Newmarket Era, 21 Feb 1913, p. 1

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A i Dolt Now your eyes careful- Have your eyes careful ITcfer Glasses TO Watsons and Graduate Optician County as iWt during per It In advance to paper sent York unless paid la Prices Window at WATSONS JEWELRY STORE JACKSON Proprietor JACKSON No cents A fc t ISUC- the i working on pull rope locks the rope in a You are Blending too much tunc arid vital energy hoisting Dont be a derrick Simplify your hoisting problems with A Hall 2inl Hoist and Wire Stretcher The worlds Only combine hoist and stretcher with a cocksure automatic locking moment slack up on pull rope the i ten he a of da he J The Grip That Cant Holds Load in MidAir Von with a mere turn the wrist Saves time trouble In butchered lifting boxes stretching wire fences support ing tick or Injured doing any one a hundred jobs that call for lilting hotting Simple durable will last a lifetime Absolutely guarantee to satisfy Hall Hoists are made in y sites capacity lbs to tons Coma today and see one of these labor tying C U A AN TEE Limited reocoUy too ruled uiOt with a of Will hove IU this Mrs toed in the IVilia- last or tcHiOg by lines in hands Ah meeting of srkers In ranks in Wit thp city Was herd ft hi last week for purpose a is im local option movements like to lifear discussed out difterent the city every pulpit throughout the country at an early date At this ctsUng It la wblch think do consldemUo Indignation prOVaiieil as good as f subject the beer and Wine license at today island ami It Was to amis fitiaiy strongly oppose the granting the daily rallied by the dead- next to ftr a director of carry their policy into the city laboratories is getting ready to house and insist on associate prosecute a strenuous campaign tor good and the tliepubJicKom long and loud tor tub salvation toe the torid the How of summer arriv is an to any person Mr- A Austin wh left a who has a of about trip to Egypt early In January died him in Cairo last Week from an attack of typltoid sal i 1 1 i I J a Absolutely Guarantee Jlrtl we soil aud wilt if whether duo to Defect or Any Binding and wo will Back it to the Mr Ferris aged for years stage carpenter under the man agement of lne Curtain Lecture PHONE NEWMARKET HIGH GRADE TRUNKS SUIT CASES BAGS PAINTS OlLS VARNISHES A 4 on ir re- he ire be bit life fOtt em ore Making Farming Pay FARMING has come to be regarded as a by laws business to bo successful must business men They must Hank account A yank to business habits It is better to pay by than with cash better be cause simpler coaveuieat and certainly Have your with The Bank of Toronto A sound HankAssets 57000000 A long lishod Banksince Branches in Ontario Queboc and the West FIELD Newmarket Friday attemooh his residence from pneumonia illness Mrs to Peck less thansix toys I i L Said Mr Peek to Mrs- Peck It is surpassing strange some people have to pass through lice my widowed at the age ot twentyltv is Mr Peck you have forgotten experience Mrs Douglas Brat That maxim by Jones Kenilvorth Ave second People who livein glasshouses husband was killed last Friday at Must never stones Burlington by falling feet from the new waterworks that are g did do thing under construction there A J ue man would not dc- A on Queen wh the word keeps a restaurant last A widow woman week for stabbing a customer I you would tell me His Royal Highness the Duke of Just what happened that old man thought he voted for you Every other year you ran of a too- of Trent Projcot Is now assured unless something happens the IM to totarip will bo opened n4 in Working order Aug ust years will lor the of the end so that In two years this time thW Canal will bo an In Order and Wo may expert to see vast amount imports and a vast Of the milling Industry whtait and oats are the milts here Hie mat ter of le awlded wo to see tike the- Quaker Oats Company doubling and even trebling i Conakl energy has been displayed by members along the route tle ahU credit must to given them conslstiotly pressing for an lav mediate Thebanviet in which Mr and Mr Duller attended was event ot ana the high hopes on that the completion the canal from what the Minister said in his speech have been lully In addition to grain it will he pos sible with the use of power to bring te pulp wood and establish paper mills along the Trent route alsc mineral ore in fact when the canal is opened Peterborough will have all the advantages being a city on the great waterway Dominion- It is