Newmarket Era, 14 Feb 1913, p. 1

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J V Do tt Have your awful ly examined and tee what wiH Rive Watsons Matchmaker and Graduate Optician W IV 4 W Ami Best copies toohAvcokOinJultktr 1013 3 1 JACKSON Editor Proprietor Newmarket per 1 1 1 to lWtl paper sent I York in advance Bargain Prices Window at WATSONS STORE e a i LX No Single a wnU Dont Human a Derri tar Toronto I v t I You are spending top much tirrie find vital energy Dont bo a derrick Simplify your hoisting problems a Hall JUMBO 2inl Hoist and Wire Stretcher The worlds only combined hoist and stretcher with a cockiure automatic locking de- vice marking on pull rope The moment you slack up on pull the locks the rope In the Grip That Cant Slip Holds Load in MidAir Yon release it with a mere turn the wrist and trouble In swinging butchered hogs lilting stretching wire fences support- Ing or Injured doing any Ola Jumdrcil ob9 that call for Simple durable will last ft lifetime Absolutely guaranteed County Mto ftbouti an hi- ytWi W busy of A WIM allniotiV warden and to tit re- W to meet current I W PUtcv stated that la Toronto a man Ujocity a cook and I tun plainly seo you need a Now there is Mrs died b house In You mo A half angry but sllonCoU wave of band I no el Jtn I am I Three of teii not sure I will flattf you ir no win you no to fool to satisfy Hall are In 9 sues capacity lbs to tons Come in today see oue of these wonderful labor savers a friend led him at Winnipeg Jbf the thai pal for a pair of chickens till sent fi week from a town li was married years ago ski chickens that same town per palr that- the keeWr of the stated that from to His been his made by the to air hut Web persons who were liumtex in the on Thanksgiving Day Ifl m the it j While the mother store to her earold ler room in Children Upon her I W flirt ha answered you are a cruel ftlrti arid ill JN CUARANTEE Absolutely llncoiulitiunally Guarantee Every Hull we soil will refund tiw whether due to Mechanical Defect or Ally Other is Binding nd wo will Back it to the We Every evening see you you take back w you have said came and the doctor strode the strict Arriving at his home he found two letters which completely the Mid of ffiWlfflS stairs to flmf the child pwning composed one in flames is supposed the child in the northern part squaring slKulde and SffnTriS alone had beep play county pencil to as that the trottiuamipac- land Landing is in ft to inscribe the u burned that deoth en- continuation of Street The ffijj sued a tew hours later company acquired roadway about l lhe I The other was from- a The Canadian Horse a and toward I board- ln bouse was -juiU- when the landlady informed her that rfh awful who would tell wanted to la the parlor Wint down and back in hrn saw InR and forth l the Aubb Iesae be anW as fte her slender white his yearn I I never would go you or in when I read the verse Jihisnys Valentine old iuefnArle came back and I found Were stilt unmarried 1 to test my fate again the old question I kl Have five jour opinion of me S- silence reigned in the hung her head and ikv repeated My sad and lonely you ever pine Youre the truest knight In all the world Say will you be my As Dr Warren drew fter closely to iiiui he fervently said I will fc A I li PHONE NEWMARKET HIGH GRADE TRUNKS- SUIT BAGS PAINTS OILS VARNISHES A ion at their annual meeting resale to was here went on week said by councillors to be largely as that tte and excess of ttiat at that time- iiig racing in Canada be controlled A toll gate has been the by a Canadian national association for annual Ifere is a to Township from Met told Councilors the roadway Council was was guarded at an embankment that they did not waiit road es- Township where as a means doing away with My life is sad awl you I ever pine asking him case he accepted the above offer if be would sell his prac tice htm Youre the pettiest girl in Greeny- nook l i J ft t a Maying Farming Pay FARMING has come to be regarded as business governed by the laws of business Farmers to be successful must be business men They ha a Bank account I- better to pay by cheque than with cashbetter be cause simpler often more convenient and certainly more your account with It took doctor Warren hut a few minutes to answer the both of them Say will you be my Valentine in afflnnative May I take my Valentine totfej morning he began to pack st office asked Harold for the offer was to take effect suppose so said Aunt Martha at once and Harold felt that he did Rut bcsure and be homo in time to want to answer the numerous get the questions his patients ask Hut Chief has Then W J r Y gf- the granting of the good roaa said and found him wending his Ay Mrs and supplementing the amount P As he 10 mi r legislature away passed the window glanced in and YEARS AGO- From Era Feb 1888 mi Barclay was thrown Postmaster Mr Barclay Mils would by the city The Bank of Toronto A sound BankAssets A long estab lished Branches in Quebec and the