Newmarket Era, 14 Feb 1913, p. 5

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FRIDAY FEBRUARY 11 If I Notary Sti to loan on good Kami Se curity J SOLICITOR ROTARY ETC Wellington Streets Aurora Ontario with Ontario Homes Limited Sella rs Mere Inland Tor recital at the crowded auditorium is should miss the opportunity this world renowned artist t With Headache Calgary My i nil I was i great sufferer or a long and Trouble Nothing teemed ma any lUiiuat up in despair when I decided to try FIG PILLS Frank AUOTIONKER AND COLLECTOR fi Painter and House Decorator Niagara Streets Newmarket s O Clark DENTIST Main Street Bom no Dance fat great success and the of only in dif ferent colors lie part or the program provided by Mr of Toronto was flnc The was nicely decorated in and White and were lit wua a when the up v Newmarket OP Wilkinson TO EN TI ST Wlddifleld r Jetton Piano Organ Theoret ical Branches introducing System Studio The Bank Toronto Newmarket WEDNESDAYS SATURDAYS iter about a headaches stopped and my appVtlte I just flniabe fltth box and feel as as ever I can heartily rcoommend Fig for Stomach and liver troubles at all cent or mailed by Tte Fig ik St Ontario To Have The Experimental Report ready to use at first sigrt of trouble the best for any disorder of the organs of The earner seek relief the easier it will be to get the more certain will be that the trouble will lead to something worse It is universally that orop Walker Graduate Ontario Veterinary College a ft PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Day oyds Livery Phone am Teacher instructor on Piano Violin Clari net other with years experience having lo cated Newmarket solicits n share of patronage Names Office when suitable rangcoieats can be made be Stouffer o Piano Voice and Violin All Kinds Musical and Repairs PIANO TUNING Columbia Records- Slock Prompt Service Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At Office Newmarket Private Papon issued at private if Miss Annie ami tit Lewis The bride vfore travelling suit of blue- tailored sefe and was by sister Mrs Johnson Alter the ceremony a was served at the home of the pa rents prior to the bridal couple tak ing train for Calgary and points Only the relatives and Im mediate of family were Mr Mrs will reside in city 500000 to Lena farms Agents wanted Reynolds Victoria street Toronto Obituary passed avay at the home Mr Geo on Monday Jan the first woman settler in the township In the person of Mrs Elizabeth of the late Mr Jacob Relfry who predeceased her about a year She was married to Mr In King township on ami about years ago moved with her husband to a near Vasey At that time it was all bush land and for a few years she was the only white woman in the locality v Of course they had hard ships but they fought the won They raised a family of eight- five sons and three daughters son William was killed fionw time ago by a tree falling on him while at work the bush The others who Survive Mrp George Victoria Harbor Mrs Frank Spicule initiated last wee gar a Smoker to alt Were Invited A very evening was Mr Linton Luuay ilodlcine Hat Wednesday dvenUig of last Alto sends us a copy of too 1Mb- bridge tAlta News of Jan- with the following paragraph marked Evidently they belong to of this A quiet wedding took place at St Cyprians church yesterday aiterooui Canon ltd John Sherman George and Joe all of In religion Dp J Boyd T in of Toronto also the Key of Pbyticjans and Royal College Surgeon of England Former asalsviat and i V0E U she was Methodist and her kindly ways end J loving disposition won for bet a host of frlcuis throughout the for she true Christian and ever Willing to deny herself for the com fort of others The funeral took place to Victoria Harbor Cemetery service held in Church conducted by She had reached the ripe old age of years CoWwater Planet Reliance Machine Works Wo the the London Free The Reliance Works have opened a flrstelass repair and ma chinery shop at 66 Strand it with all the latest and machinery ami tools to enable them to give custom ers work and prompt- ser vice at reasonable prices and flrstlass respect Those associated in the are V ArmitofiO who has had IS years experience workman and foreman in some of the best jobbing and plants in coun try il Donald Van who has had years experience as workman and foreman in some of the test tomobila factories in both Canada and the United States K Cane who bad IS years experience as foreman and general sup erintendent in the highest class job bing- shops and manufacturing plants in Canada A little over a year ago Messrs Cane and severed their as general superintendent and foreman of the Chapman Double Hall Bearing Co Toronto and accepted positions with the Harding Motor Company of Mr Van severed with tho Motor Car Company to accept a position with the Harding Motor Car Company The experience and controlled by these gentlemen combined with a complete outfit of uptodate machin ery and tools guarantee their cus tomers that whatever work is en trusted to them will be in telligently thoroughjy and prompt ly They are catering to all kinds of machine and repair- as well as gear cutting the manufac ture of devi ces I arc the safest preventive as well as the most reliable corrective Of stomach bowel or liver troubles They bring about regular natural healthful All through the organ every nerve riii actions Vigor and spirits- you will feel the benefit of quickly too You will yourself Suffering ii you have this matchless aid Ready On Hand Our Western Letter Sliver Jubilee Rev of Elder C formerly of Nose let completed a pastorate of Feb The oclock westbound train Friday night struck a horse anrl buggy containing