understood to he of Borden Govern ment to deepen and increase in size the Trent Canal Our Western Letter 50 YEARS AGO Winnipeg Feb IMS Winnipeg brilliantly illuminated In the by lamps and thronged with a pleasure- decking visitors has presented an during the past week It Is ed that at least people taken advantage of the roll- From l2 has sold his book store to Mr M Particulars Fori across horder Appear In this issue said to ho one the greatest tares pay a visit West- lirM th week In with work rapidly Convention York and pulaUofi yearly demands mure W this week and was vegetables milk bultcr cream pronounced success Dr more and more and pork other animal represented the Met and ngrUdltur1 Indeed ff Mr- P P Pearson and has demand become that the itat of exists at and Mr It Smith Opportunities In Farming Conven tion at to compose Executive Messrs it Smith P P Pearson It Alexander J Boyd J E udth J Clark J Kerry the capital at- the ent time Situated l a district Valley which has bably ihe fertile sell outdoor annual imports states east ern worth of these interesting figures compiled by Winnipeg Industrial Bureau from a special meeting the receipts of local and fc Monday evening the railway companies records throw ftr was IftstructWe light on the situation It Village Inspector is ascertained these the butter at Winnipeg Irom Has tern Canada ami United States for was cars or ap proximately pounds valued at 560000 Dressed receiv ed in during same year required for shipment cars and weighed pounds valued at 25 YEARS AGO From Era Feb t Peck for a time I him As I have fooled other men there came a time he caught roe And I could not do it again was in Toronto fprafew hours- on Saturday After attending the meeting of National alum Association he was the gUest honor a private dinner held tht York Club funeral Mrs Matilda La- France who is said to ha tor peck to Mr Peck 108 years was held Saturday from jnt you tempt that man the Peel County House of Refuge Mr PecK to Mrs Peck whero she had- resided for several j hes pot a man whom you can vears Mrs was an Indian of the Mohawk tribe and during her Mr did not like long moved from Peel Co- The Canadian Alliance Conviction will be held in this 1 city South End Lumber Yard on Wednesday next Not less than a thousand delegates are expected The convention will continued all next day banquet at night On Friday evening last King Solo mons Chapter of Royal Arch Masons do be in their annual Valentine show me the goat you have in view my cars the other nay In the fight for Option you vote the other way- Mrs Peck be glad you are a woman you will never know tight corners a man gets into ftrato hes anxious to run the show i I SCRANTON I A COAL SAVING It means more money in your purse and heat is your bome when you buy your coal of us Our coal is clean and a good heat maker It saves time and labor and doc tors bill- too because your flrb requires less attention keep the house healthy and comfort ably warm Test it for your self Wo deliver a ton or more any place is town Call or tel- phone 56 Phone Cor Church and Close Harry Gee and You know I always helped you And have done all that could do P W PEARSON I j I our 1 ill arc I I a 1 m Will Miss Something If von Pail to See Our Suitings THIS WINTER And youll simply bo carried away Our They vol proper in Fabric and Tailoring Only a Fair for Every Garment tJail and See F WILLIS in the Temple Building added anoth er their large successful so cial events Philip Cook- and William Miller wero in the Police Court charged with lifur while under twentyone years old They told who sold them the liquor and developments are expected to follow On account illhealth Rev Dr Cleaver retires from the pastorate of Trinity Methodist Church on the 1st of next month Quarterly presented him with a cheque for The Rev Dr by Mrs Cleaver will spend three months abroad on of his health A kuighthood betn Dr j ffcalian Consular Agent for the Province of Ontario with in this city King Victor has made a of Order the rCrown of Italy He is the first to receive such The Co loss as the result of the recent decision of Court setting aside the order of the Municipal Board which authorized the Hon Mr has presented a diversion o lino on the Planting and from Ave soulhword is said to he about of Trees Lady Whitney gave a reception gives the owner the power the of the Legislature and to plant trees on highways wives and daughters in to his land Taes so planted Chambers ast week The come property of the owner but