Newmarket Era, 14 Feb 1913, p. 4

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ft 14 1918 ROD la v If LYNDON Recommends Vegetable Compound BilWyotu- Headac I haw talcing Vegetable Compound and a general run down con of system and am entirely of trouble I recommend your to my friends and Rite lo publish what 1 write Von Lyndon When a woman like Von Roden generous enough to a let- tar as above for publication aboold at least bo given credit for desire to other suffering women you there la no other rea- why ahouM court such publicity Canadian Womans Windsor birth my first left mo a wreck with terrible weak spells but I am glad to tell you that 1 do I not have those weak spells and 1 feel like a new woman since taking Vegeta ble Compound am now well and strong and can do my own housework I do not take medicine of any kind It was Vegetable Com pound that restored me health Mr Robert Parent Avenue Windsor Ontario If Want special write l- Medicine Co confi dential Mass Your letter will fee opened read and answered a I add held la strict confidence A 1 A IS National inters the of Canada an in valued week pass ed resolution estab lishment ah annual Canadian farm Including everything says the Hob from field to cattle black forest It was Mho first definite of a show similar to international held year at Chicago Tor was ty the tho resolution as the the show and the time will probsMy be the Whether it is the of- the and a lock breed ers aatcr thclf connection the Canadian National Winter Fair and other ex hibition to So of question was iwt dis cussed hi Ado clear however that the object is to have a exhibition controlled and managed by the Irwrd- b tanners and shows will bo tabooed The proposition simply Pair ilflO shows or frills of de scription loftksiUte leaving artliaas On side of the fence of Your TEETH avlnsj a tooth apeolal 1 The Mail and of romarVs The Mail as Robert called In a figWK arid bK- tho session la over to a Incident in tho In other words Mr- Age w to restorer is Mr aaja No To atop falling To euro The Court Appeal of too To itching the scalp of having reversed he To put Info faded of Mr iuM whoso To make harsh hair and riant lor grow or money back from the Is most hair dress- College Montreal It is now made and is a favorite that Dr will take with ladi Who desire and- tiro ww to the luxuriant hair bottle only Too It Booth to Ltd Canadian makers A press despatch says thai the has been revived at Ottawa that Lord will resign I shortly Canadian High in I is well known that he wonted to some and in position House Is again ho express Yrlsh of the His Lleui-tlov- Two names ate has his us Sir the the press of Montreal and has publicity hot Walker Of Toronto public fall to Premier VAioU A despatch from states that Treating In April with- tho object the motion in of this hi an measure In amendment to Mr expedition the last motion to Abolish the ftif territory to ttle north la deceived I SU Of the White of Word comes from Ottawa the was at the oh new Railway Aeto come before j day as- a Canadian Parliament this session- will contain wants to go thedlrection a provision that all telephone tele- Government so that EDITORMU v i J I no o mixing dirty wprkrino mess when you the handy paste la the big Sound Sense Advice It makes work easy a few light rubs bring a brilliant last ing shine Not a fleeted by heat i furnishes the PL G THOMSON TO DENTISTS rfviii lAiE SfVNGFT Toronto Profitable Poultry Actual yield for four months Dec Jan Feb Mar 1309 a record for winter lay ing through a severe which is hard to surpaas Buy your eggs for hatching a strata of Rhode Island Reds which ire without a peer table fowl and wonderful egg producers Fifteen eggs for Aubrey Davit Newmarket Oat til Greenhouses St Winter Bloom Nice Large Boston Kerns each Pine Primrose white or pink each SWEET PEAS NARCISSUS CARNATIONS DAFFODILS EASTER Wedding and Funeral Work on Shortest Sbtioe Lettuce Parsley Water Cress parsnips and Cabbage fcooe S PERRIN ROYAL Comparatively few people of this Dominion have any of the dairy Industry of this country tistics of the last census data will even fanners themselves The rtures are for the calendar year of ami the first table thows that there were 035 in operation Theso factories converted lbs of and lbs of to butter and the total quantity of butter from the milk cream was pounds with a of of the above were as their slKire of value Table number two ot tbo census shows the Dominion had in factories in operation These factories converted pounds of milk into pounds of cheese with a value of Patrons who supplied milk to factories were number three refers to fac tories making both butter and cheese of which thVre were 408 hi opera tion The quantity butter was pounds with a value of 1- and of cheese pounds with a value of were paid for milk manufac tured into butter and for cheese Table number