Newmarket Era, 14 Feb 1913, p. 6

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A on JOHN YATKSj SUTTON MOUNT ALBERT v a- in At- Con- v- A carnival will ft Albert on Tuesday Feb 18 See bills Prize brick clad house HilftP tcutto Road belonging to dUW late Mrs pur chased by Mr Marvin Mr Hayes who can led on butcher business lor the past or veers has sold out lJ Mr Cook Mr Cook purchased the donee or Mr and of it Id exchange sold Mr Ralph of the in to town with on Tuesday one horse dropped dead In Iron of Haves butcher shop r January Import Senior Room Mt Albert Public School Class Nellie Lome lien Millie Brooks Russet Stuart Roland Oscar Dike Stanley Cook Ruth Hamp den John Graham Olive Lloyd Ethyl Hill David Har rison in Forrest Ross Welt- wood Clarence Case Stanley Lunau J 111 Yew Dike Ruby Woodcock Gordon Wagg Dike Kenneth Smith Olive Clifford ley Ross Tom Ruth Walter Draper J IDoGuerre Good jo The too I covered at young people nils the skating now s Messrs and Arksey wejroto the city last week to relative SUTTON Mr and Mrs Morrison otSuV- ton returned week ft two weeks In Allantle City NJ QUEENSV1ULK Tod lato for week Messrs John A Sydney W John and othora are Annual the iaKwnq while oa the train Friday at very serious Miss Hamilton Is spending a days with her parents Mr and oi Toronto spent the with J Mr spool Sunday Ws parent V A- NOTICE Next Monday evening the league give a very interesting program will be discussed by Miss 10 the League mot to by Miss Terry and tho League emblem by Miss J Miss Haines will lead the Devotion al Monday evening Feb the will be in charge the Literary A very inter esting debate is being prepared on Resolved that more crime is due to wealth than to poverty The leader the affirmative Miss Mildred and the negative Mr sister A very Interesting and entertaining dialogue entitled Aunt Jones will be given also some musical selections A silver collection will be taken v home Mr Gordon Douglas Sask is visiting at the Brown an elder ot Knox Church accompanied the re mains his pastor the Rev Geo Arnold to Albert on Tues day Mrs Robertson will receive on Feb from to Pm Dr James Forest Toronto was In town last week Mr Cotton Toronto is visiting at Mr Eugene Mr and Mrs Henry were visiting at tho home Mr John French on Wednesday Miss M Love formerly of this place has passed her final tion with honors which gives her the degree ol Associate tho Toronto Conservatory Music Mamie She is a pupil Miss Rov Dr J Moore Wilfrid will preach next Sunday at both In the Mount Albert Church and at Hart man in the A Card mm We ihe undersigned hereby to sell a package of five standard size boxes of Silver Tip Silent twenty cents Quality guaran teed it CROSE 11 RASE LINE The Church and Sunday School were poorly attended being such a fcvy fall of snow Mr and Mrs Huntley ate the faithful ones rain or arc in their places Or- King makes a good organist He did well Holland j Mr Editor I note in your last Weeks edition a report of a man riante4 Roland of charged with stealing a itiii at Auto beg to you that have no one of that name living in this Village upon find a resident New market and has been for a of years IHasc he so to this tetter and oblige Yours truly THOMlSOeT Did you see the kid get ahead of the hand- the other eight at Our T Agent got and our school maam him last Tuesday to the nail at Sutton Miss Foster from Egypt was calling friends- at Drown Hill oa Satur day and Sunday The Scribe last week fior the Sut ton Herald he hit Tim hard but dont worry Tims all right A great big BonFire at Mt Roses last week drbw tho attention of oaft young lad went to Sutton Saturday night with chop Mr is back at his old again filing bucksaws People very busy for It is only inches A grand Ladies Aid held at Mrs last Wednesday Mr Styles says the sports are no good this town for they wouldnt help him get up a Carnival Try again I Our village Blacksmith is doing a large trad this winter Ha Ha Our old friend home again Saturday night As have been out usfe between hero and Sutton Tim could no news through fio he bad to bring it are all glad to hear that W Merchant is getting along and It is hoped he will be around soon Miss Foster spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Cunningham and thoy both went visiting More likely hunting Up some old bachelors as they are both sports There was a big crowd of six gath ered on our Skating Rink came from all over especially Raven- shoe Hey Every tody le on the look out for speeding through Brown Hill as Mr and Mrs the fastest drivers around They will make the dust fly even hsre is nothing but snow An old married man from the coun try seems to delight in driving the school teachers around Mr Rose of Sutton spent the most of lust week with Mr Rose here A sleigh load of oik from Sutton and Jacksons Point came out to Mr Roses and spent joyful evening Did everybody see the small yellow horse go through town Sunday with big load Hard lines for a pony KESWICK Miss the homo lin M Qlover J Mr Shields has- returned home after spending a few The young men gave a pArty In the town hall on last Aii Marshall Evans his started a chopping mill It