Newmarket Era, 14 Feb 1913, p. 3

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i fV A HI I I I JO l v I FEBRUARY Li J A TOW Bible a Sale la the liaaeraenl of the Christian pi jMay rail and get fresh PINE ORCHARD The of Womens will homo Mrs Walter Orchard on at p a n i Pickering College A very interesting tare was in the 0eco a pi ftVcnlnga tour I Lords Day At a Ion evening Mr Manning in a was from rto JftflKtary toe AlllaBCv that Co about to lor to cars to Dr and Mr A J were appointed to Join a date to he to wait on Whitney and Sunday cats on Metropolitan is expected will he appointed from cadi of the to loin the A Sanitary Method of Sweeping Ik stuiVflu at Store Womens Institute A very interesting Newmarket Womens hold ftt Mrs Fred last Saturday form a Thimble Tea and a charge ton cents was made in aiOj the llospitol lor Consumptive at West what made ciiurchf must a Utile has booh a new goer install ed in Church Running flhe sold it warm last fiUiday nighi Nothing id a thing vTho indies Aid extend to all What are yon Someone saw the Must beoh I lhafa4 fine Oconto Say try to too many steps at a I am sure odr readers will be- glad to hear the sick miss shout visited Kettleby last Sun day Poor sleighing If silent a few days the early parti last week with his Irion Me lady friend hi stated la week A Miss Eliza and very pretty solo Meek an instrumental Mrs A Starr a splendid description to California which was lunch was served and the meeting to a dose- Watted SU Sizes g too many nieotiiigs were conducted at the ap pointment of the circuit for ten days by ftev of were truly those of Pentecos tal power Christians were awakened to sense duty sinners were to out What must it be to be saved Over forty de cided to follow their Saviour Truly toMb Showers ftlessings- to those who had ttie privilege of Ladies Aid meeting which was held on Wednesday afternoon last at home Mrs Was well A very profitable time was spent Mr J P is confined t the house a sore foot Wo a speedy recovery The Sacrament the Lords Sup per will administered In the church next Sunday afternoon three o clock Mr and Mrs dirt of were guests at our merchants Mr J Grose on Sunday last TOWN LINK Sickness has prevailed in fam ily of Joseph Cutting of the of King for the last weeks jBrVeer Mrs Cutting has at some times been is St Valentines Day very low with a severe attack Organ Recital in Methodist their son Willie with pneumonia the of the latter being as high Much Is extended lp too borlwod Mr Cutting himself is up in the North Country but has been seat for A strange coinci dence in connection with this is that on the morning of- his departure Mr said to the writer lie had a sort premonition that he should not go for he felt as it some thing was going to happen We all hope for best and trust they may both mother and son to their usual health Miss Huldah the week visaing In and around New market We do not know wMsther it is the of the preacher or voice of the soprano soloist Aurora were to play against iarlret in Hie Metropolitan night March the Concert young people of the had a Skating Party at Ike on Tuesday The aomeStic water was new George School on Council meets at today Council at V of in to So- be a Donkey Engine Make a Hall Safety Hoist devour heavy lifting Inve a limns Changes in Real Estate Mr Instate has made following sales Jan House on Jo seph St East side for A to J Gilford House on St East for Mr Frank Fisher to Mr Bit Murray North End New Frame House on Queen St West South side for Mr Walter Dunning to Mr J Bonn on North Side Grace St to Mr Ross on South Side Grace St to Mr frarm acres opehalf mile ot tor Mr to Mr J Flanagan This is one the best all around farms not the Township but in the County of York and Mr Flanagan is to be congratulated upon securing it Wnllc the neighbors will be sor ry to lose Mr and Mrs Starr they will be much gratified to learn that Mr and Mrs Flanagan arc to occu py their place Yards Print at Yard At Toronto lobbing House- A Success Over people attended the Oys ter Supper and Delate in tho Friends Schoolroom and Church on Friday last a very anjlyyabloas as profitable evening was spent- The ladles know how to serve the and the supply seemed to be inexhaustible Debate was excellent through out The subject was ncsolvcd that war is always and everywhere wrong The affirmative was taken by Mr and Rev J It Webb by Messrs J and The Judges were Simpson Tmotnas and Hall awl decision was in favor negative on of the wording of the subject being very strong In other words history proved war in some caeca to the benefit to the nation Botfa before and after the debate Mies Pickering College favored the audience with The point In the reflects not only upon Sir but upon the whole goreminent and ally up on Hon Ihd Board and Is a mm the present of the lvri finance lto treasury lloaM of the inrst reu Oils cat l justice bad dartieorfritIcs In the connection with the of tor not hew onwards fur compliance Act was concerned there no reason that the riiold not be The then Treasury ftoard however that there Was a duty to the people ontheift to Clear Up any which in In Volvo stability and ciolsUcVoss the ejections and the new about to come In the Treasury ftoard a Memorandum tor Its successors poll ing out certain important ttiat to be taken into ac count Aubscrtbed nearly had been allotted to the exivht ot to sub scribers in a oreign country It Is not clear that it would be possible to recover those the double liability which is on of tike best seoUritW Canadian Ranks There a peculiarity that one