West FIELD Mgr Newmarket build guards to all embankments in fhe the Township bridge As the winter passes thieves are sask for additional becoming more age to the schedule about half a mile several cars cm the track were in each village whiph Council will en open and from one car no less Rtaht than elcvoft cases of boots and slices were stolen delegate to the Good A syndicate it is said will build theatre people the- immigr as to permit tish immigrant wifedeserters It to be hoped the Mayor will have request Villages of and Wood- The old postmaster down at his anger burst today through their rep- uscnption and readalouil held his hateh i HARLOW forth afresh as he be- rival Robertson seated in the and Bessie talk to him r i Wttl he know that Bessie Certainly Harold she will have heard but little of her guests it tonight Matron indeed led a Richmond Hill The incident thc Mi llCr c nit- hs arose- out 0 tho lowering ol the grant t schoo gVJ to the Richmond Hill High School- fthool gWS lift P W PEARSON Ceo Harry Gee tfnd AU Lumber Yard I A COAL SAVING It means more money jour purse and more heat your home when you buy your coal of us Our coal is clean and a good maker It saves time and labor and perhaps a doc tors bill too- because your requires leas attention keep the house healthy and warm Test it for your self We deliver a ton or more any place Call or Phone Cor and on Street line on amount was and voted down The education committee to rim ears Sunday In the Juvenile Court last week a nan was charged with severely beat ing his wife babe childs thigh was broken and the mother was covered with braises It is thought whiskey is at the bottom M913 be hot entertained and to Bessie Harlow sorrow No longer the petted a rich man we find Bes sie an orphan supporting herself by music lessons it is Valentines night her cheerless room llessie V C lakes out the Valentine adorned with out of order rfn the school across the aisle at him when the tie verse is interrupted fay a knock at the the back the turned and Altar In by J on the Inst Mr James of Whitchurch Daisy A of Aurora The TombIn North on the 3rd Edward aged years In Toronto on the L2th Ra chel wife of Mr John Morris years At Aurota on the 13th Win Woods formerly of North limbury aged and months The electric fire alarm system is now complete in Newmarket A man named- Hope was up be- a bench of Magistrates at Toron to on Saturday charged with celling seed wheat Mr George King being among the victims Hope was committed for trial Iwost Friday morning itliiWcaVlr took anothtr cold dip zero Another excursion to Niagara Falls to see the bridge The tickets are good till Monday night Return fare- Rev Stone is announced tp preach anniversary sermons the Methodist Church next Sunday is to be given Monday evening by Mr J T Moore of To ronto on Wonderlani ami Beyond- Ob the market this week butter his gone up to and eggs to per dozen pota toes and per bag chickens 35c to per pair Julius E children Sutherland Bros J Davison and sortie verses are chief advertisers the ones be hot entertained lad in the village that afternoon as I R child- home with com Si this week Arthur Stone got welldeserved school As he bent over his spellings where 1 sentence last week prac- request of a special grant vision lCownc cried voting houses on the pre- to Sutton school pirfc cheeks soft brown- eyes seem- we it nodded he granted led dancing over page r tence wanting to rent room YEARS AGO request change for bill and when feet ting it would snatch the bill handed the woman to get That the statutory grant he made to South York Teaclycr Asso ciation ivf with it Fifteen years have passed j it is St Valentines night face writes has village of tlf of there coi Changed lie was convicted on three lbe Stirling the old post office where SiTisS Co charts of this kind sent to the Hastings County be not p a J Sa Central Prison for IS months i at You Will Miss Something If Kail See Our Suitings THIS WINTER And youll simply be carried away with Our Over- They vol the proper in Style and Tailoring Only Fair Price for Every Garment Call and See thorn WILLIS Messrs John Hell and Ambrose grants To high school postmaster has retired in favor a who rescued two women from j jj recommended the following younger man and the village store he window ledge at the recent fire holds its nightly at Church St will be presented with Newmarket the issues of the day gold medals for their bravery- Mr Aurora South as well as the village- Baker who assisted twelve Association women to safety at same fire j- County Printing was again verse upon his valentine while bis sister reads it tohim comes posted his first valentine still take this money over to Dr Houston As he puts his cap Elsie says Lets send this Valentine to Mrs Houston you know how kind she was when you throat last winter envelopes and delivers stands in Its place although the old PHONE NEWMARKET MAIN ST them at Dr door recommended- by the of Erg omev ehanged those who lived