Newmarket Era, 14 Feb 1913, p. 7

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weeks ON Dl A it A line of Booths White awl Gold 97 Pieces for 15 Very Mi la Quality Stylo and can w a set la Another Cold Dip IS Monday moaning lias resulted us supply of 1VikVi Clear for wit use Loyal League too Friends Church Monday Feb boy and girl invited Meeting opens VMS ft Afternoon Tern Friday will be served Schoolroom of the Christian Ifcurci also a large of borne made bread buna roll pressed meat candy etc will bo offered lor sale during the afternoon A our R A SMITH IMPORTER OK STAPLE CHINA Range Bargain The Nelson Steel Range Is a beauty Fully guaranteed 1 16 at Hardwire Newmarket i Mil AND China Hall Grocery Salvation Army Adjutant Bur too an ok will conduct the In the A flail on next will be Major and will speak Irani toe lowing subjects a Divine Fellowship mWar Memories p The Worlds Greatest Wonder All are Invited The Adjutant is at present station ed In the Toronto Corps We have a Blend that gives whenever trie Brand per A SAMPLE LB AT AND BE CONVINCED i TEAS Our Bulk Teas Their Flavor Guaranteed lUa Teas at the following prices and per Black and Green and per to Teas and per ib Halls Hoist Kods load grip that cant slip 1500 hoist at Died In Chicago Mr Claude Kirk passed away at his homo in UK Febru ary my Deceased lived ID or many years and as survived by widow and four chil dren Mrs Walton of Wash ington ofoVCeased at tended funeral which took place on Saturday Feb at Hose Hill Chicago 111 Organ Recital The Choir Molh- odlat the program this evening to be oi an high order It was only by a uere chance that Mr cured for Newmarket IBs description of each the audience more throUghly aptrecl- ato and ex- pleasure may be anliWpat Although from two to six feet Is to with any of to tors the Show of Stock that in Not If Mi A lry wlUy class looludfng number of birds at the Wrofter Fair Among the are A MSttoci with the and turkey Mr Wales of with entries Mr It oi with entries Mr J Bell AngOe Messrs Cook A Son of Messrs Leach Son of and Mr A of Barrio The entry list tfao fol lowing J White ff Created J sVK Hockey skaters all oyer Canada wear rson Lightning Hitch Shoes Because they give most satisfaction and k W L BOSWORTH The Leading Reliable Grocer Delivery CORNER Phone OF Main Timothy Streets Lot Owners Boskoua I would do well to get designs and tenders for fram ed houses pic from BROS Carpenters College St Toronto Hockey In the game on Saturday night With North tho visitors got an awful scorching the score being to in favor of The fast Pickering College team de feated the Upper Team Junior 0 H A on Satur day last by a score of The game was very fast and by far the best played on the College Rink Tho score at baittime was far of C Owing to the superior con dition of the Pickering team set in the last half was too much for the boys For the Henderson and Pepper In goal wrro the stars Pearson and Workman and starred for the school hard backchecking of for the team was the outstanding ture The return game will be Toronto one week from Satur day when a strong string of rooters will accompany the College and help towards another Another New Factory Tho contract was signed on Monday between the Office Specialty Co and Mr tor a factory fiO feet three stories hi on the fiats just nor of Tim othy St Work will as sou as the frost is out the ground The new factory will for wood work only and will accommoda tion for more men Mr Schmidt the informal us that four families canto to Town last week and they are great in nwVng bouses live to notwith standing that over have been three years bouses are absolutely necessary as soon as possible Two new factories going up and place to house the I artisans For sale in the Schoolroom the Christian Church on Friday noon alsolbuns rolls cake pies jel lied meat candy etc Dark A Dark Ornish White Silver Grey Spangled Silver 10 Brown Leghorns Rose Comb 6 White -lehorns- Comb 34 White- Leghorns Leghorns Ruff Leghorns 1 JO Comb black 14 black service 1 JL J I The Lightning Hitch is buckled up in a second and after the shoe is laced on the loot the inside ankle support may be ad justed to