the vAiHer favorably ery in Vicinity will attend Mr of farm stock etc on Wednesday Of next week to our King y a v- Sefcent taura WMt and Umpire half k BALDWIN rival Auctioneers are holding forth nearly every day are a gabbing pair scarcely can say Which is the most eloquent Some the were fully their Let see there were Kavanagh Patterson nod little Tommy Atkiu forgot Joe general health of our community seems good since they got nature balance gluttoolng I a Dr dashing by would be a rig imprudent to at him where he might accompanied be You know they might ro- Masiruerade ply None of yer business I know chap hailed the old man with The re ply Young chap I known here in town who got sick by minding their own business but youre not one of them Said individual was as poor as Jobs Off Too late for list week OF OP THE SUTTON WEST Motto Subjects Love Kings Life guard the School Reports Report for month of anuar Joel Thompson George Taylor MiaroC Class SI My rile Vernon Class II Eddie Ciyderman Floyd Mitchell Murray Frank K6Tilbtbr Taylor Class Jr- Pfos66r 6 If Arnold nje Primer May Prossef Ste phensoh Edna Harold Rose ri Class Orography marks Floyd Mjt- I Glass Rose Arnold Avciage Teacher avirocd the of Part o the money prisoner a earn he paid thHr wiros nd while setting lhc4f sentence ic Without opposition the pill Medical Pro- Pri vate Bills on ioiisidcriition of tin- Act will days fc up next Wednesday wni two following days of each Week ft a a Mri of for Montreal an meot to tho to effect Cicada contribute three drtadiiUUghieito tin- of ft was given out that on be UK House adlourned last The I has iivoly 1 A Manager C p- S3 up RMrva Fund Banking By Mail OoriVtnUaca those living At dUUoo may and In fact ny banking by mall Ihe ktmg although attended to In person and ALBERT BRANCH with Report f Mo aOd for January placed in order of Murks possible Buckle SOaRDoan J ahaw Hill absent Class Lewis W 18d Johnny West Williams Ralph Smith Pearl Jean Pearson Kneesbaw May P Wal ter Terry ftlltf jr possible it Owens Emery David Bruce Wat son Newton Class possible Campbell Robinson Clifford West 53 Average attendance Campbell teacher Snapping of Chill ft Killed Thirteen The A ot Chris Keswck have arranged for a Concert on Friday Miss Violet Sedorv will furnish tho Elocutionary part the Toronto improving alter a severe We of blood poisoning Vera Arkspy is misled very touob In this neighborhood oe her here soon Mr Allan Bennett is getting along toft In our school Mr Roy has hired his coming summer Men are In tbfs you have t stAko you can get Mr and Morrison have been a trip to Atlantic City more our take after a hard summers work Mr and Mrs A Elgin Barker a son MlsBAddle way doing well is a revival this neighborhood Sorry their so But hope start again Harry ArdtU bought tt box w at day- Toronto has been but good shape A arranged with Sutton on Saturday night but when the visitors they backed out A was the Our boys are to here next Saturday night- A give a cheer to victory i Tho Mooting of Keswick Branch Womens Institute will meet at of Mrs Arthur Mor ton Tuesday Feb at pm This subject Hostess and Her Guests will bo introduced by Mrs Terry music by Misses and was decided it last meeting to hold a contest to Two girls over their darning in February prices will fee one to under fltteen and one to girls fifteen All will their own material and have work on hand at oclock Si I A iroien water- pipe on Saturday and was not discover- a about to of with tons On the of April above chapter was formed with members Many of these and of those who Joined us later have left us for other parts of the Dom inion some having married and are probably fulfilling their Im perial duties in training young sous and daughters for the benefit of the Empires future of our very first members have pass ed into the Great Beyond leav ing sweet memories them Our lumbers increased year by year wo average between and members One dear old lady Mrs is in her year and bears the distinction of being the first white child born in She is a true Daugh ter of the and takes a interest in everything connected with our chapter it was rather uphill work to decide on what form our meet ings should take wo nettled down to a course of study of the Dominion from Ocean to Ocean followed by notes on different parts of the Umpire Then we took ur the lives of the statesmen historiani novelists etc of Victorian Era Later we have followed programed given In the Echoes Our meetings are held once a month for about seven months out of the twelve and aro fairly well attended a fair- amount ot needlework being accomplished for the summer baza ar the proceeds so far having been sent to Childrens Ward of the Consumptive Home at Wes ton In we collected for A fund Aug we had a coronation picnic and planting of oak Aug we clearod at a Woodland ot which was sent to to Graves fund to the Laura memorial fund At the 2nd July wo cleared of which was forwarded to Sanatorium the balance being for patriotic purposes May a Union Jack was presented to ho Public School In Sutton and addresses given in the presence of a largo and dative gathering Since we have had an annual