there rj StMAbffSi the tender Little biased sent him to gel his opinion on a difficult case and now they arc sit- Warren Is how Dr Warren and a Saturday morning was taken up number of- patients whom he Fire for a medal rfnd address Peter James the police say refus es to labor also lie robbed his lady Mrs Margaret Ave of her gold watch sent him down for day The Metropolitan is cutting out work for the Ontario Branch the eooooo on Alliance The Company is reported in a measure to bo seeking Provincial legislation increased interest taken to to run cars on street lire on cu corresponding thoughts farm lands but largely to tbo when he more tlvan had grown to be the belle of the vil- Sunday K j As Dr Warren glanced at the ho date his flew back to his boyhood when he sent Bessie that wonderful valentine must- send her sonic lowers he said to wear at party to- night When the flowers arrived at the flcej he hesitated long on what tb write on the little note he was send- H GOAL I in when thats when you need tbot win do the work Open up the dampers and that your atovps flnedwitti Eves Coal and the weather will not bother you satisfaction and contentment when you buy your supply from In he Juvenile Court last element which is however man was charged with severely beat- to the lower part of the bis a county by The childs was broken stateuunt showing and the mother was covered with in the different munlci- It is bought whiskey is pintles is given at the bottom of trouble Townships flft Dr Charles A medical with them At last with a laugh adviser to the Conservation Coni be scribbled mission Ottawa addressed the and inspectors of the civic department of health in the City Wall 3055000 last on Conservation of iMaSham 3904110 Dr cited figures to show that infant I in Ontario at the rate of deaths per whitclHircb population By infant mortality he meant the death of babies within To aftd Order by phone or from Carters WW AND FULL BE year from their The County Lodge meeiing last week was attended WU gates to vote7AninoreasesJ 1200 Cor the year reported Mr Crawford was elected County Master Nearly hundred ago says en tire or waa John large grants from the Crown for ser vice in war of of his was sold for Newmarket 1003226 Hoi Landing Hill J www wimico7 Sutton New Toronto- S55W li69770 416260 I My life is sad and lonely For you I ever pine Youre the prettiest girl in Greeny- nook Say will you be my Valentine As the two walked borne from the party that Bessie chattered gaily but Harold seemed very quiet As they stood by door a minute Bessie thanked for flowers And the verse she laughingly havent forgotten the first time saw it w4xat a- wonderful poet I Warren Ut verse true tcrtay as it I was a Since Aunt tha died things are worse every to her Answer yes o little verse and to give Asa n a toW him tha Jud Robertson had married years ago and he na turally supposed Bessie to be the bride As they sit laughing over the prank of college days the- doctors wife en ters Here is some money tor you John she says and a valentine for me and just let me read the yen It from a young man but dont bo jealous John Laughingly she held the valentine at length nnd reafl aloud My life is sad and lonely For you I ever pine Youre the Prettiest girl in nook Say will you be my Valentine The effect of her reading was quite different from what Dr Warren sprang to his feet and asked excitedly Where did that come from Mrs Houston Why little John nie Henderson who lives at- the cor ner gave to me said Mrs Hous ton WonderloRly But the verse wonder where be the terse Probably one the boarders gave tojirm Bessie Harlow boards their house But where are you go ing Her Question fell for doctor was already putting on and a few door and he was vra From Km Feb Alex Souter has his eery and liquor store to the premises lately occupied by Thos Nixon op posite the North American Hotel Ed NoteThis hotel stood on thel lot where Mr Hardware is now located Mr El wood Hughes announces that- be is selling out and purposes closing up his store in Notice Is given that applications will be made at next session of Par- for an Act Au rora as a Village Poet- master is a leading figure is selling this winter at per cord Moss A of Toronto is announced to lecture before the Me chanics Institute this evening Sub ject The Past and Present of Amer ican Politics A writ was served this week to un seat Trent from the Council of Newmarket and to declare Dr Hack entitled to the position The action was not brought Dr who declares ho will not qualify even should Mr Trent be It is a personal quarrel thej storekeepers J The announcement is made that Newmarket and Aurora Circuit of the Methodist Church contributed to the Missionary Society last year- The assessed value Newmarket Is given at Whit- church E The latter Town ship mas equalized at an acre by County Council- The nn Is to have Wpo the towri provide 9it Tn vo SS ARCHIVES TORONTO ONTARIO

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