the ankle without unlacing the shoe The large eyelets make it easy to lace the shoes in less than two minutes 1 J Very Acceptable A- recent map Canada issued by the of Interior has been added to the equipment of the High School through the kindness of Mr J A Armstrong 9 RocksWhite 23 Rocks- Batted Plymouth Rocks Rhode Island Comb 13 Rhode Island Comb 18 SpanishBlack 42 9 14 M W Wyandot Games Black Breasted Games Pit Whimster Co The MensWear Men Main St Newmarket I Tuscan Lodge l Sale Register Dust Is a General Nuisance Stop it Use Its cheap at Hardware From small can up to barrel Caution undereigped will not respon sible for any debts contracted after by arty person or persons without a written order North Jan M 3w3 Boarding Stable leased the stable south the Wag George I am prepared to a Feed and Sale at a reasoaable rate I the public very for Cleaning and Pressing Mens Suits neatly repaired clean- and pressed per suit Up- work called for and deliver- Box P Newmarket High School On Friday last week the County Council decked on toe grants to the different High Schools of the County That apportioned to will a source of faction to all concerned It amounts to over exclusive of th grant for thp Agricultural De partment This is an increase of more than over grant for and upwards of over that of two years ago This big increase is due largely to the excellent work our Reeve who is Chairman of the Education ComntiUcc previous years the clause in the Sta tute governing the grant had been wrongly interpreted ho made a com plete investigation and found that the law had not been properly By the correct interpreta tion for tWs year is in creased as stated When is remembered that after his recent visit the High School In spector awarded the highest possible grade of approval and that this ranking carries with it a bonus of the Provincial Grant it will be seen that High School Board has begun the year with favorable j outlook I Bantams Black breasted BantamsBrown breasted Bantams Golden Duck Wing Bantams Silver Duck Wing BantamsRed Bantams Rose Comb black Cochin Cochin BantamsPartridge Cochin 4 Cochin v Change of Date Turkeys 13 The Joint Recital in the Town by Ernest Gray pianist and d compear violinist Indian Miss Athena Buckley contralto Toulouse 4 will be on Wednesday Feb Geese the auspices 1 3l Army in aid Booth Memorial Rabbits 58 Kettleby will have a sale of Pure- Bred Shorthorns as well as being present and several vis itors from Rising Lodge Au rora general farm stoek and implements Fund Miss Athens Buckley is a pupil of Madame Katharine Taylor and has scored a big success before the Womens Art Association Toronto She will a ot Modem Lighter Songs Although only ot age Mr- Ernest Gray has met with as tounding success as a Or ganist and so since his return from Germany where he studied one of the Great Masters One of tho will be Mendelssohns Concert in Minor which was played by Right W A Davidson on Lot 34 Coo King DGM and also fcnhs sale at one Saigto of members Aurora Lodge number paia Lodge of this town a fraternal visit on Wednesday evening and spent a very enjoyable time to gether The expressed much satisfaction at successful work of the newly elected officers Tuscan Lodge were served at the close League The Japan Mission Study Class had charge the meeting last j day evening Miss Annie Meek in the I chair An Evening in Japan was SATURDAY Feb Lot Con Township miles north Auction Sale to at oclock noon Clydesdale Roadster Jersey and other Cattle Imported and borne bred Shropshire Sheep Implements Hay and Roots J property Lemon Baker Sil- versides a Kestr TUESDAY Feb Sale Farm Stock Implements etc on the cost half Of Lot East the property of J Smith Sale at sharp Terms months Kava- I WEDNESDAY Feb Pattenden will have a sale stock Implements etc one mile north of credit or- per cent for No reserve Sate at one Kavanagn FRIDAY Feb 3 toad will have a sale farm stock etc on Coo North Usual Sale to at one oclock Posi tively no reserve as the farm is soW H Kavahagh Auct WEDNESDAY Feb Mr J Rye lob Con East bury will dispose of his horses cat tle and implements at Nine months credit on sums over 10 J Kester Auctioneer