Mrs Scratch and an English- lad at the crossing near tbefr home Mrs Scratch was thrown a broken ribs The horse killed and the buggy demolished A celebration took place in Valley Killed i it journeyed to- the top of Knox and under the leadership of the president of the pi Trade gave hearty tor the con struction of the Kettle Valley Railway which just come in sight of the mountain Lunch was served and speeches were made by Kelownas mayor arid other Kut Since the col ony was established this dis trict ha been endeavouring to secure and Kelonna now city- people it entirely dependent on transpor tation via water The coming of the Kettle Valley Railroad to be follow ed by the P and will mean the overcoming of KeJow- difficulties awl the above referred is but an of peoples enthusiasm over prospects Vegrevilles municipal gas is now feet deep and is being sunk at the rate of from to fift feet a day according to the nature of material At feet third poctefc of gas was struck much larger than either of the others struck previously When lighted the flames flared away up Into the der- ridk jvere great difficulty The in Of drilling operations who was vlouily Island the source Calgarys natural gas ply states that the at are as good and probably Letter than they were at Bow Island Building operations are remarkably report of the Kxpeilrrrtrt Karma for the year ending March is out nil toe many tino the Department at lawa this Annual by far the It with of activity ranging cultivation of and plants to the growing of corn for food from the latching and roaring of fowl to the rearing and feeding of and swine from the management of to Hie protection of crops insects and ami so on all throughout the range of farm ing As Acting Agriculturist Mr deals with the work carried on at the 1entrai with live stock and with cT6p rotations tor Various kinds of farming lie that the dairy ahJros and grades of produced butter at coats ranging to ctSj per and cows gave profits of from to the milking Manager Mr things with the production mar j keUfig Of eggs which are year byyear lieowaln dearer during the winter season in the raising fowls the report points out that the experience of many years in hatching at Of Spring leads the elusion that the the first Week ffiy make tie- most satisfactory growth to and the earlier hatched birds This report which provides much useful matter for study during the winter months is available to all Mho apply for copies to the Publications Branch Department of Agriculture Ottawa and Is- how being sent to all on mailing list of Farms You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Brown Nurseries England OOioe Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone Furnace Work Plumbing avetrpughing 3 of Our Specialties Sec the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS I SONS Next to Smiths Grocery TOR A infants and Children Its Kind You Have Always Bought Aurora Likely to Stay Wet OMR MAN VOTED TWICE Judge Morgan who is presiding over the enquiry into the Aurora lo cal option contest gave his decision on Friday as to the numerical- re count touting that votes were cast- in favor of itiV measure and i against barely enough to sustain the bylav The original fig- urea were for and ill against The whole matter however as in the case the Kincardine recount rests of Supreme Court of Canada in the case on account- of several votes having 1 Full Line of- Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc J A W ALLAN COMPANY E M A R K E T J i I must be Cleared Out Toronto Jobbing House NEWMARKET QUALITY WRIGHT active Plans have been 1 been challenged the hotel inter- completed for new brick office building on the comer at Main St opposite the Alberta Hotel and It has decided to erect a new separate school as well as a large addition to the Convent in the town The Alberta Government is es tablishing an English school for for eigners In the town Good Fellow- wore delivered NEWMARKET Marble Works LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering GEO W years iu the first Christian Church at New Jersey on Feb 2nd and the event was celebrat ed special services cctitiiAiing from Sunday to Wednesday night The anniversary sermons on wore preaelied by Dr Levi I lain- pastor and Immo late predecessor Monday evening Mens Night Tuesday evening was ship when addresses by resident and visiting clergy Wednesday eveoing a Reception tendered lo the pastor and his wile by the congregation The following is clipped from an Irving ton paper Mr was bom Newmar ket Ontario Canada in He graduated the Theological Seminary and in accepted the pastorate of the Spruce Street Christian Church of New Bedford Mass Owing to clim atic conditions and- throat trouble he resigned after four yeats of work Mr came to as the successor to his brother who had become pastor of a Newark church Three months before he came hero he married Mr and Mrs Hairi er were school friends in their home THAT LITTLE GIRL I J J W jours Boon be having hoc hair done up and too will be outgrowing hot Mi you havent had tier picture since she In loag dont exactly want to keep her as is but you do to keep memory f Photo Arttet Poet Office Phone The In town At the time of Mr al the Sunday School in the church had an attendance of Today the average attendance is When pastor on mo the- church members- numbered Now the average church attendance is 150 with a membership of about Last Sunday persons were ccivtxl into membership of the number being on confession of faith This is the largest body which lias ever joined the church on one occa sion Iu 189 the church was enlarged and again last year the sum of was paid tho indebtedness At a future