members of the House 10 tree planted to bo of kind earning their to a nuisance or obstruc tion Trees may bo planted on Fighting ih Mexico Mexico City Feb were resumed with fierceness in the capital today after a truce which lasted only a few The Armistice sied o clock Susday morning by the repre sentatives of both ides agreeing to suspend operations for hours was broken before noon Soon the sound of heavy and the whirr of machine guns announced the of the Federal troops to their posts in front of the arsenal The fighting in the- of the Mexican capital at times today was as savage as on any other day of the row win whistled close toliis within the Embassy Shortly before 5 oclock the German Legation was struck by shell The Altar At Aurora by J alont Local on the Mr panics paid 120000 for milk to Miss Alma Penrose and cream from St Paul and Min- both of Whitchurch alone Customs- returns Wing from the depirrtmnt at Ottawa show on the Win that during the fiscal year ending his year Deceased died at March Manitoba 1- the residence of Mr J Stokes 516480 doeneggs valued at his soninlaw bacon and hams Its I At King on the worth pounds of inst of apoplexy Joseph fresh meat not including another about SO years pounds of mutton and lamb j This week the Town Fire Brigade and pounds of salted meats was called out to protect Main St- The figures for live stock show cellars by chopping ice out sheep and bead of cattle gutters ported during the same period Over The weather has assumed quite a 3500 horses were imported the springlike temperature this week province in the same fiscal year The third shooting match of the The figures for vegetables imported Gun Club took during same period arc equally on Tuesday The score as follows tomatoes etc tors resulted as follows in cans pounds bush- Two more els of potatoes valued at and matches before the contest Is oyer fresh vcgotaVles of other kinds to the The Congretibnat Church value of The nicely repaired will be a Mrs Peck you arc very curious But that is womans way When you sec me in Senate Youll feel you have gotten your pay- Senator Peck I would be delight- dear ouck of Well spend the rent yes every cent Well win this thing if we can Mrs dont gush like a school- girl Ill tell you what Ive planned If I do lose my situation Well go to the Western land Sir Peck in Manitoba For man with a record clean Well ask TV Herbert to get you a job With the machine North Fob Tree Planting There were numerous casualties among the for many years will continue to grow faster than thi supply of these products and forms an Meal and easily accession market situated large paper balloon arrived in town from sonic quarter about ten oclock Wednesday and- alighted in the vicinity of St Pauls Church- Our You Take no Risk Reputation ana Money is Back This Offer TOUR PHONE J MAIN ST I I 1 1 1 J 1 I 1 TD 1 We pay for the medicine used luring the trial if our remedy fails to completely relieve you of consti pation We take all the risk- You are not obliged to us in any way whatev er if you accept our oiler Could glUte put to j in a district of surpassing richness at the waterworks Winnipeg Canadas trie Stove Factory A load of Newmarket men P a visit Winnipeg has the distinction of nelMonday night ins the first city in Canada to electric stoves ranges heat ers etc Geo A of Hughes Electric Co ot Chicago 111 has been in the city for several days in connection with the opening up of their Canadian branch here The Hughes Electric Co are the largest manufacturers of electric stoves and ranges in world and Mr Hughes says that the For Falling Hair You Hun no wiien you Use Remedy This We promise you that it your hair is hulling out and you have not let it go too far you can repair dam- age already done by using There is no doubt that what the en- Tonic with persistency hurt in a col- time Three firemen with a street car Friday ev lines between omiew of land second of the kind mutual consent tree shrub within week P standing or planted within a a highway for shade becomes the property of the owner of the land adjoining A lad Earl Johnson aged years was run over by an auto on last Friday and killed Six bosses were smother to death when fire destroyed a stable at the rear street last evening are eaten like candy They are very pronounced gentle and pleasant inac tion anh particularly agreeable In ev ery way They do not cause diar rhoea nausea flatulence griping or any inconvenience Or derlies are particularly good for chil dren aged and delicate