subscriptions to over in by a gentleman Mr tlie agent at Paris of the President pi and whose staining was not such as to warrant subscription this while there was indicate on whose iKliaH the was made in trust or from whom any future payments or the double liability be There was also sub scribed in the the of this Mr This report was amon the papers o Treasury Hoard ana must have been submitted to Hon Mr Wdte before the incoming Treasury Board Issued the certificate Hon Mr White must have read The jtha is whether he ignored above outlined and in political exigencies is sued the then Sir Forget this cer tificate in spite of this report or whether went into tlese different things obtained information legal advice which convinced that the organization the Dank was sound honest and complete and that there will be no danger to Can adian public or to the financial cred it of Canada in issuing the certifi cate to this Bank Judging from the fact that the issued three days alter the ftew came into power can hardly be that Mr satisfied himself as to these matters It is known however that Mr Forget and his friends were very in sistent Mr Forget had been a very important- factor in tho Province of Quebec in wresting certain coun ties from the Liberal party for the incoming government tot had been counting upon entering the as a minister he had Leon disappointed in this All these things point to the inevitable con clusion that the sop to his disap pointment and the reward for his ser- ml dvertliirR Murray Pres ident Tali end the of I PHa- as In Of e which eel down the cost V per an sept out from France found that it was costing per mile In the way the of this wild and country portray Hon Mr fd that dividends had to keep up prices wbljoj of shrewd holders hMoaded In this way bad France and still the road as while Was and had recent belli entered against the road at for Alter all the rounding of this that if persuade to tee the railway they Id patUoipaUnK In a deal which called some the respectable financial poperB of Something worse looting or safe breaking Bordens reply lo the rtlppant that the continental had cost- than was the been subsidized by tho previous along Other local rallcays Is Canada Interior Premier ftordeh slated when Ihgjwh his propoatUonlhat if would take years for Canada establish a so even his emerge over by theft is matter- with Canada the Tory wlv Japa went to war with China she a battleship iVft later in Japan went war had fi armored cruisers other cruisers destroyers and SO tbrptxlo boats with a total displacemeflt tons Four years later in had battleships cruisers other cruisers and defence vessels 5 destroyers and torpedo boats 301 war vessels with a total displacement with all the necessary dock and ship yard facilities for building and re- pairing Does Mr Infer that Cana dians under his government are so in ferior to the Japanese that they could not do in a century a tenth part of what the Japanese have done in 15 years ALL i I GOO I BAKING ctaj DURING THIS MONTH We continue Our Stock Taking and BARGAINS DEPARTMENT Sale i Every Pay and at All Hours Closes on February the W A BRUNTON Out AT COST IMU0H I Grocery For AT J- AT COST Mens Boots Mens Suits Odd Pants AT COST PIHCE Winter Awful Fate of Explorers London Feb and in the simple narrative of high cour age and sacrifice given in Robert Scotts farewell sago to the world written when he was doomed to death his com panions in the Antarctic are close for dominance in the feelings oKthe public today V The closing words ot Scott epic Had we Uvea I should have had a talo to tell of the hardihood a NEWMARKET and AT COST Good Qualities AT COST AT PRICE i TOO Killed and Wounded Lisbon Feb Advices from that induces Karl to nxrke to never be to a certain church in VaughaD but we are Inclined to think it is the latter We hear Master Harry Webster is to compete in the fast skating con test at If Harry does all to say is Boys look out for are sure will land the prize maney six dollars Mr George Blackburn spent the weekend in Toronto and took in the horse sales and everything else worth mention We will soon have two skaters on the Town Lino it Harry and Bertram Wilson- continue their present form Slim congregation in 5th Line Slim in Lino an Sunday lost the eminent preacher from Au rora Baptist Church occupied pulpit and delivered a Very able and impressive sermon and not less in teresting was music by the choir Mr Fred Webster is making every day count now in the swamp Bros of are making dally trips with hay grain and implernonts preparatory to mov ing on the Wilson homestead which they have leased for the next four years Wo will welcome them to the community the endurance and courage my comJ Africa say that the notor- which would haw stirred chief the heart ot every Englishman These district of rojigh notes and- our dead hodiea must a large number Table Silverware Dont you want some New Sliver Knlvos Forks or Spoons for your everyday use We carry Great Var iety in Rogers and Community Ware in Choice Patterns and at Prices to Fit Your on w to These Cold Days An Oil Heater saves coal No smoke or I tour tt ITUHOI CO and ilv-Si- out consideration granted and Hon White was the means of forming this shady political transac tion for now government after revelations as to the the Bank and its aimlry show that the caution of the Liberal Governments Treasury Board was more than justified and tlf haste and yielding to of the new government has led to a disaster very hurtful to cer tain shareholders and discred itable amongst Canadian financial