four furnishes statistics of factories manufacturing condensed milk of nhich there were in operation These factories used pounds of milk valued at The quantity of condensed milk made therefrom was d7r31596 pounds and the the product was 1513971- Other products the factories valued at 900 Sal aries and wages paid are given as These tables very clearly that there is big money in dairying graph and power transmission com panies must come uhdsr the jurisdic tion of the railway commission and Canadian municipalities will be given the of Can fid a to any will not questioned SipeaWftg of the present session of the power to control their own toe Ontario Legislature likely to be streets This was intimated hy Hon interesting and in4ortaiit one the Frank Cochrane minister of railways Hamilton Standard and canals to a delegation which Howell the opposition leader will waited upon him some ago Statisticians now state that the to tal population of the world is- at pre sent estimated to reach Of this total the proportion of the sexes is known for the ra tio being males to females The ratio varies considerably In dif ferent places In Europe there are 1001 men to women in Af rica men to women in America men to women in Asia men to women in Australia men to wo men probably show more confidence he did last session and less Hot awl to the pre mier As Mr is a keen and skilful debater his rapier is sure to get under Sir James club qiiite fre quently It will be well if the leader succeeds the premier that it Is sometimes expe dient to be gracious Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR I A It wiul6 that there Is no love lost be tween- Hon Foster anil Hob Ministers in the meikt upon features of political friendship between the two tike Ouelph Mercury observes occasional fling tlmt the Hon Foster takes at the Minister a feeling for him akin to the one that green apples have for a small hoy Quite I Dean Abbott of has ex pressed the thought that clergymen sftould not take an active part in politics thfcreon the Whig remarks Ab bott is The clergyman who wants to bo a real force in his Legislature lion Mr has Introduced a bill to amend the Act toft more clearly the power ot Hallway and Municipal rela tive to switches for indus tries within six of a track a municipal bylaw The is now empower ed to a spur line to be eon legislation will be introduced dur ing the present session Assembly to empower the Hallway to- make orders in re spect use of the steam any city town or Legislation will be introduced Insure Success by taking practical ot Schools by or by Mall and by doing quickly proparo to earn a good salary Hun dreds of people do this every year Why not you Free catalogue explain Write for it Address St Toronto I I church hopes to have an abiding the present session of the on the of Ids people and so- to lead them religiously will keep out of politics There Is nothing that will so quickly separate him and his friends and make his work a fill PURPLE Poultry Specifics We will itnd for Iho of books lit l of block nu to of heavy milch ltd w that will lay veil In It contains all over Canada from U fcU- Wittou a iult Which will to obtained S rlll milk fto to Ave IU cow in the table A package will cow or boric day POULTRY SPECIFIC your lay well Id a- li- and will Km free Roods pure nJ We do rot any filler to make fftrrnt any on the marvel at time hold Purple Stock Specific I In an alMluM tin for turpU Poultry and and tins that four pear feoralTNirpU Killer and by mall Royal Purple Call Cure and 0e Sweat Liniment Cough Cure Boo tin by RomV and tin Roup Cure Una 30c by Royal Worm- tint by it Powers of Railway Board The Ontario Railway Act has been revised since last session of the Leg islature and wit come heforo the House this session for adoption It provides that notwithstanding any thing in the act regarding tclophone contracts the Hoard in determining the terms or compensation or any connection or communication need not take consideration exist ing exchange franchise Companies amalgamating shall ho for all claims demands etc to as full an extent as cither was before the agreement of amalgamation was executed Before ahrWge viaduct or over is feet in length can ie used apv plication must te made to Hoard for permission and it cannot he op erated until the hoard is that this can In done without danger to the public question of protecting crossing of highways revised hill provides that any railway construct ed after the passage of this act must as otherwise provided by protixt at its own the public in respect to any highway crossings The Hoard may disallow any ex press tariff which it considers unrea sonable Hoard prescribe the terms on which express goods may be col lected and handled With regard to compensation tho re vised bill provides that the Railway Board in the case of railway com panies disagreeing may