Rabbits Guinea Fowl and Rats Canaries and Pheasants Breeding Pens I the subject and five interesting SelHng Class 33 were given by The Stufied Birds Collection The Country People The Dressed Poultry 3 fe Lot Quite a number of people gathered be Sleighing Party none mot credit in Town I hill on Wednesday af- and a Soup Supper afterwards Sale At one 0 Canadian has will have an CDMrenCoaiiii 7 itowards Japan sale the West Half of to hear the lecture by Mr J Clark who also lec tured in the evening Last night a Vaudeville Program was to be presented MONDAY Feb John Albert will hold a sate of horses Implements furniture etc at one oclock Usual terms J Auctioneer TUESDAY March Mr- Moore lot Con Scott will have a sale of horses purebred Heresfords and high grade per cent j hams- implements etc at one clock Kava- oclock J and sung by- the Soloist of Boston Wo have no idea how the financial Original Comp and other results are but visitors at other works Schubert etc Mr will play do Russian Airs- by Poultry Shows assure us that tho show hero Is away ahead of many other places and an effort should ski Slow Movement Loco Concerto mode to make it a permanent affair Caprice Vfeunoffl Kreisler Plan of Hall at Drug iDouDlcIrcK Store Pauls Church How would it bo or the Agricultur al Society to drop the poultry part their prize list anil let thb Poul try Association run this part of the business Much of success of the Poultry for which a charge of will agb Auot WEDNESDAY March made If there is no the en- THURSDAY Feb Sale farm ton Mainprise Centre Road teriainment will take the form of a flt and implements on Lot souti will hold Valentine Party for which there will Coo 3 of East the extensive farm sale at noon be no charge Everybody- welcome of James Stickwood Usual terms- J Kester terras months Sale at j j oclock J Headman Make a note of Match for the THURSDAY Feb Sale Police Court Concert Death of a Pioneer The Anglican Young Peoples So- tf indefatigable la- Are You Going West The Grand Trunk Railway is shortest and quickest route be tween Saskatoon and Ed monton- Fast trains leave Winnipeg at 600 p M DAILY A DAILY Except Sunday Portage Prairie RAvers Saskatoon Edmonton Smooth Roadbed Electric lighted sleeping cars Su perb dining car service Ari eareet Grand Trunk Agent tor tickets etc A DUFF DPA Union Station Toronto Depot Agent V Y BROUOHWrJ i Methodist Church congregations- last Sunday evening The scr- by pastor were excellent especially the on in the morning on Consecrated Brains music al so was good including solos by Miss Ross dt Toronto and Miss Subject of tho pastors sermon next Sunday evening Samson Defying an Army If people of Newmarket and vicinity who do not go to church on ly knew how much they are missing they would be more anxious to advantage of opportunity bear ing Mr Simpson while he remains in Every sermon is a good one and only three months and will bo gone- At an official Board meeting on Friday of last week eight applications for the position of or ganist and Choir Leader were re ceived ranging from to annum Mr King organfst in a Presbyterian Church in Toronto was selected at 350 having been received from LordslJay Alliance that the totro- polltan intend to seek legislation at this session to Sunday cars Hon K J and Pearson were appointed delegation to lntbrvje the cietymet on Tuesda evening in the school bouse to hear a very five and interesting discourse Mis sions by Rector Rev A fairly good number young people were out but wo had hoped to sec mors to hear so Inspir ing an address The Rector review ed the history of Missions right from its early days in Palestine through tho ages down to the present day Ho displayed moat vividly th hard ships and persecutions which the ear ly Christians endured for thb faith which had In Jesus and yet whatever may their trouble they never forgot that what soever they said or did that It was all for the glory of God and tor the fulfilling of our last com mand into all the world and disciples of all nations So should we like of Secretary Rev J Hall Tho list of prizewinners will I bo published next week St Valentines Day Today is St Valentines pay Heart decorations