abroad It is those examples of finance which has indicted a very severe in jury upon Canadas financial reputa tion and standing When this Batufjue Internationale af fair togetlier with the negotiations surrounding the Quebec Merger and the Quebec and Rail- two other of the Forget en terpriseswere brought up in by Hon Mr on the of January he was faced with the remarkable position that Premier Borden and his Finance Minister determined to treat the whole mat ter from a strongly partisan stand point similar story was told by Hon Mr with regard to the merger the various Quel electric and traction enterprises by the Forget interests and he quoted Parisian Papers to that French investors lost francs on this undertaking Hie had a of and the merger holding company floated them at or an inflation of the bond loafing floated on the French market These bonds Hon Mr mieux const only a se condary claim on the mortgaged pro perties and tboy- dropped from the price issue to almost no thing One whoK transactions Mr branded as one of chapters of frenzied of Canada which had had appalling effects in bmlrcbjng Can adas good name in France The Railway third of this group of Forgot enter prise was also dealt with by Hon Mr who ild It- had been floated in because too many people in Canada knew enterprise was risky Now be up he not only to demand an investigation to forts which were being these ilea Investor tell tale hut surely sorely a great and rich country like ours will see that those- who are us properly provided tor have an electric Steps are on foot already to respond appeal to nation by assuring a com fortable future for those dependeot the who while awaiting certain death could still write that they did not regret their journey Capt Scott and a number of his companions but possibly more perished in the Antarctic regions on their from the Scott reached Pole Jan a little more than one month after his Amund sen had reached thterc A London cable says that Scott party reached the exact point where Amundsen planted the Norwegian flag at the South Pole They found hut constructed and left behind by Amundsens party facts are recorded in docunents found on the bodies of the dead explorers when they were recovered The report of the death Scott and his party was slgtuUod from the Scott ship Terra Nova which passed OaroanvNew Zealand on Way to port of 7s which shouWbe readied on Thursday Scott sailed from Eng land in the TerrA Nova in June He bad scientists with and more than that number sailors- Among scientists was Wright Toronto It was Scotts intention to divide his expedition in to two parties the one to go to the Pole thb other to explore Kins Ed ward land- European settlers Governor immediately despatch ed a expedition of men After a march of nearly miles in the broiling sun the expedition came upon the chief and his band and com pletely routed alter five hours fighting killing two hundred and wounding 500 The Portugese lost men killed and wounded The victory is considered very im portant because a new region- will be opened for Portugese development Live Stock Market WGLUNDY THE LADIES STORE County Council Extensive reforms have been- plan ned for the future by the York Council and a petition will be sent to the Government for lol- lowing privileges Power to name I streets and number same at the ex pense of residents an of toe Hospitals Act providing that the have written au thority from a councillor before the township to expenses that election ot school trustees and settle ment of any school question In a dis trict over be by bal lot and that on the petition at ton per cent the ratepayers it may bo to have an election as to pi- a Board of Edu cation Pi V in Toronto week choice export cattle and brought from 50 to medium to good from to common to fair from I to Choice butcher cows sold at from to medium to good at to common to fair at to 425 cutters at 3 to at to Good to choice hulls ranged from to W50 only a few beasts bring ing 675 and feeders were steady a fairly active demand coming tor them Some good yearlings weighing from 600 to TOO brought from to For milkers and springers trade was slow few buyers being in the market for Good to veal calves ranged from to roughs from to sheep and lambs were again light keen ed There were not sufficient ply Iniuiry Consequently mproWuS paid for small meats than a week ago For lambs advance was made good going at while a few brought Sheep were scarce and rates went up on last week was paid Tip run of hogs was meagre not sufficient for needs Market Values therefore advanced again more Packers were in and fed and watered and board at c po I ii Newmarket Markets Goose Wheat per bush 0 Mr per bush Barley per Wish tor- Brap ton 34 w per ton J T i Butter Per rb i per US ftvvS JSS Owing to a water pipe bursting a quantity of our fine stock of staples were slightly damaged We have decided to clear them AT LESS THAN COST to replace with new goods Sheetings for for Pillow Cottons reg for 17 inches Pillow Coses reg 30 and for and 33c pair Pillow Cottons for to inch Plain Sateens to clear at He MANY OTHER BARGAINS IN TOWELLINQS SHAKERS AC W C t GONNAUGHT GARDENS I The District OF N CRE8ENT8 BOULEVARDS PARKS Now is the Time to Invest IN Building These Lots will Lots will Increase in value ry fast as the New Shoe erected of- very v AGENT FRANK J SULLIVAN J 1 NEWMARKET i Toronto per mm tt Eggs per SSiviW per ft0 as Geese per tt r 0 Turkejs J 0 Mr Geo Hughes fas on SCOOBd ARCHIVErOF ONTARIO mm TORONTO warn sm mm

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