bazaar In Aid of the Childrens Ward Wes ton and the proceeds have been very satisfactory In we had a very interesting ceremony In the raising ot a flag staff at school Unfortunately the weather was unfavorable but Mrs AxthUr enthralled an attentive audience with he in teresting address The Chapter possesses a Scrap book dating from the 1st year of King reign and strangely enough just completed at his death A second one has been commenced with the or George the to we shall al ways be able to keep interesting Items in connection with Turks Killed official State ment by War today declar ed that have btfen kill ed by the in Gallipok flghting and taken The Turkish army in the peninsula early today was in a pan ic the wildest confusion preairing all along line was in pursuit the Turks and many were cut down as they ran TURKS KILLED WOUNDED Sofia Feb Detailed accounts ot the battle show was a complete disaster for the Turks of whom were buried by Bul garians and another Turkish dead left lying scattered over the battlefield According to reports here nearly Turks were wounded Tho Turkish disembarkation of two divisions at occupied two days A4 six oclock on the morning of- the third day the Bulgarians fierce ly attacked them and in after noon finding themselves in danger of being surrounded the Turks tied panic They regained the with difhculty pursued by Bulgarian and artillery Their re-em- was effected in great dis order under the protection of the guns of the Turkish warships Thou- and were shot down in the boats When remnants of the Turkish forces were aboard the ships the flotilla steamed away Fob Thirlem Wiled and of others injured at Colliery by the snapping of a to whilr was suspended a bucket containing of wat er The bucket crashed down the shaft which was feet debp ami at the bottom of which the hitib weft work ing The were crushed into an few who happened to be la shelter holes at sides the shaft death The city is a large coal miuing district Toronto York Radial tend Its Line From Toronto Mail A good deal of opposition is being developed in some parts of York Co against the proposed radial lino and any- proposal to get the township Coun cils to guarantee the bonds of the enterprise to any large extent will it is be vigorously opposed The most is being nude of the re ported willingness York Railway to build the Hue from Upper Street easterly to and points the company having indicated intert- to build the line to in iuar future and at no cost to the traversed Already tho rightofway has been offered the company tor a and or to tbe east and the Germs of decay accumulate on oftused pots and pans and ordinary- soap and water only clean off the surface a Gold Dust does the work and does it right It digs deep after germs cleans like a new whistle and leaves your pots and pans as new as bright as the day they were new and sanitarily safe Gold Dost does this work in Just half the time required hy soap or any other cleanser Does it better too Gold Dust cleans every thing like magic in Gold is sold 5C size and pack ages The large package means greater economy DUST TWINS Jo your Made by THE NKFAIRBANK COMPANY LIMITED Montreal Maker Of Fairy Soap the oval cake Bay ever day since Friday last A new motor ice boat has made its ap pearance that has len known to travel a mile less than one min ute j- A load of glassware was de molished by a street car on Wednes day at and aea a country village there many to combat with regard to rough weather and dla- hut I think I may ven to say that our course so ot Dominion Parliament Hon Foster left this week for Vancouver from which place bo will sail next Wednesday for Au stralia He expects to attend meet ings of the Imperial Trade Commis sion in Australia and New and negotiate recipro cal trade arrangements on behalf of Canada- with both these countries also visit China and Japan for Returning homeward Mr Foster wit discussion of trade and immigration questions and is not expected back to Ottawa for four or five months I- According to present arrangement the PostmasterGeneral hopes to be able to submit bis Parcel Post scheme to Cabinet early in March Offi cers the Department ore now busy collecting data and other information Jonathan Calvert a retired black smith of Township who died Jan left an estate of to be divided among nephews and nieces The property includes a lOOacre farm in Mnrkham valued at which passes to Jonathan Calvert of There is al so cash and stocks and bonds Household goods are placed at Sarah Calvert receives household goons and of the residue The member for South York had sharp clash with Premier Bor den on discussing the bill the Ontario and vigaU6nCoMr Macleari is an instance the tit for in nature Thp Ham- advantageous terms The route will- Times saysThe mild weath- be one of the richest districts January fooled the peach trees in county thickly populated Tho Toronto and York radial have a for the district in that ion May 1st or thereabouts and if operations are not that date will lapse A very large proportion of the farmers- however through the eastern part of the townships of and Whitchurch with a number villages strongly