will be the up-to- date adornments f homes wealth and fashion red being the pre dominating color the true lovers knot occupying prom inence The origin custom of Valentine boon much controverted but indisputably it is of very ancient date tells us that Valentino was a bishop of the Romish Church who suffered mar tyrdom under Claudius at Rome AD27i Aurora Feb The death oc car red yesterday at the home of her timer brotherinlaw Js of Mrs farm Maria Lloyd at tho advanced age of etc on the west half of Lot Con 103 years East Usual terms Deceased was bom in Ireland on Sale at ore sharp W H Kava- Friday came to Can- Auct ada when a child She with other March 5 Mr Stock Implements Another of our citizens was soak- etc on Lot 26 Con East and costs the other day by the property of Win Police Magistrate for being Sale at sharp Terms drunk in a Local Option Town months Judge Morgan has ruled in favor TUESDAY Feb 35Mr Local Option for Aurora will have an extensive sale will probably put- an end to this kind stock implements roots of performance after May 1st to carry on the work whole world has been stirred by the spirit of miss and can through our help be carried On that many may hear of the glorious liberty of the gaspel of Art Adult Bible Class held its first meeting in St Pauls Church Sunday afternoon there being a good attend ance appointed and the prospects are most encouraging for are looking for a larger at tendance next Sunday Will you not and so help as to make our Bible Class a success Rector Will the class next Sunday FeVy The Brotherhood St Audrey will meet St Pauls School house on Tuesday IS The Library Board for held its organization meeting Tues day The officers appointed President Rev J R Webb Tre J Smith Secretary A Cornell The Board consists of the follow ing gentlemen Cane Mayor A Rev J ebb and repre senting the Town Council John and Win J McTavish represent- the Separate School Board A Cornell and Smith representing the School Board to hold the regular on the each Primary School vSci6sed loth settlers walked up St to settlement in King Township through tbe unbroken forest She wds the widow of the late J Jos Lloyd of Pour children survive her J as Lloyd- at Tara Mrs Jfls Aurora Mrs Abbott Tottenham and Miss Lloyd Kettleby Sho was confined to her bed Only a few days Her memory was remark ably clear to the last and she could recall incidents of her younger with absolute accuracy She was a staunch admirer of Samuel Lotmtacr patriots and often spoke of mahj- incidents of stirring times Mrs Chamberlain of Detroit is visiting at her is very sick Mrs Will was a Toronto visitor last week Mrs Patterson has returned home after a prolonged with her daughter in Toronto and her son in Newmarket Mrs Dennis we are sorry to say quite 111 Mrs is visiting- relatives In Toronto Mr and Mrs are guests- at Mr Fairies Mr bines gave an light views the MMbonWt Church on Monday evening in ip tercets of and Storey Foster will have an extensive sale of farm implements eto on Lot Con East Terms months credit Sale to commence at one oclock Kavanagh Auctioneer TUESDAY Feb 18th farm stock and implements belonging to Mr Percy Lot Georgina at one oclock Nine months credit on sums over J Kester Auctioneer TUESDAY Feb Oliver Lot 13 Con Scott near Mount Albert will hold an extensive sale arm stock and implements oclock on usual J Kester Auctioneer Can Back Well I Come to Rink Friday Feb and see Arrangements are being made for game of on date between the Old a local team and prove to be a Red Hob Garde Watch out for handbills for par ticulars Walter Cain of Toronto will likely be referee Give the Old Roys a big reception back to the oW town Mr S P Caldwell of Rochester is spending a day or two wit his sister Mrs has been somewhat critically ill for the past month m A Curtain Lecture from North crowded out BANK MONTREAL HIT by Att PAH UP UNDIVIDED PROFITS SW4Sa7 at all impextaat New York CUcmo in and i London Newfoundland Eag j Every BanM INTEREST Former of as heretofore ALLOWED Ontario ON DEPOSITS Branch will be A NEWMARKET BRA ft At fc Ss h ARCHIVE OF ONTARIO TORONTO m i

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