fix the pensation to a company whoso tracks are crossed by another Any company or officer thereof lowin transportation of goods i leas than authorized tolls shall he to a maximum fine No interest shall to any shareholder in any share upon any call Is in arrears or In respect of any share held by such while such call remains unpaid The Dominion census was in and the redistribution of seats in House of Commons should follow as a at of course Up to present the Federal has made no move towards meeting the situation As the Mercury observes perhaps redistribution has been overshad owed by emergency Of one thing all concerned may as well take ac count the west will insist on as soon as practicable its creased representation and influence in parliament Some two years ago Mr John A Ayerst resigned office of liloeute Inspector of Ontario to go to Ed monton Alta ho has been serving as Secretary to Temper ance Association but the severity of the climate has had an injurious effect upon the health of Mr At erst and ho has to return Toronto World states that has been Provincial Li cense Inspector and will take up his old duties He is said to he an exceptionally capable man far fc po sition The member for North Essex In the Ontario House lias placed upon the order paper of tbe House the follow ing notice of motion Por a copy of all letters telegrams papers and documents relative to any item of expenditure which appears on of the AuditorGenerals report for year namely Fdod for cats and a detailed state ment showing hill of fare TUB BEST IT PAYS IO ONT wrench slipped and the machine came down on him crushing him to death was found his wife stone dead Dr Sinclair was telephoned tor and ran out in his unto but nothing could be done Mr Hamjiton leaves a young wife and five children eldest only years old haw or wildcats and if they are still in the of the Governmenttogeth er with all information leading up to said expenditure jnoney Well to feed cats thats the limit It Is becoming more and more ap parent that too many members of Parliament are in politics not so much for the countrys good as for personal advantage An Ottawa des patch to the Toronto Globe says In view the high cost of living for politicians under the new and with the prospect an election in sight it is understood that the deputation today urged that the sessional Indemnity bo increased by thus it up toSl- A corresponding increase in the Ministerial salaries Would naturally accompany it and it was considered that per Minister Instead the present with raising of ihe Prime Ministers salary wouldbe reasonable Referring to an alleged scandal in connection with the sale of school lauds in Saskatchewan under ad ministration of thc Department of the Interior of which Hon Mr Rogers is the head a special td the Globe states Details of the affair be ing kept very close but it is said that the transactiut was one of tho most vicious and barefaced that has been known whereby individuals gained wrongful profit at expense of public It is understood more over that some of the persona alleg ed to have been concerned in the mat ter are men who came into their pre sent positions through the appointing power ot In Root Rogers and that they owe their official life to fact that they been faithful work ers for Mm in his political cam paigns State of Ohio City of Toledo Lucas County Frank J makes oath that be is senior partner of the firm of P J Cheney A Co doing business in the City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of that cannot be cured by the use of Halls Catarrh Cure FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to mo and subscribod in my presence this day of De cember AD A Seal Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free J CHENEY A Co Toledo O Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation Two or three weeks ago the Globe remarked that Mr entered upon the sixtieth year of his yesterday He is probably of the oldest active newspaper men In the Dominion having been a lad in the office as far back as The Mitchell Advocate editor must be unknown to Iho Globe writers of today for he worked on the Globe during and some eight years before Mr became a printers devil in same office Mr E of the Bra entered printing office as an apprentice in and was ft printer- in the Ad vertiser in 1850rthat would be four teen years the Globes ably one the oldest active newspa per men in the went to learn how to set type A press despatch from Kingston on Monday ex- mnnajr of tha defunct Farmers Hank who has been quartered In To ronto jail ever since was from the States is again in tin Provincial Penitentiary where ho arrived of a Sheriffs Feb 5 Almon ton son of John Hampton a prosperous farmer about forty- five years of on the Sonth- road a few miles north of was accidentally killed this morning He was getting ready tor sale his farm stock