favor a proposed scheme with the radial railway as an adjunct be lieving that the cost the farmers will thereby be greatly re duced The question has and February is doing its best to into an attempt to put forth punish the trees lor their foolishness However it is too early yet to la ment over the prospective toss of the peach crop Kingston Feb George Bishop met with a painful accident in a Factory his left hanl caught machine began diving for the of of who had clipped under the ice Alter an search Miss Mylods hody was found Pot Sale caufl of hi tearing the end of his thumb off down to the first joint and mangling his fingers badly Berlin Feb 9 Because of the smallpox epidemic In Waterloo the provincial health authorities have in- a at all tho Council meetings with in the last fortnight and gfenerally At the last meeting of the Council the Commission stated that every would be made at once to en ter the district and scores ol turn ers have expressed their desire to in stall electricity the- momontit is available The Council of Village have gone on record as strong tho municipal scheme and the reeves deputies of every mu nicipality between Toronto and have pledged themselves possible assistance to the scheme assuming that the cost is found not tone prohibitive TORONTO LEISTER A bread wagon on street was struck by a car last Tuesday- and a couple of hundred loaves of bread strewn all over the street Some drivers have very judg ment or thoy would not be so ven turesome A memorial service is to take place In Hall next Sunday after noon In honor of Scott the other heroes of the Antarctic expedi tion A collision On its way to a fire on John Street and a street car last Tuesday evening badly damaged both and badly blurt tour people Thefire tied up railway traffic for nearly three hours andln- people at Mho Union Depot- During the year about was paid tor licenses in and hotels Six shop licenses transferred netted Rvalue of one case of Harris to Given the consideration was advancing price of gasoline Is beginning to make Owner of automo biles think that horseless cars will It thought many iven with Premier re- ftfth8 carry lo cal option A baa recently been formed by Question at been structdl the Berlin and Waterloo Street Railway to discontinue its ser vice into Waterloo 7 That the Lat ter Day Saints aro desirous of estab lishing the Salt Lake City of Canada here is indicated by the presence tin the city of three missionaries of the Mormon faith from Magnate and the impression Is rapidly- that if any measure success is met by these evangelists it is more than likely a new Mormon tabernacle will be built in IMhbridg St Thomas Feb esti mated at k75000 was done by fire which started early this morning in the furniture store of Baldwin Co Ltd Talbot St Fanned by a wind handicapped by poor equipment and with only fair water pressure the brigade had great diffi culty in confining the blaze to the Baldwin building At two oclock it still burning freely but all dan of the flames spreading was at an St Catharines Feb An agree was arrived at between the city council representatives of the Canadian Northern Railway day whereby the company is pledged to its main doubletrack lino be tween Toronto and the Niagara through a central- portion of St Catharines and erect a station company also agrees to build a via duct across the Canal acres Lot 12 Con Scott acres cultivated bush and pasture creek at back end farm I acre orchard brickclad house Barn Two feilos pig pen 50 stabln under the barn water forced stables by pumping windmill in tin best of repair posvesoloa this spring For sale up to the this month A Miller Real and Insurance Uxbridge H PECO MT ALBERT- Dealer in all kinds of Wood and Heaters Steel and Cast Ranges Cot ters Sleighs Peter Hamilton Far Implements Gasoline Engines ail sizes Ideal made by Steaplej i Muir Co A number of Good SecondHawl Cook Stoves Cheap E H PEGG GWDavidson REAL ESTATE MT ALBERT see the if Come to Mt Albert and very desirable houses I have tor sale and also the hustling town we have here Locate here and enjoy of the faculties not found except in much larger places Large Cottago and acre Large Double House and third of an acre Cottage and Stable onethird of an acre House good stable and two Lots good orchard 800 House and acre House good and two Lots house good Stable and three Lota 1600 Large Brick Dwelling have Stable and acre 3000 Large House rooms large Barn suitable livery all practically now I 2300 Large Brick Dwelling terse Stable ami two Lots The city is to grant a of Most of Places almost any term can be arranged Be sure to sm above before you locate DAVIDSON W Mooat Albert PhQBvlM v Sob Through her heroic aid fe rescuing four of the five whovto- throui the ice of the can- pus lake last night Phoebe a daughter Dr of and a Vassar was by the faculty expenses they Britf the girls speed down Sunset on their tcAcgah skirn out the lake and break through crash Wthout i rnotnents out on Jthjh in of the the water the lifers to the Chives of Ontario m TORONTO Represent Fire Co j fcV Fire Insurance Fire fc fc i a fij

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