persons Wo urge you to try Orderlies at our risk Two sizes 10c and Remember you can get in this community only at our store Rexall Store J It Y Druggist Newmarket a power that can be utilized in time It is a scientific will eventually make the cleansing antiseptic germicidal pre- ion one of the greatest consumers that destroys microbes electric domestic devices of all kinds folates circulation around the Homo HeUnion Association Assisted hair roots 5 People to Canada removes dandruff and acts to hair as It is as pleasant to use With firm belief they were water and is dering Important service to their city real toilet and the Empire many pro- if business men of Winnipeg met y in Winnipeg last week to hear lJ Tonic with our promise that it second annual report of the work of u unless you Imperial Homo ReUnion f satisfied with its use I Mayor Deacon presided and Killed by Charge Intended for Cat comes in w and J Bulmao lather of Remember you can obtain Rex- movement in Canada in his address this community only stated that organization two store The Rexall Store J VES Sec 3 any municipality give bonus ot cts for every ash loochbirch butternut cherry at Masscy Hall on chestnut hickory maple pine COAL when you wilt do up dampers and be sure that your stoves and furnaces art flUedwiUi Coal the zero weather will not bother you Ml from A satisfaction contentment when you buy your Eves by phone or from M raiatettpni A- Poyd I LIMB AND a LINES OP LUMBER Sunday to thc mem ory of Scott and other members ot Antarctic was an occasion that will in the minds who crowd- led the Hall The tributes paid were eloquent and Impressive men stood at tho door of Street Mission last Sunday morning ready for th tree break fast which was given by the Onta rio Wind Engine and Co formal opening of the Auto- mohihs Show here took place last evening Hon Mr proceedings A few days ago a double carnpoM tPtfns And floral decorations costing arrived af the Exhibition Buildings New- i tfnue open 1st j I 1 Send tte Turning the muzzle ot a ride examine it after tt had failbd charge when he pulled the trigger authorizes the Council shot in the lower part of the stom ach which resulted in his death at Western Hospital Toronto on Saturday a tew hours after he had taken Crormley where the accident happened Tie body was taken interment The charge of shot was originally intfdod for cat was attempting to Shoot t test his aim Before lapsed consciousness at the Hospital he told attending physicians that when the cartridge not discharge ho was about to Extract ft wiien the exploded He attempted to getback Into Ae house but fell at the kitchen door where be found by Eitjah Rose a who had beard j ctd man 1 was years ago tho bad brought to Winnipeg wives and children of Winnipeg workmen at a cost of with no loss to the guarantors the fund As- V Druggist Newmarket Montreal thousand dollars for the loss of a hand is the sociation wos now in amount of an award madejy jjg four Canadian cities as follows Win nipeg Montreal Toronto Vancouver Calgary Hamilton Bran- in the case of versus sassafras spruce walnut white- wood tree planted on any boundary line The bylaw shall also appoint a tree inspector Sec provides that on of not than tho Council may give effect to Sec 3 in the limits of a police vlHapo the trustees to appoint their own inspect or and fix the remuneration Sec relates to of in spectors In no case shall any bonus be where trees are planted less than fifteen feet apart Sec enacts that any- person who ties or fastens any animal to or in jures a tree so planted upon a high way or boundary line Is liable to a penalty onehalt Sec gis power to councils also to ways don Ottawa Red Deer ton St John Kelson Dauphin Victoria Fort William the pOWCr HIS a ine threw on the power hand was caught in the gearing and in was cut at the wrist SB mm I T V London and The total guarantee fund at work these cities was ana the Feb has been number of wives and children definitely announced that unlted to their husbands and fathers j will commence in early- in Canada exceeded A re- spring the River commendation to increase tho scope section of the Alberta Peace the work of the Eastern Railway j laying of steel proceeding on the 60- miles of the B on which grading was ished last season aittogw material have for ttip Work Tne City ot and extensions was endorsed and Children Always SRI ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO ifflrfiklrril

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