish- log to sell town property call on Morton Phone Resolved that Home Rule best interests of Ireland Farm lor Sale Con East acres tat Fail seeding and ploughing Av Good soil with buildings ban a ft on walls Water through ew op W9 an Ideal farm It sell will rent On AURORA premised or write for full BURROWS I The Imperial Bank people who purchased the of the oh tho southwest corner of and Wellington streets are making a great change in the building Mr of the Aurora Electric Ligfct was heard in regard to the sale the plant to the Iowa and that after due tlon ho bad decided to accept the fer by town of for the street wiring poles all portions of the the power bouse commercial traveller stopped I the Queens on Thursday evening and deposited travelling bag and sam ples in the hall The eight of hag prorexi tempting bait to Mr Holland Holland Landing who was hi I the hotel and seeing the bag in with person around be pipkbdttUp and walked out and hiding It to the hotel fend Said yesterday of tomorrow When I was young like yon I too was fond of boasting Of all I meant to do Bat while fell Alone the pleasant way Before I scarcely knew it I found I was tOjday And as today so quickly Sly little course was run I had not time to finish ttfc things begun Would l could try it over But I can neer go back A yesterday forever I now must be alack And so my good tomorrow It you would make a name That history shall cherish Upon its roll of fame Be all prepared ready Your noblest part to in those few fleeting hours When you shall bo today J Little Current Jan goes dry as it carried the Canada temperance act today by majority or more j Several srilall polls are yet to he hoard from but they turn- the present stands The town of Gore Bay gives majority of dno for nod Little tor rent against the The Town- whore local option failed a year ago went two to one for the act The township of Sand- fields vote was for and against Morses Indian Root Pill are not a new and untried our grandfather used them Haifa century ago before Confederation they were on aale in nearly every or general store in the Canada that day and were the recognized cure la of for Indigestion BIIiousnesRheuroataMi andKidneyandUNerTrOubleai day they arc just as effective just M reliable aft ever and nothing been o Cure Common 1 SPECIAL CRUSE AROUND THE WORLD Empresses of Russia Ask of Hussia willj leave Liverpool April 1st call ing at Gibraltar Villefraaolie and Port Said proceeding via Suez Colombo Singa pore Hong Kong Shanghai Na gasaki Kobe and Yokohama arriving at Vancouver June impress of Asia will sail from Liverpool May similar cruise direct for April 1st is via press of from St John March 1st BRUISE of maintenance be tween arrival time in England and departure of Kmpress of v Full particulars from any Agent ATKINSON Agent Newmarket light of the Jesus said to his disciples but they who are to give light to the world must bear their light about with Lot your light so shine before men said the Saviour that they seeing your good works glorify your Father which is in Heaven Do not forget that if we neglect to let- our lights shine brightly they ate danger of being put but entirely and other put into Bur places Exchange- VARICOSE VEINS CURED rNO names coNsoif Confined to His Home for Weeks I 4 J California Mexico Florida AND Sunny South Tlw Grand trunk Railway li the Moat direct route from all points east through Canada Chicago De troit or Only Double Track Route Round trip tourist tickets giving choice of all the routes togeth er with full Information may be ob tained from any Grand Trunk Agent City and Agent Phone THE DIFFERENCE By John was member of the Attendance Committee of an organiz ed in the First Methodist Sun day School morning he passing down the street in the east ern of the city ho met Jim Carless a neighbor and brother tho Church but a man who had not been to Sunday School for many years In Tact of late nehad not been a regular attendant on any of tho services of the Church Say said Sharp want you to come to Sunday School and Join my not doing your duty by staying at home Sunday after Sunday You ought to think of what you owe to the Church and of your example be fore your family Who you to lecture mo growled I guess Im cap able of attending to my own business along religious lines My lifes just exemplary as yours It isnt a mans works that save anyway Well John Sharp retorted you neednt get out humour you havent doing your duty A fellow whjpse conscience is hurting him Is always trying to excuse him self by he is as good as other folks Youll think about these things some day when Its too late Maybe I will snapped but I dont carp to be bothered to day Im in a hurry so He passed on and left Sharp won dering why he had been treated so coldly As proceeded down the street with a spirit of in his j hear t he came face to face with Tom Goodwin a member of Attendance Committee of another or ganized class of this same Church Why how are boy Im glad to see so well this Your trip to Excelsior Springs must you lots of Tom fra I and In brought on When worked hard the up A Week at ft time My hvJeiaa tried several specialist but found out all wanted was my mo 1 to look upon all doctors bolter than One day my boa asked mo why I so much and I iudhbnay consult Kennedy treatment from them himself and knew they Vera I then and Kev My And during the first months rAnKlI I continued treatment for three months looser was a complete cure IcouMorily earn In a dlrop before now am and never loose I valuable treatment Htxnrc locust HAS YOUR BEEN DISEASED BLOOD are the most and most serious disuses They sap the victim cad uuwsAectlrelyepaillcated tie protein wfll cause serious Rnrare of Mercury It may our NEW- cures Mood Are a you hope to Has j we you any wcecs cur you for you Codki1iiIoq HO matter has treated you vrlta for an honest CKana Bok Boyhood Manhood Fatherhood on Inmates of Men NO NAMES USED WITHOUT CONSENT PRIVATE on or envelope Lilt and Cott of FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT DrsKENNEDYKENNEDY Cor Michigan Ave and Griswold Si Detroit Mich All letters from Cauada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart ment in Windsor If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as to see and treat do patient our Windsor which are for Correspondence and laboratory or Canadian business only Address all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Oct for our private if A W a of Jims A A A anal all cftt V t n J good hands- Warmly flaunrtr- v I havent SHso yell fa l that Tom for AournatJnVV W he I entirely wed to know Hemlock tic gptdil to Order i well raA CHIVES OF ONTARl TORONTO

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