and implements tor tomorrow and had Ids selfbind er propped up with a wheel off and was tightening nuts when Assembly to empower the Rail way to make orders in respect to the use of the steam whis tle within any city town or village Hon Mr has a bill in re- to the prevention of in hotels and other public buildings The hearing capacity of fireescapres free increased from six persons Jo one thousand pounds Responsibil ity for maintaining tnis change Is placed upon the keeper of the hotel and also upon the owner of the prem ises 4- The Government proposes legisla tion by which females committed to jail may be transferred to any of Refuge by a police Inspector as GOING SOUTH well as by a police magistrate This Leave hill the ages of lhte to he committed to a Refuge to be tween and years the bill also recognises the indeterminate principle of commitment Under an amendment proposed by too Municipal Statute Revision Com- Now Ready is a Commercial School af est Grade NONE BETTER IN CANADA Graduate in strong Time Catd GOING NORTH Leave am pm Toronto 545 Newmarket Id3 Newmarket Toronto 310 Dr Vans Female A rttl l iem frllU into a Town or a Town a which is now possessed by the Lieut- T Electric Restorer for Men SO pane trim full of thin- Cab inn Valuable Information or the ftatdnr and 12 of the and but worldwife introduction Valuable premium Your choice of new not for sale until absolutely free with every order lartfe or small delay writing Mail thU with your name and Your will receive special attention State If grow vegetable or flowers for as we have a price list Write today while its fresh in your mind HUNGER SEED CO Limited LONDON CANADA ay will to the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board which now power to annex territory muni cipality The proposed Revised Municipal BUI wipes out the chance for voiding ah election through a technicality It enacts that in case of a returning of ficer omitting to put his initials on the of ballot papers wilfully miscounting the returns tho election not he invalid if it does not ap pear that the irregularity affected the result the polls Ont The Bap tist was gutted by fire which broke out shortly six oclock this evening Only the walls are left standing the handsome new installed a short time ago is in a heap of ruins The fire is believed j to have started from- an overheated furnace pipe my unit In rim and vitality snd ill rim and availed at tact to any irta la a box or Mailed to any addrw VBARtt Marks Ac oar en for lEroosta Co mm mxut lATfcaticn lUea a Scientific UlastraledWMalr Of any Term Canada a newsdealer JMKM fe Judging from whisperings in from Toronto on Soturday On circles Premier Borden is allow- arrival here was taken to his Minister of Militia hand Randolph House as ho said ho bouquets to political friends wisned to get a good big meal as ho at the expense of the country with out regard to military efficiency To Landry he has- given only by l Jenkins Mfg Co London Canada aA Purple Supplies he aVUInea from J jfffrfi J For Bale at This Temperance people of TororAo are very milch disappointed in any to proposed legislation to abolish treating the Speech from the Throne at the opening of Ontario Legislature top com hi cures cold and would not likely have another for a long time The despatch states that the last time Travers was taken to official command of tho WK Division- Toronto his meal on too Area who up to tho age of car cost which was paid by was simply a professional lawyer Well all wo have to say If necessity should arise reason of is It seems just vonderful where war ho would placed at the head he stowed away so costly a dinner in of men Would such an railway cafe keeps up confidence and moan- his behaviour record his while what senfee does bo give the prison term expire in two years Dominion for Ms salary of J00O a and nine year in giving Major De- roche Ws appointment ha has passed the heads officers of eight years standing at a salary 3r and so on No wonder our public expenditure rapidly in- and appdr- The Home Attractive For keeping the young folks fit home there is no quite like making home attractive For making home attractive there are few things quite so effective as a I Gerhard Heintzman A ilkl Ask for free I i which anyone an play Make your homo a centre of for your children and their friends will help perhaps ore than you realize They will take pride and dohght in produoino any and all musio whioh they may like dance music anything The piano player is the great of the one most serious parental problem all plaer pianos the GERHARD is best Let show you why this i Send for complete descriptive booklet it will interest you Your- instrument taken aB part- paymet HEINTZMANI r m threat u4 eat ill ntiuuifi Mia- I ilitaty circus Montrld I iN w rf rSHIVES OF ONTAR1 TORONTO

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