date another addition is plan- nod Mr organized the Tri Class in 1908 which now men The Lyon Avenue Mission Sunday School is a result of class work It has a member ship of Hilton Christian Church and Kearney Christian Church represent the work of the local In bis twentyfive years Are famous tor their Apple Plum Cherry trees They have beat nursery soil Cana da and are the largest growers of trees in Dominion All and budsticks are cut by one man and he has In their employ many years so no mistake are made by using wrong scions or Send for Catalogue or write for as they have some unoccupied territory In your BROWN BROS CO BROWNS NURSERIES Wetland Co Ontario Hundreds Drowned London Jeh A despatph to a news agency from de scribes wild panic and flight of civilians from owing to the advance at the troops Hundreds of persons despatch says sought refuge on the military transports sent there and numerous overloaded boats were hundreds of persons drowned The despatch asserts that on Sun day and Monday raid ers landed at froin trans ports They were well armed but without provisions Tlfc raiders ordered to scatter in bauds of about each throughout Thrace and maintain themselves at the ex pense of population Awful Fate of Explorers Oamatu New Zealand Feb 10 Robert Scott and his party overwhelmed by a blizzard on journey from the South entire perished They reached the South Pole on the 18 of January The news of the appalling disaster which feeell Scott and companions was brought to this port by a signal fed message from the Ter ra Nova the vessel whibli had car ried the explorer and his ex felon to the Antarctic and which late last year- wont once again to the south One votes attacked that of Thomas who admit ted under examination having voted two places Under the decision- of the Court Appeal this one vote is sufficient to invalidate bylaw In fact if the hotel men can prove that any one vote Is bad and the West Lome case stands as It does at pre sent the bylaw will be defeated as one vote deducted from the total in favor the measure is enough to make it tall short of threefifths requirement Evidence was given at the enquiry of a Toronto domestic who was liv ing Toronto three months previous to the election but who went to Au roraibr the purpose voting was contended that though she a property owner she was not titled to vote on the bylaw on count of not being a resident of town A number of other votes eluding that of ExMayor It is the in- Or- i Toronto were challenged on similar grounds Counsel for the temperance men to bring him and his companions continually objected to Judge cans to No Reason for Doubt A Statement of Facts Backed Strong Guarantee By We complete relief to ail sufferers from constipation In fiveiy case where wo fail we will supply the medicine free Orderlies are a gentle ef fective dependable and safe bowel rogulator and toaic They roestabllsb functions la a quiet easy way They do not cause any inconvenience griping or nausea They are so pleasant to take and they work so easily that they may tak en by anyone at any time They thoroughly tone whole system to healthy activity Orderlies are unsurpassable and Ideal for the use of old oiks and delicate can not too highly them to all from any form of- con stipation and attendant Two sizes loo Remember Mr has j can obtain RemedleB The total number of deaths involv ed in the calamity is not exactly known but it is that and sailors lost their lives London Feb Robert F Scott the Antarctic explor er and an unknown number of his companions amid the ice and snow covering Antarctic while they on their re turn Journey from the South Pole They had reached their goal on Jan- about a month after Captain Amundsen the weriian had ploritejl flag country there- They then turned toward tho bases they had formed on their outward journey but were over taken overwhelmed and destroyed by a terrible The news death of the explorers was brought back to civilization by the captain of the Terra Nova the vessel which had taken Scott and expedition to- tho south and which had gone again to the icy seas to fetch them back niter the accomplishment of the taste they had set themselves proceed with a scrutiny but was overruled James K with Messrs Eric Armour ond J con ducted the case for the hotel men While Irwin K and appeared for the town and the temperance people The hearing was adjourned until West Lome judgment is down For Solid Leather Boots Shoes try WRIGHTS SHOE STORE NEWMARKETS SHOE DEALER I Dominion Parllamen In answer to a question by the or Hon Mr White the re- j have had hi 1 and couples over them DYOLA CLXKSFST this community at our The Newmarket a kin of cioiK WBW i Im Colo J D of Finance stated that port of the Royal Commission pointed to inquire the affairs of Farmers Bank would be presented to the House this month Western men who may be called to seats in the Senate arc-as- follows Campbell Dauphin Man John Heron P Alta Lake P R P Mr Ellis M P for West Ottawa will introduce bill this session pro viding for Interprovincial reciproci ty in regard to automobile licenses Motorists are asking not for re ciprocity between the Provinces of Dominion but also between this Country and the States Report has it that Hon Ro gers Is a moving figure in a proposed salary grab raid upon public treasury- The high price of living Is excuse but this counts Feb fiNorman Weese of Prince Edward was on the Friday evening when horse broke ice M Hockey Seasons Here A Won Hockey Boots aid see Our Wit r McPhersons Hiich I a I We Dress J Shots for tod sad I Stiert will r I tet J s ARCHIVE ONTARIO fe I- ftaQ TORONTO fe- g fl a ss

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